The conclusion to "A Long Engagement." Mike finally marries Ginny, but it's not how they planned.

Sorry for the delay posting this. Life happens sometimes when we'd rather be writing. The inspiration came from a friend who eloped before her planned wedding. Her parents didn't want her to live with her fiancé prior to getting married, so they went to the city hall for a quickie wedding. She ended up 12 weeks pregnant at her wedding and couldn't drink. Those of us that knew found it hilarious and had a blast drinking her favorite wine in front of her at her own wedding.

A year was a long time for an engagement for Mike and Ginny. Especially after having to hide their relationship for as long as they did.

Mike and Ginny had navigated working together, hiding their feelings from the world, exes', public scrutiny, baseball playoffs including a World Series win, Mike almost dying and the paparazzi. All they wanted to was to be married, and their wedding date couldn't come soon enough. But first they needed to get through the playoffs this year.

A repeat was not in the stars… Not for the San Diego winning the World Series, anyway. The Padres didn't even make it past the Division playoffs…

Their last game had been on the road. While technically, Mike could have flown, he had been highly advised against air travel with such a tight schedule. Mike had been pushing himself in physical therapy. His muscles were starting to return. He was amazed at how fast a muscle could atrophy with the lack of use. Having been laid up in a hospital bed for a week, barely able to walk for two weeks, he was now able to move more on his own post accident. But, because of the long-term damage from the year of baseball on his knees and back, his journey back to the athlete he was just weeks prior was still months away.

So, the with duration of a flight, altitude changes, exposure to germs and illnesses and just the energy needed to get around the airport, all that would keep him from actually enjoying the game once he finally reached his destination. Tina had even offered to come with him. But, Ginny was able to reason with Mike and help him realize it would be in his best interest to stay in San Diego and focus on his recovery.

Since Mike hadn't traveled with Ginny and the rest of the team, he watched the last game from his living room. Tina came over with her partner Jen. The plan was not to stay the night, just to watch the game and be there to hopefully help Mike celebrate. They lost by 3 runs.

"So Mike, we can head out, or we can stick around. You're call Captain…" Jen had only been introduced to Mike and Ginny a week earlier, but like Tina, she felt like family instantly.

"Do you mind hanging out for a bit? I'm wound up and need a distraction. Gin won't be able to Skype for a while. We still have some beer and you never told me how you two met…"

"It's really not that interesting…" Tina trailed off as she went to the fridge to get a round of beers for the trio. "I picked her up in the gym. She was hot and I took a chance she wasn't straight. The rest is history, a two year history." Jen was taller than Tina, with fair skin that would burn if she stayed in the sun for long without sunscreen and light strawberry blonde hair. Jen's complexion was a beautiful juxtaposition to Tina's Hispanic skin tones. Individually, they could both grace of a magazine, but together in public, them made many heads turn, men and women alike.

"Nothing nearly as dramatic as you and Ginny… that's enough drama to make a TV show around!" Laughed Jen.

"Seriously, with my good looks, who wouldn't want to see me every week on TV?" Mike chimed in. Somehow Tina and Jen had a talent for lightening the mood in a room.

The banter continued until they realized Tina and Jen were in no condition to drive home. It was Uber or stay the night.

"Please, stay the night. I'd love to cook breakfast for you. I feel best in the morning and after all the cooking you've done for me, I'd love to repay the favor." Mike asked in a slightly slurred voice after one beer too many.

"Well if you insist." Jen said completely hanging on Tina by this point of the night. Yup, a little tipsy.

"Plus, with time change, Ginny will be back here by 9ish in the morning. I know she'd love to see you both." Mike scribbled something on a sticky note and put it on his phone.

"Ohhh…" Squealed Jen, who was much more of a 'girly' girl than Tina. "What if we all surprised Ginny and showed up at the airport to pick her up!"

"Let's start with breakfast and see if we're hungover. But I love your where your heart is, Red." Tina said as she took Jen's hand and led her up the stairs to the guest room she had become accustom to staying in.

