The Return Of The Prodigal Knight And The Phantom Menace

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars in any way, shape, or form it belongs to Disney and Lucasfilms.

Hotshot6: No, Obi-Wan is not going to be bashed in this story or the sequels that I will eventually write. Despite what I may seem like judging from this story Obi-Wan is one of my favourite characters in the entire franchise; but that being said I'm using the novelization of the Phantom Menace that paints him in a less then favourable light, though the first movie didn't do much better.

From the moment he laid eyes on Anakin he took a disliking to him when he saw how much his master cared about a boy he had just met even going as far as to free him from slavery and bring him to the Jedi Council for testing; It also didn't help that Qui-Gon was set on having Anakin trained to become a Jedi even going as far as to proclaim that his Padawan was ready for the trails just so he could train Anakin if they refused to let him join the Order.

Luccajorge21: Afraid so.

Caffeineandshiny: Originally, I had planned to have Revan get involved in the fight between Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul but in the end, I decided against it for several reasons. First and foremost, it felt like including Revan would have just seemed tacked on. At the moment and taking into account that not only is he a kid and hasn't been properly trained he would be nothing more than a burden to the Qui-Gon in the fight against the Sith Apprentice. plus, he would have to be within striking distance to be able to throw sand in his face.

Lonewolf312: By any chance is your username inspired by Noble Six from Halo: Reach? if so, you have earned a thumbs up from me :) And thanks for the review.

CaptainCakeless117: Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words, and I will do my best to stay faithful to the Revan character.

Firestarter1188: It is? Well shucks!

Guest: To be honest I hadn't even thought of the arcs of the Clone Wars series that I would include Revan in so the Mortis arc is far from my mind at the moment; the only thing that I'm considering/mulling over is whether I should have Galen Marek born before the Clone Wars in this AU and later become Revan Padawan.

Dagon Fell: Huh! that seems fitting taking into consideration that his infamous mask once belonged to a female Mandalorian he swore he would avenge after witnessing her death through a vision.

Lord Revan Reborn: I have not made up my mind yet about Qui-Gon's demise; plus, if he lives then Obi-Wan would not have become Anakin Master. In canon he only could do so because his mind was set on honouring his masters dying request.

Kurgan45790: 1/2 years? It was only a couple of months since I posted chapter six...unless you are referring to the previous story?

Wolpe: You're welcome!

Chapter 8: Harrowing Dreams.

His black robes brushed against the floor as he headed deeper into the automated shipyard, known as the Star Forge. The space station that was powered by feeding of a nearby star and using the Darkside of the Force to create thousands of weapons, armour, droids and starships in a matter of hours.

Which during his time as Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith he used to great extent to build an empire that could rival the Galactic Republic and eventually overthrow it and prepare them for an enemy unlike anything they had ever face….or at least from the fragments of memory that he had managed to recover that was what he believed.

He and Malek had found something in the Unknown Regions. Whatever that evil had been was a mystery to him, but her was certain that it was responsible for turning from a Jedi Knight, a rebellious one mind you, to Dark Lord of the Sith.

The same evil that had taken control of the Mandalorian's during the Mandalorian war, or so Mandalore the Ultimate had told him with his dying breath; and as he had told Alek when he asked if he was lying, why would a dying man last words be a lie?

Hailed as the greatest heroes of the Republic, he knew that he should have probably revelled in his newfound fame as any other man in his place…. but he couldn't. Whether that was out of a sense of duty to the Republic or newfound arrogance that because he had defeated Mandalore in single combat only he could deal with this threat, he could not say.

Either way he could not just sit back and do nothing. The Jedi Order, specially the Council had refused to join the war when the Mandalorian's invaded the Galactic Republic territory in the Outer Rim, bringing the war to the rest of the galaxy.

He had been outraged at their refusal to do anything while innocent people were being slaughtered while the peacekeepers did absolutely nothing, stating that it was not their war to fight, especially when they were still rebuilding their ranks from the last war with Exar Kun's Sith Empire.

Reaching the end of the platform he used the Force to open the large round door with a wave of his hand and walked through it. Once inside he looked around to see a massive room with two ramps on both sides that led up to the second floor, and standing in the centre of the room with his back turned to his was his former best friend and Sith Apprentice, Darth Malek.

