Izaya Orihara, he is deadly. He will exploit any weakness someone has for his own amusement. He will turn loved ones against each other and laugh at their expense. Only here, he couldn't. He could hardly even move, his vision had become blurred but he could still tell he was in a car. Leaving the hot bed of his beloved humans, he still feels his shirt soaked in his warm, sticky blood. He barely sees the white tape that holds his broken noodle limbs. He slowly moves his head up, looking in the direction of the driver.

"Better not remove it. The bleeding will only get worse." The driver best to known as Kine says being concerned for the slowly dying man.

As he listens to him he feel his consciousness slipping from his grasp yet again. He can barely concentrate on what Kine is say. He heard someone was in the back, but it caused so much pain to turn his head. He sees through the mirror the glasses, pixie cut red head, young adult female. That girl was one of his amusing humans that he has messed with in the past, Manami. She has the strongest desire to kill him. He still finds it amusing, how she only saved him to watch him die. Hearing the plan to drop him off at the nearest ER or head to a underground doctor. He head only one request, for he believes these is where his end will be met.

"But first, would you mind taking me as far from this city as you possibly can?" Izaya saying his request quietly with his throat drying up. "If I'm going to die anyway, having a monster at my deathbed..." he lays his head as he starts to allow his mind to fall into the darkness feeling his body slowly numbing. "I can't have that, right?"

That was his final words before he fell unconscious. Letting the warm darkness envelope his mind, he breaths so lightly. It's like has died right there and then. Having feeling nothing, absolutely nothing. But as he unconscious mind falls deeper within the darkness, losing things that seemed important.

In a hospital in the district Taito, Tokyo Japan. Doctors study the unconscious, vulnerable broken man in the bed. He has lost quite a bit of blood, under going quiet a bit of stitches. Some from the wound stab wound, the other they believe is he was hit by a car. The doctors were quiet astonished, by the man who is not the most physically strong is still alive. The man was in his 20's, he has been unconscious at these hospital for a few months. They slowly believe he wouldn't awake, the nurse enters about to change the patient's IV bag when she heard a moan coming from him. She moves to him worriedly, seeing these is the first first in almost for months these patient has made a sound.

"Sir, are you alright?" The young nurse asking him quietly not wanting to startle the waking patient.

"W... water..." the injured man mutters dryly as he wakes up more and his brownish red eyes were squinting. From the afternoon sunlight coming from the opened windows.

The nurse sat him up on the bed and gave him water to drink. He studies the room as his eye adjust to his unfamiliar surroundings, like a new born opening its eyes for the first time. Once the nurse set him comfortable, she left to get his doctor. As he was alone, he scans the unfamiliar room around him. The room had more of a hotel feel then a hospital feel. A white fake leather couch and matching sitting chairs with dark wood armrest and legs, two different closets but no other bed besides his own. Then looking to his left, he sees a counter top that went to his bed side to 3 feet from the door on the other wall. It had a sink, and a few drawers most likely filled with medical supplies, the same with the cabinets; that were a few centimeters down from the ceiling. Feeling himself relaxing, he just scans the room as he slowly grew bored till he heard the clicking of the door opening. The young nurse from before and a older doctor who seems to be in 40s or early 50's enters.

"Ah Mr. Orihara. Glad to see you finally have awoken." The doctor greeting him with a kind friendly smile as he holds a clipboard of the medical information on the patient in front of him. Only, the patient who was greeted as Orihara startled blankly at the doctor. In that mans mind only one thing is certain, he wasn't sure that was his name. Nor could he remember that ever possibly being that same for it sounded too strange.

The nurse and the doctor noticed the confused look their patient had given them. The doctor, growing a little concerned for their now fully conscious patient. He wondered something. "Do you know who you are?" The doctor asking the patient right in front of them.

The patient sat quietly looking at his white castes arms that lay in front of him. His mind was drawing a certain blank, he couldn't draw any familiar warm light that plagued his mind. He looked up at his doctor, feeling his heart racing knowing it's not a good thing to answer with these.

"I'm sorry but no... I don't remember anything, but from what happened after waking up." That patient who's full name was unsure to him, the patient where their name solely lies on the paper. That paper claimed that their broken patient before them, is Izaya Orihara.