Hey, guys so here is chapter 8 I did a quick edited so if there is something I missed I'm sorry I will later go back and do a full edited on this chapter..This chapter is not a fun lovely one at the start it seems that way but at the end, it will have dark stuff so if you have hard time reading about rape don't read the end

Riding with Tig, Dad and Kozik was weird. I mean really weird; Dad was like the mom who would put you in time out for being too loud, and Tig and Kozik were the kids who got in the most trouble. They would keep fighting with each other - it was funny.

I sat in my little corner of the van and just watched. Every now and then Dad would shake his head at some of the things they would say. I leant my head against the window and started my iPod back up, only to find it was dead as we stopped at a red light. While the car was parked, I climbed into the front seat. Both Tig and Dad looked at me like I was crazy. I just smirked at them and turned on the radio. I didn't like what was playing so I changed it 'til I found something I liked, which also lead to me sing it at the top of my lungs. Happy by Pharrell. Half way through the song, it was shut off. I looked over to see Dad laughing - I mean the deep down belly laugh.

"What the hell was that, Sky?" Kozik asked me from the backseat. I looked behind me to see him smirking as well.

What? How could they not know what that song was? God, had they been living under a rock?

"The name of the song is called Happy by Pharrell, why?" I asked. I couldn't figure out what was so funny and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. My Dad's name was Happy.

"You do realize that your Dad's name is Happy, right?" he asked me and I saw he was trying hard not to laugh at that. I guessed I never really thought about that.

"Yeah...yeah, I get that now. It just hit me. Haha, that is funny though." I looked over to see Tig still laughing. It really was not that funny.

"What's so funny, Tig?" I asked. He looked at me for a long minute and then back to the road. He stopped laughing, even though I knew he wanted to, but he keep his eyes on the road.

"Oh, nothing, dollface. Hey, Hap, we gotta stop for gas soon. It's getting really late. How about we stop for the night?" Tig said. I felt Dad look over to Tig; I looked at the clock on the dash board. It read 2 am. It didn't feel so late though; where had the time gone?

"Sounds good. I've been in this cage for far too long - I think I'm going to ride my bike tomorrow. I can't take this damn thing anymore." I looked over at Dad at that; maybe he would let me ride with him? After the first few times I'd been on the back of a bike, I fell in love with it: the wind blowing through my hair, the feel of the sun beating down on my body... it was an amazing feeling.

"Hey, Dad, if you're going to be riding, can I ride with you too? Please?" I asked, giving him the best puppy dog look I could manage. Mom would always give in when I did, I thought. So let's see if it works on him too.

"We'll see about it tomorrow, alright." he said. I looked over at Dad and nodded as we pulled into a hotel; it didn't look too ba,d but not the best either. We pulled into the front of the place and Tig got out and got us a room. He only came out with one key.

"Dad - Tig only has one key. How are we all going to fit in one bed? I love you guys, but I don't want to sleep in the same bed as any of you."

Well, you and Tig. Kozik I wouldn't mind so much. Wait, what? I couldn't be thinking things like that. I didn't even know him. God, I had to reign it in, well, whatever it is. God, I need my mother.

Tig got back in the van and drove around to the room. It was on the ground, thank God. I could not make it up those steps.

This was going to be so much fun - me, Tig, Dad and Kozik in the same room sleeping... Yeah, not something I wanted to be doing.

"There are two big beds, so there well be room for two people to sleep." Tig said. I bowed my head. Let my hell start.

The van stopped and Tig unlocked the door. He walked in, then I did as well. The room was not big but wasn't small either. It was a nice size - the bed comforter was ugly though; a lime green with a candy looking print, while the walls were a tan color. I walked over and sat on the bed and then laid down. When I thought of it, I was really tired. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt...

"Don't even think about it, Sky. Go grab your bag and take a shower, then you can go to sleep. Well, after we figure how we are going to sleep." Dad said, walking into the room with his bag in hand. I got up and walked outside, before running into Kozik.

He put his hand on my waist to keep me from falling. Where his hand was felt like it was on fire. I looked up into his eyes and he started to lean down. But right before our lips met, Dad shouted for me to hurry up.

We jumped apart like something burnt us. I grabbed my bag and walked right into the bathroom, closed the door and locked it. I put my bag and leaned against the door, taking a deep breath.

I almost kissed Kozik. So I had feelings for him, but maybe it was just lust. I meant, he was really hot. But nothing like that could happen ever again - Dad and Tig would never let it happen anyway.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and looked in my playlist; I always shower with music playing. Mom used to do the same. It just stuck with me, I guessed. I picked Fantasy by Ludacris and then climbed into the shower. I started to sing along to the song...

