Hey Guys! Sorry for late update. Thank you for everyone, who reviews, favourites and follows the story and thanks for silent readers too.

Disclaimer: I off course do not own Naruto

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter 6: His Firefly in Dark Night

It took only few minutes for Sakura to come in the dining room and sat beside Sasuke.

Her expression was telling him that she was enraged but somehow calmed herself; the rationality came over on her rage.

The sound of birds are far from them. Sasuke's room was opened behind the forest, which was still alive by the training grounds of young ninjas of Konoha. However, the front of the mansion was in front of the Uchiha compound, where only ghosts live and the dry blood of dead was breathing in air. Even, the chirping birds of Leaf stayed away from the debacle, formidable and curse place. How the flower of Leaf was doing the place like this? He wondered, but did not say anything.

He noticed Sakura, her hairs were unruly, but face was fresh. The droplet of her fresh face wash was now, sliding on her nape. Sasuke gulped to see the act of the droplets of water. She indeed, did not bother to dry her face, after washing it. Her eyes were also wet; Sasuke was not sure, it was because of her attempt of washing face or she was crying in a few moment, in which he left. He did not like latter innuendo.

After playing with her spoon for a few more moments, she left her soup.

He looked for a moment on her face, then an almost full bowl of miso soup. There was a rule in his home that no one was allowed to left the meal in half. If they did not feel like eating more, they should take a small portion. Though, he served to her, but still, she was a part of his home and she should follow the rules.

"Finish your meal Sakura", he commanded softly.

Sakura stared at him. The curiosity was still dancing in her eyes, though, she did not ask any question.

"I do not feel like eating," she answered plainly.

Sasuke pressed his lips for a moment. He did not want to push her, he also did not want to break the rules. He was not landlord; though, he owned this place and had a good amount of money with him. But, his property was laid in the hands of Hokage and he did not think that she would happily transfer his property to him, so that, he could chain her apprentice for life time.

But, he did not have intention of chaining her for a life time. Indeed, he would unchain her as soon as he would be confirmed that she would always be his home and without any protest, would live by his side. Until, he was confirmed that she was his only, his home. Until, she would take the vow to stay by his side in good and in bad, in sickness and health. When, once she won his trust, she would be free from his chains, but not from him. He wanted her to be his. Not only in this life, but also in afterlife. No matter, if he dragged her to the hell with him for this purpose.

Uchiha Sasuke smirked to himself by thinking about him, Sakura and eternity and hell.

Sakura looked him smirking by himself. Before, she could ask something from him. He moved his chair near to her and touched the bowl. It was still hot.

He held the spoon and urged it towards her mouth. Her mouth gaped to see strange scene in front of him and Sasuke took advantage of it and shoved the soup filled spoon in her mouth. Her eyes widened again and she chocked again.

"What...th..the.. he.. hell?" She said during the fit of coughs.

The snake inside of him, panicked. It seethed again and again. He wanted to make her feel safe and good. Why did she react like this.

"It is not the way of feeding someone Sasuke-kun" her response by seeing his panic expression was spontaneous.

"How could I know that?" His expression was once again blank and voice plain.

The situation was ironic for Sakura and even, in the situation like this, she giggled lightly.

Something warm resided inside of him after seeing the view in front of him. Her giggling style was the same as their genin days. Her hands were in front of her mouth, while her mouth formed a giggle without showing much of her teeth; simultaneously, clumsy but graceful.

After few seconds of giggling, Sakura stopped and wiped the light drop of tear from her left eye.

She took the spoonful of soup and neared it to Sasuke's mouth.

"Open your mouth Sasuke-kun" she instructed lightly. He did, what she said. She slightly titled the spoon, which helped pouring the meal in his mouth. A light drop of soup was on his lips, she found no napkin. So, she lightly brushed her thumb to wipe the drop from his mouth.

"Like this," she smiled innocently.

Oblivious to her, her innocent act made commotion inside of Sasuke. The snake once again was awaken and creeping on the wall of his heart. The small child in the cage smiled via seeing her motherly smile.

The child wanted to smile her back and wanted to show that he appreciate her act and of course wanted more in near future. However, the snake wanted to devour that beautiful smile of her.

Sasuke found himself stuck between snake and a child.

But of course, the child was weak and feeble and caged. While, snake was powerful and evil and free.

He titled his head and reached for Sakura's lips to capture in his. But, Sakura was not ninja for nothing and pushed him aside, before he did what he wanted to do.

"What are you doing Sasuke?" Her expression was not enraged but there was light steak of fury in her eyes, while there was also a little fluster on her face which showed that his act impacted on her.

