HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA It's been 5 months. Sorry, that was rude. See, I just graduated. It's funny I started writing Fanfics when I was in 8th grade and 9th grade, like just starting high school. Now, here we are and I just finished high school. I've totally changed a lot as a person and I think my writing style has improved. I haven't updated due to school work and also because I'm not really motivated. I mean I have a pretty good plan for this story and I'm starting the next chapter as soon as this gets posted. But I don't have enough inspiration to update as fast as I used to update my other stories. Good News Though: It's summer so no school work - It leaves a lot of time for me to type and brainstorm so my goal is to finish this, then start and finish 2 more stories. Hopefully I don't fail you guys...

So, I'm gonna quit rambling here and let you guys get to the story. We last left off with Kuki being locked in Wally's basement after his crazy ass kidnapped her (oooh, kinky!) So let's jump into chapter 3: Victim

Warmth. It's really warm. My eyes are closed and my body is engulfed in a blissful, comforting warmth. All my stress is melting away and I feel at peace. Why had I been so stressed before? I worried too much about my finals, besides they were next semester. Abby was right, I should've just stayed at the party and chilled. I shift and nod my head, soaking up the warmth around me. I feel so nice. Why was I panicking again? Abby - Party - Wallabee - Home... The night had been nice and now here I was somewhere warm. Really warm and extremely wet, I hadn't noticed I was wet. Emerald eyes - smile - sleep - bathroom... The air smelled nice and fruity, almost like pomegranate. I inhaled deeply and relaxed deeper into the warmth, everything was so nice... Ace - Missed Call - Security - Attacker - WALLY! My eyes shot open and I jerked suddenly, causing me to slip under the water. Hot, soapy water flooded my mouth and I choked suddenly. I splashed around a bit before my hands found the bottom of the bathtub and I pushed myself above the surface of the water. Panic stricken, I cautiously eyed my surroundings. I was in the bathroom. Wally's bathroom. How long had I been in here? When had he let me out of the basement? I didn't recall even falling asleep. I hope he hadn't drugged me again...I cringed. It slowly dawns on me - I'm sitting in a bubble bath. I'm naked. Stripped bare. I whimper softly and sink slowly under the water again. He saw me naked. No one's seen me naked before aside from my parents. Fear is pumping through my veins and I feel the need to burst into tears. What if he violated me? What if he had raped me while I was unconscious? Tears prick at my eyes and I fight to keep them down. Glancing up I see that He's boarded up the window. My stomach is doing flops. Why had I gone to that stupid party with Abby? Abby – who probably hadn't even realized I was missing still. I hate myself so much. I slow my breathing and listen, soft music is pouring up from the floor below. How long had I even been out? I spot a towel a few feet away and taking a deep breath, I stretch out my arm and make a grab. Gravity wasn't my friend. I tumble forward and my upper body falls towards the ground, I use my arms to reach out and stop my face from slamming into the bathroom tile. My legs are pulled to the side by my weight and my ankle slams against the side of the bathtub. Hot, searing pain shoots up my ankle and all through my leg, I forgot about that. I cry out loudly and hurry to bite my thumb to keep quiet.