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Give it to me now, give it to me now,

Give it to me now, give it to me now,"

I started to wash my hair, still singing the song.

"I wanna, li-li-li-lick you from yo' head to yo' toes

And I wanna, move from the bed down to the down to the to the flo'

Then I wanna, ahh ahh - you make it so good I don't wanna leave

But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy

That's the way you like to fuck, clogged up fog alert

Rip the pants and rip the shirt, ruff sex make it hurt

In the garden all in the dirt

Roll around Georgia Brown that's the way I like it twerk

Legs jerk, overworked, underpaid but don't be afraid

In the sun or up in the shade

On the top of my escalade

Maybe your girl and my friend can trade; tag team, off the ropes!

On the ocean or in the boat! Factories or on hundred spokes!

What about up in the candy sto' that chocolate chocolate make it melt

Whips and chains, handcuffs, smack a little booty up with my belt

Scream help play my game; dracula man I'll get my fangs

Horseback and I'll get my reigns, school teacher let me get my gradesance while in the bathroom in noting but a towel-"

I was singing it as loud as I could when there was a knock at the door. Dad's voice cut through the song.

"Hurry the hell up, other people need to go!" My face turned bright red as I realized that they could hear me singing and the song I was singing. I got dressed real fast and then walked out the bathroom. Both Tig and Kozik had a big smirk on their faces, while Dad looked like he was ready to kill me.

"Hey, guys who're ready for bed...how are we going to do this?" I asked, not thinking about what just happened while I was in the bathroom, singing my heart out. They both looked at me and then smirked harder.

"Well, you could lick me from my head to my feet...but I don't think your Dad or Tig would like that too much," There was a loud smacking sound, and then Kozik was holding the back of his head. Next thing I knew, they started to get into a fist fight.

Dad came out the bathroom to see me holed up in the corner with tears in my eyes. This used to happen when Max would get pissed, drunk or high. Mom and he would get into it; a few times I got in the wrong place at the wrong time and then I would end up hurt. Dad walked over to the guys and pulled them apart.

"Knock this shit off, you're scaring my kid...baby girl, come here." Dad said to me.

I ran into his arms and then cried...I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Everyone was looking at me. I wiped my eyes and looked at Dad and then cuddled into his chest.

"I'm sorry, baby doll, I didn't mean to upset you or scare you...you didn't have this problem when I and Hap went at it in the ring." Tig said while handing me some paper for me to wipe and blow my nose. I looked at everyone, I knew I was going to have to tell them, I just didn't know how they would handle it.

"I think it bothered me the most because we're so close to my home and...Max used to beat mom and me up really really bad. He did some other things as well," I whispered. I could feel Dad tense up. I looked up at him and he looked ready to kill someone. He pulled me closer to him, holding me tight. Tight enough that it hurt a little.

"What do you mean, other stuff? Baby girl, did he ever touch you?" Tig asked me. I looked at him and nodded my head. I saw the anger flash in his eyes. I started to cry again - now that this was all out in the open, I felt naked and it was like everyone was judging me.

"That fucker is dead. I'm going to gut him like the pig he is." Tig said while standing up and starting to pace. Dad hadn't said anything and that worried me. I hoped he didn't shut me out. I didn't think I could deal with that.

"Sky, is there anything he did to you? Or anything else we need to know?" Dad asked, his voice more raspy than normal. I could tell he was holding in his anger. He was shaking...or was that me? I wasn't too sure. I didn't want to tell anyone anything, but I knew I had to. If not, it would end badly.

"I didn't mean to, but I killed one of Max's guys. He was trying to rape me, but I grabbed his gun and blew his brains out. Max ended up finishing what this guy started. I tried to kill him, too, but that only ended with me getting the shit beaten out of." I said, as more tears feel from my eyes. I never told anyone this, not even my two best friends. I just keep it inside of me. Not even mom knew. It would break her heart, so I just keep it to myself.

"Sky, I promise you, if it's the last thing I do, I will kill Max and you won't have to worry about him coming after you ever again." Dad said while holding me. I felt someone sit beside me and looked to see Tig sitting there with tears in his eyes. I hugged him. As Dad let me go, I clung to Tig and buried my face into his neck. I knew I was safe here with them, but it still scared me the lengths that Max would go to kill me.

"Tig, you take care of her. I'll be back. I need to get out and clear my head. I'll be back in a little bit...do you want anything while I'm gone, Sky?" Dad asked me. I thought about it and then picked up my head out of Tig's neck, looking at Dad.

"A white chocolate bar would be nice if it's not too much trouble," I said, putting my head back into Tig's neck. He held me close to him. I felt safe like nothing could touch me. I liked this feeling.