Return of the Crow

(Where'd you go)- Fort Minor

"Where'd you go, I miss you so, seems like it's been forever since you've been gone... Please come back home."

Jax opened his eyes as he took in his surroundings; he was in his room at the clubhouse a place he has been staying at since his fallout with Wendy. He should have seen it coming trying to turn a party girl into something she wasn't, why did he have to make the mistake of marrying her?

Jax knew the answer to that, a run to Nevada to see Uncle Jury that Wendy decided she wanted to tag along for. Throw in a trip to a casino and a lot of whiskey, next morning he woke up with a wedding ring on his finger and the worse hangover he had since the morning after she left him. He couldn't even think of her as he turned his head grabbing the bottle of Jack on his bedside table taking a swig as he felt the burn slide down his throat washing away the memory.

He should have listened to Gemma, but he didn't and when he was missing her so much he couldn't stand it, he went back to Wendy and tried to fill the canyon size whole she left in him 8 years ago.

After taking another drink he set the bottle down and turned to see who he went to bed with, another blonde he tried to think of her name Tracy?... Lacey... Stacey? Something like that. He didn't know and he didn't care, she was a blond like the rest of them, like all of them.

Jax ran his hands up his face and through his hair he had to jump in the shower and be ready as he was sure Clay would want to sort out this Mayan shit first thing. Jax smacked the girl on the ass hearing he murmur something. "You need to get up I have work to do". She murmured something else as she sat up while Jax made his way to the bathroom for a shower.

Jax slid on a shirt as someone was pounding on his door, "Jax, were at the table". He grabbed his kut as he opened the door finding Chibs there. "Ok, did he find anything out?" Chibs shook his head "Don't know yet" he said as they made there way down the hall passing his dads Harley, Jax ran his hand along the tank taping the handlebars.

Once they made it past the kitchen Jax went in and got a cup of coffee for the long day ahead. "Well look who finally got up, rough night?" Clay said as Jax gave him a smirk causing Clay to shake his head. "Alright lets get to it, we have some info we need to move on." Clay said as he made his way to the table Jax and the rest of the guys fallowing suite.

Jax set his coffee down taking a seat to Clays left. "What do we know Pres?" Clay looked around the table; "We know it was the Myans that hit our warehouse and took our guns, and we need to find out where they are stashing them" The guys were nodding at this statement. Clay looked too Jax, "I want you Opie, Chibs, and Juice to find all of Alvarez property's he will be stashing them at one of the locations. Then head out and scout the locations." He turned to Tig, "Me you and Bobby are going to see the 9ers to talk to Laroy see if we can't buy us a few days to deliver the guns."

He glanced around the table, "Alright let's get to it." Clay slammed the gavel down as they stood and got started on the task at hand. Jax turned to look for Juice, "Hey, why don't you get started by pulling up all of Alvarez properties then we can narrow it down to a few to scout." Juice gave him a nod grabbing the laptop.

Tara was next in line as she handed the woman her ticket, the woman looked at the ticket, "Chicago to San Francisco, enjoy your flight Miss." Tara took her ticket, "Thank you". She said as she went down the hall to board her plane heading back home to her family.

Tara took her seat after storing her carry on bag in the over head after pulling out a book to read on the flight. She took a deep breath; it had been 8 years since she left Charming California and the love of her life. She had kept in touch with Gemma but agreed with Jax that no communication would be best to keep her focus on her studies.

Tara looked up as a flight attendant offered her a drink as the plane had taken off bound for San Francisco. She took her drink thanking the woman and continued on with her book as she thought about what their reaction to seeing her for the first time in 8 years would be like. She hoped they would be happy; they were the only family she had left.

Gemma had just finished the work order for a brake pads and rotors for a Pontiac Grand Prix when she herd the bikes pulling into the lot, glancing at her watch it was just after five. She had to speak with Jax and find out if he has found Wendy.

Jax shut off his bike, glancing in the shop was Gemma standing in the door way, she was either waiting for him or Clay. Jax looked to Clay who shook his head, "You better see what she wants son."

Jax was just about to ask if it's him or Clay when Gemma spoke first, "Jackson". Clay just smirked "Told you, better go see what she wants, we will be in church." Jax nodded "Be there as soon as I can." He turned to the office and started walking.

Once he entered the office Gemma was at her desk "Take a seat" she said pointing to the chair which he obliged. "What's up Ma" He said lighting up a smoke. She got an unpleasant look on her face. "Have you tracked down the junkie whore yet?" He shook his head, "Went over there the last two days, morning and night wasn't home."

Gemma shook her head, "She's avoiding you, and I'll stop by there later today or tomorrow see if I have better luck." Jax smirked, that meant she will kick down the door and threaten bodily harm until she complies with Gemma. "Ma don't go crazy alright."

