Chapter 51- Illusive Consensus

December 31, 1925

The mood in the Aurors office changed in the weeks following Gray Goyle's death. Laura missed a week as she recovered, but when she returned she could see the change that Tina had spoken to her about during her time off.

There was almost joy in the air. It was as if a weight had been lifted from the shoulders of the MACUSA Auror's. Many of them hadn't been involved in Laura's struggles and yet they had felt the ill effects of Gray's looming presence.

And now they were all freed.

Limus, Percival, Caerneirus, and Minali had their own lives back. There was no need for a nightly watch on Laura's flat.

Life could go on.

And, as if it could sense that the wizard who created the spell was dead, the pain in Laura's arm lessened as the week wore on.

Or perhaps her pain tolerance had grown.

Either way, when Laura returned to MACUSA a week after Gray's death, she felt better than she had in months. She had a new lease on life.

Her flat majorly damaged, Laura had once again briefly moved in with Percival, though she knew this time wouldn't last either, even if they were seeing one another. But recuperating at his home had been just what she needed.

Laura held her head up high, smiling more often as she went to work each day. Not only was she free of Gray, but it meant she and Percival had more time together.

She found a new flat quickly, so she moved out of his house once more, but she was close enough they could they could spend their nights together. He celebrated Christmas Eve with Laura, as she would have in England, and then while he was with his family on Christmas day, Laura was with Tina and Queenie.

Life's possibilities seemed infinite now.

1926 was just hours away. Laura and Tina had spent the cold winter's day on the Canadian border, keeping an eye on a known magical animal crossing but luckily Percival had let them return to the city before the New Year's festivities were to commence.

Begging off from celebrating with Tina and Queenie by pretending she was exhausted from the boring day on the border, Laura headed home to quickly prepare for an evening with Percival. Laura had secretly gone shopping for not only a new, tight dress for the celebration, but also for new under things that she hoped would get Percival's attention.

She was not lacking for his attention, it was still going hot and heavy between them, but tonight would start a new year for them. Laura hoped it might also mean the next step.

Laura knew being open with coworkers could never happen but they could still be open with his family, couldn't they? Laura tried not to think about marrying the Percival Graves. It was an impossible dream, wasn't it? As sweet as he could be, he didn't seem the marrying type. Not to mention, his job was too important to him and she didn't blame him for it. Percival had worked had to get where he was.

She wouldn't let him throw it away for her.

Marrying her wasn't worth it.

So why was she staying? Why was she torturing herself like this?

Likely because Laura knew, deep down, this was her best chance at something. It wouldn't last. It wouldn't be anything more, but for now, it could be enough.

So why not have some fun?

After showering, Laura quick dried her hair and slipped on the barely there bra and lace pants. She stopped in front of her bedroom mirror, giving herself a once over. She wasn't ugly, she didn't think. She had a nicely toned body, good tits, and an okay rear.

But with a family like hers, it wasn't a mystery why men didn't like her.

Maybe with her father gone, maybe after this thing ended with Percival she could find a nice wizard to settle down with? Preferably someone who wasn't British and therefore less likely to know who the Goyles are.

Or maybe she'd die alone.

Sighing heavily, Laura moved away from the mirror and slipped on the beige flapper dress she had bought. It was a bit tighter than most flapper dresses were, which is why Laura had bought it. Normally, she might have worn a corset beneath it, but she was looking for a whole outfit that would come off quickly and not impede Percival. The front of the dress barely hinted at Laura's cleavage, but it was the back that was scandalous. It dipped almost all the way down her back, hitting just above the small of her back.

She hoped Percival would appreciate it.

They weren't going out, of course. Laura was heading to his place where they were going to watch the fireworks on his roof. It was as in public as they could be.

It would be enough for now.

Her clothes on, makeup done, Laura finished her look with matching beige heels that were probably a bit too high. Her look complete, she was finally ready to head out. She put on a heavy coat and went out into the darkening cold night. Laura kept her head down as she walked down the street ignoring the cheerful New Yorkers who were also out for the New Year celebration.

