I'm expanding my P.S. I Love You Contest entry. It won't be a full-length novel, but perhaps adding a chapter or two, catching a glimpse into their lives. Did they get their HEA? Did their hatred truly morph into true love? And what happened to Jacob Black?

Pictures for this chapter are on my blog … you can find a link for that on my profile. I'm also on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Twitter, too: tufano79.

Twilight and its inclusive material is copyright to Stephenie Meyer. Original creation, including but not limited to plot and characters, is copyright to the respective authors of each story. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Three


"Are you sure you don't want the china? I know I won't be hosting any fancy parties in Phoenix," Mom said, packing up the house. It sold relatively quickly and she was leaving at the end of the week. "I know that you do some entertaining with your job."

"No, Mom. I have my own china," I said.

"Renee, the basement's empty," Edward said, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Everything is in the storage container that was labeled," Ryan responded. "The rest, Lizzie and I will take in the rental truck. You have no idea how much we appreciate the furniture. Having two boys … it wreaks havoc on couches. Who would have known?"

"That's because they use the couches as trampolines," Edward hissed.

"This is true," Ryan nodded.

"If you boys can grab the boxes out of the dining room, that would fabulous," Mom sang. "They go into the moving van along with the tubs in the kitchen."

"Mom, you have all of this muscle now. Who's going to help you in Phoenix?" I asked.

"Renee, you're great and I think you've got a cool daughter, but I'm not loaning out my hubby," Lizzie snickered. "He's got a ton of shit going on this week."

"I'm using movers once I'm in Arizona. I just wanted to make sure the moving van and storage container were set up perfectly. I've moved too many times and had too many broken valuables to let some random jerks move my stuff," Renee said, shuddering.

"You'll call once you get to Nana's, right?" I asked.

"Yes, Mom," Renee chuckled. "I may be old but I still have my mind."

"You're not old," Edward chuckled, carrying a tub from the kitchen. "What are you talking about?"

"And this is why I like you, Edward," Renee smirked. "Go finish being my muscle." He barked out a laugh and followed Ryan to the moving van. I looked around, trying not to cry. The house that I grew up in, it was almost completely empty, save for the furniture that Ryan and Lizzie were taking. The walls were bare. "Don't be sad, sweetheart."

"It's just that … this was my childhood home," I whispered. "I know a lot of bad shit happened, but I can't help but be sad that it's no longer yours."

Renee took my hand, sitting us down on the steps since Ryan and Edward were trying to finagle the couch out of the front door with Lizzie trying, but failing, to guide them. "I know that you're sad. I'm sad, too. This is the house that I made love to your father for the first time. You were conceived on that counter in the kitchen and born in the bathtub since we didn't make it to the hospital on time."

"Mom," I moaned. "I don't need to know that."

"It's the truth," she snickered. "This house is filled with great memories of you and your dad. I loved him so much and it kills me not to see him on his recliner in the family room. I hate that I brought that monster here, tainting the good memories. I'm trying to focus on the good, but the bad makes it difficult. You left and went to college. You didn't have to live here."

"I couldn't stay here," I said. "Not with Asshole."

"And I know that now," she murmured, caressing my cheek. "Make happy memories with Edward. Remember the happiness here, not the sadness."

"I'm trying," I said, hugging her. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, my sweet girl," she said. "Now, I've got to head to the hotel so I can catch my flight at o'dark thirty."

"We could have driven you," I pouted.

"I don't want to see you cry, Bella. I've caused you enough tears," she said, kissing my forehead. I scowled. "You look so much like your father when you make that face. Trust me, Bella. I'll call you when I land and once I get settled into the hotel in Phoenix."

"We can drive you to the O'Hare Hilton," I said. She just kissed my forehead, pointing to the waiting limo outside. "Okay, okay. You've thought of everything."

"I love you, sweetheart," she said, hugging me once more and picking up her purse. The driver helped with her suitcase and she got into the limo, waving as she sped down the street.

Lizzie came into the house, her face pulled into a scowl. "I love both of them, but Ryan and Edward the two most stubborn men I've ever met."

"Edward, yes, but I don't know about Ryan," I said. "Why?"

"They're just being macho guys, trying to show off and one of them is going to get …" she trailed off as we heard a sharp scream. "…hurt." We hopped up and found Edward on the ground, holding his back. "I hate to say I told you so …"

"Shut. Up. Elizabeth. Anne," he growled, glaring up at her.

"Do we need to call 911?" I asked, crouching down.

"No. I just strained a muscle. I'll be fine," he said, trying to sit up but moaning when he couldn't move off the ground. "Or not."

"Ryan, go on one side. Bella and I will get the other," Lizzie said. "After we get you up, you're going to the hospital, Edward Anthony." After several attempts, we got him up and I drove us to the hospital. I was afraid that he'd herniated a disc. However, after an MRI and CT scan, he just strained a muscle in his back. Edward was fitted with a brace and instructed to take it easy for a week.

He was going spend that week with me. He'd been spending more time at his brownstone, but begrudgingly. I loved sleeping next to him and being in his arms, but our physical relationship was heating up. We didn't want to tempt each other. And trust me … Edward is plenty tempting.

With that sharp jaw ...

Sexy, tousled hair ...

Piercing green eyes ...

Muscular body …

Velvety, smooth voice …

Pink, pouty lips …

"Bella? You missed the turn for your condo," Edward said, shifting uncomfortably in the front seat.

"Shit," I hissed. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be better once I'm on the ice pack and with my muscle relaxers," he deadpanned. I cursed quietly. "Bella, cherie, stop. I know that you're all out of sorts because you just packed up your house. My gimpy ass doesn't help matters."

"Your gimpy ass will help me deal with packing up my childhood home," I said. "I'm okay. I'm more worried about you." I pulled into my condo, leaving the keys with the valet. Moving slowly with Edward, we rode up to my home and I settled Edward onto the couch. "Let me get some ice and some water for your pills."

"Bella, come here," he said, grabbing my wrist. I sat down. He cupped my cheek, staring into my eyes. "Relax, please. Talk to me."

"I don't know how to react, Edward. I'm upset, but I get why she's moving," I sighed. "And she told me things that I never wanted to know."

"Like what?" he chuckled, and then grimaced. "Ouch. No laughing."

"How I was conceived," I whimpered. "In the kitchen. I was conceived in the kitchen."

"Sounds promising," he said, his eyes darkening. He leaned for to kiss me, but ended up hissing in pain. "Damn it!"

"Yeah, even if we wanted to conceive a child in my kitchen, you're out of commission, Edward," I snorted. "Stay here."

"I can't really go anywhere without you helping me," he snorted. I rolled my eyes, making him a snack and bringing him some water. He ate his snack, swallowing his medications and laying down on the couch. Within moments, he was snoring. I left him there, working on finalizing the shots for the Glamtastic print spread in several magazines. The magic that Jasper created was nothing short of a miracle and I know it was going to resurrect the company.