Gemma had a look he couldn't place, "Why not Jackson, afraid I will run her off before she has the baby." She laughed, "Don't worry son I will wait until after I have my grandson safe then I will run the bitch off." Jax shook his head, "It's not all her fault Ma don't put all the blame on her."

Gemma looked at the desk for a moment which was not good, that meant she was trying to figure out how best to say what was on her mind. "Jax I know you were going through some shit at the time. You thought Wendy could give you what you were missing since Ta."

Jax shot up in his seat, "Don't! Say her name." He said the last part a little lower; Gemma exhaled and took hold of his hand. "Jackson, I know it hurts, but you know she is coming back someday, what are you going to do when that happens? What are you going to tell her about Wendy and that baby she is carrying of yours?"

Jax started to get upset, "Ma we won't have to worry about that because she isn't coming back." Gemma looked irate, "Why would you say that?, this is her home, we are her family."

Jax shook his head, "Ma you don't think in all this time there isn't one guy that isn't interested in her. Come on Ma, all those Doctors she works with have got to have a hard on for her. I know I did."

Gemma looked at Jax as he flashed that smile, the one she hasn't seen since Tara left.

She returned the smile, "All I am saying is don't give up on her Jax, you both need each other." He nodded thinking it wasn't that simple. "I need to get in there for church." She patted him on the knee. "Alright baby, I will try to find Wendy don't you worry about that."

She watched as he left the office heading towards the clubhouse shaking her head, wondering what she was going to do about him. Gemma knew Tara would return but it wouldn't be for another year or two and she didn't know if she could keep Jax's head on straight until then.

She took out another work order and started to write up the parts as she thought back to her last conversation with Tare about a month ago as she was saying that when she completed her residency she would try and get a job here in Charming at St. Thomas Hospital.

Gemma knew St. Thomas would hire her in a second. someone a smart and passionate as Tara would be the best surgeon this place could ever hope for. He baby girl was smart as they come. She thought back to the time when she brought Tara home to stay with them when her dad was drinking away his grief over his wife Grace Knowles death.

Gemma went to drop some food off the make sure Tara was being taken care of properly, when she entered their home and seen Ben passed out on the couch and Tara trying to make some soup for her dinner she almost started to cry.

She told Tara to go and pack a bag so she could stay with them until her father was better, Tara ran to her bedroom to pack as Gemma took a pen to scribbled a note saying Tara would be staying at her house until he could sober up and is the father Tara needs at this time in her life. Gemma had lost a son and a husband but she didn't drink herself to death in sorrow and ignore Jax and his needs.

Tara stayed with them on weekends and most week days as well as Ben didn't really want to sober up any time soon. Gemma would have to stay with her until she had gone to sleep at first or she would cry all night. it broke Gemma's heart. One night Tara didn't cry Gemma almost went to check but decided against it hoping she was making progress. After the third night her curiosity got the best of her and she had to check on her.

When she opened the door she couldn't help but smile, there lying in bed next to her with his own pillow and blanket was Jax they were holding hands as if they fell asleep that way. She backed out of the room closing the door slowly not to wake them and went back to her bed.

Gemma was shaken from her thoughts as Dog had just dropped off an estimate for her to write up, glancing at her watch it would be another hour before the guys were ready to head home for the day so she took a drink of her water and got started on the work orders.

Tara collected her bags from the baggage caracals and made her way to the car rental counter. She could have called Gemma and she would have met her at the airport, but that would have ruined the surprise. She couldn't wait to pull into Teller Marrow's lot. The gentlemen handed her the keys and directed her to where the car was waiting and another part of her surprise.

Tara knew she couldn't pull into TM in her dads Cutlass she wouldn't make it half way through town and everyone would be calling Gemma and Jax to alert them of her return. She smiled as she hit the key fob on the black Ford Mustang opening the trunk she tossed her two suitcases in and put her purse and carry on bag in the passenger seat.

She put the key in the ignition and started the car as it roared to life, checking the radio she was pleased to find XM Satellite radio finding a good rock station she put the car in drive and headed for her home town of Charming and more specifically Teller Marrow.

Gemma finished the last of the work orders and estimates for the day, checking her watch it was 6:30 the guys should be done soon. She was cleaning up her desk when she herd a car pull in the lot. Glancing out the door was a black Ford Mustang that pulled into the spot next to her Cadillac. She couldn't see the driver as they were on the other side of her SUV so she made her way out the door to tell them the shop was closed.

Once she was outside she noticed a girl glancing towards the clubhouse as she put her keys in her pocket. Maybe she was here to see someone from the club; she didn't appear to be a croweater by the looks of her.

Gemma started to approach her when the woman glanced towards the office; Gemma almost did a double take, it was Tara. Gemma started towards her as she called to her name out loud. "Tara!"

