Thank you for reading my fanfic!

My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.

I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.

I don't own the One Piece, created by Oda Eiicsiró

Please review it I know I will make mistakes what I will intend to correct and try to learn from my mistakes and improve myself.

Thank you!

Please enjoy the story!

It was a bright day in Marineford the shining jewel of the World Government where our story began. This crescent moon-shaped island was not too big. Not too small. You could say it was average sized. What it makes special was the fact, in this island built up the World Government their primary military base. The Marines Headquarter.

This crescent moon-shaped island was not too big. Not too small. You could say it was average sized. What it makes special was the fact, in this island built up the World Government their primary military base. The Marines Headquarter.

What makes it special was the fact, in this island built up the World Government their primary military base. The Marines Headquarter.

The island was completely composed of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. It even had a secret mechanism installed all around Marineford Bay of the isle, which consists of thick and high steel walls that emerge from under the sea, surrounding and trapping anyone who is inside the area. These walls are composed wholly of Wapometal what are resistant enough even to withstand Whitebeard's the infamous pirate shockwaves. (He was part of the Yonko. The four pirate emperors of the Great Blue.)

Besides this, on the windows of the top of the walls. Numerous cannons installed, allowing the Marines to barrage the entrapped targets. On the center of the island is an execution scaffold, and around it is a small town with trees around the area. The front of the scaffold, which is a dull and empty area, is known as the Oris Plaza where the Ox Bell stands at the front.

On the center of the island is an execution scaffold, and around it is a small town with trees around the area. The front of the scaffold, which is a dull and empty area, is known as the Oris Plaza where the Ox Bell stands at the front.

The majority of the island is occupied by Marineford Town, which is noted to be rather large, especially compared to most other towns and cities in the world. It was mostly the home to the families of the Marines stationed at Marineford.

At the back of the island, standing large, tall and proud building was the Marine Headquarters building. The building is a large multi-store ancient Japanese-stylized palace, with the base bearing the kanji for "Marines," with the Marines symbol in between. Around the building's four cardinal corners is a small mountain with a small building on top and a flag with the Marines logo placed on the top of the roofs each of them.

We had to mention here seated the three Admirals of the Marines. So you could say it was a pretty dangerous place for every lawless folk to be.

It was midday. Most of the Marine personnel who stationed in the Marine Headquarter ate their dining. Only those who was on guard duty patrolled around in the Town of Marineford and the base itself.

Suddenly everyone in the island of Marineford looked upon into the sky as they heard a deafening thundering sound followed by a shockwave. Every marine thought a pirate fleet attacked Marineford.

It was a seemingly impossible scenario because even the four pirate emperor was not stupid enough to attack the Marine headquarters without a serious backup. Knowing their relationship, it seemed impossible for them to make an alliance. Beside this, a Marine fleet consisted fifty ships patrolled around Marineford. But it was better to be cautious now than sorry later.

The whole base boomed in the alarming sounds of the alarm system. Every combat capable staff interrupted their lunch and took their appointed places either on the walls or the other sections of the island. This was a dangerous situation. The only time when Marineford attacked before was when "Golden Lion" Shiki came to Marineford alone, in his angry refusal to believe the Marines would be able to capture Roger, and killed many soldiers in the process.

Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and Admiral Sengoku then fought against Shiki together. After a fierce battle between these three men, half of Marineford was reduced to rubble, many were injured or killed, and Shiki was defeated, captured, and incarcerated in Impel Down.

A red falling star like thing fell from the sky where everyone on the island heard the thundering boom. It is dropped with a high speed towards the middle of the headquarter.

It crashed into the strong walls of the headquarters and pierced like it was a thin layer of paper. The falling meteor continued its way through the many layers of Marineford without a great effort only stopping in the deepest levels of the compound.

All of the marine's eyes widened because of the incredible sight. Something has penetrated their base walls without effort. What can that be? A weapon? A new enemy of the World Government? Or it was just a falling star? They did not know. The only thing what mattered they had to investigate it.

The investigation lead by one of the Vice Admirals. Tsuru by name. She was a tall and thin senior woman with gray hair tied in a bun. Her attire appeared to be less formal than the other high ranking officers consisting of a shirt left hanging out, with the sleeves rolled up and a tie around her neck, and calves –long pants which make her resembled a crane.

She wore sports earrings made of beads, and on her right wrist, she has two bracelets.