Changing Seasons

Mike's alarm went off at 7:30. He rolled over to find the sticky note from the previous night. 'You promised the girls breakfast…' He got up and made his way downstairs, proud of this seemingly simple action, but he was able to function on his own by now in his own house. Tina was no longer needed as a nurse for daily activity, and was now around for big tasks and really, just her friendship.

He started making breakfast when he noticed his phone light up.

The team flight home was somber. Thank goodness for in-flight WIFI! Ginny distracted herself and texted Mike.

Ginny [You up Old Man?]

Mike [Yup – had 2 hotties stay over last night and I'm fixing them bfast]

Ginny [ugh. Jealous. You making my pancakes for tina and jen?]

Mike [yes, but I'll make a fresh batch for you when you get home]

Ginny [cause you love me or you fear my wrath for making them without me]

Mike [both? ;) besides you land in an hour and should be home in 2]

Ginny [you feeling ok?]

Mike [yeah, what makes you ask?]

Ginny [It's the first time you've cooked since your accident]

Mike [I guess it is. T & J stayed over after the loss last night. I didn't want to be alone without you. I thought this could be a way for me to thank them… if they ever wake up]

Ginny [I'm thinking of legally changing my name to Baker-Lawson.]

Mike didn't respond immediately and Ginny started to worry. She had been meaning to bring it up, before the accident, but with the playoffs and his recovery, she just hadn't gotten around to it. But seeing this last text, knowing that he wanted to make sure those in his life felt appreciated… made her heart swell.

Ginny [Sorry to drop this on you in a text. We can talk later when I get home]

A few minutes still went by then Mike took a selfie of him grinning like a big idiot and sent it to her. Tina and Jen were in the background eating the pancakes Mike had cooked up. [I think my heart skipped a beat. Took me a minute to respond b/c T & J came down before i read your Baker-Lawson text.]

Mike [i never expected this – what ever you want i support, but for the record, I just forgot about the loss last night and can only think about our wedding. I can't wait to make you legally mine.]

Ginny [I just fed the narcissistic beast in you. didn't i?]

Mike [maybe a little]

Mike [jen wants to pick you up at the airport. Says she they have an early wedding surprise for us if you have it in you]

Ginny [please. Love a distraction. Plane getting ready to land. See you in 30 – guess this means no to Pancakes ;( ]

Mike [Pancakes for dinner?]

Ginny [You know the way to my heart!]

After Mike cleaned up the kitchen, and the were all dressed and ready to head to the airport Tina had one last request. "Uh, Mike…? One small thing I need to know."

"Yeah, T?" Mike responded.

"You and Ginny have valid passports you could access quickly?" Tina asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, in the wall safe in our room. Do I ask now, or later why we need them?"

"LATER!" Both women responded.

"You find out when Ginny finds out." Jen said in excitement.

Mike ran upstairs and came back down only a few minutes later. Tina instead she drive.

Of course the media was at the airport to greet the Padres after they arrived. Mike didn't care about PDA in this moment. He just wanted one Ginny Baker in his arms. Too bad he had to get through the rest of his team greeting him to get to her. Not that he minded too much, he just wanted to feel her in his arms. Once he finally got to her, the press went nuts take pictures of them kissing. They had been fairly discreet avoiding cameras when kissing in public. He just didn't care this morning.

"Baker, apparently, we have somewhere to be." Mike said after he released her from his hug.

They hurried out of baggage claim, leaving their teammates behind. Even though they flew on a charted planes, Ginny had still learned to pack only a carry on so she wouldn't have to wait for any other bags to come out from under the plane. Her bat bag would be delivered to the clubhouse and she could fetch that another day.

Once they got out to curbside pickup, they climbed into Tina's car, not Mike's significantly newer car. Ginny had an odd look on her face, which was compounded when Jen nodded to Mike to give Ginny her passport.

"What do I need this for?" Ginny asked.