Two. Fucking. Weeks.

That's how long I was laid up with a fucked up back.

Two. LONG. Fucking. Weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for Bella and her doting, but I was tired of my back having painful spasms every time I tried to move. It was after two therapeutic massages and some grueling physical therapy, that I was able to move around like I wasn't an old man.

Plus, it put a kink in my plans.

Bella and I had been together for a year and how did we spend our anniversary? I was passed out, drooling on her couch while she worked.

I wanted to go all out. I wanted to give her the world. I wanted to finally propose.

But, nope. My back and my need to be all macho in front of my brother-in-law backfired.

Damn. It.

It was my own damn fault. I should have insisted on movers to help with Renee's stuff, but she's as stubborn as her daughter. However, as far as I know, she was settling into her new place and planning on completely renovating the kitchen since it was from, and I quote, "the stone age."

"Edward, my boy," sang Aro, my boss. I was back in the office, but only for a half day. "How's the back injury?"

"Better, sir," I said. "It gave me a lot of time to finish the musical score for the latest commercial for Hyped Up Clubs. I also did some editing work, too."

"Let me see," Aro said, sitting down. I spun my computer and showed him the nearly finished commercial. "That's amazing, Edward. You have a real gift. This will help commerce in the city tremendously." He blinked, pushing the computer back. "Which brings me to my news …"

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything's fine, or it will be. I have a proposal for you, Edward," Aro said. "I'm getting older and I want to spend time with my wife, my children, my grandchildren … I'm planning on retiring at the end of the year."

"Congratulations, Aro," I smiled. "I'm certain you'll enjoy the life of leisure."

"I intend to, but I want to speak with you about your position here," Aro continued. My stomach fell. My look of fear must have registered on my face because Aro back pedaled. "Breathe, Edward. Nothing bad! In fact, quite the opposite." He stood up, pacing the length of my office. "I want you to take over for me. It won't be Volturi Interactive Advertising. It will be Volturi and Cullen Interactive Advertising. You're the my most valuable employee and senior advertising executive on my team. You're the best and brightest. The only other who is as amazing as you is your girlfriend, Bella. I know that Marcus, when he is ready to step down, will be speaking to her."

"Aro, wow," I said. "I don't know what to say. What would the change in position entail?"

"Say yes," he smiled. "And you'd be doing more work, delegating and supervising. I can send you a job description."

"I can't do that. Not yet. I need to think about it," I replied. "This is a huge deal and I want to discuss it with Bella. I'm planning things for us …"

"An engagement?" he asked, waggling his brows.

"Soon and I don't want her to feel like I'm her boss," I blushed. "You know?"

"I do and I understand," Aro nodded. "Please, consider this opportunity. I know that your priorities have changed and I respect that, but I don't want you to completely close the door on this promotion. And only discuss this with Bella. This news is not public."

"Of course, Aro. I promise my complete discretion," I said, shaking his hand. He left and I collapsed on my chair. Partner? This was huge. But, how would it impact my relationship with Bella? I love her and I don't our jobs to impact our personal relationship.

That is a given. I won't budge on that.

What should I do?


The next day, Aro sent me a job description, along with the pay increase I'd receive. I was still on the fence about taking the position. I talked to Lizzie and Ryan. They thought I was nuts for not taking the job right away. But, Aro hit the nail on the head when he said that my priorities had changed.

My job used to be number one.

Now? I was about Bella and her happiness. She'd always be my number one. Now and forever.

A week passed and then another. Aro was asking me about my decision. We were having a party, celebrating our advertisements and campaigns. He wanted to announce his retirement and his successor.

"Bella?" I said, sitting down on the couch and pulling her feet onto my lap. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Me, too," she murmured. "I don't know how to even start this conversation."

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" I asked.

"What? No! Never," she said. "Marcus approached me a couple of weeks ago, about a job opportunity. Or rather, a promotion. He wants to retire." She blushed and looked up at me. "He wants me to take over the team. Well, my team. Not the whole team. I don't know what to do because … I want it, but I don't want our jobs to impact our relationship."

I barked out a laugh and gathered her in my arms. She squirmed, glowering at me. "Bella, Aro asked the same of me. We'd be partners!"

"Wait, what?" she asked.

"Aro wants to retire, as well," I said. "He approached me about becoming the head of my team." I cupped her cheek and kissed her tenderly. "Do you want to be partners with me? We make a hell of a team."

"We do," she said, smiling. "Let's do it."

And like that, I knew how I was going to propose … at the party … after Marcus and Aro announced us as their successors. We'd have a united front, both in the office and at home.

After we contacted our retiring bosses, things fell into place and time sped by. By the beginning of December, the party had been planned and we were heading to one of the Hyped Up Clubs in one of the swanky hotels on the lakeshore. Bella was dressed in a sexy black dress that highlighted her figure, while I wore my black Prada suit. Riding in a limo, we arrived at the hotel and rode up to the club.

Rose was there, along with her husband, making her first appearance since having her baby. She'd be returning from maternity leave after the first of the year, acting as Bella's personal assistant upon the transition from Marcus's leadership to hers. Rose was asked to take over Bella's position, but with her newborn daughter, Rose said she could only handle so much. So, she was staying as Bella's assistant. Alice was there with her long-time partner, Cynthia. Alice would act as my assistant. I'd asked Lucas become my senior advertising executive, filling my old position.

Dinner was served, alcohol was flowing and everyone was having a great time.

After dessert, Aro and Marcus stepped up to the raised platform and held their champagne glasses. "This year has been an amazing year for our firm. With our teams, the revenue we helped for our clients is upwards around a billion dollars. It's all thanks in part to you, your hard work and dedication to your clients," Aro began. "We're blessed to have such wonderful staffers and it makes this announcement bittersweet."

"We're not getting any younger," Marcus chuckled. "And as we continue in this business, we realize that we're quickly becoming the dinosaurs. I don't know what an Instantwittersnapgram is, but I know that's how you reach the masses. Our time as the leaders of Volturi Interactive Advertising Agency is coming to a close. But, we have two up and coming, brilliant leaders who are willing take our places. And who know Instantwittersnapgram is!" Marcus looked at Bella, holding out a hand to her. She squeezed my fingers, taking his side. "Taking over as my successor is Isabella Swan."

There was a loud applause and cheering for Bella. She blushed, smiling shyly. Marcus handed her the microphone. "Thank you," she said. "I'm looking forward to this new venture and I hope that we can continue moving forward and maintaining our edge as leaders in the advertising arena. Rose McCarty will stay as my personal assistant, but will take on more duties, acting as liaison between the senior advertising executive and the rest of the leadership team. The person taking over my position will be my number two, Ben Cheney. He did some amazing work on the Glamtastic Instagram account and has some revolutionary thoughts on how to reach more of the population."