Although she could have apparated close to his home, Laura decided walking would be nice after being cooped up on a stakeout all day. Breathing in the fresh, cold air was nice.

A few minutes later, Laura was standing in front of Percival's door. She knocked quickly and waited. A beat and then the door swung open and Percival stood in front of her. Yet again, the sight of Percival took her breath away.

A drink in one hand, Percival leaned up against the door with the light of the foyer behind him, casting him in some sort of ethereal glow. His hair was perfectly combed and gelled back in the usual style, but gone was his standard black three piece suit. Instead, Percival seemed intent on introducing a tiny bit of color into his wardrobe by wearing a light blue button-up shirt, paired with a white tie with speckles on it, and with dark blue trousers. And on his feet?

The fucking asshole wasn't wearing shoes. He just had his bare feet just hanging out.

Laura was not a feet person, but there was something oddly hot about seeing Percival Graves standing in his doorway with nice clothes on but no shoes.

"Good evening," he said, his already low voice dipping lower.

He was playing with her.

Laura smirked at her boyfriend. "Good evening, Perce." She stepped inside the doorway and around Percival, who just smiled at her. He shut the door once she was inside and then helped her out of her coat, still holding on to his drink in one hand.

"How kind of your boss to allow you to come back to the city for the holiday. Kind of a cruel boss to make you work on New Year's Eve," he joked as hung her coat in the closet. He turned back to her, spinning on his feet, his eyes raked up and down her body, silently giving his approval.

If he only knew what she was saving for later.

She stepped closer to him, her chest almost touching his, as she reached down and took his drink from him. Percival leaned down to kiss her, but Laura kept herself out of his reach. "Yeah, he's kind of a prick, but he's cute."

"Just cute? Not devilishly handsome?" he purred, leaning down again. Laura chuckled as she pushed up on her toes to meet him in a chaste kiss. She pulled away quickly and allowed herself a sip of his drink. Firewhiskey, of course.

"I've got dinner for us on the roof," Percival said, his hand guiding in on the small of her back towards the stairs. "When the fireworks go off, it should be quite beautiful."

"I didn't think you went for that kind of thing," Laura remarked before finishing off his drink.

"I don't. But I also don't go for relationships, so I figure I could give this a try as well," he admitted.

Laura smiled to herself as they continued up another flight of stairs. It made her heart flutter to hear he was willing to try new things for her. For their relationship. Unable to help herself, Laura began to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was something wonderful coming in their relationship.

Another flight of stairs and then Laura pushed open the door to the roof.

Percival Graves was not a romantic man. He wasn't one who bought flowers or placed lit candles around their bed. He didn't give grandiose speeches of love or write her sweet notes. He just quietly enjoyed Laura's company and openly supported her in front of others.

But tonight, in celebration of Logan being put in prison and Gray being killed, in celebration of this new step in their relationship, he had made an effort. Floating candles lit up the roof, stationed around the small area and leading to a small table set with glasses and plates waiting for the dinner that Percival had prepared. The air had a spell cast over it to keep the roof heated. Laura gazed around the roof in wonder, tears threatening to run from her eyes down her cheeks.

No one had ever done anything like this for her.

"It's beautiful, Perce," she whispered, afraid if she spoke any louder she would ruin the scene.

Percival came up behind Laura and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest and burying his face in her hair. She felt him kiss the crown of her head. She reached up and grabbed onto his wrists, just wanting to feel his bare skin on hers.

"I don't know how I'll make it through dinner," she said, her voice stronger, the tears being beaten back to be replaced by a strong, familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"We have to make it until midnight so we can see the fireworks. That was the point," Percival said into her hair. "So keep those dirty thoughts at bay," he added with a chuckle as he dropped his fingers down the sides of her arms. He seemed to almost purr as he touched her.

Laura smirked and removed herself from his grasp and headed to the table. "Then no touching," she joked. She gently lowered herself into a chair and sat, waiting for Percival to join her.

He took his time coming to the table, chuckling as he walked. A moment later and he settled into the chair across from her, his eyes dark. If not for the smirk on his face, Laura might think he was angry at her. But he wasn't angry.

No, he was quite turned on.