"Don't look at me? I'm as clueless as you. Our friends have decided to kidnap us and I am going along with it." Mike said.

"We have something to show you… a possible wedding gift." Tina said.

Jen giggled a little and turned around. "Since we have time to kill on our drive, tell me about your wedding plans."

Ginny started talking about everything from the venue to the flowers and the catering. But it all sounded very clinical. There was no emotion in her voice, even so that Mike noticed it. She didn't seem like she was excited to be getting married.

It was as she stated that she didn't want to describe the dress in front of Mike that he took her hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Babe" He said softly. "What's wrong?"

"It's the media, I thought by having our wedding as far south in Baja Mexico, we could keep it private. But I keep seeing media speculations about which venue it's at, which day it is. One of them is going to get it right and take pictures and plaster them all over the internet. I have this image of us saying our vows and focusing on making sure the cameras don't get me any photos that could be misread, that I miss out on the reason we're doing the ceremony in the first place... " She paused, took in a deep breath. "I'll get over it. I still get you for the long haul. And that is really all I want."

Mike leaned over in the back seat of the car and kissed her. Had they not become so close to the two women in the front seat of the car, it could have been a very embarrassing kiss for a very private Ginny. She still blushed a little because of how deep the kiss was.

When he pulled himself off of her mouth, all he said was "Damn, I'm one lucky SOB."

Meanwhile, Jen and Tina were smiling up front as they neared border patrol at the US/Mexico border.

"Now you now why you need your passport… figured you might want to come back to the U.S. at the end of the day." Tina said.

"You know… I've had it for two years and never used it before today." Ginny said, flipping through the empty pages.

Then Jen had to ask, "Why do you have a passport if you've never used?"

"Uh… ex-boy, well guy I was dating wanted to take me around the world. He pretty much did all the paperwork. I just signed a few papers." Ginny said while avoiding eye contact with Mike.

"And you never went on this awesome adventure, why?" Jen followed up with.

"I was secretly in love with my catcher, but thought he was back together with his ex-wife…" And Ginny rolled her eyes over to Mike.

"Damn you all have the best drama!" Jen exclaimed. "Too bad we didn't know you sooner. I could have quit watching soap opera's and just hung out with you!"

And with that everyone in the car was laughing.

Tina pulled up to a gated drive that was over the top and pushed one of the pre-programed buttons on her car. They drove down a path leading to one main house with some smaller bungalows lining a private beach.

Tina pulled into the circular drive and parked. "Come, let me show you around."

Then Jen said, "You'll love it here. I think this is one of my favorite places on earth."

The home was large, but not over zealous. The Spanish architecture and furnishings were beautiful down to the last detail, but not pretentious. They were given a quick tour of the house, before being led to the back patio. Tina's parents were there and had lunch ready for them.

"Mama! Papa!" And Tina hugged each parent. Jen followed quickly behind, lingering to help Tina's mom set a few final things out on the table. "These are the friends I was telling you about. Mike and Ginny, meet my parents, Javier and Maria."

"Nice to meet you both. Your daughter has been a blessing to us. Really helped me stay focused and Ginny feel better about getting back to work." Mike shook both of their hands.

"You have a lovely home. And your back yard is out of a magazine." Ginny said as she stood their in awe. They had a small patch of grass, impeccably manicured and lined with little shrubs and a gazebo on one side of the lawn. The other side had a crystal blue pool with a few palm trees offering just the right amount of shade. Between the two sections was a modern stone path leading a boardwalk access to the beach beyond.

"Christina!" Maria said "You haven't told them have you?"

"No, I thought I'd let them see first." Tina responded. "Let's eat and then we can talk."

After lunch got underway, Tina started. "Jen and I have been talking about how much you really wanted a private ceremony and we have a suggestion. It's a little sneaky, so we won't be offended if you don't want to take us up on it." Both ladies had a sly smile on their face.

"Well you've gotta finish talking now Tina!" Ginny exclaimed.

