Hey, everyone, I am so so so SO sorry guys. I've been so busy these past few years to continue the story. I just finished college so yeah I'm on break and my head is really clear to work now so. Again I am terribly sorry for taking so long with this chapter. and along with it being shorter than normally.

"Shizuo... hey... I'm sure you have plenty of questions..." the doctor talking to the easy temper triggered blond, however, Shinra had not to notice of Shizuo's express. "Look I know you're probably upset that I and Celty lied to you... but you need to understand that-" the doctor was cut off by a surprisingly quite Shizuo voice.

"I did that to him..." Shizuo seeing Izaya in a wheelchair in shock, he knew by the end of their last fight Shizuo 100% knew Izaya was in pretty bad shape. But he never expected to see his worst enemy in this condition. Sure I hate the flea... but after seeing him close to death in our last fight. It made me pity him a bit, also seeing it wasn't at all worth killing him anymore... but even though Verona helped... I still put him in that wheelchair... I didn't want this even though he deserves it... I... CRAP!

Shizuo feeling a rush of guilt and anger towards himself. Not paying a sliver of attention to the unlicensed doctor's words as he felt his feet move closer to the flea. Saki staying calm interested in seeing what Shizuo plans to do now that he sees Izaya like this. She figured he wouldn't bother hurting Izaya since the final battle between ended with Shizuo winning with having to physically kill Izaya. She stood their patiently as the blond was just a few inches from her and Izaya 2.0.

Izaya looks at the blond, it was clear the blond knows him for something... but he couldn't place it on his mine... but he can sense a really close connection with him. Hmm... I feel like I should know him... like we have a huge history together. Was he my best friend from growing up? No... family member? Na... if he was he would have been with my sisters. wait... could he have been my-

Izaya being pulled out from his thoughts were when he hears. "I didn't mean for you to end up like this..." Shizuo says slightly frustrated but quietly. Like it felt very conflicting to him to say that. Izaya looks to the blond, he could barely see his eyes through the sunglasses but he can tell one thing, they were filled with self-loathing. Izaya struggling to put the pieces together of what the blond bartender meant.

"Go ahead say what you want! You have every right to hate me or do something absolutely horrible to me. I'm giving you a right to get even here! So go ahead call me what you think I am to you." Shizuo calling himself out on what happen to Izaya seeing the person he hates now has every right to hate him and curse at him or whatever else Izaya could possibly do to him. He just walked in front of him facing him face to face wait for the flea's response. Until he hears this.

"Wait... you put me in this wheelchair and... took my identity?..." Izaya stair at the tall blond in front of him, he tenses up a bit and glare just moves his glare to his legs. He still can't remember anything but this man and him have a history together, and whatever it was... it ended with him losing everything to the blond. "Saki lets go... now..." Izaya no longer wants to be so near the man who claims to put him in his current situation. Saki nods as the stunned Shizuo watches Izaya wheeling away realizing that he permanently crushed the flea that night. Shinra rushes over to Shizuo's side.

"Yeah... I'm sorry I and Celty didn't tell you in the email... we weren't sure how to tell you the truth or if you'd believe it. but once you see it for your own eyes, it's still hard to believe..." Shinra says and the two watch saki and Izaya vanish into the city.

"So what are you saying... Why is he acting like he doesn't know me." Shizuo getting frustrated but he overall confused. Why would Izaya pretend to not know him? Is this his way of punishing him?! He wanted answers he follows his oldest and his most annoying friend to his appoint. Which is in the opposite direction of where the flea went, he even keeps glancing over his shoulder just to check.

"So you're saying... that he isn't really faking... he doesn't remember me... our fights... this city... nothing." Shizuo is just shocked he never wanted to do that, it felt worse than death to him.

"Well, not entirely nothing I mean he remembers how to speak, eat, even breath! I mean there's that..." Shinra trying to keep a positive outlook on these odd situations but even he wasn't selling it. He takes a heavy sigh "...but I doubt he'll remember anything any time for sure I mean... he rejected his favorite sushi." That surprised Shizuo he knew from Simon that Izaya loves the bitter-tasting sushi. Izaya would never fake that... So I took his memories...

The feared and tall blond stood still in shock he couldn't believe he did that to the flea. He killed Izaya without ever stopping his heart. "It's all my fault..." Shizuo blames himself. He couldn't blame Varona, she was only trying to protect him. Though still he couldn't help but blame himself.

When the doctor turns to look at Shizuo he was gone. Shinra was concerned seeing the blond gone but he was already running late for work. So he can only hope Shizuo doesn't do something stupid.

Saki was checking the time seeing Masaomi and his friends should actually be going on break soon. She starts pushing Izaya to the school.

"You know, you can tell me how you feel about what you just learn..." Saki wanted to gain this version of Izaya's trust.

"I... um... I'm sure how I should feel... I guess I'm just frustrated... not with that man Shizuo but... with myself... I just can't remember anything..." Izaya he did feel a bit better talking about his feels. However, he still feels like he's just sitting around in someone else's body as it belongs to him. He felt Saki comfortingly squeeze his shoulder and give him a small smile in encouragement.

Izaya then notices that they arrived in front of a high school. Raira Academy? I went to this school when I was a teenager. Alright... and nothing I still have no memory, great. Izaya thought to him as he and Saki waited by the entrance to meet some teens. As the sat by a bench outside Saki shows him pictures of the kids she's friends with and he apparently knows as well.

"So... wait are they my cousins or something? Wait did I tutor them?" Izaya asking Saki reasonable questions on how he knew these kids. And Saki wasn't exactly sure how to explain their connection yet. But she was sure she'll come up with something.