"Kooks?" Wally's voice stabs through the air. I flinch, realizing the music downstairs had stopped. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit! He heard me. "Kooks, are you awake, hun?" He calls sweetly from the floor below. I hold my breath, begging for him to ignore any sound he heard from me. My stomach drops out of my ass when I hear the first creak. He's coming up the stairs. He's coming up to see me. I feel a strong need to puke and instead I re-adjust my legs. What's he going to do? What if he thinks I was yelling for help again? Will he drag me down the stairs again? Will he drug me again? Fear is pumping through my body and I start to pray that Abby and my parents are out searching for me. 4 more loud creaks are heard and it's clear that he's already halfway up the stairs. I frantically look around for something to use, I need to defend myself. I'm injured and there's no way I could outrun him, but if I knock him out then I'd have a greater chance of at least hiding somewhere and finding a phone to call someone. He reaches the top landing and he's right outside the door. "Kuki? Hun?" He calls through the door softly. "Are you awake yet?" I watch the door knob turn and I feel my heartbeat in my throat. I squeeze my eyes shut and sink down to eye-level. "What the hell…" Wally mutters as the door opens. "You're still asleep. I didn't think I used that much honestly." He sighs and I hear him take a few steps into the tiny bathroom. "Well, I can't just leave you in here all night." He says softly and I feel his fingers running threw my hair. Goosebumps spring all over my body and I feel chills. This is so sick. He has no right to touch me. My instincts were to flinch away and hit him, but he's convinced I'm still asleep so I'll have to behave as I normally would if I were asleep. His hand makes it way down my hair and settles onto the back of my neck. "If only you hadn't overreacted, we could've been so happy. I'm just protecting you…" He sighs. I felt his other hand in the water circling around my waist and pure terror shocked through my body. He was too close to my genitals. I felt so violated, I could already feel convulsions coming on. I didn't want to start hyperventilating. I bit my lip and twisted my face into his chest as he lifted me up bridal style, I refused to let him see me weak like this. I refused to let him see the girl he was breaking. I was going to find a way out of this place, I was going to get away from this psycho. He carries me out the bathroom and to the right into a room, I peek an eye open and it's dark. I'm placed gently down on a soft surface, most likely a bed. I can't control it now. I start shaking, violently shaking. I'm injured, naked, and vulnerable and I'm in HIS house which is in the middle of nowhere and we're gonna play everything by HIS rules and he was probably in the mood for rape. I didn't even care if he found out I was awake. I continued tremoring and shaking, I felt tears coming…I didn't want to be raped. I wasn't that type of girl. I've never done anything…I've never…Suddenly Wally's voice drifts through my ears. "Ah shit, it's probably cold in here. She's shivering." I want to sit up and yell at him. I want to sit up and scream that I'm not cold, I want to scream that I'm scared and pissed off. I want to yell and cry for help. I want someone to save me, but I'm afraid if I sit up that he'll slap the absolute shit out of me. So I lay on my side, curled up, violently convulsing…waiting for him to violate me. "Poor babygirl…" Wally sounds closer now. My eyes are squeezed shut and tears are pouring down my cheeks but he probably can't see because the room was so dark. I feel him slide into the bed next to me. His chest is to my back and I feel him press his body against mine and I start shaking. I want it over and done with him…I give up. He tugs a blanket over our bodies and I feel his hands pulling the towel off my body. I'm blind – I'm panicking – I've lost all coherence. I feel the need to puke and he rolls me over using only 1 arm. He's going to destroy me and all my worth. I bite my lip one final time and my eyes shoot open, ready to force him stare me in the eyes as he rapes me.


I'm eye-to-eye with his chest. I'm completely naked and he's pressing our chests together, my breasts are concealed. One hand is on the small of my back and the other is running through my hair. "Shhh, it's okay." He's whispering softly. "You'll warm up Kooks." He says quietly. "And when you wake up, I'll make you some hot chocolate." I feel more tears build up. He wasn't going to rape me? I choke back a sob and try to keep quiet so he doesn't know I'm awake. What was his deal with me? He softly murmurs stuff to me even though he thinks I'm sleeping. He's a nutcase. I'm going to let him fall asleep, and then I'll make my escape. He's a lunatic…

Over an hour later and it's quiet now and I can feel his chest moving up and down against my cheek. My eyes are wide and wet from my tears. He hadn't planned on raping me. Oh my god… My life had flashed before my eyes. Outside I hear birds tweeting and I realized it must've been insanely early in the morning and not late in the night. The sun wasn't up yet, but the sky was beginning to lighten from behind the somewhat transparent curtain hanging over the window. His breath was growing slower and more softly, it was almost relaxing…I fought to stay uncomfortable but it was hard…my body was slowly becoming very relaxed and the drugs from before had worn off long ago. Here I was naked, in the arms of my kidnapper…and unharmed (for the most part). The fan on his ceiling whirred in circles endlessly and I shivered, even though I was enveloped in his arms and covered by the blanket. It was chilly, I couldn't wait for him to be asleep…I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here. I felt him adjust his body and suddenly I was pulled even closer to his chest. My face driven into his neck, my eyes widened…I needed to leave now. A soft snore drifted from his body and I knew he was fast asleep. This was my moment, I looked around the room, using my eyes to find anything I could use as a temporary weapon on my way out. A heavenly scent filled my nose suddenly and I feared it was a drug or something to knock me out. But upon closer inspection I realized it was his cologne. I inhaled deeply…It was really nice. His soft snores reminded me that I had to move fast if I wanted out…but I leaned back and glanced up at him. He didn't look so terrible when he wasn't hurling me down the stairs and dragging me outside. We had gotten off on the right foot but – he ruined everything. I had thought he was perfect. But now I wanted nothing more than to get as far away from him as humanly possible. The whirring of the fan made me pull the blanket over my shoulder, the cool breeze felt like a thousand needle pricks. I observed his face more closely, his mouth was propped slightly open and a thin line of drool was beginning to leak out. I used part of the blanket to wipe it off – gross. His fingers kept twitching and his hair was spread over his eyes. His eyes were so gorgeous – it's sad they belonged to a total sicko. I decided it had been long enough and I rolled over, facing away from him. I brought both of my hands up to the blanket and pulled it a bit so I could pull his hands off me.