"Instagram," Marcus barked. "Got it. I'm too old for this shit."

"Not as old as me," Aro snickered, taking the microphone from Bella. "You at least have a clue about this social media thing. I only have an email because I have to." He smiled. "For my successor, I've asked Edward Cullen to take over." He gestured for me to join him and I shook his hand. I received the same applause as Bella, which made me happy.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Aro. It took me a long time to agree to the promotion. I pray that I can continue the momentum, and keep us moving forward. Alice will stay as my assistant, acting similar to Rose, as a liaison between my senior advertising executive. The person taking over my position will be my long-time assistant and good friend, Lucas Carlino." I gave him a grin before moving so I was standing next to Bella. I took her hand, weaving our fingers together. "I know that I would not be here without this beautiful woman beside me."

"Edward," she blushed. "We promised … Keep our relationship separate from work."

"I know, but I've waited long enough," I said, handing the microphone to Aro. He knew that I was planning this and he welcomed it. I knelt down, still holding her hand. No one said a word. "Bella, you are everything to me. Our relationship is definitely not the standard."

"We hated each other," she snorted.

"We did, but you said it … there's a thin line between love and hate. That line blurred and I've only been looking forward since. When I knew that I loved you, I knew you were it for me." I reached into my pocket and opened up the box in my palm. "Isabella Marie Swan, I've waited my life for you. I want to spend the rest of my days with you as a partner, a lover, a friend, a husband and a father. I love you more than words can describe. I want to cash in on that promise I made to you a year ago. Will you do me the honor of marrying me? Will you be my wife?"

Bella's eyes were glistening with tears. Her palms were damp in my hands. "Edward …" she breathed. Her eyes fluttered shut and one lone tear trickled down her cheek. "Yes."

"Yes?" I asked. She nodded and I slid her engagement ring on her finger. Standing up, with great difficulty since my back was still fubared, I took her face in my hands, kissing her with as much tenderness and love as I could muster. She melted against me, hugging me tightly. "I can't wait until you're Mrs. Cullen," I whispered in her ear.

"Neither can I," she murmured back, kissing me again. We pulled apart and saw that our coworkers were on their feet. Bella blushed, hiding her face against my lapels. I chuckled, holding her against my body. We were one step closer to our happily ever after.

But, would be an ever after?

I'm just happy with the 'happy.'

Just saying.


Balancing my new position, planning a wedding and trying to find a house for Edward and me … wow … talk about chaotic. Rose, who was my matron of honor, my mother and Lizzie have been tremendously helpful, but if I got anymore emails about color schemes, floral-scapes or wedding dresses, I'm was going to scream.

I was tempted to ask Edward if he wanted to go to Vegas, but he wanted a bit to-do. We're only getting married once. I want to make it count, he said. I get what he's saying, but it was overbearing. It was too much, all at once.

However, I did get the wedding fairies off my back when I decided on my colors (royal blue, silver and powder blue) and decided on a date in the beginning of September, just before my birthday. The date I chose was my father's birthday, September 9th. If he couldn't walk me down the aisle, I wanted to honor him in some way. Choosing that date was my way of making sure my father was a part of our wedding.

Edward was honoring his parents by having us wear their wedding bands. I would wear his mother's, which was a slender diamond eternity band and he would wear his father's, a thick platinum band. We also were going to have a moment of silence for our lost family members during the service.

On top of the wedding and the new position at Volturi, Cullen and Swan Interactive Advertising Firm, I decided that us living in my condo was not right. My reasoning seemed stupid, but I wanted a place for us. Something that we chose together. Our respective separate homes were lovely, but they were separate. So, searching for a new home that suited both of our tastes was cumbersome, at best, but necessary. I would like something, and Edward would hate it. He would like something and I found it to be either too old or too modern. He was a conundrum when it came to interior design. His brownstone was very sleek, but he liked the swirls and twists of Baroque design. He loved hard wood and lots of it. He was a romantic, too. His bedroom was more feminine than mine.

"I like lots of pillows," he said one night when I spent the night at his place early in February. "Lizzie calls me a pussy, but pillows and satin are nice. Feel this, cherie. Isn't it soft?" He tossed me a fluffy pillow and he wasn't wrong.

"I think our roles are reversed, Edward," I snorted. "I'm the dude in our relationship. You're the girl." He gave me a wry look. "When it comes to our tastes. You're all man in other aspects."

"You'll change your tune after you've slept in this little slice of heaven," he said, tucking me into his bed. And it was freaking great. My tune did change. Slightly. I wanted Edward's pillows, but without all the frou-frou nonsense.

One rare weekend off in mid-March, Edward and I were driving to a listing with our real estate agent. "I have a good feeling about this," he said. "With all the duds that Phoebe has shown us, this one feels right."

"It's in Wicker Park, one of our desired neighborhoods," I said, looking at the flyer Phoebe handed me. "The pictures look great and it's a perfect combination of both of our styles. We may need to do some minor renovation to the bathroom since there's no tub. I need a bath tub. After crazy days at work, sometimes I just want to soak."

"I'm with you," he purred, waggling his brows. "Another place we can christen." I snorted, but my cheeks flamed. I wanted it. I wanted him. I never thought I'd ever want a man's hands on me, but when Edward kissed me, touched me, my body was set on fire. He pulled up to an elegant-looking home. It tall like a brownstone, but twice its width. "Definitely a good feeling."

We got out, meeting with Phoebe and with each room, I felt like this was home. It had the swirls and hard wood that Edward desired, but was sleek and modern for me. The only thing we'd have to do was add a bathtub to the master bathroom, but Phoebe said it would be a simple addition. On top of that, it was reasonably priced, for the size and location in Chicago. "Phoebe, can we get a moment?" I asked, squeezing Edward's hand.

"I'll just be by the car," she grinned.

She left and I walked into the spacious, state-of-the-art kitchen. Edward followed me. "I love this place, Edward," I breathed. "It's us."

"I agree," he smiled. "It's home. I can see us coming here after we're married and beginning a life together, building our own happy memories. Perhaps our child will be conceived on this kitchen counter."

I smirked, walking to him and threading his hair between my fingers. He growled lowly, capturing my lips and sliding his tongue into my mouth. I whimpered, holding him tightly as he crushed me to his body. We pulled apart, breathless and both turned on. I could feel Edward's hardness against my belly. A year ago, I would have freaked out, but now, I wanted it. I desired to feel him inside me, knowing that made him that way. "I think we'll have fun practicing on this kitchen counter," I said, running my thumb along his pouty, pink lips. "And the bedroom, the bathroom, the stairs …"

"Fuck," he growled, his lips moving down my jaw and lifting me effortlessly onto the counter. "Bella, you are a siren … You're not making this vow of celibacy any easier, cherie."