Tara had pulled into the lot on the other side of Gemma's Cadillac SUV; she shut the door and made her way to the back of the car she glanced towards the clubhouse raising her sunglasses to get a better look at the guys sitting at the picnic table but didn't recognize any of them. She turned her gaze to the office and could see someone standing in the door way but the glare of the sun was too bright for her to see who it was.

She was about to head over to the picnic tables and asks if the guys were inside when she herd her name being called, "Tara!" She turned towards the office and the figure she couldn't see because of the glare was now in the shadows so she could clearly make out that is was Gemma.

Tara took off running to her as Gemma threw her arms open waiting for her at the start of the bikes. When she reached her Gemma wrapped her arms tightly around Tara. "Oh baby girl it's really you, I've missed you so much." Tears started to fall as Tara was in Gemma's arms.

Gemma released her holding her at arms length, "I have missed you guys so much Gemma. I thought I would surprise you." Gemma took her in her arms again, "We have missed you so much around here, especially Jax."

Tara looked up at Gemma who was wiping the tears from her eyes as well as Tara's. "How is he doing?" Gemma smiled, a lot better now that your back. "It's been rough the last few months on him." She pulled Tara into another hug just to make sure she was real and not an illusion.

The guys had just finished church and were heading out of the clubhouse for the day; Jax was walking with Opie and Chibs while Clay, Tig and Bobby were planning out when to strike the Myans. When they made their way outside he looked to his right spotting a black Ford Mustang parked next to Gemma's Cadillac.

"Who's cage is that?" He asked looking at Clay and the guys who shrugged and scanned the lot when he spotted Gemma hugging some woman. He studied the woman closely starting with the hair which was dark and shinning in the sun light. His eyes traveled down her body as he took in her slender build stopping at her ass.

Jax only knew one woman with an ass like that. "Tara" he said almost in a whisper to himself. Unable to tear his gaze away from her he spoke to Opie who was standing next to him. "Is that" … "Yeah it looks like it brother."… "So I am not hallucinating," "Don't think so brother."

Jax started towards them as he spoke louder this time, "Tara!" while he broke out in a run. He couldn't believe it was her she was back in Charming where she belongs.

Tara broke her hug with Gemma as she herd a familiar voice calling her name. She spun around just in time to see him start running towards her. She took off running as she leapt into his arms throwing her arms around his neck as his went around her waist. "Jax" She whispered as her lips met his not caring who was looking on.

Jax could feel her in his arms as their lips met in what felt like a surge of electricity flowing through his body. Nobody could kiss like Tara the feel of her lips on his was something he thought he would never feel again.

Clay and the guys made their way over to Gemma and the passionate couple who were still kissing the pain of the last 8 years away. He glanced towards his wife who had a beaming smile as she looked at Jax and Tara in their embrace. Gemma looked to Clay as he approached nodding his head she gave him a quick kiss.

Jax could feel the guys standing around them but didn't want to break their kiss but knew Clay and the guys were getting impatient and wanted to welcome her home as well. "Hey son, you want to let her breathe for a minute."

Jax broke the kiss but still kept his hands around her waist while she still had hers wrapped around his neck he smiled and turned his head to Clay, "No I'm good staying like this." Tara laughed "Jax I'm not going anywhere." She said as she released her hands as Jax reluctantly did the same.

Tara made her way to Clay and the guys, "Hey baby girl welcome home" Clay said as he wrapped his arms around her slight frame, "We missed you." Tara was at peace back home where she was loved. "Thank you Clay, I have missed all you guys so much."

He released her as she went around to all the guys who wrapped her in hugs as well, "Hey Tig, you staying out of trouble?"…. Tig gave her a smile, "Always sweetheart."… She gave Bobby a hug next "How are you Bobby?"… He smiled down at her "I'm good baby girl, it's good to have you back." Chibbs was next "How ya doing love?".. "I'm doing great" Chibbs released Tara as Opie was next; she looked up at the giant of a man who was more like a big teddy bear. "Hey, Opie how is Donna and the kids?"… Opie took her in his arms, god she was a little thing he thought. "They are doing well I'm sure you will see them soon." She looked up with a smile nodding her head. "I'm so glad your back for Jax and all of our sakes."

When Opie released her she looked at 2 guys she didn't recognize, one had a wild hair cut with tats on the sides of a Mohawk the other was taller with blonde hair. Looking at his kut she noticed there were no patches on the chest, must be a prospect. "Hi I'm Juice." He extended his hand and she took it. "Tara Knowles" He gave her a smile, "Yeah I know, herd a lot about you, nice too finally meet you" She looked at the prospect as Clay spoke first, "This is our new prospect Half Sack." She shook his hand, "Hi Half Sack?" She said as almost a question, "Kip, but everyone calls me Half Sack."