"Joey no…" He mumbled suddenly. I froze, was he awake? I was dead, I decided in that moment. A small whimper came from him and I rolled over quickly to face him. What the hell? "Joey no!" He whimpered desperately. My eyes widened a bit in curiosity. Who was Joey? He seemed to be having a nightmare. Suddenly his arms squeezed my body tightly to his and my face was forced back into the crevice of his neck. The cologne filled my nose and made me lightheaded. He was crying into my shoulder now, still fast asleep. I tried to budge but he had me in a death grip. He cried and cried and cried until his cries gradually grew softer. My heart ached but I didn't know why. He didn't deserve my sympathy. He deserved to be arrested. I squeezed my eyes shut wishing it all away – Wishing I was back at the college campus and not here in this bed with a psychopath. I slowed my breathing and tried to calm down. I took a deep breath and started counting from 100 down to 0 and somehow…

I had passed out before I'd gotten to 73.

I lurched up, vomit spewing from my mouth. My head was pounding, I felt dizzy. The room was too bright, sunlight pouring in through the window and the curtain now parted. Wally was gone, I was wearing a huge shirt. Wally was gone? I look around feeling weak. More puke was slowly creeping up my throat and the taste soured my mouth. "Help!" I called out loudly. "Wally!" More puke gushed from my mouth and I doubled over in pain. I don't know why I called for him of all people, but he was the only one around so it seemed reasonable. My stomach was empty, I didn't have anything else to spit up yet I still felt nauseous. The bedroom door opened and Wally entered looking rather upset he was covered in a slightly creamy substance and had a spatula in his hand.

"What the hell, you haven't realized by now that no one can hear you? I was trying to be nice and cook you some- shit." He trailed off numbly. He dropped the spatula and rushed over to the king sized bed. He pushed me back so I was lying on my back. He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. "You're burning up." He looked over the side of the bed and grimaced at the pile of vomit. "Poor Kooks," He murmured. "Here, lay down and don't move," He said. I was already lying down and I had no plans to move but I was too sick to comment. Had he poisoned me while I was asleep? I should've escaped while I had had the chance. Why had I stayed? I was so stupid! My life was over – I was dying now and it was most likely too late. I whimpered. "I'm going to get you some water, I'll be right back." He took off out of the room and I heard him thundering down the stairs. I cringed at the sun pouring in the window. I had a roaring headache and it felt as if my head were pulsating. A heard him coming back into the room and he helped me sit up on my arms. He tipped my head back and rested it on his palm while he held the cup for me to drink. I eyed him as I cautiously drank the water, it was probably drugged but at this point I had already given up all hope on making it out of here alive. He looked desperate and frantic. He didn't poison me…? He looks like he doesn't know what to do. I want to laugh at the irony of it all, he kidnapped me and now I'm sick and he doesn't know how to deal with it. He'd be a terrible father. He'd be a terrible boyfriend too probably. He's beautiful but…he's bad. I close my eyes and gulp down the last of the water. How sad. "Do you feel better?" He asks and he sounds genuinely concerned, but in fear of puking again I don't open my mouth. I nod once slowly and lean back into the comfort of the pillows. "I was making pancakes," He started awkwardly. "Those probably won't help you feel any better." He said with a sad frown. He looked down at the pile of puke which was probably cold by now. The room reeked now and I wrinkled my nose. The sun glared in my peripheral vision and I winced. He noticed almost instantly. "What's wrong?" He asked tenderly. I was so frustrated in that moment. A lot of things were wrong. I was being held against my will in the house of a stranger who was bipolar and had pushed me down the stairs and now was treating me as if I were a delicate feather. I tried to glare at him, but the sad and concerned expression on his face made me feel guilty and my anger melted away. He was trying his best…