"I can say the same about you, handsome," I giggled. "You are sin incarnate."

He looked at me, his eyes swirling with need. "Pot meet kettle," he growled, crashing his lips against mine and devouring my mouth. He abruptly stopped the kiss, moving away and leaning against the wall. "I want this house."

"Me, too," I whispered.

"Can you speak with Phoebe?" he asked. "I need to get some fresh air. Seeing you, your hair mussed up and lips swollen … it's pushing my restraint, Bella." Edward gave me a sheepish grin as I hopped off the counter. I watched him as he adjusted his arousal in his jeans, wishing I could have done that, but we were playing with fire. He stepped onto the small balcony behind the kitchen while I called Phoebe. We put in an offer, contingent on an inspection.

By Wednesday the following week, we owned the gorgeous home in Wicker Park. I put my condo up for sale and Edward decided to keep his brownstone, since it had been in his family for generations. He said it was nice for when Lizzie and Ryan came to visit, and my mom, also. They'd have their own place, but would be close by.

In early April, my condo sold and I moved into the new house. I was unpacking the kitchen when Rose, Lizzie, Alice, my final bridesmaid and Jasper, my 'man of honor', invaded the house. "Isabella Marie," Jasper growled. "You know that your wedding is less than four months away. Yes, you have colors and a date, but do you have a dress?"

"That would be a no," Rose sang. "She's been working her booty off at the office."

"Edward's not that much better," Alice snickered. "They're both in their new corner offices until late."

"This is why I hired wedding planners," I said, putting a bowl into the cabinets.

"A wedding planner cannot try on dresses for you, sweetheart," Mom said, stepping from behind my bridal party. "With the help of your wedding fairies, you're taking the day off from this. Edward is coming over with Ryan."

"And the boys," Lizzie added.

"To help unpack the house," Mom finished. I opened my mouth to argue. "I know your Type-A, control freak tendencies are coming out, but Edward will be living here after you get married. He should get a say as to where things go." She pointed to the stairs. "Go change. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

Scowling, I went up to the bedroom and changed into some chic jeans and a loose tunic blouse. Twisting my hair up into a messy up do, I put on some subtle makeup and stuffed my feet into a pair of pumps. Downstairs, Edward and the boys were there, along with Emmett, Garrett and Cynthia. "Don't you want to come with us?" I asked Alice's girlfriend.

Cynthia snorted. "No. Bells, I love you, but I'm not a girly-girl. I leave that to my girl," Cynthia snickered. "She's girly enough for the both of us."

"And you love it," Alice chirped, kissing Cynthia's cheek. "I'm soft and sweet and she's sooooooo not."

"Little ears, Alice," Lizzie said, elbowing her. Alice blushed and whispered something in Cynthia's ear. Cynthia guffawed, smacking Alice's ass and sending her flying.

"You have fun, cherie," Edward said, taking my hand and caressing his thumb across my engagement ring. "Buy something beautiful so you can knock my socks off on our wedding day." He smirked. "Oh, wait, that's you every day."

"Okay, that was totally cheesy, Edward," I laughed.

"But, you love me," he said, brushing his lips across mine.

"I do," I smiled.

"And in a matter of months, you'll be saying those words to me in front of our friends and family," he sighed, kissing me once more.

"Enough! The kissy face is making me want to puke," Cynthia laughed. "You two are nauseating." I giggled, hiding my face in Edward's chest. He kissed my forehead, helping me out into the car. Rose drove us to a bridal salon and we spent the rest of the afternoon sipping champagne, trying on dresses and finally choosing the gown I was going to become Mrs. Edward Cullen.


"Why don't you want a bachelorette party?" Rose asked. It was two weeks until my wedding and she was still trying to get me to go out, wearing a penis crown and blinking lights, announcing that I was bride. "It's the last fling before you're hitched!"

"I don't want to go to a club and get pawed by random assholes," I said, my eyes focused on the latest updates from my staff. "I had a hard enough time when I was in college, forced to clubs by my roommates and girlfriends. One grab or a brush from a guy and I was back in that bedroom with him."

"How about we have a lingerie party?" Rose suggested. "It'll be at your house with the women from the bridal party and anyone you want to invite. No penis crowns or going to a club."

"That's doable," I said, wrinkling my nose. "But …"

"No, buts! Let me handle this," she said. "Friday night … it will be epic!" She left my office, her phone out and sending out information. I was excited about my upcoming wedding. I couldn't wait until Edward would come home with me every night. He'd been staying in his brownstone since we'd closed on the new house. Mom was staying with me, finalizing last minute details and making everything run smoothly for the ceremony.

All that was left was this elusive lingerie party and the wedding itself. Once the wedding was over, Edward was jetting us off to some secret, romantic location for our honeymoon. I couldn't wait to be his wife. The minutes were moving so slowly, creeping by.

"Mrs. Cullen," Edward sang, leaning against my office entrance. He had his bag slung over his body.

"Not yet," I snickered. "Are you going?"

"And you are, too," he said, shutting my computer and stuffing it into my bag. "When was the last time we had a date?"

"Uh, June?" I snorted.

"Exactly," he said, tugging me out of my seat. "All of this craziness with our upcoming nuptials, we've forgotten to be Edward and Bella. We're going to have a picnic, cherie." I smiled, leaning my cheek against his bicep. We went back to the house and I changed into a skirt and a t-shirt. Edward changed into a pair of shorts, packing a basket that we'd received from Aro, for our bridal shower. Mom must have been in on this since she had finger foods ready to go in the refrigerator.

Arriving at the Pritzker Pavilion, I smiled as I saw the orchestra setting up on the stage. "What's playing?"

"One Dvorak's symphonies," Edward said. "Your favorite …"

"New World Symphony," I breathed. "This is exactly what we needed. Thank you." I kissed his cheek. He smiled crookedly, setting up the food and we munched until the sun set and the music began. Edward held me in his arms, his fingers gliding along my arms and humming along with music. We didn't say much. We didn't need to. We just needed each other. Every so often, Edward would kiss me and we'd whisper our love. Edward's evergreen eyes held so much peace and joy, reflecting the same emotions within me.

At the end of the symphony, we packed up our picnic and walked along the lakeshore, our fingers twined together. "Garrett and Emmett want to throw me a bachelor party," he said.

"Rose said the same to me," I murmured. "I don't want one."

"We are so much alike, it's scary," he snickered. "I don't want a bachelor party because I'm looking forward to being your husband. So, Jasper suggested we go to a baseball game. Using our connections, I reserved the sky box at Wrigley Field for Tuesday."

"I'm having some lingerie party thing," I said. "It's going to be at our house on Friday."

"Lingerie, you say?" he purred. "Do I get a private fashion show?"

"After we're married," I snickered. "Any requests?"