"You were foolish for coming here, Revan." Malak stated, his voice sounding synthetic and menacing from the prosthetic voice box underneath his metal jaw as he stared out the observation window to see his army engaging the Republic fighters.

"You left me little choice, Alek."

"Alek? Now that is a name that I have not heard in a long time, a long time." Darth Malak murmured, his tone becoming distant as his head lowered.

"You're the one that stopped using it."

"Because I had a bounty on my head!" The bald Sith Lord rumbled as he turned around to face his former Master and old friend. "Which had been issued by the corrupt Jedi Council that feared us, feared the change we would bring to the galaxy."

"And if I remember correctly, we all did, Captain Malak."

"Yes, but I was the only one with enough sense to change my name and appearance to stop them from finding us!" Malak retorted narrowing his eyes, not missing his earlier sarcasm.

"You changed your name from Alek to Malak. Anyone with half a brain could figure out that they you were the same person, the names even sound alike."

"It's better than what you did!" The Dark Lord countered heatedly. "Revan, how original."

"The Republic media named me that. I had nothing to do with it."

"Yes, after the Revanchists, a movement that I helped form!"

"Really, you are still jealous, even now?

"I spent my entire life being stuck in your shadow, always being second fiddle to you. No matter what I did, no matter how many missions I accomplished, how many people I saved or the sacrifices I made it was never good enough; none of us were good enough."

"Not when the Republics golden boy walked among us, the faultless Revanchist! You might of well of been a god with how much they worshiped you."

"So that what this is all about?! You are willing to kill billions of innocent civilians over your petty jealousy?! You're evil!"

"I know." Malak agreed, his cruel synthetic laugh echoing through the room. "And I learned it all from you, my Master."

"I would never be as cruel or barbaric as you."

"Oh really?" The Sith Lord taunted mockingly." Who do you think sliced my jaw off?! Or perchance did you think did this to myself just so I could wear this distinctive metal plate and speak though, though this…. Vocabulator?" He continued struggling to speak through his insurmountable rage.


"Your silence speaks volumes, old friend." Malak rasped glaring hatefully at him, his usual sulphur-yellow eyes turning a deep crimson. "Everything you see, all Jedi and soldiers that die here, their blood will be on your hands…. but you should be used to that by now, Revan."

"And how do you work that out?"

"It was you that made us head to the Unknown Regions, it was you that in your arrogance believed that we could defeat Vitiate because you had defeated Mandalore the Ultimate! A man that was not even Force-sensitive!"


"Consider yourself lucky that you do not remember, Revan." Malak growled, though there was a hint of fear underneath his bravado. "I do not have that luxury, but I guess you always were the lucky one; for I remember everything."

"Vitiate, he's the one that was controlling the Mandalorians?"

"I'm impressed with how much you remember of your previous life." The Dark Lord said offhandedly. "What else do you recall?"

"Everything until we left for the Unknown Regions."

"As I said before, you should consider yourself lucky. You do not remember how quickly we were overwhelmed, us! Hailed as the greatest Jedi of our era and we were defeated like a pair of Younglings on their first day of training." Malak revealed to him and would have gritted his teeth if he could.

"We couldn't even fight him, even after months of trying to infiltrate the capital city of Dromund Kaas, we thought that we could assassinate Vitiate without anyone being any the wiser and return to the Republic as heroes." Malak explained to him. "We couldn't even draw our lightsabers before he dominated our minds, breaking our wills within a matter of seconds and bend us to his will." Malak continued, clenching his fists as he recalled the darkest moment of his life, their lives.

"He tortured us turning us into loyal, obedient servants and turned us to the Dark Side before he scoured our mind for information on the Republic and the Jedi, its strengths, weaknesses and overall military power….it was not long after that he sent us back as vanguards to his own invasion, and to find the Star Forge."

"You said this Vitiate was an Emperor, why would he need the Star Forge if he already had an Empire at his disposal?"

"The Council really did make you dim when they wiped your mind, didn't they?" The Sith laughed shaking his head. "Why do you think? To have a limitless supply of droids, ships, and war materials at his command. The Republic struggled against the might of the Mandalorians and lost a huge percentage of their forces by the end of the war, and from the war before."