The clearing of the rubble from the ruined headquarters took around a half day and what they found in the deepest pit of the hole. How could I say? It was surprising.

What they found was an unconscious white haired girl who seemed to be around the age 16-17.

She wore a white coat what was the mix between a lab coat and a trench coat. Beside that she wore some strange military uniform under her cloak with a tie and a military style skirt and a military cap with some strange symbol on it. The most curious thing was that.

The cap managed to remain in her head through all of the layers of the buildings what she fell through.

On her waist, there was a strange exquisite black handled katana. It seemed very well made like it was made by a true master.

"Call a medic and the Vice Admiral! Hurry!" Shouted one of the marines. His comrade nodded hastily and immediately took action.

After a few minutes, Vice Admiral Tsuru and the medic arrived on the scene. The field doctor immediately started the examination of his patient while Vice Admiral Tsuru inspected the strange girl in the white uniform who just hit a big a hole into their headquarters.

She seemed like a typical 17-year-old girl aside from her strange military uniform, her coat, and her too beautiful face.

The medic turned back to the Vice Admiral. "She is fine. Her life signs are normal. She is just unconscious." The Vice Admiral only nodded but inside she was surprised.

It will be a miracle if anyone survives falling from that high and crash down multiple layers reinforced walls.

"Is there any injury on her?" asked Tsuru.

"None. Strange. You'd think if anyone falls from that high with such speed to hit through multiple layers of the wall of the base. That would suffer some injury. I wonder if she used some Devil Fruit to negate the damage." murmured the field doctor.

Tsuru wondered the same thing. The only thing what she could imagine to make in the strange girl position. To make her way down here completely unscratched to the bottom without a scratch. It would be two things what came into her mind.

Either she used Busoshoku Haki, some Devil Fruit or both to negate the force of the fall. But to unlock a person Haki in such young age… In her long life, she never heard anyone who managed to unlock and master it in such short period.

The inner walls of the fort were reinforced with Cherry Stone so that would invalidate her Devil Fruit powers if she used that to reduce the damage. But it seemed when she meets the Sea stone layer she lost her power and exhausted herself with her excessive Haki use. But this was only her theory, how someone could survive such fall.

"Confiscated her weapons, bind her with Sea stone cuffs and carry her into the prison complex medical wing for further examination. If she is unharmed, put her in a highly guarded Sea stone prison."

"Yes Tsuru-sama!" her subordinates bowed and hastily executed her orders.

While she still inspected the unconscious unwanted visitor. Her instinct roared to her to flee from that unconscious young girl as far as she can.

In her long life, she only meets a few people who has the same kind of presence as this girl. This makes her feel very uncomfortable, so she decided to go back to her other tasks and left the area.

In her whole life, her instinct never betrayed her. Still, now she drowned it. Forced in herself an unnatural mask of calmness. Tsuru strengthened herself and left the area. "Carry on!" she commanded her subordinates.

The marines saluted and bound the still unconscious stranger with Sea Stone Cuffs what they freshly brought from the nearest storage room. Confiscated her sword and searched her body for any other weapons. The strange thing was that. The Sea stone was a very rare mineral still the World Government had a massive amount of supply of it.

After the fast search. They brought her into the prison complex medical wing where the doctors who're stationed here examined her thoroughly.

They found nothing suspicious except one thing. Every time they tried to insert a needle to give her an infusion the needle simply bounced off from her skin before it could enter her bloodstream. The doctors tried everything, but it was without avail.

In the end, they just simply give it up and called the guards to take her to a reinforced prison cell. Three days passed, but the girl was still unconscious. In the last three days' many elite class scientists monitored her every whim.

They found out she emitted some strange energy what is similar to the Devil Fruit users but still different. This was a new thing what they had to examine further so in their every waking moment monitored the prisoner with the most advanced technology what the World Government could offer them.

After Vice Admiral, Tsuru informed Fleet Admiral Sengoku about the happenings. He and Admiral Borsalino was the two highest ranking officials in the headquarters. They wanted to investigate the case personally but in the midst of their numerous work they just don't have the time for it.

So Sengoku appointed Vice Admiral Tsuru to monitor the girl until further notice. They only had one-hour spare time three days later to visit their new prisoner.