"Easily removed," Edward said, his lips quirking up into a seductive, feral smile. "I can't wait to unwrap my gorgeous present."

"The feeling is definitely mutual, Mr. Cullen," I said, my hands running along the planes of his muscular chest. "I can't wait to feel your skin against mine, holding me … loving me …"

"I'll do that forever, cherie," he murmured, kissing me gently.


"Can today go any slower?" I grumbled.

"Edward, growling will not make your wedding guests sit down any faster," Ryan snickered. "You've got fifteen minutes and then it'll be time for you to say 'I do.'"

I was waiting in the pastor's office, wearing a light gray tuxedo with a pale blue tie and a white boutonniere. My groomsmen were wearing royal blue ties and darker boutonnieres. I was pacing the office, wanting to see my bride. She was in the back, in the bride's room. Harry and Marcus were acting as her 'father,' walking her down the aisle.

"Edward," Cynthia smiled, slipping into the office. "I have a present for you from your bride." She was wearing the same tuxedo, acting as one of our ushers. She handed me a silvery bag. "And she told me to tell you that she loved her present. She didn't have anything blue, well, kind of." She chuckled, slugging me in the arm. "You'll see."

I sat down, taking out the card from the bag. It was a simple card, with two wedding rings creating a heart.

My dearest Edward,

When I first met you, I never thought I'd ever become your wife, let alone your friend. Our relationship was adversarial at best, downright confrontational at its worst. I hated you and hated how you acted, but little did I know that was all a façade. Underneath that hard exterior was the warmest, biggest hearts I'd ever met.

During the past two years, we've had our ups and downs, but all of them were worth it because you were by my side.

I can't wait to take the next steps in our lives and in our careers together. You are my best friend, my confidante, my everything. In the future, you'll be my husband, my only lover and hopefully, the father to our children.

Each day, my love for you grows, blossoming from the animosity and flourishing into the unending desire and love to today, growing into a love that will last a lifetime. I'm not a poet, so I'm borrowing the words by e.e. cummings …

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate, my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

This almost describes how much I love you, Edward. I can't wait to begin our lives together, only looking forward to our future. I know it's going to be an amazing one …

All my love,

Bella Cullen

I sniffled, clutching the card to my chest. She made my card look like pitiful. But, it was Bella's attention to detail is what made her such an amazing woman. I put the card to the side, pulling out a box. Tearing open the wrapping, I saw a gorgeous watch. Pulling it out, I blew out a low whistle. On the back, there was an inscription.

Forever isn't nearly enough time for us …
All my love, Bella

"You have no idea, cherie," I whispered, slipping the watch onto my wrist. It fit perfectly. I traced the face as Emmett announced it was time to head out to the front of the church. I walked onto the dais, standing next to the pastor. The music floated over us, music that I composed for our wedding. Renee was escorted down the aisle by Garrett and Jasper, putting her in the front row. They darted back to the rear of the church. Garrett escorted Alice down the aisle, followed by Emmett with Lizzie. Jasper came down on his own, acting as Bella's man of honor. He was wearing a blue tuxedo, matching the dresses from the bridesmaids. It could have been tacky, but Jasper made it work and it looked good. Ryan and Rose came out last before the doors closed.

The music changed to the piece of music I'd composed for her almost two years ago. The doors opened and the people in the church stood up. I held my breath, moving so I could try to see her but she was too short. Once she passed the middle part of the church, I sobbed in joy. She was wearing a powder blue dress, carrying an elegant bouquet. She kept her eyes downward, holding onto Marcus as Harry had his arm around her waist. Reaching the platform, Bella blinked up and she gasped. Tears splashed down her cheeks and she vibrated on Marcus's arm. Her hand gripped mine as Marcus and Harry said, as representatives of the family, gave Bella to me.

But, in all reality, she owned me. I belonged to her.

The ceremony was short, but poignant. Words of love, devotion and promises of forever were repeated. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Bella breathed.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do, always," I murmured, squeezing her fingers.

"I love you," we both whispered, tears streaming down our faces.

Our rings were exchanged. The heaviness of the band around my finger acted as reminder that she was mine and I was hers. When the pastor announced us as husband and wife, I took her face into my hands and kissed her soft, sweet lips. We were married and forever bound.

"For the first time, I'd like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Isabella Cullen," the pastor sang.

Our fingers twined together and we smiled as our friends and family applauded us. We walked down the aisle and Bella tugged me into the bride's room. Her bouquet was placed on the chair and we were in each other's arms, kissing passionately. I moaned as her fingers tugged on my hair and she nibbled my lips. My hands rested on her ass, holding her flush to my body, tasting her as my tongue massaged hers. Unfortunately, the need to breathe forced us apart. "Hi," she panted, smiling and blushing. "You are so handsome, Edward. I love you in a tuxedo."

"This is definitely a departure from the usual, but I love it," I said, my fingers gliding along her shoulders. "You are exquisite, cherie. This dress … it's a dream."

"It caused quite the ruckus. My mom wanted a white dress, but when I tried this on, I knew that this was my dress. I loved the fact it was pale blue," she blushed. "Your sister was the only one on my side, but when I had the final fitting, my mom cried and everyone agreed that it was perfect."

"Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, we need you for pictures," said the wedding planner. "You'll have more than enough time for that on the honeymoon."

"Oh, God," Bella laughed. "She thought we were …"

"Wow," I snickered. "I may want you, but our first time as husband and wife will not be in the bride's room in the back of our church." I kissed her lips once more and led her out to the church. Pictures were taken and it was a blur of flashes, smiles and party buses.

The reception was amazing. It was everything we both wanted … fun, romantic, sexy and perfectly us. Bella was laughing, dancing and making me crazy with her flirtatious glances and subtle brushes of her hands on my ass and near my crotch. Shortly before we left the reception, we threw the bouquet and tossed the garter. I paid her back with her teasing, my fingers gliding along her thighs and making her squirm. Taking pictures with one of Lizzie's teacher friends who had caught the bouquet and Lucas who nabbed the garter, we left the reception and rode up to the penthouse suite I'd reserved for our first night as husband and wife.


I was all bravado and swagger in the reception, but once we got into the elevator, I was an anxious bundle of nerves. Edward was behind me, kissing my neck and teasing me with his sensual nips. I was ready to make love to him, but afraid he wouldn't like what he saw. I wasn't a super model. My breasts were too small, my hips too wide and I was so pale.

The doors opened and Edward swept me in his arms. "Edward!" I gasped.

"What? Isn't it customary for a husband to carry his bride over the threshold?" he quipped. "The key is in my pocket in my jacket." I snickered, reaching for the key and opening the door. Inside, there were candles on every flat surface along with a complimentary bottle of champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries and flowers that matched our wedding décor. He put me on my feet and I smiled, looking at how romantic the suite looked. "I'm nervous. All of this waiting and now, the time's here."