"Alas, it was not until I defeated you that I learnt that the Star Forge could be used for more than just a shipyard, in many ways it is a living creature. It hungers. And it can feed on the dark side that is within all of us. You knew this, and it terrified you. But like a coward you refused to harness the full power of the Forge, out of fear that it would be too much for you to handle.

Unlike you however, I have no such qualms about using it to its full potential."

"Look around us, Revan. See the bodies?" Malek asked as he gestured to the men and women that were floating inside the stasis-like pods. "You should recognise them from the academy. These are the Jedi that fell when I attacked Dantooine. For all intents and purposes dead, expect for one difference."

"I have not allowed them to become one with the Force. Instead I have brought them here. The Star Forge corrupts what remains of their power and transfers it to me!"

"That is disgusting! What right do you have to desecrate their bodies?!"

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities that some would consider to be…. unnatural."

"Unnatural?! That is not the word I would use to describe what you're doing."

"Jealousy is an ugly thing, Revan." Malak chastised his former Master. "Or are you bitter that I accomplished more with the Star Forge in a few months than you ever did?"

"I wouldn't call what you've done an accomplishment."

"Is that anger I hear in your tone, old friend?" The Sith taunted him. "But it matters not, you cannot beat me, not here on the Star Forge. Not when I can draw upon the power of all these Jedi! And when I defeat you, I shall do the same to you. You shall be trapped in a terrible existence between life and death, your power feeding me as I conquer the galaxy and eradicate the Republic and use lifeforce of every force-sensitive to fuel my power!"

"Then when traces of the Republic have faded into obscurity and I have rebuilt my Empire, I shall do what you never could…. defeat Vitiate and take my place as the Sith Emperor and ruler of the entire galaxy."

"You've lost your mind." He stated narrowing his eyes at deranged Sith Lord.

"I grow tired of this discussion." Malak announced clasping his lightsaber hilt and pulling it from his belt. "Time for you to die." He hissed as activated his lightsaber, a crimson red blade sprung out and hummed menacingly. "But fear not, Revan, your friends will soon be joining you. The disgraced soldier, the annoying little brat, the walking carpet, the failed Jedi, the senile hermit, and the honour-obsessed fool.

Now as for those little droids of yours, well, I may keep the little one around as a memento; but as for that damn Hunter-Killer" He trailed off as his voice became distant as he trembled with rage." It'll rue the day it ever addressed me as Meat-Bag."

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to do that." He stated as used the force to pull his own lightsaber to his hand before gripping it with both hands and activated it, an azure coloured blade hissing out.

"You won't let me?" The Dark Lord scoffed at his bravado. "Fool, you won't be alive to stop me! You were dead the moment you stepped into this room…. You just didn't know it. NOW DIE, REVAN!" He bellowed before he charged at his former master, deciding to end him once and for all, something that this time he could do himself.

When Malak bellowed his voice pierced his very soul as his voice echoed making the metal panels on the walls and the floor break rip apart and fly across the room in every direction. Steeling his nerve, he gripped his hilt tighter dropped into form III, better known as Soresu, stance. Within a few moments the Sith Lord was upon him using the Force to cross the room quickly. A crimson blade was swung at him aggressively using form V, Djem So to be precise.

Swinging his azure lightsaber underarm, blue met red before a bright white light blinded them both as their lightsabers connected.

"Revan." A distorted voice said gently rocking the young man from dream. "Revan, wake up." Tired grey eyes cracked open only to slam shut again as they began to water from the bright light that assaulted his eyes. Blinking a few times, he opened them once again to see a blurry figure standing in front of him. Focusing on the said figure, they slowly took shape until he realized that it was Anakin standing in front of the couch that he had fallen asleep.

"Ani?" Revan said hoarsely, his throat feeing drier than the sands of Tatooine. "What's going on?" He asked as he pushed himself up from the couch with his arm, which had gone numb from sleeping on it all night...and wiped the droll from the corner of his mouth. Looking down he saw a thin orange sheet had been covering him before his brother had pulled him from his dreams; something that he was both immensely grateful and annoyed about, though he didn't let it show.

"We're here!"

"Huh?" Revan asked dumbly as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"We've reached Coruscant!" Anakin explained with a giddy smile, trembling with excitement that he was almost bouncing on the spot. "We should be landing in a few minutes, so come on!" He cried as he grabbed Revan arm and started pulling to get him up." Today is the day we come Jedi's."