She gave him a smile, "Tell me you didn't piss a Croweater off." They all got a laugh out of that, "No, nothing like that. I was in the military I was stationed in Iraq." She nodded her head. "Sorry to hear that."

Gemma stepped forward after everyone was done with introductions, "Well now that is out of the way, I think we should celebrate our baby girl's homecoming with a cook out." She looked around the crowd who were all nodding in agreement, "Opie do you think Donna would bring the kids, and it will be just the family tonight." Opie thought for a second and suddenly broke out in a smile, "Yeah I think I can get her to come, I won't tell her Tara's back that way you can surprise her as well."

Jax walked over to Tara put his arm over her shoulder, "See if Pinney can stop by, how is he doing since his last hospital visit?" "Better he should be back here soon, I won't tell him either let him be surprised. I will just say Gemma is worried about him and wants to make sure he gets a good meal in him before all that whiskey kills him."

Gemma turned to Bobby, "Hey do you feel like manning the grille tonight?" He smiled nodding, "Yea I can get the grill going, and I will make a list if someone wants to run to the store?" "I'll go." Tara said as she had her arms around Jax again. "You don't have too." Jax said as he didn't want to let her out of his arms any time soon.

Tara looked up at Jax, "I don't mind, besides it gives me a chance to drive my rental some more." Jax nodded "Alright but I'm going with you." He turned to Opie "Go and get Donna and the kids and let Pinney know we are having a cookout, we should be back before you arrive." They agreed and went to get started.

Gemma gave Tara $100 for the food, "Grab some burgers, hot dogs and some chicken. Some soda for the kids and anything else you want." She nodded and turned to Jax "Ready to go?"... "Yep, let's go."

Opie pulled his bike into the drive and shut it off; he had been playing the conversation with Donna in his head. Well here goes nothing he thought entering the house. Donna was looking in the cabinets for something to cook for dinner when she turned to see Opie enter the house. "Hey I was just getting ready to start dinner."

Opie went to the kitchen and was leaning against the counter, "Gemma wanted to have a cookout today, just the club." He threw in at the last minute knowing she wouldn't go near the club if croweaters were to be involved. "Opie, I told you I don't like going there anymore."

He looked down for a minute trying to figure out how to proceed, "I know, but Gemma's worried about Pinney not eating right since he got out of the hospital and I thought it would be good if you and the kids were there." Donna looked to the living room where Kenny and Ellie were watching TV sitting on the couch.

Donna exhaled looking to Opie "Ok we will go, but the first sign of any crowearters and I'm gone. Opie smiled knowing once she had seen Tara he would be the one having to drag Donna away. He knew that she missed Tara as much as everyone else had, she was her ally in all the chaos that came with the club, and they kept each other sane.

He smiled as he took her in his arms, "Besides I have a surprise for you." She looked up at him with a smile, "Really? Do I get a hint?" He looked up to the ceiling and exhaled, "It will make you very happy, that's all I can say." She nodded "Ok let's get the kids ready to go, call Piney you might have to pick him up on the way."

Donna loaded the kids in the car and after some convincing Piney agreed to come along as long as they didn't fuss over him along the way. Opie followed on his bike actually excited for Donna to see Tara; she had a way of easing Donna's worry about the club and the life they lived.

Bobby had the grille going with chicken and burgers, he was waiting to put the hotdogs on since they didn't require much time and he didn't know if Donna would be bringing the kids. Gemma stopped by to check on the progress of the food. "Looks good Bobby, I'm sure you can start the hotdogs now, Opie and Donna should be here soon."

He nodded grabbing four hotdogs putting them on the grille as the guys were sitting at the table with Tara as she filled them in on her time in Chicago. "The worst part living in Chicago was the winters; they don't call it the windy city for nothing." They laughed at her statement, "Too bad you didn't have Jax there to keep you warm during those cold winter months." Clay said getting extra laughs as Jax put his arms around Tara pulling her on his lap for a kiss.

Opie pulled into TM and parked his bike along the others as Donna pulled in next to Tara's rental car. He made it over to her as Piney was walking with the kids they started towards the picnic table where the guys were sitting talking with Tara.

Donna was hesitant about coming to TM lately since Opie ended up in prison for 3 years she had become cold and distant with Gemma and the guys. Opie and her were about half way to the table where the guys were gathered around it while Jax was making out with some croweater sitting on his lap.

She came to a complete stop causing Opie to turn and look at her, "what's wrong babe?" She looked at Jax and he was in a passionate kiss with a woman probably a croweater or clubs hang around. "Opie I told you I wouldn't be staying if there were croweaters here and it looks like Jax decided to bring one." Piney looked at the table with a laugh, here we go he thought. Donna has been having trouble dealing with the club since Opie's release from Stockton prison. Piney glanced at the table spotting Jax and the woman, he smiled that was no croweater he looked over to Donna waiting for her to figure it out.