Laura pursed her lips, trying not to openly laugh. She had no idea her stoic boss could be like this. Like such a horny teenager. She thought it was funny, thinking about to how much she hated him in the beginning, that here, two and a half years later, she very much didn't hate him but instead thought about fucking him all the time.

How life changes.

Percival waved his hand and the appetizers appeared on their plates, along with a bottle of wine. He gently poured the wine for them both and then offered a toast.

"To a beautiful, calm, and safe 1926." His glass in the air.

Laura nodded and gently touched her glass against his and then took a deep sip of the red wine. She was pleased to find it was spiced, giving her throat a bit of heat.

As they sat there eating the first course, Laura wasn't sure of what to talk about. It was a constant source of frustration for her. Most of their conversations revolved around work. Was there really nothing else they could discuss?

He had been open about his family, but he still didn't talk about anything leading up to him getting his current job at MACUSA. He wasn't hiding anything necessarily, but he did keep it close to his vest.

They ate in silence as Laura racked her brain for something they could discuss. Percival didn't like sports, though neither did she. He didn't really read outside of the newspaper, whereas Laura continued to stack her flat with book after book, all of which she had found time to read at least once. Percival was hyper focused on work. And sex.

They had been together for a year and what had they really talked about outside of work?

"Anything more about June?" Laura asked in between bites, settling for any topic, even if it was work.

Percival shook his head before he lifted his glass of wine to his lips. He drank and Laura watched as his Adam's apple bobbed with the movement. "She's disappeared. For good or bad, who can say?"

Laura nodded silently. It had been a while since they had been able to track June. Laura figured the woman was probably dead. She had likely just outgrown her usefulness to Grindelwald's followers. Her possible meeting with Gray back in November was the last time anyone had heard from her or seen her.

They continued their meal in silence, which was custom for their meals if there wasn't some pressing work issue. Laura was annoyed that this was the way their meals continued to go, but she had another to add. What could they talk about?

What did they even have in common outside of MACUSA?

Panic started to rise in her chest as the doubt crept in. Would this be the rest of their life? Having silent meals unless something was happening at work? She set her fork down, ignoring the delicious chicken on her plate as her mouth started to go dry.

She started to envision an 80-year-old Percival and a 70-year-old Laura sitting at their dinner table with absolutely nothing to speak about.

But a worse thought crept in: that wasn't her future. She had no future with Percival Graves. Soon, at some point, they'd have to give this up. Any advancement in her career would be questioned.

Maybe, with Gray and Logan gone, it was time for Laura to go back to the Ministry of Magic.

"Is something wrong with the chicken?" Percival asked, ripping Laura from her panic.

Laura cleared her throat. "Uh, no, no, it's fine." She forced herself to take a quick bite, but found the food was suddenly flavorless. Laura didn't want to ruin the night by talking about it. She could bring it up another time, right? "All of the food is really delicious." Laura hoped she sounded sincere because she did mean it. The food so far had been very good.

Percival's face remained neutral, proving that Laura hadn't quite convinced him.

"Are you worried about June?" he asked after a moment silence, studying her.

Laura frowned. "Hardly. Just curious." She picked at the food on her plate, staring down at what chicken remained. "It just seemed like she was up to something and then she disappeared. I'm worried about what she was doing."

"Naturally," Percival said as he set his fork down on his plate. He leaned back in his chair in his familiar pose and Laura rolled her eyes. This was either his interrogation pose or his seduction pose. Sometimes, it was hard to tell the difference.

"Enough, Perce," she said, setting her own fork down.

He shrugged in response and they settled into a silence, staring at one another. "Do you want dessert?" he asked, motioning his head towards her plate.

"If you don't stop, you're not getting dessert," she threatened him, pointing at the hand sitting on his thigh dangerously close to his cock. "You're too much."

He smirked, his legs spreading a little wider as his hand inched closer to his cock. "Thank you."

Laura didn't want to smile. She tried so hard to frown at him, to act disappointed, but the smile grew regardless. "Aren't we waiting for the fireworks first?" she asked.

