AN: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE GUYS, TOLD YA I'D DO A CHRISTMAS ONE. Okay, right, so, I've been working on this all day so I hope you like it, and I hope Santa comes for you tonight! This is going to be a two-shot but I may have to post the other half on boxing day rather than Christmas for I HAVENT TYPED IT YET. I tried for a sorta Dickens like approach, aka addressing the reader, bit of 1st person and taking a while to explain things (more so than usual XD) so yea :) I have to go be social now, but we're having Chinese for tea so it won't be so bad :) love ya all and have a good Christmas and its Eve!

A Christmas Flower Crown (yea, gives away a lot ik but still ;)

Will, to say mildly, had a bit of an obsession with flower crowns, which was strange for he didn't actually own one himself, but, luckily Christmas was fast approaching so I doubt that that will stay a true fact for long. Especially not if Nico had anything to do about it, want to find out what's going to happen? I'd love to say it was a bit like a Christmas Carol or something equally as guessed, but I'm afraid I'm not able to do that for both Nico and Will are great Christmas enthusiasts, though one was much better at hiding it. If you can't guess which of the two I'm talking about I'm quite worried for your intelligence, or, rather, complete lack of. Anyway, what was I saying?

Unknown to everyone, hell, even Hazel and Hades, Nico was actually one of the best gift givers, tree decorators and basically the exact opposite of Scrooge when it came to Christmas, it's just he's very good at keeping on his mask. And then there's Will, known to all as one of the worst gift wrappers, gifts okay to most and the absolute worst Christmas decorator, but A for effort at least. But his love for Christmas was well known and made up for the other areas of Christmas in which he fails at.

So let's begin, and celebrate this Christmas with a tale from the infamous Camp Half Blood. Let us find out what happens this Christmas, shall we?


Let's start at about five days before the greatly anticipated day at which point when Nico was acquiring the last of the gifts for Christmas, one for a certain new friend.

"'s not that expensive..." Were the words spoken early that morning just outside the Hecate Cabin as Nico paid for and collected his gift. He'd held out an open hand full of gold Drachma and stacked in hundreds twenty dollar bills, not really knowing how much things like that were – so naturally, guessed and acted confident.

Nico faltered, unsure of how much Lou wanted exactly. Thankfully, Lou, like most, knew what era he was from and took the correct amount needed as payment and unceremoniously shoved the rest back at him.

"Gods, how do you even have this much?!" Lou exclaimed without even trying to hide her jealousy.

"My dad's also God of the 'riches under the earth'," Nico explained, doing a reasonably okay impression of his father's voice, "Why else do you think Hazel can summon rare jewels."

"...I'd say lucky, but seeing as you're from the 1930's, you're really not."

Yeah...Nico snorted at that, it was quite an understatement yet so very true.

"Moving on, you have your money can I now have what I paid for?" Nico asked, trying to hurry things along before he was spotted by those emerging from their cabins.

"Fine, here it is." Lou tossed him a carefully wrapped box and retreated back into the darkness of the cabin.

Nico caught it, inspecting it on his way back. The wrapping was pure black and made of a rough paper, the sellotape was in fact duck tape. There were dark purples and blues on the also black ribbon, but it was fraying and looked so old. This would not do, this was too dark and nowhere near the spirit of Christmas, sure it was wrapped and done well, but it was the sort of wrapping someone (read: Hades) would give to Nico. There weren't any festive colours; there wasn't even a tag – though Nico was rather thankful about that, looks like he was going to have to do some more wrapping.

With a heavy sigh, Nico dropped onto his bed; his skeletal butler closed the door for him and flicked on the lights then collapsed into a pile of bones once more. The butler was another gift from his father; Nico didn't quite understand why Hades thought dead people were appropriate gifts. But then again he was lord of the dead so it was sort of understandable. Nico shook his head; he needed to concentrate on the task at hand, rewrapping the gift.

Cautiously, Nico tore off the black, untying the ribbon first before storing (aka shoving along with some other rubbish) under his bed. Then, after quickly glancing around to check the curtains were closed, he pulled out some red and green striped paper, actual sellotape, scissors with bone handles and finally, a light yellow ribbon.

A few minutes later, once Nico had gone to breakfast, there was a perfectly wrapped gift sitting on his bed, a tag with a picture of a Christmas tree, the topper in the drawing was a skull, and on the back was simply the name the gift was intended for, Will Solace.


Now that we have viewed how and where Nico got his last gift to give, something that may seem small, insignificant and a pointless thing to show you, if you truly think this then I wonder if you have in fact learned anything from all you have read and all you have watched – not everything is as it seems. How about a small, overused clique of sorts as well: read between the lines, as the reason I have disclosed that little exchange to you may not be utterly obvious, but it should get you thinking at the very least – I do everything (well, most things) for a reason. You should start attempting to guess at what this tale is about. Because, it's not just which cabin our main character went to but also the one he spoke to that's important, both of these should give you some clues, no? I doubt that all is as it seems with that gift to give as well, don't you?

AN: Tell me what ya think, cya next time :)