Opie looked at Jax and Tara who were making out while Tara was sitting on his lap. He shook his head laughing, "Donna that is no croweater with Jax, you should take a closer look." He nodded his head to where they were sitting.

Donna turned her gaze to the picnic table, Jax and the woman were still in a kiss when the rest of the guys started laughing causing them to brake apart, and she still couldn't see her face since it was blocked by part of Bobby. They stopped kissing as the woman said something she couldn't hear causing the table to erupt in laughter giving Donna a clear view of her.

Donna looked gob smacked as she stared at the woman, Tara, she was here in Charming. She turned to look at Opie "Tara's back?" Opie nodded, "Yep just got back today, good surprise?" She laughed, "The best." She made her way to the table, "Tara!" She called as she approached.

Tara was getting a good laugh at the expense of the guys when she heard her name being called. "Tara!" She looked up seeing Donna and scrambled off of Jax's lap meeting her by the grille as she threw her arms around Donna. They were practically jumping up and down in there embrace.

Tara released her from the hug looking her over, "You look good Donna." She smiled, 'Thanks, you look fantastic" Tara looked over to Opie and Piney standing with 2 kids around his legs. "Who are these little guys?"

Donna smiled looking to her family, "Those are my kids, Kenny is 5 and Ellie is 7" Opie and the kids approached them along with Piney as Tara bent down so she could meet the kids after she turned to Opie and Donna "I'm so happy for you guys, you have really great kids." She looked up at Piney, "Hey Piney, how have you been?" He gave her a smile, "I'm doing well; don't let these guys tell you anything different. How are you doing baby girl?" She smiled, "I'm doing great now that I'm back home with my family."

Piney smiled, that was good, maybe the club would be alright now that Tara was back.

Tara took Donna's hand and was practically dragging her towards the clubhouse doors, "Come on we need to get you a drink, I got margarita mix and tequila." She laughed as Tara was practically pulling her inside weather Donna wanted to come along or not.

Gemma had to laugh as Tara was already doing what was needed of her with Donna, who wasn't on the best of terms with the club at the moment. Gemma knew that Donna still held a grudge blaming Samcro for Opie going to jail, it was part of the life she still hadn't excepted.

Clay started to laugh looking to Jax and Opie, "Hope you boys know that those two are going to be trouble." The guys started to laugh buy Jax and Opie didn't agree. Jax shook his head, "Nah they won't be a problem."

Clay just laughed, "Really? Have you told Tara about Wendy or the baby of yours she is carrying at the moment?" Jax shook his head again, "No, but I will." Clay had a knowing smile on his face before he made sure the girls were inside. "You better; we don't want another Becky Martin on our hands." The table erupted in chatter, "Oh hell no!"…. "Shit not again."…. He isn't that stupid is he?"…

Juice and Half Sack were looking around the table with blank expressions on their faces, "What? Who is Becky Martin?'… Gemma approached the table when she herd the guys talking about Tara and the Becky Martin incident. "Keep it down; you don't want Tara to hear you talking about Becky Martin."

Clay looked up at Gemma, "Sorry Gemma I was just telling your son here that he needs to let Tara know about Wendy and the child she is carrying, we don't want another Becky Marin incident."

Gemma looked at Jax, "You need to tell her soon Jax." He nodded "I will Ma, tomorrow we going to talk after she gets out of work. Juice was getting frustrated not knowing what they were talking about. "Will somebody please tell me what the hell you guys are talking about?"

Gemma looked in the clubhouse and didn't see the girls so she pulled a chair over to the table and leaned in. "Alright, when Tara's mother died when she was nine, we ended up bringing her to our house to stay while her father drank away his sorrow. First she stayed on weekends and a day or two during the week. Over the years she would stay for weeks whenever her father would go on a bender.

When Tara and Jax were fifteen Jax started sleeping around with other girls, but I didn't want Jax anywhere near Tara for one of his sexual conquest. She was too good for that." "What the hell Ma?"…. Gemma looked up to Jax, "Sorry son, but you know I'm right." Jax shook his head as Opie was getting a good laugh at his expense.

Gemma continued the story, "At first Tara didn't mind, then one day a few months after she turned sixteen, Jax was joking with Opie about hooking up with a girl while Tara was in the room." Gemma started to laugh, "She walked by the chair Jax was sitting in and smacked him on the back of the head." The guys got a kick out of this especially Opie.

"I forgot about her doing that" Opie said with a laugh. "Anyway" Gemma said getting back to the story, "She said something like you had a fly on your head." Tig and Bobby got a good laugh on Jax's behalf. "He didn't learn anything that day, because a few weeks later we were eating dinner when Jax was telling Opie about a girl named Becky Martin that he was going to hook up with next. Tara was giving Jax a death stare he didn't see, or was just to stupid to notice."