"My parents have offered to let you have a secret small ceremony here on the grounds here a week or even a few days before your big wedding. You could invite a hand full of people and that way you'll still have your privacy, but have those you want in attendance. But then still do your big wedding down south. Wear your dress again, or get a new dress. But your actual vows will be only for you. You don't have to answer now… You can think about it, but I know it's coming up soon."

Mike and Ginny were a little dumbfounded. Jen spoke next "Why don't you take a walk on the beach while we clean up lunch?"

While lunch was cleaned up, Mike and Ginny sat on the beach and listen to the waves crash in front of them.

"It's your call Rookie." Mike said. "As long as I'm married to you, I'll follow you to the end of the earth and back."

"What if it get's out? How mad will everyone be that they flew all they way to Cabo San Lucas for a show, not the real wedding?"

"I can tell you are seriously considering this… So how about if I reframe the idea. What if we have a 'civil' ceremony here at Tina's parents, you, me, Blip and Ev, Al can still perform the ceremony? We can do that on the Wednesday before. Then we fly the rest of the way down to the southern part of Baja as schedule on Friday, for the ceremony and a reception on Saturday that we've planned all along. If anyone asks about the date on our marriage license, we can say it was a clerical error. It will only be a few days off, not worth fixing."

"I would love to get to wear my dress twice. You're going to love it. I mean really love my dress Mike."

"No Gin, I'm going to love getting you out of it."

They sat on the beach a few more minutes in silence before Mike motioned to head back in. Mike needed a little help getting up. Bad knees, broken ribs still healing, ailing back. How he had a 20-something fiancé still baffled him daily.

The day of their elopement went similarly to the day Tina and Jen surprised Mike and Ginny. Ginny told Ev she planned a spa day at a little place in Mexico as a thank you for all her work planning the wedding. Mike told Blip he wanted to go get drunk across the border with his best man, Al would be joining them to make sure they didn't do anything stupid – Al was in on the plan. They drove separately because they didn't want to see each other until the moment they walked down the isle. A week prior to the wedding, Mike and Ginny had asked to have Ev's dress and Mike's suite dry cleaned, 'just in case.' They picked up the garments early and handed it off to Tina who brought it down to Mexico.

Ginny and Evelyn arrived first. And much like Ginny, she too was confused when she pulled up. "This doesn't look much like a spa, Gin."

"Nope. It's the family home of Tina, you remember her?"

"Well of course, you and Mike only talk about her all the time. I would be jealous if she and her girlfriend weren't so awesome." As if on cue, Tina and Jen came out of the house to greet them.

"Well, don't be mad." Ginny was about to confess. "Mike and I are eloping… Today… Here… In about an hour."

"Well, don't just stand there, let's get the bride and maid of honor dressed." Said the strawberry blond who pulled them into Tina's parents master suite to help them start getting ready.

"Hey Red." Tina yell through the house. "Mike just texted. They just passed border patrol and should be here in 30. Tell Ginny not to come out of my parents room anymore."

"Got it, T."

"So what about the big wedding I," Ev stammered and corrected herself, "I mean we planned for you on Saturday?" Evelyn was trying not to sound furious. "Are we scrapping that?"

"Oh no, but this way, I won't care if the paparazzi show up, if Evers drinks to much or lord knows what else. I get my perfect wedding day, and I still get to celebrate my marriage with those that mean the most to me." Ginny took her best friends hand. "I love you and couldn't get married without you here. I still want to celebrate with everyone. But I just don't want to cry in front of the paparazzi. I hope you can understand."

"For the record… If you had eloped without me, I would have had your head on a platter."

"Never… Never would I do such a thing…"

"But you're my family, and you're secret is safe with me. As long as Blip is invited. You know I can't keep anything from him."

Down the hall they heard men's voices…

"Man, is this place something or what!" Blip's voice echoed throughout the house.

"It's Tina's parents house. They are letting us use it for the day." Mike said.

"Well if this isn't a great way to say good by to bachelorhood, I don't know what is. Show me to the bar."