"It is not what you always wanted?" He asked haughtily.

The slight blush crept to her neck but she controlled her furious emotions abruptly. Sakura was not the same, what he left behind. He thought.

"Yes, it was..." She paused, "It is what I wanted or still want... from the start but it is not what you are giving me",

Sasuke did not understand her completely.

Might be, there was some confusion on his face, which urged her to explain further or she simply understood him, he did not know.

"I mean to say Sasuke, I am not the Sakura who was lost puppy, following you everywhere. I am not your fan girl anymore. That girl fell, when I saw you on bridge during our mission in Wave, that girl died, when I cut my hairs and fought for protecting you and Naruto and I have buried that girl, when I sensed that you will leave for power and she..." She damped her lips and Sasuke was listening intently without giving any expression on his face. She continued again, "she is long vanished and lost. Even, the dead body of that girl is nowhere in me, when I have faced you in that snake's lair"

It meant, she did not love Sasuke. The consequence of her words were hilarious in the mind of Sasuke. Though, his face did not show any expression, but his inner commotion was taking its toll on him.

No, it was not right. The only thing in this world, Sasuke had, was this girl who lost inside of the girl in front of him.

No, the only person, Sasuke could always claim was her. She was the only light, he had in his darkness. Indeed, he still cared about Naruto and Kakashi, (though, he never would admit this fact) but, they were not his. She was only. They were not forgiven and motherly like Sakura.

He did not like this. His fists were clenched, so as his jaw to listen it.

Sakura sensed the tension in his body. She was medic for nothing.

And immediately, before he reached in other way around, Sakura used the trick, which she always used to calm him. Though, she did not know, he was the same Sasuke or not, but if the indication of his action was giving her any clue, she would calm him down.

She took Sasuke's hands in her small ones without thinking for once and neared to him.

"It is true, that girl died.." Sasuke tensed to listen these words again. But she pressed his hands under hers and slightly brushed her fingers on his cheek.

The shackle crackled and reminded her that she was prisoner or more than, a slave for him.

Freedom or Sasuke?

Freedom or her love?

Salvation or her life?

The questions could be confusing but she knew the answer. Her resolve was not like a wax, which could melt away with a little heat. Her resolve was like a mountain, which could not be affected by any storm or tornado. No matter what, she would bring him back. She just needed a little time and patience to understand the mind of her beloved and she would be successful.

She was no more a fan girl of him and this new and strong Sakura knew, how to overcome the situation like this. Sasuke was not only one, who was trained by Sanin or did great efforts to become powerful. Not like him or Naruto, but she was powerful in her own way. And in this regard, she was not needed to be compared by any of her teammate.

She pressed Sasuke's hand again and the snake inside of him rested a bit.

Yes, she was his. He should not doubt on the loyalty of her. Anyone could betray him but inwardly, he knew, she could not betray him, nor Naruto, neither Kakashi. They were his family and she was his home.

She continued once again.

"Yes, that girl died but with the death of that girl who only followed the good appearance, who only thought about triviality, without going in depth, who was weak and trivial and superficial and useless." She faltered a little bit by using word useless but truth was always bitter. Isn't it?

"But, then the boy came into her life, who realized her that what is the life of ninja and what is the strength of her own without the purpose of impressing the pretty boys" she smiled bitterly by emphasizing pretty boys.

Sasuke's heart beat dangerously for a moment, when she revealed that she had a boy in her life. He did not like this, the snake inside of him did not like it and now, it was creeping restlessly here and there, urging him to do something relate to bloodshed. Or just took from her, what was rightfully his; showed her that who was the master! But Sakura was near him, his hands under her one hand and her other hand was caressing his cheek.

The touch and temptation and the Sakura's fragrance and the homely feelings and the warmth were too much for him to take action. When Sakura started to have this impact on him, he did not know.

"That boy was the one, who made her realize that her behavior with her own teammate was not good, by saying that she was annoying" again the bitter smile spread on her lips but that time, her eyes held a layer of nostalgia. Something warmth stirred inside of Sasuke.

"This boy made her realize that no one is perfect, when I found him dead on the bridge of land of Wave..." She damped her lips again. The tongue of her was playing treacherous things with her lips, but Sasuke ignored the temptation in front of him and hissing of snake inside of him.

"That was the boy, for whom, I have grown her hairs on and that boy was the reason, for him she cut it out." Unconsciously, Sakura's hands went through her pale strands.

"When, she got to know about his inner commotion, realized about his dark side and got aware about his darkness, she realized that she was loving just a shell, the beautiful piece, the pretty face"

She continued, Sasuke listened intently, snake was still hissing.