Borsalino alias Kizaru was an incredibly tall man, roughly the same size as the other two admirals, Aokiji and Acinus. He was a middle-aged man with a moderate amount of wrinkles on his face. He wore a yellow striped suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulder like a cape. Besides this, he wore bright white shoes and gold-amber tinted sunglasses. Under his suit, he wore a dark green shirt with a mauve tie.

Beside him walked the Fleet Admiral Sengoku the Buddha. He was a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long braided goatee and mustache. He usually accompanied with his pet goat.

But this time it was not with him. His marine cap covered his hair, which is set in a giant afro. He wore black-rimmed glasses and white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. The most distinctive features of this outfit are a life-size seagull on top of his cap and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape. His coat has the kanji for justice, in blue, emblazoned on the back.

As they walked down to the deepest pit of the compound, they chatted with each other.

"Soo. What do you think Sengoku-san? Who is our special guest?" asked Kizaru with a joking manner.

"I don't know. But one thing is sure. She managed to get through our outer defenses somehow and tear a huge hole into the fort. It will take us approximately one and a half month to repair the damage what her fall caused."

After a few minutes' walk, they reached the deepest pit of the prison complex. The Sea Stone prison guarded by multiple veteran elites and two captains ranked marine. Of course, the scientist monitored the sill unconscious prisoner with their scanners.

Their scanners placed around the cell, but physically they stood in a reinforced Sea Stone cabin.

As the Marines saw the two admirals they all saluted them in unison Sengoku greeted back correctly, however, Kizaru just threw a weak half salute with one of his fingers. He was never really liked this all serious mannered military style. He even spoke with his subordinates with an open, easy going manner.

They stopped before the Sea Stone cage and inspected the still senseless prisoner. She was wrapped with multiple layer Sea Stone chain. From her top to her foot. She looked like a sausage. Only her head was out from the chains. Her straight white hair seemed long enough to reach her bottom. Her youthful beauty was comparable the most beautiful woman what Sengoku see in his whole life. Boa Hancock.

"Ooh. Look what dropped in our little garden Sengoku-san." Said jokingly Borsalino "Isn't she a little beauty?"

Sengoku drowned his sudden embarrassment and turned to one of the scientists who was out of their little Sea Stone safe house and carried out manual radiation measurements.

"How is her state?" asked Sengoku, the scientist.

The scientist turned to him and answered. His expression could not be seen due to his hazmat suit. "Her life signs are normal. However, she emits some unknown energy. It resembles the radiation what the Devil Fruits emits still it is something else. It seems the Sea Stone bindings absorb some of its radiation but still. It is still measurable despite with the multiple layers of Cherry Stone chains on her and the cage around her. Truly marvelous girl if you don't mind to say this Fleet Admiral."

Sengoku nodded in agreement and turned towards the scientist. "Did you managed to wake her up?" he asked seriously.

"No. Unfortunately. We tried every method from our arsenal to take samples from her or wake her up, but we can't even scratch her. It seems she is in a coma."

"Hmm." Nodded Sengoku thoughtfully. "If I may interrupt your train of thought Fleet Admiral-sama. Maybe Vegapunk-sama or Caesar-sama know a way to wake her up from her slumbering state." Sengoku nodded again and ordered the guard who stood beside the prison cage.

"Open the cage." He commanded the guard who stood beside the cage.

The guard nodded and opened the cage. The men around the contained area prepared in that case the prisoner broke out. Sengoku and Borsalino entered the cage and inspected closer the new prisoner of the compound.

Sengoku slowly reached out to the girl and lifted her face with his oversized hand. As said before she was beautiful from outside of the cage. But closer her young beauty was more pounced. She could not be older than 17 judging from her face features.

Sengoku placed his hand to the vein in her neck to check her life signs cautiously not to touch her Sea Stone bindings.

She was alive but senseless. He could say this from her lowered pulse rate. But strangely when he placed his hand on the girl's neck.

He felt some power simply want to push back his hand. The stronger he tried the force was more powerful. He did not want to test how much power he needed to break this seemingly passive Haki. With his enormous strength, he maybe hurt the prisoner unwillingly. So he stopped when he felt the pulse of the prisoner.

Then he opened her eyes and examined her pupils. She had heteromorphic pupils. One was jade green the other one was sea blue. He saw a few people who have similar genetic deformation, but it was very rare.

"Ooh. Strange, scary eyes…" commented Kizaru slowly.

Sengoku turned back to his colleague. "Not now Kizaru."