"There is no plural. We're going to be Jedi, not Jedi's."

"Hahaha! I knew that." Anakin laughed sheepishly as he continued to tug on his brothers' arm. " I was just testing you was all, can't have an illiterate Jedi, now can we? Will you get up?!"

"Alright. I'm up, I'm up!" Revan laughed softly as he got up off the couch, allowing Anakin to pull him up. When he was up on his feet he yawned loudly and stretched his arms above his head, smiling at the pleasurable sensation he felt.

"Come on then." Revan sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it back. "Let's not keep the others waiting."

"I'll lead the way!" Anakin chirped happily as he ran past him and headed for the door on the far side of the door.

Shaking his head with a smile, Revan followed after his brother as they left the room, passing through the door, and headed for where the other members of their ragtag crew were located which he suspected would either be in throne room where the fake Queen had been debriefed on the events that had transpired on Tatooine such as the Pod Race and why Qui-Gon had returned with two children, or in the cockpit.

"So, what do you think they'll be like?" Anakin voice asked pulling him from his thoughts at they both reached the turbolift.

"What will who be like?" The oldest of the two asked as he tapped the button on the control panel to open the door, allowing them both to step inside of the cylinder-shaped room. Once they were both in, he pressed the button and jolted forward when the elevator took off faster than he had been expecting.

"The Jedi Council!" Exclaimed the blonde-haired Skywalker with a smile that threatened to split his face. "Who else could I be speaking about?!"

"Well I don't know what going through your head." Revan shrugged before a smirk worked its way onto his face. "Usually there is surprisingly little."

"Shut up!" Anakin cried red-faced as he shoved his brother, using his entire bodyweight to push him. "I can think!"

"Sure, if it involves anything to do with Pod-Racing." Revan retorted getting a pout from his brother.

"I can think of other things."

"Like a certain girl?" He teased Anakin who cheeks heated up at the mention of the angel that had walked into his life forty-eight hours ago. "A certain girl that just so happens to be on this ship?"

"Padme is just a friend!"

"I never said Padme." Revan grinned as Anakin's face became redder than the setting suns of Tatooine at dusk. "I never imagined you'd have a thing for older girls." He added with a forlorn sigh. " I hope you didn't break Amee heart."

"Eww, don't be gross!" Anakin gagged in disgust. "Amee's is one of my closest friends and is only six years old!" He added as the turbolift suddenly stopped and the doors retracted, allowing the Skywalker siblings to get out.

"She didn't seem to mind, at least not according to what she told mum." Revan shrugged as he exited the elevator and found himself standing at the tech stations that was near the Hyperdrive that Obi-Wan had apparently installed before he, Qui-Gon and Anakin had reached, or returned in Qui-Gon's case, the Nubian.

"Wait, what did she tell mum?" Anakin asked as he picked up the pace and followed his brother who headed around the steps that led to the cockpit and throne room.

"What do you care?" Revan asked from across his shoulder. "You're smitten with Padme."

"I'm not smitten with her."

"Sure, you're not."

"I'm not!"

"Then why do you sigh dreamily whenever she is in the room?"

"I don't do that!"

"And find any reason to hold her hand."

"I did that one time." Anakin grumbled; his cheeks flushed.

"Only because you've had no other opportunity to do so." Revan grinned to himself as he neared the top of the stairs. It was once in a blue moon that he got to tease Anakin like this, and he was not about to let it slip him by. "And you turned an interesting shade of red when Padme kissed your cheek just before the big race."

"I-It was hot." Anakin stammered, struggling to find the words.

"It's always hot on Tatooine." Revan retorted with a grin." I've never seen you go red before."

"ATTENTION! We have just been given clearance to land. We will be reaching the platform within a few minutes." Ric Olié's voice came over the ship's intercoms stopping Revan's ribbling….at least for the time being. " Supreme Chancellor Valorum and Chancellor Palpatine will be there to greet the Queen."

Opening the door, Anakin raced passed Revan and over to where Ric was piloting the ship, with the help of his co-pilot, and ran up behind him before stopping to stare out the window where the skyscrapers could be seen as far as they eye could see, resembling a forest made of metal and glass; he could see now why the pilots that visited Tatooine held it in such revered awe.