"Oh um... you were kinda like a mentor/pain in the ass big brother to them." Saki jokingly explains a fabricated lie about their history. Then Saki looks and sees Masaomi, Anri, and Mikado come out of the school doors they were planning to get Russia sushi for lunch, but they're cheerful and happy demeanors all quickly vanished when they spotted the man that almost ruined their lives.

Izaya rolls his chair to them and politely smiles. "Hi... um... it's clear you recognize me but I'm introducing myself anyway... I'm Izaya and it's nice to be reacquainted-" Izaya was cut off by Masaomi getting really close up to his face like he was studying his eyes. Like he was searching for something.

It goes on for longer than anyone wanted it too. It was starting to really make him uncomfortable and even Masaomi was shocked by the visible discomfort in Izaya's appearance. Izaya too much pride in others' dismay and putting them in uncomfortable situations. From Masaomi's vast knowledge of Izaya, he knew Izaya would rather be on fire then show anyone he was uncomfortable. He also says that looking in his eyes. Izaya was like a blank sheet of paper, an empty shell.

"So ya believe me now." Saki confidently smiles at the trio. Anri was shocked she could feel Saika yelling at her. Trying to tell her to cut Izaya, so she could keep him in this state of mind.

"Is it really you? Izaya-Kun?" Mikado cautiously because he was having mixed feelings asking Izaya this. Izaya was confused by this question and he was at least certain that his name is Izaya. And he nods.

"Yes?... I believe so?..."

There was a long silence between the teens and Izaya neither group knew what exactly to do until Saki broke through the silence. "So... Lunch?" Saki asking every as they looked to her to free them from the most awkward momen of either side's life. From the rooftop, both of his sisters were watching the situation unfold down below them. Assuming that this is helping him regain his memories, they don't bother going down to see him. Leaving him at the mercy of his manipulators.

Shizuo had come to the park close to Russia Sushi, so much has gone through his mind at this point. Guilt, frustration, confusion, relief, rage... I just can't believe this is happening... I did that to the fl- I mean Izaya. Shizuo thinks to himself, he felt like a dog that was happy till it got hit by a car. He notices him on his last cigarette, but even his terrible habit wasn't enough to get his mind off what he learned.

He can only imagine what Izaya thinks of him now. At least one thing won't change, their relationship is still screwed up in more way than one. But he wanted to make up for what he did. To anyone, the idea of Shizuo making things right between him and Izaya sounded pointless and hopeless. Though now, Shizuo was more determined than anything to fix the problem he made.

"I'm gonna find the flea, and fix him till he remembers the truth! That's right I'm gonna help the fricking flea, Izaya Orihara, get back to his normal self!" Shizuo Yells out loud causing people to either stare in concern or wonder if they heard him correctly. Shizuo Heiwajima helping his despised enemy Izaya Orihara best joke ever.

Although everyone would be against the idea of returning Izaya to his old self, it was the only thing that made sense to do right from Shizuo's perspective. Shizuo stomps on his cigarette bud and storms off smelling life smoke and determination. People move out of his way, fearing his about to go on a rampage and break something in half when really he was off doing his least favorite pastime. Flea hunting. As he leaves the area he has no clue that behind him that Izaya and the Raira Academy students enter Russia Sushi in hopes to implant fake memories to their benefit.

Shizuo pulls out his flip-phone to call Shinra to ask if he could see Izaya as soon as possible. He knew he should also contact Tom to explain why he might not be at work for a couple of days. At least he hopes it'll only take a couple of days. But he pauses he sees a bunch of text messages from Celty to meet him by the bridge, she wanted to talk to him about Izaya. Shizuo was surprised by this but knew he had to meet with Celty before he could help Izaya, Celty is his best friend after all. Shizuo runs down there, his mind was still always going back to Izaya, he wished he could get Izaya out of his head but he couldn't. He hopes if he could get Izaya back to normal then there would be some normalcy back in his life. His mind would stop telling him he should be blamed for Izaya's permanent condition.

By the time he got the bridge, he was out of breath and trying to catch it. I really should quit smoking, how come I'm always faster when I want to kill someone. Shizuo thought to himself. He sees Celty looking to his concern and Celty types on her phone.

'You ok, need Shinra?' Celty shows him the message and he just shakes his head no and he starts to settle down. His breath start to return to normal and he looks to Celty. he tilts his head to her as she looks to the midday sky. She starts to type something new onto her phone and shows it to Shizuo. 'Are you mad at us because we didn't tell you about him?' Celty poses the first question she felt was necessary to ask the angriest blond in all the city. Shizuo gives a heavy sigh and looks out across the water underneath the bridge and slowly shakes his head no.

"I... I actually understand why you didn't tell me... Knowing our history, I... I would have done the same thing..." Shizuo being understanding for once which kinda surprised Celty. she then starts to type another question.

'If he gets his memories back... Would you still want to kill him?' Celty shows him the message which made his mind and heart stop, he never thought about that him wanting to kill Izaya again. He just wanted to fix things, but if he did things would be terrible again wouldnt they? Shizuo stayed quiet for a moment unsure what to exactly do with the question that was placed in front of him. What if he did manage to get Izaya to remember the truth, get him to be himself again, then he would have to deal the with the flea trying to ruin his life once more. But if he sits back and does nothing to fix a problem he caused then... Everyone, everything single person that hated the old Izaya wins except Izaya. It just felt wrong to let him lose like this. At most Izaya should regain his memories and be put far away from human life. Shizuo thinks to himself for that.

Though Shizuo looks to Celty with the most serious look he ever gave her. "Izaya has done so many bad things to not just me but to dozens of people... but if I had the chance to kill him when he gets his memories back... The answer is... No."