Kizaru silenced himself. "We need to find a way to wake her up." Murmured Sengoku. "Vegapunk is too occupied with an important government project. So the only one available scientist who has the skillset to wake her up and give us some idea about her strange power is Caesar Clown."

"Pretty cruel you are Sengoku-san. He will surely torture and skin her alive before she could even wake up. Are you sure you want his help?" the yellow suited Admiral tilted his head in a joking manner.

Both him knew what Caesar do to his test subjects. But they were just turning a blind eye over it. Saying. "This is for the greater good."

The afro Fleet Admiral turned to his college. "I am sure. Call him into the base immediately. I will take care of the lab what that clown will use for his experiments."

Kizaru nodded smilingly then left to make a call.

He looked to the prisoner and closed his eyes. "Please forgive us if that animal causes you any remaining injury. I hope you are not the enemy of the justice." With that, the Fleet Admiral stood up and headed towards the exit of the compound. When he stepped out of prison, he looked to the head guard with a serious manner. "I want a twenty-four-hour monitor in her cell. The guards change each other in four-hour time spaces.

The head guard saluted. "As you wish Fleet Admiral!"

With that Sengoku left the room.

Three days later Caesar Clown arrived into Marineford.

Caesar has a very gaseous look due to his Devil Fruit ability. He has very long, spiky, dark hair, yellowish eyes and two curly horns growing from the back of his head.

He appeared to be tall and wears purple lipstick and dark makeup on his eyes. He has a small flat nose and long thin eyebrows. His arms are gaunt in comparison with to rest of his body. He wore a similarly gaseous lab coat.

Under his coat, he wears a pair of diagonally striped yellow overalls which are striped across with orange lines. The overall is cut off right under his knees, exposing his hairy legs.

"Yolololo! What an incredible feeling to be back here!" he said while laughed.

To his arrival, the Marines sent Captain Very Good to debrief him and offer guidance. Very Good was a large Marine with a black afro. He has the word 'Marine' tattooed across his chin and an x-shaped scar on the right side of his forehead. He wears the regular Marine clothes, and he is relatively round.

He nods to Caesar signing to follow him. "I am Captain Very Good. Come. I will escort you to your lab."

Caesar was a little annoyed because of the casual manner what the captain hit him. But he held himself back because he wanted to start that new assignment what Admiral Kizaru spoke about. The admiral only described the specimen with a strange word pair. "Scary eyes."

The admiral spoke about an interesting specimen who fall out from the sky six days ago and completely wrecked the fortress.

He wanted to take his hands on the sample as soon as possible and start to dissect it. Caesar intelligence matched his cruelty. He even drugged children to reach his goals.

After a few minutes' walk, the two of them reached the labs what was appointed and modified according to Caesar instructions.

The walls were reinforced with multiple layer Sea stone and Wapometal. The machines in the lab were cutting edge. The lab layout was to his liking.

Only one thing bothered him. The scientist in the lab.

He used to work with his subordinates whose he already trained to serve his desires without a whim. Framing these scientists into his liking will be an annoying and long process. Caesar seeing this frowned and entered the lab.

The head scientist of the facility stepped out to him to welcome him.

"Welcome in our humble sanctuary Caesar-sama. We hope our little lab will be your liking."

Caesar frowned and simply answered. "It will do."

Then he saw the tank what was in the middle of the room.

It resembled a bacta tank from the Star Wars. The tank glass reinforced with a particular method. In this process. The glass was waved with Sea Stone and layered around the subject making it unbreakable and flexible similarly to the Sea stone bindings. In the case, if the test subject still causing damage to the tank glass. An automatic system oversaw the tank integrity and activated the defensive methods when it's integrity reached a critical state.

On the reservoir, the unconscious naked women floated in the unknown liquid and multiple chains banded her limbs.

On her face, there was an oxygen mask. The scientist previously prepared the subject and placed various sensors on the tank to receive readings from her life signs and her energy readings.

She was senseless. Still, she emitted much more energy according to the readings than the Marine HQ yearly consumption.

Her masterwork black katana was analyzed on the other side of the lab by an another scientist. Caesar looking to his left side saw a strange white uniform what was inspected by an another scientist.

It seemed it made from a very high-grade material. The scientist just tried multiple weapons on the uniform what seemed made from simple cloth.