"Nope." Said almost like Ginny said earlier to Ev. "No drunk shenanigans today. You get to earn your best man stripes now. It's game time."

"What?" Blip asked as he looked over remembering Al was still tagging along with them.

"You really think Mike would bring me along to watch your drunk asses? I'm here to perform the ceremony. Now shouldn't we be getting dressed?" Al questioned and Mike motioned for the two other guys to follow him down a hall.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm all for a simple wedding. But Ev is gonna freak out, man. Do you know how much time she put into planning your wedding?"

Mike responded quickly… "There's still another wedding in three days. And Ginny's probably talking to Ev right now. Today is about privacy. Saturday is about celebration. NEVER… And I mean never breathe a word of today to anyone." Mike almost sounded scary when he said that last phrase.

About 20 minutes later Tina ushered Mike and Blip to their starting positions. Mike at the end of the boardwalk just touching the beach. She had Blip wait on the lawn for Ev while she motioned for her parents. Her mom was going to video tape the ceremony and her dad began to play the guitar and sing a song in Spanish. Out came Evelyn.

"So this was unexpected." Ev said to her husband.

"On the up side, I get to see you in that amazing dress twice!" Blip went in for a kiss from his wife.

"Hey you love birds… move it down the aisle." Tina motioned towards the beach and off they went arm in arm.

Next Tina motioned to Al, who in turn brought out Ginny.

"May I do the honors, walk you to Mike today?" Al asked Ginny.

"Damn, I'm going to start crying and I haven't even seen Mike yet. This is why I didn't want any paparazzi. But yes, I'd like that, very much."

"And can I just say, Baker…" Al stopped and took a look at her in her dress. "Lawson is one lucky sonofabitch." And he extended his elbow. They began to head through the backyard and over the boardwalk to the beach. As soon as she was close enough to make eye contact with Mike, she knew she picked the right dress.

For an idea of the dress visit image/158073048282

Mike's eye's nearly fell out of his head. Ginny wore a simple satin dress that clung to her toned athletic body ever so perfectly. The neckline plunged low, showing just enough cleavage to get Mike's attention, but still be classy. Her bust was covered in a delicate lace applique and the shoulder straps were nearly see-through against her skin. Because of the wind on the beach, her curls were in a soft low ponytail, pulled off to one side.

Al paused as they reached the group on the beach. He took Ginny's hand and offered it to Mike in silence, stepping around the couple and assuming his position as officiant. Off to Ginny's side was Ev, already in tears, with Javier still playing the guitar and singing a song in Spanish, which only Maria, Javier and Tina could understand. It didn't really matter, because he sounded beautiful with the back up sounds of the birds chirping and waves crashing.

But Mike couldn't see any of that. All he could see was Ginny in that moment. As he took Ginny's hand from Al, he gave her an obvious look over, and just said a breathless "Wow." The ceremony was rather ordinary, simple and sweet. Ginny cried a lot… Mike cried a little, not that he would ever admit it.

After the ceremony, Maria poured champagne for everyone and had some light appetizers prepared as well.

"Thank you all for being here. And than you in advance for keeping this secret for us." Ginny started her toast to the small group, including Tina's parents. "I've never been one to put my emotions on public display. Being able to have our wedding in private, and not worry about anyone judging me… well…" Ginny started to choke up again.

Mike jumped in. "I think what Gin is saying, is we have tried to keep our relationship private. And today, you all let us. In three days, we'll get to celebrate with everyone else, but this moment itself, was for us only. So thank you all." And Mike held up his glass to toast.

Javier began to play his guitar again, and Mike took the opportunity. "Hey WIFE… Dance with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

As the sun set Blip, Al and Ev said their good-bye's and headed back across the boarder to San Diego in Ginny's car. Ginny sat on Mike's lap watching the sun from the porch with Tina and Jen snuggled up on the chair next to them.

"I should change before we leave. I don't need any more wrinkles in this dress before I have to wear it again on Saturday."