"Coruscant, capital of the Galactic Republic, an entire planet evolved into one city." Ric said as he saw Anakin from the corner of his eyes as he flew the Nubian through the traffic lane that was filled with ships and transports of all shapes and sizes as he headed towards for the landing platform. "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here."

"I bet lose your credits here quicker than in the lower city of Taris."

"Err, I guess." Ric agreed uncertainty. "Only been to Taris once, and I stayed in the middle city."

"How would you know, Rev?" Anakin quizzed his older brother. " You've always lived on Tatooine."

"It's just a figure of speech is all, Ani." Revan said dismissively. "But if these dreams I've been having are visions of things yet to come then I will be going there in the future." He added to himself in his head.

He could remember in vivid detail about the dreams he had about his future endeavours on Taris. Him and Carth, after the latter had dragged him from the pod and got him to the apartment, had/would head out to scout out the city to see if they could find Bastila Shan, the Jedi that had been aboard the Endar Spire and escaped on one of the escape pods before the ship had been destroyed by the Sith Empire, under the command of Malak.

Malak. Regret hit him like a charging Rancor as he thought about his friend, or friend he would one day have. Was this the reason why he was having many visions as of late? Was the Force trying to show him what would happen if he and Alek left for the Unknown Regions to find and destroy the Sith Emperor known as Vitiate and stop him from making that mistake?

Still, from what he had learnt from his recent dream he was just as bad, if not worse than Malak. He had sliced his jaw off, would kill billions of innocent lives when he declared war against the Republic as Darth Revan. He might of not have been the Republic greatest fan but that didn't mean that he wanted to kill those that stood in his way; that was not who he was, or who his mother had raised him to be

Thinking about his mother just for a moment made him feel awful. Was she okay? Sure, she had HK to watch over her, but she was all alone in that small, dusty hovel that he had called home for the last decade. Did she miss him just as much as he was missing her right now? Probably. He knew it was foolish to think otherwise but he could not help but wonder what she would do now that she did not have to wake them or make them breakfast before they headed off to work.

"It's huge!" Anakin breathed softly, pulling him from his thoughts about his mother.

"That is what she..."

"Not in front of the kids, man!" Ric cut off his co-pilot who sniggered at the look at he sent him. Though under any other circumstances he would have laughed along with him, but not in front of the two boys; he had some dignity thank you very much!

"Hey! Who are you calling a kid?!" Anakin cried in offense getting laughs from the two pilots as they flew through the maze of buildings.

"Ani, you're nine years old." Revan deadpanned to his brother. "That's the very definition of what a kid is." He added getting a glare from the blonde.

"If I'm a kid then so are you!"

"I'm a teenager."

"Same thing."

"Not really."

"Er, yeah it is!"

"Not at all."

"Well come on then Mr Know-It-All." Anakin challenged crossing his arms over his chest. "What's so different about being a kid and teenager?"

"Okay, Ani." Revan said, deciding to entertain his brother...and himself. "When you get to a certain age you begin to notice a few changes. Hair starts growing on your arms, you look at girls in a way that you never did before and your voice gets deeper... but the latter only occurs when your ba…."

"Morning Revan." The voice of Qui-Gon cut Revan off as he stepped into the cockpit behind the group, preventing him from embarrassing his brother. "Finally decided to grace us with presence?" He added with a hint of teasing in tone.

Turning around, Revan saw the Jedi Master standing in the doorway with Jar-Jar Binks shadowing him, though he looked timid and afraid as he looked past him and to the window where he could see the jungle of skyscrapers that they were cruising through. Clearly the Gungan was terrified of what he was seeing taking into account that he largest buildings he had ever seen were the ones on Naboo and he only saw them from a distance...he was longing for the familiarity of his swamp; or so Padme had told him the night before.

"Sleep well?" Qui-Gon asked pulling the boy from his interior monologue.

"Not really." Revan answered being brutally honest. That dream had been a harrowing experience, especially the part about Ale-Malak using the bodies of the fallen Jedi to fuel his power.

"Another vision?" The Jedi asked quietly so that only Revan, and Jar-Jar, could hear him.

"Yeah." Revan confirmed with a nod as Anakin spoke to Ric who explained how magnetic guidance lines that directed the airborne vehicles worked.

"Want to talk about?" Qui-Gon asked gently.