"The sun." I choked out awkwardly. My mouth still tasted like puke. He jumped up and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtains closed and the room darkened. He went to the far corner and turned on a light. It wasn't too bright, so my headache slightly lessened. He ran a hand through his shaggy blonde hair and sighed in exasperation. It grew awkwardly silent and he was just pacing, I was so uncomfortable. "D-Do you have any orange juice?" I asked softly. He looked up and his green eyes looked almost dull for the first time since I've seen them.

"Orange Ju-. Yea!" He said, piping up. "You want some orange juice? I'll be right back." He scrambled across the room and out into the hallway. A heard a lot of commotion down stairs and then he returned with a transparent glass filled with orange juice. He handed it to me and sat on the edge of the bed, far away from me. He seemed uncomfortable, I realized I was supposed to be "asleep" whenever he had put me in the bath and taken me to his bedroom. I should be shocked by waking up in a bed since last time he thinks I was conscious was when he locked me in the basement. No wonder he was being to awkward, he's trying to now show his soft side. The side I saw when he thought I was asleep.

"Wh-Where am I?" My voice is still shaky. I swallow uncomfortably, I sound so weak and broken. I blink back tears and try to stay strong. I'm not broken. "Why am I naked?" I ask softy. "What's this?" My voice gets stronger and I tug on the big shirt I'm wearing. "Where are my clothes?" I cry. "What the fuck!" I scream and my voice cracks. I think I'm broken now. Wally stays quiet for a few seconds.

"I put you in the bath last night, you were covered in dirt, grass, and mud. It wasn't right for me to drag you like that." He states with a numb nod as if he's realizing how shitty of a person he was last night. "I didn't touch you or anything-…" He nods off and squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm not like that." He puts such a strong emphasis on the last word and when he opens his eyes again, they're shining with tears and he wipes them away and turns away from me. Not like that? What's That mean? He's not a rapist? The subject seemed touchy so I didn't wanna push him any further. I just bit my lip and stayed silent. "I let you soak a bit because I didn't want to touch you." He bites out the last 5 words and I suddenly feel empty. Was he violated before? I look at the fine muscles in his arms and shake my head. There's no way…unless he buffed up after it happened to make sure it wouldn't happen again. My heart ached suddenly but I didn't do anything, I just sat there listening to him explain everything. "I couldn't just let you sit in there all night so I brought you in here and let you sleep." He says. I wanted to scoff and roll my eyes. He wasn't going to mention how we slept side-by-side naked? I glanced down, he probably thought I was going to freak out or something, but as long as he didn't rape or violate me I'm kind of okay with it. That's a lie. But still, I feel sickened that he didn't mention it. Even though I'm not supposed to know I still want him to confess.

"Where did you sleep then?" I fire off. He remains silent and then takes a deep breath.