"I'm nervous, too, but I know that it'll be okay because it's you," I smiled. "You love me. You'd never hurt me."

"It would kill me to hurt you, Bella," he said, taking a curl of my hair and twisting it in his fingers. "I want tonight to be special. For both of us. We're truly sharing each other … one body, one soul, one love."

"Yes," I murmured, kissing him tenderly. "But, I'd like to freshen up a bit."

"Me, too," he chuckled.

"I need your help. Can you unzip me?" I asked, turning around. He nodded, unzipping my strapless dress. I glided away from him and into the bathroom, after grabbing my overnight bag. Inside, I changed out of my dress and took a quick birdbath. Once I was clean, I put on the sheer negligee that I'd chosen for tonight. It was a soft cream with a pair of lacy panties. I took a breath, spraying some perfume on my skin and padding back out into the suite. Edward had turned on some music and removed his jacket and pale blue vest. His shirt was untucked and opened, revealing his chiseled chest. I cleared my throat. He turned, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. "Do you like?"

"Like?" he squeaked, walking toward me and his hands gliding along my arms. "That's an understatement. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I blushed, my hands resting on his chest. That's when I saw something dark above his heart.

"What's that?" I asked, pushing open his shirt. "A tattoo?"

"I wanted to commemorate our wedding … our lives … our loves," he said, shrugging out of his shirt. On his chest was a gorgeous swan tattoo. It curved along his pectoral muscle, with accents of light blue. Underneath, it had our names. Edward and Bella Cullen ~ Love forever, September 9th, 2018. I traced the ink, biting my lip. "I had it done when I was hanging out with Emmett and Jasper, while you were having your first dress fitting in July. I always wanted one, but didn't get it until you."

"It's beautiful," I whispered, gliding my finger along the curve of the swan's neck. I blinked up at him, smiling softly. "Just like you."

"You are the beauty in our relationship," he murmured, capturing my hand with his. "I wanted you to know that I'm yours."

"As I'm yours," I smiled. "Make love to me, Edward."

He gave me a gorgeously crooked grin before kissing me tenderly. My hands slid up his arms, taking purchase in his soft hair. He picked me up, carrying me to the bed and laying me on the satin duvet cover. He lay down next to me, his lips caressing mine with his body pressed against me. His hand rested on my hip, hooking my leg over his and I moaned quietly, feeling how hard he was. I rolled my body, shimmers of arousal spreading over me. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. "I want this to be perfect for you. I want to make you feel amazing. Do you trust me?"

"Yes," I nodded, my fingers gliding along his lips. "Touch me, Edward."

He blushed as his finger moved along my collar bone and down my midline. I shuddered as his hand cupped my breast over my negligee. His lips found my neck and he massaged my breast with his hand. He was warm and gentle with his ministrations, reminding me that I was safe and loved. His mouth moved to mine and he slid his hand down my body, inching my nightie up. I whimpered once his large hand ran along my ribcage, moving closer to my breast. He pulled back, staring into my eyes. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, moving so I could remove the negligee. I tossed it from my body and Edward bit back a groan. I was almost naked, save for my lacy panties. "Your hands on me … I want more. Please, Edward?"

He smiled, kissing me and his fingers gliding along my ribcage. I hooked my leg around him, rocking my body against his thigh. He growled, grasping my ass and holding me flush to his body. "Bella, you feel like heaven against me," he said, his voice deep and husky. "I'm the luckiest man on the planet." He kissed down my neck and wrapped his lips around my nipple. His tongue flicked it and I writhed under his touch. His fingers danced along my belly, hovering just above the waistband of my panties. He blinked up at me, his eyes questioning. I knew what he wanted and I nodded, biting my lip with anticipation. Kissing me on the lips, he moved his into my panties and teased me with his fingers.

"Oh, yes," I gasped.

"You're so wet, cherie," he said, dragging his fingers along my folds. "So soft …" He continued to kiss me as he cupped my sex possessively, teasing and tormenting me with his gentle touch. I wriggled, needing more and he looked up at me, his eyes impossibly dark. "I need a taste, baby."

"Yes," I nodded. He smiled, slow and carnal as he tugged my panties off my body. He kissed down my body, slithering and taunting me with open mouthed kisses. He spread my legs, but kept his eyes on me. He furrowed his brow. I was trembling. "I'm okay. I know it's you. I know you love me."

"Only you, Bella," he said, kissing me and growling lowly as he felt my arousal on his chest. "God damn, you're drenched. Please, may I taste you?" My whimper was all the answer he needed as he kissed down my body. He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss on my inner thighs before running his tongue along my slit. I squeaked, nearly breaking his nose with my surprised shudder. He looked up at me, his smile cocky and full of all things sexual. I watched as he dove in, suckling my clit between his lips and flicking it repeatedly. I moaned, loud and wanton, shocked at how good this felt. His tongue was like velvet, teasing me with its relentless passes along my sex.

With his fingers, he circled my entrance. I tensed, but Edward stopped. I caressed his cheek. "I trust you, Edward."

"Look at me, Bella," he said as he teased me, gliding his fingers over my pussy. "I love you and I want you to feel good."

"I do," I said. I rolled my hips, wanting him inside. He moved and kissed me, easing one finger inside me. I gripped his bicep, my mind rushing back to that moment, but he stared at me. This was Edward. He loved me and was not hurting me. I kissed him again and loosened my hold, allowing him to begin curling his fingers inside. We languidly kissed, our lips moving in tandem with his fingers. With each thrust, the muscles around his fingers were tightening. I could feel a warmth in my belly, spreading and making me tingle with pleasure. "Edward," I whispered.

"Come for me," he said, his hand working me gently. His brow was covered with sweat and his breathing was heavy. I could feel his arousal pressed against my thigh. "I want to feel you as you fall apart."

"Ummmm," I whispered, my body moving with his. I reached between my legs, feeling where his hand was inside me. He moaned, kissing me deeply as his thrust became harder. My fingers grazed my swollen clit and I felt torrents of pleasure crash over me, making me breathless with the feeling. "Edward!"

"I've got you," he said, his forehead pressed to mine, slowing his hand and holding me to his body as I lost control, allowing myself to feel the ecstasy he was giving me. Once the feelings subside, Edward nuzzled my neck and removed his hand. "That was worth everything. Seeing you come apart … you're sexy when you come."

I blushed, looking at him and kissed him, tasting my essence on his lips. "Will I get to see you?"

"When I'm inside you," he said, his eyes piercing mine.


I stared into Bella's chocolate orbs. Her face was flushed and she was a vision of sex, seduction and innocence, all wrapped into one. I may be a virgin, but I'd seen porn and I was so glad that what I did to her made her orgasm. Feeling her muscles clench around my hand and the rush of wetness on my palm, it was a heady experience. One I wanted to feel again, but this time with my cock.