Still, besides the scientist, there was many empty guns, notched or wholly broken melee weapons and other more potent and dangerous tools laid on the table. But strangely there was no stain on that simple uniform what they simply stretched on a Wapometal skeleton.

Caesar laughed manically. "Yolololo! Finally, a challenge!" with that he put himself into the work. His task was to wake up the subject. But no one said he could not have some fun time.

After around six months he was not closer either the secret of the strange girl weapons, uniform or the subject itself.

He tried every method to take a sample from them, but he failed ultimately. He was so frustrated he killed many scientists in his wrath and disguised it as an accident.

At the end of the half year. There was just a handful of his colleagues remained in the lab. The others either requested their repositioning, or they were simply dead.

Strangely the girl's body was not changed. It was strange because they did not feed or give drink to her in her coma state because they can't penetrate her skin to insert an infusion to her. They mixed nutrients into the liquid where the subject floated. But it could not be enough to keep her in such good state.

However, they managed to collect many valuable data from the subject energy readings and its equipment. But it was still raw data what waited for description.

In his final desperation, Caesar tried one last desperate attempt to either wake up the sleeping beauty. Ending her six months long coma or silence her forever. The Admiralty was on his neck already. They wanted results fast, and he was almost out of time.

That annoying yellow clothed admiral even made a visit on almost each second week in his lab. Asking him is there is any advancement in his irritating unrespect full lazy tone. This irked Caesar more than anything else. They wanted results, and he has nothing besides raw data what was still waited for description.

Of course, Caesar always lied something and false the results to satisfy the admiralty.

In his last attempt, he turned maximum the purge function of the tank what either completely disintegrates the tank contents or wake the subject up.

As he fed the data into the computer, he violated multiple safety measures in the process. The defense mechanism of the reservoir came alive.

It started to raise its temperature rapidly and with it increase the pressure in an inhuman amount. Rapidly changing the tank contents into the most corrosive acid what was capable of rendering useless even the Armament Haki in a short period.

The containment field and the glass walls of the reservoir held a little while, but after a minute it started to appear small crack in it. The subject was still asleep. Caesar decided to close the tank under an airtight thick Sea Stone containment container. It stopped the acid leaks. The system started t repair the damage on the Sera Stone glass to avoid the further leaking.

After an hour of continuous monitoring, there was no change in the subject life signs. She was completely fine in the acid bath what Caesar prepared her.

Caesar's eyes widened. He did not understand what he is just seeing. There is no such being in the entire All Blue who could survive such thing this long without any reaction.

"Damn! What are you! There is no way you are still fine after this!" he gritted his teeth.

He tried multiple other methods through the hours but without avail. In his last, last attempt he was utterly desperate. In one hour the admiralty comes to his labor to inspect his achievements with the test subject.

If he is not able to produce some real result beside the various raw data what they collected under the six months, the leadership inevitably pass his project to Vegapunk.

He could not allow that. He can't shame himself with such disgrace. He pulled out two key from his pockets. He reached out with his gas form to the two control panel on the two sides of the tank. Put the key into the holes.

His colleges noticed too late what he is going to do. Their eyes widened.

"Caesar-sama! Please don't do that you will destroy the test subject!" but it was too late they only heard the mad scientist crackle and the click of the two keys.

A big boom heard from inside of the containment field. After a minute waiting, all of the scientists watched the impossible. Caesar in that time was weaved the plan in his head how to convince the Admiralty about that it was not his fault but the unfit environment and subordinates who's the leadership gave him.

As he walked to the contained field with a hangdog expression, he started to hit the containment field with his fist while shouted.


He heard one of the scientists shouted after him.

"Caesar-sama! Her life signs are changing!" Caesar turned back with an immense joy in his face.

"Yolololo! I made it! I made it alone!" he laughed manically.

The tree admirals, the fleet admiral and various nobles with a heavy escort entered the large lab. They arrived earlier than they announced it before.

The white haired girl slowly opened her eyes. "Where the hell I am? This does not seem my lab. Neither Nazarick." she looked around slowly. "Why I am in a bacta tank? And just who is this grinning Michael Jackson imitator?" She thought.

To be continued. If you want it.

A/N: Please look away from my mistakes. I am not that knowledgeable in the world of the One Piece I am trying to patch this error, but it's hard. So, please if you can help by giving me all the lore you guys can while I 'Study' them. That would greatly help me out. :)

Please review it! :)

Thank you, everyone!