"A few days later I got a call from the school saying there was a fight; I figured Jax started hitting some guy because he looked at Tara the wrong way. When they told me it was Tara that was in the fight and not Jax I couldn't believe it."

"When I got to the school they had Tara in the principles office and the girl she was fighting Becky Martin being patched up in the nurse's office. She had a black eye and a bloody nose. Apparently Jax decided to make out with Becky Martin next to Tara's locker." The guys just stared at Jax, "Idiot!"… "Do you even have a brain in the skull of yours?"

Gemma continued, "When Tara seen what was happening she grabbed Becky Martin by the hair slamming her face in the ground a few times, and then she turned her over grabbing the top of her head and started slamming her fist into her face about ten times. Jax had pulled her off the girl as Tara was going to seriously hurt her."

Juice looked shocked, "Holy shit! Tara did that?" Gemma and the guys were nodding "She might not look it, but that girl can fight." Gemma said as Jax wore a proud smile for his girl. "We taught her how to defend herself incase a guy didn't know how to control his hands." Tig said as the girls were coming out of the clubhouse.

Tara went over to the grille and set the plates down as bobby was finishing up the food. "Looks good Bobby, is it ready?" "Yes it is if you are ready too eat." Tara handed a plate to Donna and turned to the guys who were huddled around the picnic table. "Foods ready guys."

They all jumped to their feet while Bobby started dishing out Burgers and chicken. "I set up the tables inside with some chips and cookies I made." The guys grabbed the plates as Donna loaded up a plate for Kenny and Ellie as she called the kids who were playing on the swing sets that dinner was ready.

The kids came running over with Piney who was watching them as Donna lead them inside with Tara and Jax following along with Opie. The girls had everything set up for them as they put the necessary condiments on one table and chips, cookies and sodas for the kids at the other table.

Jax took his seat next to Tara as Donna and Opie took the others with the kids completing the group. The others sat at the tables next to them as they began to eat and chat around the table reliving memories of Tara and Jax growing up.

Once they had finished eating the conversation turned to Tara and where she would be staying. "Are you staying at your dad's house now that you're back in town?" Jax asked her. She nodded, "Yeah I was planning on it, but I'm sure the place will need to be cleaned out."

"We can help with that." Jax looked around the tables as the guys agreed. "We will be over in the morning before you go into the Hospital." Gemma said as she gathered up the plates on the tables.

Tara smiled as she looked around the tables, "Thanks guys, I really appreciate it; I need to drop off the rental car some time tomorrow." Gemma offered to take her to work after she dropped the car off.

It was getting late so they decided to call it a night most of them headed home for the night. Jax and Tara were walking to her car. "Mind if I stop by, I'm sure you could use the help moving some stuff around." Tara looked at Jax and nodded her head, "Yeah that's fine we can start our talk tonight if you are interested." Jax smiled, "Sounds good I will follow you home."

Tara climbed in her car as Gemma waved at her walking with Clay over to Jax, "Are you heading over to her house." Jax nodded his head, "Yeah, I told her I would help clear out what was needed to move around in there. She wants to talk about us also."

Gemma smiled placing her hand on Jax's cheek, "Tell her the truth about Wendy and the baby Jackson, don't play games with her, I mean it." Jax took in a deep breathe and exhaled, "I will Ma, but what if she decides it's too much to take and decides to leave me again?" Jax hung his head, "Come here" Gemma took him into her arms, "She wont Jackson, she missed you as much as you missed her, explain your actions and what you have done about them. Just be the guy she fell in love with, that's all she wants."

Jax looked at Gemma and returned the hug, "I will, love you Mom I will see you guys tomorrow morning." He said looking at Clay, Bobby and Tig who had joined there conversation. They agreed as he climbed on his bike pulling out of the lot making his way to Tara's.

He arrived as Tara was unlocking the front door while carrying a bag and purse over her shoulder. "Do you want me to get your bags?" He said pointing to the open trunk of the Mustang. "Yes, if you could please." She said entering the house.

Jax pulled out the two suitcases and made his way to the front door. "Shit, looks like we will be busy all day." He said taking in the pile of boxes aligning the walls of the living room. Tara laughed, "You sure you still want to help?"

Jax gave her a quick nod and asked her where she wanted the suitcases she pointed to her bedroom as she set her carry on and purse down on the dinning room table and followed Jax back to her childhood bedroom.

Upon opening the door Tara felt like she was sucked into a time portal as it looked exactly like it did when she left eight years ago. "Wow, this is strange." She said as Jax set the luggage down. "Yeah I know what you mean, should I go outside and knock on the window so I can climb in?" Tara got a good laugh at that question remembering back to when Jax would sneak in her room on the days she was staying with her father.

