A/N: This is my Christmas gift to all my readers. I hope you enjoy this short fic, based on the song The 12 Days of Christmas, which I will update daily from now until Epiphany. It is unbeta'd because everyone is busy so any mistakes are my own ;) Merry Christmas to you all xx

Chapter One is dedicated to Bentnotbroken1 because she is a sweetie and I love her xx

The First Day of Christmas

On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree


Hermione brushed off the floo powder as she stepped into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, closely followed by Pansy.

"Harry?" she called, confused by the stillness of the house. "Harry?"

Catching movement out of the window, Pansy rushed to the back door, yanking it open and popping her head out.

"They're out here, Mia!" she called before trudging out into the snow to join Harry and Draco who were busy building a snowman with James.

James beamed as he came running up the garden. "Aunty 'Mione!" he shrieked, as Hermione pulled him into a bear hug. "Daddy and Uncle Draco are making me the bestest snowman ever!" James exclaimed, tugging her hand. "Come see!"

"Hey," Hermione greeted Draco shyly, tucking a loose curl behind her ear and shifting uncomfortably on her feet.

Draco nodded cordially as Harry lifted the head of the snowman into position.

"Mione, you're here! And just in time," cried Harry, snatching her scarf from where it was draped loosely about her neck.

"Hey!" she cried, as Harry wrapped the scarf around the neck of the snowman, flashing Hermione a wicked grin. Beside him Draco chuckled until he caught the death stare she threw at him.

"Where's Ginny?" Hermione asked, her tone slightly threatening. Harry could tell she was pissed off.

"Gone to get a few last minute bits and pieces with George. I'll get you a new scarf on Boxing Day," he grinned as Hermione crossed her arms in front of her.

"But I liked that one," she huffed.

"But so does Mister Snowman," James pointed out, looking up at her. Hermione looked at James, trying to resist the innocent expression on his face. "Can he keep it?"

"Yes, can he keep it?" Harry echoed, his grin increasing.

"Please Auntie 'Mione?" James begged

"Yes, please?" Draco chimed in, smirking.

"I hate you both," Hermione complained to Harry and Draco before looking at James.

"Oh, go on then," she agreed.

"Sucker," Pansy commented, grinning slyly, as she and Hermione made their way indoors as the boys put the finishing touches on the snowman.

"I know," Hermione sighed. "They just know how to wrap my inner Hufflepuff side around their little finger, the little shits," Hermione chuckled.

"Yeah, well I think it's high time you shut the Hufflepuff up," Pansy mocked, jabbing Hermione playfully in the ribs.

"You should put that on a tee-shirt," Hermione grinned as they took off their coats, hanging them up.

Hermione filled the kettle while Pansy gathered all the ingredients together to make a batch of hot chocolate the way James liked it best, with marshmallows and cream. Suddenly the kitchen was filled with noise as the boys barrelled in. Draco plonked James on a stool at the island, helping him to pull off his wellies as Hermione filled the waiting mugs and Pansy topped them.

"Why don't we have these in the front room and we can stick some of those muggle films on that you like?" Draco suggested to James who nodded, jumping down from the stool, rushing in the direction of the living room.

As the others made their way to follow him, they heard him shrieking excitedly.

"James?" Hermione called, as she turned into the living room, her eyes widening with shock.

In the middle of the room was an enchanted tree, sparkling and shimmering with magic, a little bird tweeting from one of the branches.

"What on earth?" Hermione began as the Pansy, Harry and Draco came into the living room, equally dumbstruck.

"Why is there a tree in my living room?" asked Harry, confused, making his way over to it.

"Wait!" Hermione cried, causing Harry to whip his head around, his forehead creasing.

"What?" he asked.

"You don't know how it got here or why, I just think you should be a little cautious is all," Hermione suggested, stepping forward slowly, scrutinising the tree carefully.

"Seems harmless to me, Granger" Draco shrugged casually.

"Oh and since when were you the authority on all things Dark?" Hermione quipped, a little bite to her tone causing Pansy to flinch slightly.

Draco pulled up his left sleeve. "Since I got this," he replied, raising one eyebrow at her, before settling on the couch.

"Below the belt don't you think?" Pansy whispered, giving Hermione a pointed look.

Hermione blushed, humbled. "Sorry, Malfoy," she told him quietly, before stepping towards Harry who had found a tag on the tree.

"Dear Hermione,

As it's Christmas Eve, the First Day of Christmas, I gift you a partridge in a pear tree," Harry read, looking up at her shocked face as the blossom on the tree turned into pears.

"Does it say who it's from?" Hermione asked, taking the tag from him.

Harry shook his head. "No, that's all it said."

"But who would send something like this?" she asked, confused.

"I'd hazard a guess at your true love," Pansy quipped, grinning at Hermione who stuck her tongue out.

"How do you know the muggle song?" Hermione asked, returning the pointed look Pansy had flashed her earlier.

Pansy shrugged. "You have been playing those ridiculous Christmas songs for weeks now, some of it was bound to seep in, however hard I resisted," she sighed dramatically. "Now are we watching Christmas movies or not?" she asked, snuggling next to James on the sofa.

"Don't you think we should try to figure out who sent this?" asked Hermione, looking from the tree to Pansy.

"Not particularly," Pansy shrugged, "I'm sure this won't be the last you hear of your secret admirer," she grinned as Harry popped a DVD in the player.

"Looks like you're out numbered, Granger," Draco grinned. Hermione grabbed a cushion and smacked him with it playfully. "Ow! What was that for?" he complained, chuckling as Hermione sat on the sofa next to him, glancing at the tree that still shimmered in the middle of the room.

"So are we supposed to just leave it there and ignore it then?" Hermione asked, confused.

"We could decorate it if you like?" Pansy suggested, grinning at her.

"I hate you all," Hermione huffed.

"No you don't, you love us," Harry grinned as he settled into his chair.

Hermione wasn't so sure.