And there you are.

I don't own any of the characters or anything else in the Ed, Edd n Eddy universe.
English is not my first language and i'm just trying to clear my head with all these stories. Just enjoy at will, and if you don't, sorry not sorry. It is a Kevedd story with a Fem/edd twist. Not because i like this better than the original parring, cause I love Kevedd Yaoi!


The voice of the neighbourhood bully, Kevin rung through the air. The three Eds ran as fast as they could towards Eddy's home. Behind them was a mob of angry neighbours out for revenge. Half drying paint clung to the furious preteens as the tore down the cul-de-sac eager to get a hold of the three Scammers. In the lead was Kevin, his bike handle in one hand, for that was all that was left of his beloved bike after the newest disastrous scam of the three Eds.

Eddy was the fist to reach his house and he went straight for the door connected to his bedroom. Ripping the door open hurrying inside, he was quickly joined by his two best friends, Ed and Double D. Eddy slammed the door shut and locked it. Heaving a sigh of relief Eddy rested against the door as he looked at his two companions. Ed was running in circles around his room while screaming "Run away, Run away" over and over again, whilst Double D was leaning against the was, breathing hard. The beanie-clad looked at him and cried out; "Oh curses! Why did I go along with this terrible plan of yours? I should have anticipated this horrendous outcome!"

Eddy put a finger in front of his mouth and shhhshed his friends, and leaned his ear against the door to listen for the group of raging kids. Not a moment later Eddy jumped away from the door as heaving beating of hands and feet, had the door shaking and threatening to give from the pressure it had to endure. Edd gave a shriek and curled up in a ball, and big Ed grabbed Eddy and shoved himself and his pal into the closet.

"Please, for god sake, give them back their money Eddy!" Double D begged and crawled towards the other Eds, but stilled as the bottom hinge of the door flew off. With a powerful kick from Rolf, the door gave way and in stormed their six neighbours, and with that, a mighty beating of the three Eds began.

Later that day the three friends sat around Eddy's room licking their wounds, so to speak. Eddy looked forlorn at the empty glass jar in the corner of his room. Edd was busy cleaning and bandaging big Eds head, which Eddy had used as a ram to force his way out of the room. Sadly, it hadn't work quite the way he had hoped, for as soon as they made it out, Ed became aware that the smartest of the three was still in the room, and the big lump grabbed the shortest Ed and ran back inside.

"I can't believe it didn't work! We nearly had those suckers! This is all your fault Sockhead!" Eddy snapped at the beanie-clad Ed. Edd shot him a glance and finished applying the bandage, before replying.

"I strongly disagree, Eddy. My calculations were on point, but you showed a staggering lack of patience and self-control. I believe, that if you had not pulled the lever, the plan would have been a success" Why, if you would only-"

"Yeah yeah, put a sock in it.." Eddy interrupted.
Outside a car pulled into the driveway, and Edd stood up to leave for the day.
"Well gentlemen, it has been quite a interesting day, but I hear your parents are home, so I depart for the day. I still have a lot of chores that needs to be done at home. Good day to both of you, Friends." The smart Ed left Eddys room with a quick glance back at Eddy fighting off Ed from eating his vinyl plates, chanting "Burnt pizzas, yummy". Quietly Double D went down the street, homebound.

Reaching home Edd closed the door and rested against it, heaving a tired sigh. Looking down at her chest, she gasped as she noticed her binder had come slightly undone. She rushed up the stairs, remembering to hold on to the railing as she had been taught, and entered her bathroom. She pulled her orange oversized t-shirt and neatly folded it, before placing it down on the lid of the laundry basket. She quickly inspected her nude-coloured chest binder, only to find that the top half of it had ripped open. It had gotten a little tight over that last couple of weeks. 'Cursed puberty' she thought. She pulled it off and watched in the mirror as her pale bosom bounced slightly, finally free from their enclosure. They weren't big, a modest b-cup, but they continued to grow, and she had a hard time concealing them from her neighbours, especially from her two best friends. She hadn't meant to lie about her sex, it just sort of happened. She thought they knew she was a girl, and so she never mentioned the fact. It wasn't until she was invited to a slumber party at Eddy's, when Eddy had looked at big Ed and her and said: "This is great! Just us three Eds, Together! No girls are allowed!" she realized the error she had made. By that time, she felt it was too late to correct her short friend. She wasn't sure if they would want to remain friends with her if they knew the truth.

She glanced up from her chest to her face, and only then did she notice the slight discolouring on her face. She hadn't been spared from the beating, and it showed. Her left eyebrow was starting to turn purple from where she had been pushed into a wall. Her arms had bruises on multiple places from shoves and hits. Still, she mused, she had been far better off than her two friends. Most likely because of her fragile appearance. Her bullies always went easier on her, because she looked like she would snap at the lightest touch.

