Hi! Short little chapter for you all. Please rate and review :)


I don't know how I got there, or how fast I drove, but I pulled up to the address that Emmett had texted me and ran inside, trying to make by way through the people while looking for Bella.

The first person I saw was Emmett, with a huge grin on his face. And he pointed over to the couch where Bella was sprawled out with her eyes closed.

I called her name, and when her eyes met mine, I was gone. I knew I couldn't lose her again; I couldn't leave her. Whatever she needed me to be, I would be.

"Need some help gorgeous?" I asked, offering her my hand which she took readily.

She led me through the crowd, and I was happy to follow her. Finally she led me out to the back patio where people were smoking, but it was much more quiet than inside. }

"You know I waited for you, I waited fucking ages for you to turn up and you never did" She said, her words slightly slurring.

"I slept in, and I know that's a stupid excuse, but I did. And I'm so sorry." I replied, hoping she'd see my sincerity.

"Well, you're here, now aren't you?" She smiled and I nodded moving stepping closer to her closing the distance between us. Her hands moved up to my chest and I pulled her in leaning in slightly, waiting for her approval and before I could blink she had pressed her lips to mine, her tongue exploring my mouth as I held her against the wall of the patio.

I felt her hips grind against mine and everything just felt so right.

As she pulled away, she smiled.

"Let's go back in? You need to catch up on the drinks!"

"I have to drive home Bella, but you have fun. I'm just glad I got to see you again."

"You can always stay here, there probably won't be a bed but I'm sure we can crash on a couch?" She offered.

"I just got into town today, I have to unpack tomorrow morning. But how about we go out properly tomorrow? Like a date." I asked hopefully.

"Sure thing cow-boy. But the offer still stands." She replied dragging me back inside.

I met up with my friends and caught them up on what happened, and everyone was happy that I found her. Or they were happy I'd stop talking about her. Bella went to talk to her friends when someone walked in up behind her and grabbed her by the waist and spun her around while she laughed. At least she knew him.

"Jealous?" snickered Emmett.

"Like you can talk Em" Rosalie rolled her eyes.

I continued to watch Bella and the guy, laughing and pushing each other around while her other friend laughed at their antics.

She waved me over and introduced me to the guy called Jacob, and her friend Tanya who'd I met briefly.

"This is Jasper!" she exclaimed.

"The Jasper?" Jacob asked.

"Yes that Jasper" she giggled.

I beamed at the thought of her thinking about me enough to tell people about our encounter. Bella to my side and my arm went around her waist, while her friend Jacob laughed at how cute it was.

We danced, we laughed, and Bella and I made out. A lot. And slowly, one by one people started leaving, or passing out on couches. We started clearing up the kitchen and living room, throwing empties into trash bags whilst Mike, Tanya's boyfriend started packing up his speakers. I knew it was time to leave, but I didn't want to leave her.

"Can we hitch a ride with you Jas?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah, give me a minute though." I replied, as they started saying their goodbyes.

"I'm gonna head out Bels. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, while she put her number in my phone and I did the same.

"You could always stay." She said, with a small blush creeping up on her cheeks.

"I'm the designated driver." I replied, as much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew I had to take everyone home, I couldn't let any of them drive and an uber would be expensive.

"Tomorrow then" she smiled, and I gave her one last kiss that was slow and sweet, much different to any of the other kisses we exchanged.