Bella bit her lip, reaching for the waistband of my tuxedo pants. "I want you, Edward," she whispered. "I can feel how much you want me."

I dipped my head, caressing my lips against hers and working with her to remove my pants. I left my boxer briefs on, but Bella's hand was gripping my cock through the cotton. "Fuck," I groaned as she stroked me. "Bella, I'm going to be an embarrassment if you keep that up."

"I want to make you feel good," she said, her eyes hooded and her voice a sexy whisper.

"Oh, you do," I purred, "but, I want to feel you, wrapped around me." She pouted. I kissed her pout away. "We'll have naked fun time and you can get personally acquainted with my cock."

"I'm shocked you didn't name it," she giggled, pushing me onto my back and straddling my hips. "Thor or Love Hammer."

"No," I snickered. "Just, no." I sat up, running my fingers down her cheeks. "You're in charge. I hope you know that. We can stop."

"I don't want to," she said, shifting down and pulling my boxer briefs down my legs. She looked at my arousal, her blush moving from her face down her neck and to her torso. "You're big. And it's different than I expected." She blinked to me and blew out a breath. "Can I touch it?"

I nodded, laying back as she moved and examined my dick. Her fingers were gentle as she traced the large vein on the underside of my shaft. I whimpered when she licked the pearl of pre-cum on the head. She smiled and moved so she was astride my body again. She looked down at me and her face was filled with such trepidation. "I don't know if I can do this," she whispered.

"I would be happy to hold you," I said, sitting up and taking her face in my hands.

"No. I want this, but I don't want to be in charge," she said. "I want you to make love to me." Her voice cracked and she had tears brimming in her eyes. "Maybe, after we get comfortable, we can come back to me being on top, but I want you. I want to feel you all around me, making me feel safe."

"Okay, cherie," I whispered, kissing and moving us so she was pressed against the pillows. Our kisses started off chaste, but grew more heated. She spread her legs and I fell into the cradle of her thighs. We broke apart and I grasped my arousal, feeling her wetness coat my erection. "Hold my hand and look at me, Bella. I love you."

"I love you," she said, staring up at me, her eyes filled with absolute trust. I found her entrance, keeping my eyes on hers as I eased into her. She whimpered, her eyes clamping shut and her muscles clenching around me. "Edward …"

"I'm sorry," I choked out.

"No, I'm fine," she said, looking up at me. "I'm okay." I moved slowly until I was fully seated within her body. We were now one. "Edward … I never knew."

"I promise to show you how much I love you, every day," I said, rolling my hips and groaning as I felt her from the inside. It was beyond anything I ever expected. She was soft, hot, wet and tight. She wrapped her legs around my waist, moving with me. I knew that I wasn't going to last long. My hand and the feeling of the woman of my dreams wrapped around me were two entirely different things. I made a vow that I'd make it up to her, as often as she'd let me. "Bella, cherie … being with you … it's indescribable. I'm sorry, but I'm close."

"Me, too," she said and I focused on her, feeling the muscles flutter around me. "Kiss me, Edward."

I was all too happy to comply, kissing her and feeling my balls tighten. With a swivel of my hips, a harsh thrust and a grunt that made me sound like a dying goat, I exploded inside of my wife. She gasped, her hands gripping my ass, holding me inside. I collapsed, panting heavily. I wanted to move, but my body was the consistency of jelly. "I've got to be squishing you."

"You're fine," she said, her hands gliding along my back. "You're not that heavy." I pulled back, easing out of her and rolling to the side, keeping her in my arms. "You're not, Edward."

"Still, I don't want to stifle you," I said. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, Edward. It was everything I ever hoped it would be," she said, smiling softly. "You were gentle and cognizant of my fears. I never once felt out of control or afraid." Her fingers ran through my slightly damp hair. "You loved me. Physically, you showed me how much you loved me."

"And I hope you let me do that again because it was amazing," I said, giving her a crooked grin. "I have to make up for being a two-pump chump." She rolled her eyes, swatting at my chest. I caught her hand and kissed her palm. "I love you, Mrs. Cullen. Tonight, all of my dreams have come true."

"And you are the answer to all my prayers," she said, snuggling into my arms. "Love is not enough … what I feel for you is more, Edward."

"I know, cherie. I feel the same way," I whispered, my eyes drifting closed and falling asleep with my wife, safe and happy, in my arms.


Two weeks of wedded bliss on a private island in the South Pacific was exactly what the doctor ordered. We left early the next morning from our wedding, traveling to Hawaii and then to this exclusive island Mo'orea, we checked into our private villa and stayed there for two wonderful, naked weeks.

To say we were insatiable for each other was an understatement. Now that Bella and I finally made love, we were like horny teenagers. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. And Bella, my sweet, sexy Bella had a dirty mouth. The first time I heard say 'fuck' was when she was in the throes of an intense orgasm as I was licking her pussy – which was my new favorite pastime. After that, Bella did not hold back in what she wanted.

I was more than happy to comply.

However, our lives were waiting for us back in the States and we had to go back to work. Packing up our belongings was a melancholy task, but the promise of a blow job made it a bit more palatable. I one-upped my wife and suggested joining the Mile-High Club. She scoffed, but when we got on the private jet from Mo'orea to Hilo, she was all over me.

We joined the club.

Numerous times.

Yeah, we're horny newlyweds. Deal. With. It.

Upon our return to the states, we spent a long weekend adjusting to the time change and making plans to go back to work on that Monday. As we were getting dressed, I had the television on in the bedroom.

"We have breaking news," said the reporter. "Jacob Black, entrepreneur and hotelier, was arrested earlier today."

"Bella, come here!" I yelled. She teetered to the television, turning up the volume.

"Black was accused of sexual harassment, possession of a controlled substance and rape. This comes on the heels of his latest campaign for his Hysteria Label. One of the advertising executives was admitted to a local hospital, suffering from alcohol poisoning and evidence that she'd been drugged and raped. Upon further investigation, Mr. Black had several doses of the date-rape drug, Rohypnol. Black denies any wrong doing, but DNA tests indicate that he did attack the woman. No court date has been set, but Black is being held without bail in Riker's Correctional Facility in New York. The status of his business ventures is in flux. We'll keep you updated as more information comes to light on this shocking revelation."

"Wow," Bella breathed. "He actually … he could have done that to me."

"But, he didn't," I said, holding her to my body. "Even though we weren't together, I would have killed him if he'd touched you."

"My hero," she said, looking up at me. "Even though we hated each other?"

"You know how kids tease and taunt each other? Especially boys teasing the girls?" I snickered. She nodded. "I think I was acting like one of those little kids, teasing you because I secretly loved you, but my brain and body had to play catch up."

"You keep telling yourself that, Mr. Cullen," she snorted. "We hated each other."