After Jax helped Tara clean up the kitchen and part of the living room they took a seat on the couch with a drink ready for the discussion. "Do you want to start first since yours will be the longest?" Tara said as she took a sip of her drink, Jax gave her a nod and leaned back on the couch.

Tara gave him a loving look, "Jax I know you have been with other woman, I am not going to hold it against you as long as you're honest with me. I don't want any surprises." Jax gave her a nod, "Ok I will start." He paused taking a drink of his beer..

Jax took a moment to gather his thoughts and herd Gemma voice in her head. "Tell her the truth, be the guy she fell in love with." Jax looked over at Tara, "When you left it destroyed me, all I did was sit in my room playing music and getting drunk and high all day. I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing for six months."

"Mom and Clay didn't bother me at all; I guess they understood what I was going through since they were going through something similar with you being gone." Jax looked over at Tara, "You leaving didn't just affect me Tara, and it took a toll on the whole club. It was different, the club was different."

"I know you had to leave and I am proud you had the courage that I might not have had. But Mom, Clay, Opie, and Donna everyone missed you." He gave her a smile as he continued. "After six months the guys said I had to live my life and this was my chance. There was a party and I ended up hooking up with a crow eater."

He looked sad when he glanced at Tara almost ashamed, "It wasn't the same and I didn't find much pleasure in it. As time passed with a few more Croweaters I guess I just fell into a pattern."

"After about six years of meaningless sex with random woman I wanted more" Jax shook his head causing Tara to take his hand, "Hey, its ok Jax I won't be mad." Jax gave her a smile as he continued. "I was tired of the endless disconnect, I missed what we had." He paused for a moment, this was it, the part he dreaded the most Wendy.

"Wendy came along at the right time; I was lonely and wanted more from a girl than just sex. She came to one of the parties with a croweater; she was a party girl looking for a good time and seemed to have a good time. She started to hit on me and we got to talking which was something I never did with anyone but you."

He looked over too Tara making sure she was still with him and continued, "I guess you could say we started dating, we hung out a few times outside of the club which was different for me other than with you." A few months into our relationship she found out about you and our relationship. I'm not sure if it was Gemma or one of the guys that told her, she didn't take it well. She started pushing me for more; she wanted to live together and settle down which was something I wasn't looking for."

He was struggling with the next part, "Since Wendy liked to party and I was on runs a lot she had a lot of free time on her hands, which she used to get wasted. She was tired of being alone while I was gone and wanted to come on my next run."

Well here goes nothing Jax thought, "One of my trips was to see Uncle Jury in Nevada, and she wanted to come with me, so I let her. We were spending a week there to help Jury with a few things. After we were finished up the guys wanted to do some gambling so we headed to a casino just off the strip. I don't remember most of that night; I just know I woke up the next morning with a wedding ring on my finger."

Jax looked over to Tara to see how she took the news, her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were bulging out of their sockets. "Excuse me?"… Tara said not sure that she herd him right. Jax looked down not sure what to say. "Let me get this straight, you took Wendy on a run to Nevada and came back married?"

Jax nodded, "Tara I'm sorry, Wendy is crazy, she has an inferiority complex when it comes to you, we were constantly arguing over the ghost of our relationship. She felt she couldn't compete with you even though it wasn't about you, it was about her."

Jax continued on, "After the marriage she got real possessive always coming to the club house chasing away any women who tried talking to me, hell even a couple of girls just for looking at me." He looked at Tara who was waiting for him continue. "I think Gemma started pouring it on heavy after she found out we were married, telling her about you and asking Wendy what was she going to do when you returned and I kicked her out for you." Jax had a little smile at that conversation with Gemma.

"You know how Gemma can be, I think it was the first time she felt another woman could take your place, which could never happen Tara." Jax looked over at Tara who had a loving smile on her lips. "I got a house for us to live in but we ended up fighting so much I ended moving out and into my room at the clubhouse, she was always trashed and trying to fight."

Jax continued, "She got clean about seven months ago and we started talking and she apologized for the way she acted, in a moment of pure stupidity I had sex with her in which she ended up pregnant. I have been giving her money for the hospital visits, but she hasn't shown up for her last three appointments. I have been looking for her for weeks with no luck Gemma is going to try and find her."

Tara sat there for a moment processing all that Jax had revealed, croweaters she didn't really care about them, Wendy the party girl who Jax married that she was split on. On the one hand they got married, but Jax was blacked out drunk. She would need to talk to Gemma about this wedding with Wendy. The last thing made Tara smiled, a baby, Jax was going to be a father the fact the baby didn't come from her was disappointing but the fact it was part of Jax she would love it just the same as if she gave birth to it.

Tara looked up at Jax once she had filed everything away. "Boy or girl?" Jax looked at Tara confused for a moment. Boy or girl? Oh the baby with Wendy. He smiled "A boy, his name is Able." Tara smiled, "It's a good name. I will need some time to process all this, but I am alright with it, I am not happy you married Wendy but I will deal with it."