"I uh…I slept downstairs." He says softly. I fight back the urge to puke again but this time on him. I hate him. How dare he lie to me? I started to shake my head but he sighed. "I mean, I fell asleep in here but accidentally." He said. "My uh…dream woke me up and I decided it would be best to sleep on the couch downstairs." He said. I looked back and at him and cleared my throat. "And I put the shirt on you so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable waking up. I tried touching you as least as I could." He said "I'm not like that…" He trailed off and muttered something to himself. "You should take a shower." He said, standing to his feet. "And brush your teeth, I bought a green toothbrush for you and toothpaste is in the cabinet. It'll get the nasty puke taste out of your mouth. I'll leave you a fresh pair of clothes in here and I'll go downstairs." He said. He went out and I saw him turn right and disappear down the stairs. I sat on the bed, feeling weird. He was letting me roam the house freely? He wasn't going to drag me into the shower and drown me in the… I paused. I don't think he wanted to hurt me. Last night, He had been so careful and delicate with me. It made my stomach churn. Something was very wrong with him…For now he seemed normal though. I stood slowly to my feet and tensed up as my foot touched the ground and my ankle swelled. I clenched my teeth and dragged myself to the bathroom, I shut the door and turned on the shower. I frowned, remembering there wasn't a lock but then again he boarded up the fucking windows and it's not like I could escape in my present state anyway. After my shower I felt amazing, but looking in the mirror I realized I wasn't looking so good. Bags had formed under my eyes and I looked sickly pale. I slowly brushed my teeth, I was almost surprised that he didn't occasionally poke his head in to check on me. The house was quiet for some reason, or at least the upper floor was. I grabbed a large and fluffy purple towel and walked to the bedroom, my hair clinging to my face like I was the grudge. As promised, a fresh pair of clothes was laid out on the bed for me. The puke had been cleaned up and the room had a very sweet pomegranate scent all throughout. I felt kind of bad for puking on his floor but at the same time I was the victim here, not him. I dressed as slowly as possible for I dreaded going downstairs to confront him. What if I was slammed in the face with a shovel and then rocked gently to sleep with in ice pack? He was crazy and unpredictable.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs, listening to Tom and Jerry blasting in the living room. I peered down the hallway and saw he wasn't in there. I softly made my way down the hall trying to silent, the living room was abandoned aside from the television roaring loudly with the cartoon on its screen. Peeking around the hallway corner, I looked across the living room, across the dining room, and into the kitchen. Wally stood neat the counter, focusing on something. I swallowed and realized I had been holding my breath for an unbearable amount of time. No way in hell was I going in there, I took one step back towards the stairs and the floor creaked beneath my weight. His eyes shot up and he looked directly at me.

"What are you doing?" He whispered coldly and suddenly I froze. The bastard. He was going to kill me for doing nothing. He walked out of the kitchen and through the dining room, down the two steps and across the living room towards me. I was paralyzed with fear and even if I made a run for it, I'd just be captured and tortured worse. Wally grabbed my wrist and tugged me into him, hitting his chest my nose was smothered in his cologne once more. It was honestly the most enchanting thing I'd ever smelled. My eyes fluttered and I momentarily forgot that a psychopath was holding me. I fell backwards and into his arms as he scooped me up bridal style and walked me towards the couch. He was talking and frowning, but I wasn't listening honestly. His eyes were shining with frustration as he sat me down on the couch and kept going on about something, his eyes were really nice up close it was if they were actual emeralds just shining and I wanted to reach out and-. "Are you even fucking listening?" He spat in annoyance. "You shouldn't be walking on your ankle, it'll bruise more." He seethed. "Don't move." He said as he went down the hall and upstairs. I stared at the ceiling. What the fuck. What was wrong with me? Thinking about how nice his eyes were? He kidnapped me, I had to focus on getting the hell out of here….wherever here was. Wally thundered down the stairs and walked around the couch. He had a roll of gauze in his mouth and pulled off a long piece. He wrapped it carefully around my ankle before returning upstairs. He came back down and walked straight past me and into the kitchen. I watched him through the minibar. He caught me looking and I quickly focused my attention on the television across the room. Why was I so intrigued about him suddenly? We sleep together one night and suddenly I can't stop thinking about him? We didn't even sleep together technically, no sexual intercourse and he woke up and left me alone. I bit my lip as he came into the room with a plate and glass of orange juice. Setting the plate down I saw he had made blueberry pancakes…or so I thought. "Eat up." He said and walked to the other side of the room. He took a place on the other sofa and started watching the next cartoon that came on. He wasn't going to sit next to me? I stared at the food in deep thought. "I said, eat." He said again after a few moments. I blushed, what the hell was wrong with me?

"No." I said daringly. He perked up an eyebrow as if waiting for an explanation. "What if you poisoned it ?" I sneered at him. He scoffed and looked at the tv.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've already done it." He muttered and I gulped inaudibly. "So eat. Or starve. Your choice." I stared at the pancakes, blueberry was my favorite. My childhood cravings got the best of me and I took a small bite out of the heaping plat in front of me. The blueberry sensation spread over my taste buds and within minutes I had devoured the remaining pancakes and swallowed the entire glass of orange juice. Wally eyes me from across the room and suddenly I felt self-conscious. What the hell was he even looking at?

"Why did you bring me here?" I say softly. He closes his eyes for the longest time and sighs, dropping his face into his hands.