Percival's tongue darted out of his mouth to lick his lips slowly. "I put a spell up so no one can see us." He waved his hand and everything disappeared off the table. She figured he would have put up such a spell.

"Oh, you want to fuck on the roof? You are a dirty old man, aren't you?" Laura crossed her legs tightly and crossed her arms against her chest. "Maybe I'm not in the mood."

"Then I'll celebrate the New Year all by myself. I have spent many a night alone, Lore, I know how to take care of myself," he said, his voice low as he attempted to seduce her, but he didn't move.

"Yes, I'm rather sure that Percival Graves spent many a night on his own. He most certainly did not have his share of witches and wizards begging at his door over his long life. I'm sure you know how to "take care" of yourself." She shrugged. "So take care of yourself."

He sat still for a moment and then began to push himself out of the chair quickly, his hand waving the table aside so he could get to her, but Laura had been expecting it. She flicked her hand at him before he had a chance to stand up straight and he flew back down into his chair. Surprise crossed his face before it was replaced with lust.

"I said, take care of yourself." She flicked her wrist again and his clothes vanished, leaving a very naked Percival Graves in front of her. Percival had always been quite fit, but it seemed like he had been working out more lately. His hip dips, that she had come to love, were even more pronounced as his abs became more defined. Laura crossed her arms again, quirking an eyebrow as she looked him up and down. "Well?" she pushed.

"There's no rush, darling. I always take my time with myself," he said as he settled into the chair comfortably, his hands gently rubbing his bare thighs. He kept his eyes on hers, his face mostly still the same as it ever was, but she noticed the slight clench in his jaw as he resisted moving his hand to his cock.

Laura clenched her thighs together, her pants getting soaked as she watched Percival try so hard to be in control of the situation. Laura didn't ever take control in the bedroom. Not because she was too shy, but because it was always hottest for her for Percival to be in charge.

So Laura kept her legs squeezed shut and waited.

Percival held for as long as he could but eventually his desire ruled out and he gently grabbed his cock and began his movements. He kept his eyes on her but her eyes immediately moved to his groin when he started stroking himself. They were practiced movements of a 43-year-old man who was well versed in pleasuring himself. His hand ran expertly up and down his shaft, squeezing at certain points and relaxing at others.

Laura had never watched him touch himself before like this. It was educational and absolutely a turn on.

Her lace pants completely soaked through, Laura couldn't wait any longer. She stood up from her chair and slowly peeled the straps of her dress off her shoulders and wiggled out of the dress, letting it fall to the ground at her feet. Percival didn't stop stroking his cock, his eyes running from her see through bra down to her lace pants.

She stood there for a moment, letting Percival look her over and drink her in before she removed her bra, tossing it to the floor, and then finally, she pulled her pants down slowly. Once she was completely naked, Laura crossed the space between them and sat on Percival's lap, his arms welcoming her, wrapping around her waist to pull her taut to his chest.

He littered her neck with kisses as if he was hungry for her. Laura could feel his cock pressing against her thigh. As he kept kissing her, Laura lifted herself slightly and eased his hard cock inside of her. She knew it wouldn't take much for her to orgasm, she was already so close just from watching him touch himself.

He gasped into her throat as he slid into her. He didn't give her time to adjust and immediately began thrusting in and out while he sucked at a spot on her throat.

Laura closed her eyes and felt the growing orgasm roll through her. She was right, it took less than a minute before she came on Percival's cock. He slowed, briefly, before continuing his thrusting. He was close.

Reaching behind her, Laura reached down and squeezed his balls, gently massaging as his thrusts became more hurried. He groaned into her throat, licking the spot where he had likely given her a love mark.

Percival Graves had given her a love mark.

Exploding inside of her, Percival grunted against her skin. He slowed to a stop, but kept his hold on her, leaning back in the chair. Laura breathed in his scent in his hair, enjoying the feeling of being so utterly close to this man.

And then an explosion above them sent them both to their feet, destroying their post love making bliss.


They had forgotten about the fireworks.

Both naked as the day they were born, Laura leaned into Percival's side while they looked up at the fireworks above New York.

She really hoped that 1926 would bring them only joy.