"Not anymore," I purred, staring at her. "I love you, Mrs. Cullen."

"I love you, Mr. Cullen," she grinned. She bit her lip and pulled out my phone. "Rose? This is Bella. Yeah, there was a malfunction on one of the planes. We're still not back from our honeymoon. We should be in Wednesday or Thursday. Thanks." She turned off the phone, tossing it over her shoulder. "Show me how much you love me, Edward."

"I love the way you think, cherie," I growled, tossing her onto the bed with a squeal.



Epilogue: Four Years Later

"This is by far the best idea you've had yet, Bella," sang Mr. Holm. "I can't wait to see what Jasper will come up with for the latest spread."

"You know he'll make you proud," I said, rubbing my back. We shook hands and he left. I fell into my seat, putting my feet up and scowling at how swollen they were. Being almost nine months pregnant, everything was freaking swollen. I couldn't wait for our baby to be born, if anything to have him, or her, stop tap dancing on my bladder.

To say I was shocked that I was pregnant was an understatement. Edward and I never really did anything to stop pregnancy. According to my OB/GYN, it was unlikely that I'd be able to maintain a pregnancy, thanks to my repeated rapes, but when I went in for my annual physical and being told that I was almost five months along, shocked the shit out of us. Edward was over the moon. I was terrified.

Too many what ifs?

But, we prayed and our pregnancy moved along normally. Though, we did make plans. During the following four months, we'd expanded our agency and we now had multiple partners. Edward and I, along with Caius, the youngest of the Volturi brothers, were in charge, but each department had more autonomy. We also had agencies in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles and Houston. Things were looking up, professionally.

Personally, they were even better.

With the impending birth of our baby, I was planning on taking a year off. Edward was going to take off until after the first of the year, bonding with our son or daughter.

"Oooh," I groaned, shifting in my seat. "Stop using my kidneys as punching bags, junior."

"Is my offspring causing you stress?" Edward quipped, coming into the conference room.

"Tell your child to stop kicking me," I snorted, gasping as a swift blow hit me in the bladder. Edward crouched down, his hands cupping the beach ball that had taken up residence where my waist had been. He murmured to our baby, but the pain was getting progressively worse. "Edward, I think it's time."

"Like, time?" he asked, his head popping up and his eyes wide.

"Yeah," I said, pain radiating throughout my body. "It's time. These aren't the fake contractions. They're real." He pulled out his phone and arranged for a limo to meet us in the garage. He helped me to my feet. It was slow-going, but we made it to the basement. Getting into the limo, we pulled out into the street and there was traffic. Everywhere.

"Fuck," he growled. "Can't we get around this?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cullen. The president's in town. All of the streets are closed," the driver explained. "I can call an ambulance?"

"Oh, GOD!" I screamed. There was a gush and I knew my water broke. Edward took out his ear piece, dialing 911. "Edward … it hurts."

"I know, cherie," he whispered. "Hello? My wife is in labor. We're stuck in traffic in a limo just outside of the Merchandise Mart." He turned on the overhead light. "I'm sorry, Bella, I need to check the baby." He took off his suit coat and we shimmied off my underwear. "Uh, I think she's crowning?"

"Edward, I want to push," I hissed.

"Should she push?" he asked. "Okay, Bella, with the next contraction …" He was cut off by my screams and I panted, trying to pass our baby's head through my cooter. It was bad and all I wanted were pain killers. Edward was calm, guiding the baby and listening to the operator. After I'd passed the head, I could see the lights from the ambulance. "Bella, one more," Edward encouraged.

"Shit!" I squeaked. I felt a tug and Edward started crying. "Is the baby okay?"

"He's perfect," he said, placing our son on my stomach. "We have a boy." I smiled, crying as our baby, our son started wailing on my chest. The EMTs arrived to help me deliver the afterbirth. We were loaded up into the ambulance and driven to Rush Medical Center. Our son, Charles Edward Masen Cullen, was checked out and was deemed perfectly healthy. I had to have a few stitches, but I was okay, too.

As I was sitting up, holding Charlie in my arms as I fed him, my mind raced. So much has changed in my life. In our lives. "You're thinking too hard, Bella," Edward said, sitting down next to me and watching our son nurse.

"Just imagining our lives before," I whispered, running my fingers down Charlie's cheek.

"No looking backwards, only forward," he chided. "Only good things for us."

And since our wedding, things had been good. Great. Jacob was in jail for his crimes, including my sexual harassment case from our time on the Hysteria Hotel. Phil was killed in prison. Ironically, he got an infection from … well, let's say that he was used and abused. My mom found a nice man in Phoenix. His name is Chuck and he works in private security. They're happily living in sin, neither of them wanting or needing to get married.

Ryan and Lizzie had another child, a baby girl named Esme, after their mother. Ryan got a vasectomy after that. Lizzie struggled with the last pregnancy, suffering from preeclampsia. Rose had another baby, a boy, and decided to be a stay-at-home-mom. She was a close confidante and worked as a consultant, when needed.

"Again, you're thinking too hard," Edward teased, nuzzling my neck. "What's got you thinking so hard?"

"We're responsible for this little life," I said, smiling tenderly at my son. "What if we mess up?"

"We're human. We're going to mess up," he chuckled. "But, he will know that his parents love him and love each other. It will be our number one priority."

"And what if I say that I don't want to go back to work?" I whispered, looking up at my husband. "I mean, just hypothetical."

"You do what you think is best for you and best for Charlie," he replied, kissing me gently. "If that's working, then I support you. If it's staying home, then I support you. Both of you are my number one priorities."

"But, no decisions need to be made now," I chuckled as Charlie yawned. I moved him, gently patting him and waiting for the burp. He let loose and he fell asleep, milk drunk. "You know, I couldn't be happier … well, I could. Pain killers while having a baby would have done wonders."

"Hey, I'm scarred. I delivered our baby," Edward snorted. "I love you and I love making love to you, but seeing your pussy like that … I could never be a doctor."

"You're never going to touch me again," I groaned.

"I didn't say that. The doctor assured me that you'll be back to normal," he smirked. "Like I can stay away from my sexy wife? Please! You fart and I think it's hot."

"Really, Edward?" He just shrugged. "Well, you ain't touching me with that for a while," I said, looking down at his crotch. "The pain of his birth is too … yeah, just too." But, I smile softly down at my son, knowing that I wouldn't give him up for anything. "Edward?"

"Hmmmm?" he asked, brushing his lips along my temple.

"Thank you," I breathed, looking up at him. "For not giving up on me. On us."

"There may have been a thin line between love and hate, but our love overcame it all," he said. "I love you and I love Charlie. Being your husband has been a dream come true, but being his dad and your partner … I can't wait to start that adventure." We kissed each other, looking back down at our child.

All our dreams had come true … dreams stemming from love, not hate. Only love.