"I-." He pauses. "I don't know. I thought you were beautiful. I just wanted you." He said in an exasperated voice. He frowned deeply and I shuddered feeling scared. "I thought you liked me too, I just wanted to be with you for a bit longer. It 's not fair that I only meet you and then we go off for the summer." He said. I cringed inwardly, how was he so sexual about kidnapping me? "Besides Ace would've hurt you." He says with a small grin. "I couldn't have that happening." He finished. I glowered.

"Oh yea, you're doing a good job at that." I said sarcastically as I gestured to my bandaged ankle. He scowled.

"That was a damn mistake," He said. "I was just upset and you weren't cooperating with me. It was in the moment, I'd never intentionally hurt you. I'm not like that." He said for the umpteenth time. I was sick of hearing it seeing as how he was a major hypocrite.

"You're a sick person," I said. "Kidnapping an innocent girl and keeping her hostage in your house, bathing her? Hiding her? What mental illness is this?" I fired off. He just looked at his feet. "You're sick. If you like a girl, you don't keep her locked up in your house. You have a sick obsession with me. You need to find someone new." I say. "Someone is going to come for me sooner or later and Abby knows that I went off with you, it'll only be a matter of time before she realizes you're the cause of my disappearance and then she'll go to administrations and describe you and then they'll narrow it down to you being the only suspect and Ace can verify that I went off with you. Then they'll search the records to find your address and…and then…" I trailed off as the light faded from his eyes.

"Do you want to go back in the basement?" He said slowly and my heart dropped. I silenced myself and stared at the television as Jerry bashed Tom in the head with a huge hammer. No doubt, I'd love to take a swing at Wally's head with a giant hammer. Before I realized it, the credits were rolling. I lay on my side, letting my eyes drift to Wally. I swallowed uncomfortably when I realized he had already been staring at me, I wondered for how long. His eyes glimmered and my stomach felt weak. "Feeling any better?" He asked quietly. I shrugged, not wanting to say anything stupid and risk being thrown into the basement. I hated it down there. I looked back at the television to see PowerPuff Girls start. It was quiet for a few minutes as the song introduction played. "I've always liked Buttercup." Wally said suddenly. I cocked my head at him. He watched Power Puff Girls?

"Uh…You watched Power Puff Girls?" I stifled a laugh. I didn't care if he killed me on the spot. I couldn't picture a big, tough guy like Wally sitting down and watching PowerPuff Girls of all shows. He rolled his eyes at my laugh.

"No, my brother used to watch it when we were kids." He muttered. "Stupid cruddy show." I raised my eyebrow and he sighed loudly. "He was an odd kid, he was kind of out there, ya know?" Wally said and returned his attention to the cartoon.

"What's his name?" I asked curiously. Shocker. A decent conversation.

"His name was-." A brief look of panic came over Wally's face. "Hi name is Joey…" He corrected himself. My ears perked up. That was the name he was saying last night. "He always reminded me of Bubbles because he was just that type of kid. All bubbly and happy, he was always smiling and had cute little comebacks." Wally smiled sadly. "He said I reminded him of Blossom because I was strong, a good leader, and he looked up to me…" Wally said softly. I could tell it was a very sad memory and was very serious. I hesitated but found my voice.

"You remind me of Buttercup." I said sincerely. He looked up, intrigued.

"Because I'm strong?" He asked with a chuckle.

"No , because you're a dick." I said. The room was quiet and his face started to get red. "Do you have any chicken noodle soup?" I asked, suddenly feeling scared enough to puke. He sighed and sat up, moving towards the kitchen. After 15 minutes, Buttercup was going to town on Mojo and right when she went to crack him in the face Wally decided to interrupt.

"I'm going to head to the store." He said curtly. I furrowed my eyebrows. Was he forcing me to tag along or something? "You have to go to the basement." He said. Fear struck my heart and I felt the cold floor of the basement all around me. I slowly shook my head. "Yes." He said with a frown. "You have to. I can't trust you here all alone. Do you think I'm stupid?" I continued shaking my head softly until I felt tears pouring down my cheeks. "Don't be such a baby, Kuki." He muttered, I could hear he was starting to get annoyed. "But Wally," I whimpered and the room became quiet. He frowned. I didn't care if I upset him because at this point, I'd do anything to stay the hell out of that basement, I hated dark places. He gestured for me to get closer and I slowly stood up and walked to him.