"About that dress…" Mike ran his fingers along the curve of her rib cage and down her hip. "You were right. I love it." Then he whispered into her ear so Tina and Jen couldn't hear, "Seriously, what did I ever do to deserve you?"

Ginny stood up from sitting on his lap and faced him. She leaned over giving her husband a view of her ample chest. She kissed him tenderly on his forehead and then whispered in his ear. "You want to know why? You saw all of me. Not just a pretty face or great body, the first MLB female in the majors, but my soul. All of me. So you get all of me. That and you're not too bad looking on the eyes your self, Old man." She stood up, winked at him and turned to her friends and said in a normal volume. "I'm should go change so we can head back, too. Who wants to help me undress? This thing may look great on, but it's not as easy to get off as it looks. Way too delicate for my clumsy fingers."

Mike started to get up, but Ginny waved him off just like she would do on the pitchers mound. "No, if you come back we'll never make it back to San Diego at a reasonable hour."

Mike just laughed and ran his fingers through his beard. "Okay Baker." Tina and Jen both went to help Ginny change and pack up her stuff. The three ladies met Mike out front and gave hugs all around.

"Thank you again. I don't think I would have ever come up with this idea, but it is exactly what I needed." Ginny embraced Tina. "Please also thank your parents for me." Javier and Maria had dinner plans with friends and left a short time earlier.

The drive back to their house was about two hours, including time to get through border patrol and hit a drive through for food. They arrive home around 9:30 still floating on a little cloud.

"I didn't imagine my wedding dinner being fast food burritos." Ginny smirked. "And yet some how I don't care."

"Well, I just wanted something fast so I can get my Wife naked - finally." Mike said proudly.

They rushed through dinner and Ginny ran upstairs. She brushed her teeth and threw on a Padres jersey she had custom made. She didn't bother butting it. She stood at the top of the stairwell and motioned to Mike with her finger for him to join her upstairs.

"I have a wedding gift for you, Husband." She said innocently.

He looked up at her atop the stairs, realizing she only had on a jersey and not much else. Then she turned around and saw her number on the back "43." But it was the name on top that made his heart grow. In bold font was written "Baker-Lawson." Ginny looked over her shoulder to make sure her new husband had seen it.

"So what do you think of my new jersey? I can start officially wearing it next season, as soon as I show proof of my name change."

"I… I…" And he ran upstairs.

The day of the scheduled… planned… bigger… well original wedding was here. Mike and Ginny had flown down to Cabo San Lucas in Baja California in Mexico with about 80 of their closest friends and family. As with any wedding, there with glitches and hiccups.

The list was quite comical:

Mike forgot to give Blip his wedding ring back, so they had to make up a story/excuse.

The wind picked up mid ceremony and blew over the wedding arch.

At the start of the ceremony, Mike and Ginny realize Mike's dad made the trip down and was standing in the back. Once he realize he'd been spotted, he nodded, then went to sit in a chair, but tripped and made a huge commotion getting everyone's attention.

Will threatened, in a brotherly way, to harm Mike if he ever hurt Ginny. Mike just growled and Will slunk away

Livian hit on every woman in sight, including Tina and Jen, knowing full well they had no interest in men. He didn't need to drink too much to do this.

Eliot drank too much and kissed Amelia. She kissed him back. They never spoke of it again.

Evers drank too much and fell in the pool.

Evelyn drank too much and started dancing on the bar.

Blip drank too much… well you see where this is going.

But Ginny and Mike took it all in stride and were able to laugh it all off. They had their perfect wedding day a few days earlier, and they were able to share their marriage with everyone close to them today, and maybe a few others they were trying to reconnect with as well. They couldn't wait to see what the rest of life would bring them for as happy as they were in this very moment. They both knew that no matter whatever highs or lows came their way, they would weather it together.

The End. I hope you enjoyed this long path to marriage. I'm thinking of writing a little fic on their honeymoon... I haven't seen that done much yet. Thoughts?