"Then, the girl who still was shell, a trivial piece faded away". She paused, like wanted to gather her courage or some more words. But her words were that spontaneous that Sasuke did not think that any of them was reason of her pause.

"Then, after death of that shell, the real spirit have born. The girl who loves and has kindness and looks down the depth and wants to know her own strength to give the strength to her love ones," her both hands cupped his face and her thumbs brushed his temple lightly. "that time, it was not because of her rivalry over the popular girl to win the popular boy of academy, but this time, she wanted to take the pain of him" her knuckles were brushing on his calloused skin and he liked the strange but soothing act. "This time, she wanted to take away the loneliness from him, like he made her meet her own self, she wanted for him to meet with the light and beauty of life and happiness". Something stuck inside of her throat and she gulped hardly.

"She wanted to give every kind of happiness to the boy, because that time, she truly loved him, the way he was or the way he is!" Something started to glitter in her beautiful emerald eyes. Sasuke looked in awe and poured her every word in the core of his heart, where poison of snake was splaying everywhere. But somehow, Sasuke felt that her words were antidote.

"the girl tried every attempt to take the pain of boy and slowly and steadily, she thought that she was winning over. But..." She paused and the lump in her throat was gulped by her once again.

Sasuke's Sharingan was activated long ago. Her every moment was precious for him and he did not want to miss a bit.

"But then, a snake came and offered him the forbidden fruit in the form of power and he was lured by him. The girl was not eve and she was not able to lure him to take a taste of happiness." The lump was once again gulped down by Sakura and Sasuke felt that one was forming inside of his throat too.

"The girl was not temptation and she had not any forbidden fruit to offer him. But she had love, she had lots of love for the boy" her one hand was again pressing his hand but her left hand was still stroking his face. "So, the girl offered him, her love...her undying love for him and the eternity of happiness but he only said thank you to her. Do you think Sasuke, that the two words of gratitude can replace the eternity of happiness, she had offered." This time her both chained hands grasped his collar.

"Do you think Sasuke that the power was able to bring greater good in his than the promise of eternity of love and happiness? Why Sasuke? Why?" She jerked his collar that time, the lump inside of his throat was growing with every passing moment. "Why Sasuke, that boy did this to the girl? Didn't he know, she will be broken down, if he left?"

Sasuke was flabbergasted, it was not understatement. He never expected this reaction from her. Hack! Even, he did not expect the lump in his throat, the tears of snake and the ache in his heart.

"Answer me Sasuke" she shrieked this time but her voice was muffled because of pool of tears which were cascading through her green pools.

"Because..." He was not good in words, but this time, he felt obligated to answer her.

"Because, he knew, no matter, wherever he goes or whatever he does, one day, he will return to her", Sakura's eyes widened by his answer.

But he did not stop there, he found words after a long time and he did not want to stop now. "Because, he knew the girl is stronger than how she looks like" he found his thumbs wiping her tears. No matter, how shiny and glittering and beautiful those green pools look with water, but it always made his heart ache. And Uchiha Sasuke was always a selfish jerk, who always think about his pain. This time, he also wanted to sooth her pain. So that, he could find peace and salvation and cure and love.

He neared his face to her. "Because, he was confused, in darkness and like a darkness but he knew that she was light, like a firefly in the dark night and no matter what, whenever he feels lost in the darkness, he will follow her."

Sakura's tears were dried up and she was looking in his eyes, like she was mesmerized by his enchanted eyes. Her mouth was opened slightly, because of awe. He smiled a bit and closed her mouth with his forefinger. The blush of embarrassment crept on her cheeks and he found her mesmerizing.

"Yes, he will follow her like a lost bird in the dark night follows the firefly. Because, he knows that she will always lead him to the home"

Sasuke did not know why, but he saw the tear crept from her eye and fell on his hands. But that tear was not the sign of unhappiness, because of her lips formed a beautiful smile. He felt his lips also formed something which made them turn upward too. Their eyes still focused into each others and Sasuke did not understand why, he felt wetness in his own eyes too. Might be, Sakura's tears fell into his eyes. Or were they tears of happiness. What do you think?


I hope, you liked it. If you have any question or confusion about the episode, you can ask and must tell me, you like it or not. Every type of criticism will be appreciated. And one more thing, when Sakura said "two words appreciation" I know, arigato is one word but we are reading English, so I thought to make it in this way. I did not point out this thing inside the episode, because I do not want to break the rhythm. Do you like the scene of Sasusaku in which Sasuke feeds Sakura? I know, it was small thing to do but I want to point out that Sasuke is also a human and he can also do mistakes. Anyway, I will try my best to update soon and until then, take care of yourself.