"I didn't know it bothered you that much, Kooks." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into an awkward hug. I felt uncomfortable but the familiar smell of his pomegranate cologne slowly calmed me down. "Do you wanna just lay here and watch cartoons?" He asked. I nodded slowly, hoping the awkward hug would end soon. "Okay hun, let's get you comfortable." He said. I felt a small pinch on my neck and all I saw was darkness.

The sound of a door slamming made me jump. It was evening, I could see the sunset through the window. I was laying on the couch, curled up. Footsteps sounded down the hall and into the living room, I sat up alert. "You're awake." Wally said, using his feet to remove his shoes. He walked across the living room and up into the dining room, all the while glancing back at me. "I got your soup." He said matter-of-factly. He entered the kitchen and set the bags on the counter. He fished through and retrieved a big can of Chicken Noodle. He smiled happily and ducked under the counter to open a cabinet. I just stared, very confused. My soup? Oh yeah…I wanted soup. He stood up with a pot in hand and started to cook the soup. "How was your nap?" He asked. "Sorry I had to knock you out like that, I couldn't just have you up and wandering." He explained and suddenly it me. The bastard had knocked me out. I almost stood up and screamed at him. I wanted to yell and tell him that was uncalled for. I wanted to call him an ass. But…I didn't. For some reason I wasn't furious with him. I watched him stir the soup with a wooden spoon and I repositioned myself so I was sitting up and hugging my knees to my chest.

"It's okay." I said, my voice coming out weak and my throat dry. I cleared my throat and grunted. "It's better than the basement." I spoke more clearly. He nodded from in the kitchen and continued to stir the soup. "Can-Can I use the restroom?" I asked. He nodded once more and I heard him go 'mhm', so I stood up and slowly walked around the couch and up the two stairs to the front hall. I walked slowly down the hall and up the stairs. Okay so I was allowed to roam while he was here? I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, peeking out I saw he was nowhere in sight. From the bathroom I could either go to the right and into Wally's bedroom, straight and back down the stairs, or I could go left into another room…

I place my hand on the knob and take a deep breath. Swallowing my fear, I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Darkness. I reached in along the wall and find the light switch. Light illuminates the room and my breath catches in my throat. Rocket ship stickers are all over the wall, glow in the dark stars are pasted all over the ceiling. A child's size race car bed is in the center of the room, against the wall. A wardrobe stands, partially open across the room, clothes that were once messily shoved in now pouring out onto the floor. A toy chest next to the bed sits stuffed with toys. I take a few steps in, Was this Wally's old room? I make my way to bed and sit down softly. How did a kid with this type of upbringing turn into a kidnapper? I look at the nightstand and frown at the picture. Wally and…I pause. Joey. It clicks. This is Joey's room. I feel a pit in my stomach, I know I shouldn't be in here now, but the two boys in the picture are smiling so brightly and the happiness radiating from the younger boy's smile makes me think – Joey looks so happy being around Wally…Maybe he wasn't that bad of a person. I realize I must've been in here for 20 minutes when I jump to my feet, Wally probably was think I tried to pull a quick one and escape, I had to get downstairs. I give the room a look over to make sure everything is how I left it and I turn to leave.

"What the FUCK are you doing in here?" Wally's hand is suddenly around my throat. He's glaring at me as if I just killed someone. I try to pry his hand off my neck, but I can't. He's too strong. I gasp for breath, but I can't breath. He's just staring at me coldly. Glaring endlessly. I whimper softly. I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Ta da - Over 6,300 words for you fuckers. That's because I haven't updated in almost 6 months. Don't worry, updates will be a lot faster since I don't have to worry about bitchy teachers or any stupid projects. I honestly really hoped you guys enjoyed this story and I've decided my next 2 stories are going to be HUGE.

IMPORTANT: Should my next story be the final story in the (Unfinished Business) Series or the final story of the (MONARCH) series? I don't know how much time I'll have to type in college, but I never want to forget what I've done on this site and those two series mean a lot to me. Those two series are a part of me almost. So vote in the reviews guys. What series should my next story finish off?

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- Jade (Blue2B)