"Aren't we landing in a few minutes?" Revan tried to brush off the question and the offer to talk about it. To be honest he just wanted to forget about it, suppress it to the farthest corner of his mind and never speak about it again.

"We are." The Jedi acknowledged by tilting his head forward. "But that does not mean that we can't talk before we meet with the Chancellor." He added with a soft smile.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Probably not." Qui-Gon replied with a chuckle before looking over to Anakin who was staring out at the skyscrapers they passed by. "Ani!"

"Yeah?" Anakin answered turning around when he heard his name called.

"We'll be back for you in a minute, I just need to talk to your brother about something."

"About becoming a Jedi?" Anakin inquired looking between Qui-Gon and Revan.

"Of sorts."

"Then why can't I come?" He asked, though to the outside ear it sounded more like he was demanding to know why he couldn't come. "I'm gonna be a Jedi too, right!"

"Of course, you are, Ani." Qui-Gon stated firmly, even if he knew it was wrong to promise him, either of the boys that. While he may have been a Jedi Master, he was not a member of the Council meaning that he could not induct anyone into the Order without the say so of the Jedi Council, more specially Grand Master Yoda; but he prayed to the Force that the Council would make an exception for the them.

Sure, they were older than the other younglings that came to the Order, but they would have to take into account their high midi-chlorian count and Revan's continuous visions of a life he had never lived. They had to make an exception, they had to! And if the worst-case scenario happened and they refused to train the boys...well, he would just have to train them himself, and if that meant leaving the Order then so be it.

If that was the will of the Force that he trained both Revan and Anakin, then he would without question...even if it meant behind everything he knew and loved.

"Don't worry, Ani." Revan said reassuringly as he looked at Anakin." The old man just wants to teach me some proper etiquette before we meet the Council."

Qui-Gon pursed his lips at the old man comment but said nothing else about it as he quelled the mental conflict he had about the Council denying to train the boys...but now that he was back he prayed he had enough time to check the archives too see if he could find any record of a Alek, Meetra, Kriea and the other names that Revan had mention during their previous talks.

"Sounds boring." Anakin murmured before he turned back around to stare at the skyscrapers, buildings that broke through the clouds and seemed to have no must have been terrible to clean if that was the case.

"Well, now that Anakin is captivated with the sights shall we be off?" Qui-Gon asked stepping to the side and extending his hand, pointing in the direction of the main corridor where Revan saw the Queen who was surrounded by her Handmaidens, Padme included, standing at the end where the boarding ramp would be lowered once they reached the platform.

"Letse go!"

"No, Jar-Jar." Qui-Gon stated firmly as he locked eyes on the lone Gungan that looked like a kicked puppy after being told no by the man that had saved his life. "You stay here and watch over Anakin." He added before he looked like he had aged another fifty years within the span of a few moments. "And don't touch anything."

"Messa no knows howsa to flya a shipa!"

"Anything." The Jedi repeated stressing the word as he gave Jar-Jar a hard look, his eyes narrowing.


"Good." Qui-Gon stated with a firm nod. "Remember, don't touch anything...I mean nothing."

"Mesa won't!" Jar-Jar cried out hurt that his protector did not trust him or his word. Sure, he was a little clumsy now and again, but he would not do anything to endanger the ship or the people on it; they were his friends.

"Alright, just making sure." The Jedi Master mumbled before looking forward." Let's go, Revan." And with that he headed down the corridor while Revan followed behind him, but not before giving the Gungan a look of sympathy as he passed him. He could not say that he knew the Gungan well, seeing as how he had only known him for forty-eight hours, but he seemed relatively harmless, clumsy, but ultimately harmless.

Spotting the Queen standing by the boarding ramp, Qui-Gon chose to head for Throne Room seeing as how the Queen and her personal handmaidens weren't using it and Captain Panaka would be standing by watching her like a Hawke, now more than ever now that they had reached Coruscant, the perfect place for an assassin to pick her off.

"Right!" The Jedi began as he stepped into the throne room, which was empty aside from the throne that situated on the far side of the room and turned to face one of his charges.

"Now that we are alone, do you want to talk about your dream?" He asked softly, much like how a father would his son as Revan looked to the floor.

"I dreamt of Malak." It came out quieter than he had meant it too but from what he could piece together everything that happened to his friend was because of him and the path that he had/would lead them down.

"I don't think you've mentioned this Malak before."

