This has been an interesting journey...At times it was really hard to think of what to do next, and at times it felt like Nubs was a pawn for both Constantine and Myself the Author, as the tale of his Mutation into a Sapient was mostly a means to set the stage for future stories. And even though this story was posted in the Wild Kratts section the Ninja Turtles and Batman the Animated Series characters appeared far more, here I hopefully make amends for that by having the Wild Kratts feature more prominantly.

It was a lucky thing Zach, Donita, Gourmand and een Penguin were arrested in Gotham City because if it had been anywhere else on Planet Earth, they most likely would have been executed for Slave Trafficking, Gotham City seemed to have become a Micronation on Planet Earth that was able to prevent anyone arrested within its walls from being killed.

Scarecrow and Riddler felt indebted to this system, if it hadn't been for Gotham's policy they both would've died years ago.

But both had great fun laughing at Penguin's misfortune as he was being taken away to Stonegate.

"Traitors..." Penguin snarled

Riddler folded his arms "Hey." He said "There are lines even Rogues don't cross...Cannibalism is one, Rape is another..." (Riddler and Scarecrow's eyes narrowed as Penguin suirmed awkwardly) "...And I suppose the third is slave trafficking." Riddler said

"Indeed." Scarecrow said "While I suppose I attempted to enslave people with my fear gas...I wouldn't exchange slaves for anything...For while I would never rape or cannibalize a slave I kept I have no away of garanteeing any other slave master I gave a slave to wouldn't."

As the Wild Kratts watched their own Villains get loaded, Jimmy Z looked at Gourmand as he was eating a Taiyaki.

"Hey Gourmand," Jimmy said as he talked the tail half of the Taiyaki out of his mouth "Have you ever thought about instead of making food out of animals, how about making food shaped like animals? This Japanese Fish-Shaped Cake is pretty tasty."

Gourmand snarled as he was taken away.

Eventually the three Villains found a way to get their bail payed in the Jails of Third Earth. Zach drew his fellow Villains close

"Hey..." Zach said "...I have a plan for getting those freaks..."

Gourmand who had had enough with the pain tangling with Mutants can bring ran away crying "NO! I WANNA LIVE!"

After that night for Nubs himself, he had changed, before he had stood with a sort of slumped, hunchbacked posture, after his rescue, he stood more like a man, back straight, shoulders back, his eyes had a different look, it was difficult to describe, it wasn't exactly sad, it wasn't frightened, it seemed to be a Kingly look, it was the look of wisdom.

Nubs wanted to spend a moment with Chris and Martin the day after they rescued him. The three of them, two Homo Sapiens and one Black Rhinoceros on in a meadow near the Mutant Villaige of Forest watching the clouds and listening to sounds of birds, insects and the wind.

"Nubs..." MArtin finally said after much sitting in silence. "...I know we weren't the most supportive of you becoming a Mutant at first...It wasn't that we didn'tlike you anymore we just...Didn't have any idea what this meant for ecology and stuff...But then we learned...Why Contantine did what he did and that you were just bait to get his runaway Mutants back and..." Hot tears stung Martin's eyes he started to choke thinking about what happened to Nubs, what could have happened to Nubs if he had been sent to another planet "...Nubs..." Martin sobbed "...We're so sorry this had to happen to you!"

The young Rhino felt a pang in his heart for his human friends, he didn't want them to cry for him. He looked at the clouds and said "Look at the clouds...They never go backward do they? They only go one way..."

The Brothers looked at the clouds with their Rhino friend

"I never really saw the clouds before I became a Mutant..." Nubs said "...I feel I can truly see and hear and think for the first time...I see the world as it truly is..."

After a few more moments of quiet Nubs said "Homo Sapiens...What Humans are...It means 'Wise Man' not Smart Man or Clever Man...Wise Man...After last night...I feel I am Wise Rhinoceros...And that I can do what no other Rhino can do."

And thus we have decent forshadowing for the Revants of Dark Earth Arc starting with Donatello's Wedding, the 'Clouds never go backwards' quote is from The Plague Dogs which I seriously don't recomend if you have low tolerence for tradgedy.