She froze as the front door opened and shut gently. She held her breath, and waited. It couldn't be, could it? They weren't scheduled to come home until next week. "Eddlyn. We're home." Her Mothers soothing voice called up the stairs for their daughter. Edd smiled and quickly replied, "Yes mother. I will be down in a short moment" and she hurried to put her shirt back on and hide away her binder, before exiting the bathroom to join her parents downstairs.

Both her parents were in the kitchen, her mother at the stove heating water for tea, and her father at the table looking over a stack of papers. Her father looked up as she entered and she went to him to give him a hug. Her father was a slender and tall man with black hair. Steel-framed glasses covered his dark eyes. David stood up as his little girl drew near and gathered her in his arms for a brief hug and a pat on her beanie-clad head. She released him and went to her mother next. Caitlyn was a slim and delicate woman, with sky blue eyes and dark hair and a thick British accent. Of the both of them, Eddlyn had gotten most of her genes from her mother. Appetence-wise, that was. Her mind and her smarts she had from her father. They both loved reading and studying. Knowledge was something they were passionate about. He was a neurochemist. Her mother was an attorney. She worked long hours for a firm in another city. Both her parents were very busy and hardly ever home. The always apologized or not spending enough time with their little girl, but they also loved work, so Double D could forgive them for always leaving. Her mother gave her a big hug and a kiss at the top of her head. But as they pulled apart, Caitlyn laid her hands on both her daughters' cheeks and looked at her face. Eddlyn stilled for a moment, confused. Then it dawned on her, why her mother was looking at her face so intently. The bruising. Her mother traced her eyebrow and Edd winced and the sting. "Oh Dear! What have you been up to while we were away? Darling. Come look at our daughters face. She's positively blue and yellow." Her mother gasped, looked at her husband for answers, he most likely wouldn't have. David joined them at the counter and turned Eddlyn towards him. Frowning her looked her in the eyes. "What happened sweetie? Was it those neighbourhood bullies? The ones that live in the teailerpark?" Edd shook her head. Her parents always worried for her. She hated making them worry, but the attention she got felt so good. Especially after having been home alone for little over a week. She soaked up all the caresses and gentle stroked her parents gave her, as they fussed over their only daughter. "Was it those boys you spent so much time with? I know you like socializing with them, but we worry that they might be too rough on you. They should respect that you are a young lady, and therefor won't partake in roughhousing." Her mother stroked her cheek softly. "No need to worry, dear mother and father. It was an unfortunate accident. But rest assured. I will of cause be more careful in the future." Eddlyn smiled at her loving parents.

Behind them the water had started to boil and the kettle whistle, making her mother startle. They all helped each other make the table with small teacups and honey for Eddlyn. As they settled down with their tea and chatted, Edd couldn't help but wish that her parents were more at home. She shipped her tea with honey and listened to her parents talk about their plans for the upcoming week. "Ah, Eddlyn. I have a surprise for you. A colleague of mine has a son who entered this programme for talented youngsters. Your mother and I have talked it over and we both agree that it sounds perfect for you. You would have to live at the dorm the school is providing, as the school is quite far away, but you would be among other young people who love learning. And also, I will give seminar at the school you would be attending once or twice a month. It would only be for a year or two. It you also look very good on your resume." Her father handed her a folder with a bright green cover and pictures of smiling young people. She was slightly sceptical about leaving her friends for a whole year, but also very intrigued by the prospect of attending a school filled with youngsters who all came to learn. The school she was attending right now, peach creek Jr. high, was filled with children well on their way to become teenagers, therefor school didn't hold a high priority as sports, fashion and boy/girlfriends. And Edd knew it only got worse from here. Soon all her classmates would hit puberty and hormones would rise high, and likely enable her fellow students to concentrate and gather knowledge at their full potential. Eddlyn mother leaned over to run a hand over her beanie-clad head, "You don't have to decide just yet. Why don't you take a few days to think about this? We will stay home until Sunday midday. That should give you some time to think this through. And remember, you will still be able to attend High school with your friends here from Peach Creek."

Edd nodded and placed the folder down on the table, off to the side so she could continue drinking her sweetened tea. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think about the opportunity that was presented to her. At the new school, she could be Eddlyn. She could be a girl. Not have to hide her feminine shapes and she could even try finding her own style. Maybe she could even try experimenting with makeup. And maybe, just maybe, guys would notice her. She couldn't help but smile into her tea. 'yeah, that would be great.' She thought.