"I have." Revan stated firmly as he looked up to meet his eyes. " Just under a different name. Malak is Alek, or he was-is Alek before taking the title of Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith."

"Darth Malak." Qui-Gon muttered, the name swimming around his head as he gave Revan a peculiar look. He had of course heard of the name before, or at least its namesake. Darth Malak, Darth Lord of the Sith and the apprentice to Darth...Revan. His throat went dry when he stared at the boy in front of him, a cold sweat overcoming him. It had to be a coincidence was all, it had to be. The twist of fate that Revan just happened to meet somebody that would one day take the name of Malak.

"What else?" It sounded more forceful then he had intended it, but he had to know. If his hypothesis was correct, it was impossible. The Force was capable of many things, it brought people tighter and tore the galaxy apart...but that? But if there was a slim chance, as tiny as that could have been, how would the Jedi react? How would the galaxy if it ever got out?

"I was on an automated shipyard that Malak referred to as the Star Forge."

If Qui-Gon did not feel nauseous before he did now. The Star Forge. Oh yes, he had heard of it. Just as any other Jedi or historian that had a thirst for knowledge did. A massive automated shipyard that had been created by the barbaric, savage race known only as the Rakatan. A species that before either the Jedi Order or Galactic Republic had been formed, in a time where an Order that was progenitor to both the Jedi and the Sith, if the stories were to be believed; and he did believe them.

A massive shipyard that allowed its master to create a limitless amount of ships, droids, and any other war material you could possibly imagine or want. A relict that Darth Revan and Malak had located before using it to wage war against the Jedi and the Republic, starting the war that was now known as the Jedi Civil War. An artefact that had been destroyed when Revan defeated Malak and the Republic blew it up.

"I confronted or confront Malak aboard the Star Forge." Revan continued as he explained his dream to Qui-Gon, who he noticed had gone paler than normal... or at least from what he had seen before. "We spoke for a bit; well he spoke I mostly listened as he bragged about him mastering the Star Forge in a way I never could. Him blaming me for setting him down the path of the Darkside."

His voice because quieter as he said the last part, his eyes finding the floor remarkably interesting. "And he was right, I did."

"Maybe you did." The Jedi said finding his voice as Revan's head snapped up. " You may have started your friend down the Darkside, but he chose to continue down it." He added sagely as he clasped his hands behind his back. "It is easy to blame ourselves, wonder if there was anything we could have done differently, but at the end of the day we're all responsible for our own actions.

"Unlike droids we're not programmed from infancy to obediently follow the whims of our masters. In everything we do we have a choice, Jedi and Sith included. I may have been inducted into the Order at an early age, but it is my choice to stay with the Jedi even knowing that we have lost our way, that we are not perfect, just as how Alek continued down the path of the Sith."

"But if my visions are true then I am the one responsible for setting down that path!" Revan exclaimed placing a hand on his chest. " He was or will be my best friend and I cause him so much pain..."

"ATTENTION: We have arrived at the landing pad." Ric's voice came over the ships intercoms once again, preventing Qui-Gon from saying anything else to the clearly distressed Revan. " Please take your belongings and thank you for flying air-Ric." He added with a snigger before ending the transmission.

"We'll talk about this more after we have met the Council." Qui-Gon said as he placed a hand on Revan's shoulder.

"Think they'll be able to help?"

"I know they will." The Jedi assured with a confident smile. "And if they can't then Master Yoda definitely will." He added as he patted his shoulder gently. "As I told you before, there is nobody alive more knowledgeable about the Force than the Grandmaster."

"If you say so." Revan muttered not entirely convinced, but he would trust Qui-Gon….at least for now; and if they could not help him or refused to allow him to become a Jedi then he would find a way to get back to Tatooine and reunite with his mother. While she was still a slave he wasn't; meaning that with a few years hard graphed he could free her and he, HK his mother and Anakin, if he was denied as well, could find a peaceful planet to live on and have the life that they had always dreamed of.

And cut! Here it is, FINALLY! Sorry it was so long, though in fairness not as long as some of my other fics, since I updated last. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and that it is enough to bide you over until the next chapter comes out...which will have Revan and Anakin meet the Jedi Council, and it WILL be next chapter, I promise.

Nothing else to say really.

Until next time.

SSJ Lone Wolf.