Tara took Jax hand and looked at him, "Do you think Wendy will be alright just giving up her baby?" Jax had a smirk on his lips, "You have met Gemma right? She won't let Wendy have him since she is not responsible enough to take care of herself let alone a baby."

Tara nodded, "Before I start it needs to be pointed out that it seems when we are apart we don't make very good choices with the opposite sex." Jax looked confused as Tara continued, "It will make sense when you hear my story." She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, here goes nothing she thought.

"It was hard for me too Jackson, school took up most of my time so I didn't really date anyone the first year it didn't feel right." Jax looked at Tara as she looked sad, he took her hand as she looked at him. "Sorry, me and my roommate Kim became good friends and I went to a few parties with her and she introduced me to some of the guys and girls she knew and I ended up dating one of the guys for a couple of months. It wasn't serious because I wasn't ready for anything like that at the time.

Jax nodded knowing he went through the same thing over her. She continued, "I went out with two guys while I was in San Diego just casual since I would be leaving for Illinois soon anyway. I was so busy with school I didn't have the time to date in Chicago."

Tara looked at her hands for a moment, here was the hard part Josh Kohn, "Once I started my internship I went out on a few dates' just dinners but they weren't my type. One day a guy came in to visit a friend who had been shot we got to talking he asked me if we could get coffee in the cafeteria I agreed. We just talked about his friend and his condition."

"He came in a few more times and asked me out to dinner one night and I agreed. He was a nice guy with a bit of a dangerous streak in him, you know I have a thing for those guys." Tara looked at Jax with a smile, as Jax had a smirk on his face. He knew that Tara liked that in a guy, he looked up at her as she continued.

"We started to spend a lot of time together after a few months; he started acting different possessive, he would show up at work during my shift to check on me, if I was with a male doctor he would accuse me of wanting to sleep with him. Then he started showing up bringing flowers and wouldn't leave unless I went out to the front desk to get them from him."

Jax started to get angry because he didn't like where this was going. "One time I came home and he was in my apartment. He said he wanted to surprise me. When I got mad at him he hit me." Jax was about to snap as he got up and started pacing in front of the couch. Tara continued knowing this was the part he wouldn't like as all.

"A few weeks later I became pregnant, which would be imposable since I was on the pill. At the time I just chalked it up to a birth control failure, it happens. Later I found out Josh switched them out with some imposter pills, case and all." I freaked out and broke up with Josh. I made an appointment with the abortion clinic and got the abortion."

Jax sat on the couch again, "One night when I got home Josh was waiting for me, I don't know how he got inside since I changed the locks after the last stunt he pulled. He knew I got the abortion and was furious he hit me again while yelling at me calling me all kinds of names accusing me of sleeping with other doctors."

Tara stopped for a minute as the memories flooded back to her, she shook them off, and she was safe now. "" When he was distracted I was able to make it to the bathroom and climb out the window I went to a friend's house. Later I went to the police station to get a restraining order, but they denied me. After going to three other precincts I was able to obtain one."

Tara looked at Jax who was barley holding it to together, "After that I knew I had to get away form him. I told my boss the situation with Josh and he helped me get the job at St. Thomas Hospital. I went home and packed my bags staying at a friend's house until all the arrangements went through. Then I left and came back home. That's my story Jax."

Jax was pissed how was this mad man able to terrorize Tara without any help from the police. He shook his head "Why didn't the police help you? I don't understand."

Tara looked at the floor for a moment, here is the hardest part. "Because Josh Kohn is an ATF Agent, I'm sorry Jax."

Jax looked at Tara like she was crazy, "Why, it's not your fault, he was a psycho" Jax pulled Tara into his arms as he rested his chin on the top of her head. "It is Jax I should have never started dating him, there were signs that he was possessive and crazy but I ignored them just wanting to be in a relationship. He asked me about my tattoo one day when I was changing I told him I liked birds especially crows."

Tara looked up at Jax, "I don't know if he will come after me when he finds out where I am." I guess I will just wait and see." They stood as she wrapped her arms around Jax waist and exhaled taking in the comfort he provided her.

They were both exhausted after story time and ready for bed, Tara looked at the couch knowing there was no way Jax would want to sleep there so she took his hand and lead him back to her bedroom. She released his hand and grabbed some yoga pants and a tank top and headed for the bathroom, Jax took off his kut and shirt discarding his jeans placing his cell phone on the bed side table as Tara returned.

Tara smiled taking in the site of Jax in his boxer shorts, she had to remind herself the no sex rule for tonight was still in effect as she went to the bed pulling back the covers and climbing in with Jax. She lay down as she gave him a kiss and turned while Jax wrapped his arms around her. They were both at peace with each other even without sex, that would come later.