Five years had passed since Mika had joined the humans and he and Yuu started dating. They were still a couple, even after all these years and, were even closer than before, if that was possible. Mika was still a vampire, but there were researches on a way to turn him back to a human being. And Yuu helped with said researches, as he wanted to help Mika. He knew that the blonde wanted to be human again and grow old with him. And Yuu wanted nothing more than Mika's happiness. The other gave him so much; he owned him that. And he had a plan for when Mika is human again. Which, he knew, would not take much longer. He knew that the researchers were almost there.

Indeed, a few days later, Yuu and Mika have been summoned to Guren's office.

Once the two boys walked into the room, the older man simply told them. "Sit down." And so they did, sitting in the chairs in front of Guren's desk. "Let's begin already. The researchers just told me that they found a cure to vampirism. Which mean that Mika can be human again if he wants to." Both Yuu and Mika jumped for joy. "If I want to? Of course, I want to be human again! I waited all these years for a chance like that! If I become human again, then I can grow old with Yuu-chan, without worrying about him dying while I stay the same. I know that I am years behind on a physical level, but I will grow, right?" He looked at Guren with hope in his eyes. And Yuu was the same. "If the operation works, then yes, your body will begin to grow starting from where it stopped. But, know that this operation may not work. There is still a chance that nothing will happen."

With concern in his voice, Yuu asked:"Is Mika going to die if this operation fails?"

"Very unlikely. I can happen. But the most likely option would be for the vampire blood in Mika's body to interfere with the operation."

"What do you mean?" Mika asked, confused.

"In short, this operation is a transfusion. We use human blood and inject it into your veins, and it spreads through your whole body. If it is a success, your vampire DNA is replaced by human DNA."

After he had finished with the explanations, he asked Mika:"Do you still want to do it?"

Mika nodded without hesitation. He won't change his mind. Not now that he had a chance, even small, to be human again.

The operation was scheduled for the next Monday. During the day of waiting, Mika had to go several times to the JIDA headquarter, where he was subjected to examinations.

And so, the day of the operation, Yuu and Mika were in front of the military hospital. Mika had a bag with him because they told him that he would probably stay a few days at the hospital to ensure that everything is going well. And, if it worked, he would have to start eating, and they wanted to check how he took the food and drinks given to him. Yuu was there to give him moral support. He would also be the one to bring him back home after everything is over, whether it worked or not.

They walked in and walked to the reception. "We have an appointment for Mikaela Hyakuya," Yuu said calmly.

"Wait here. Someone will come to get you." They sat on one the benches and waited until a nurse came for them. "Mikaela Hyakuya?" Mika stood up. "That's me."

"Follow me." He followed the nurse, Yuu walking behind him.

They followed her to the doctor office, where the operation would take place. "Sit there," the doctor told Mika, pointing the leather chair. He did as told and sat on the chair. "I'll wait outside, okay?" Yuu told Mika, leaving a kiss on his forehead. When Mika nodded in agreement, Yuu left the room, leaving Mika alone with the doctor. "Ready?" the doctor asked. "...Yeah," came Mika's answer after a short hesitation. He was nervous, he won't deny it, but he also wanted it. He wanted to get it done and get his dream come true. Today, he will be human again. He wanted to believe it. Believe it will work.

After a while, he heard:"It's done!"

He opened his eyes... When did he close them? And looked around, trying to see if there were any difference. "How do you feel?" the doctor asked him. "It's weird. I don't feel any different. And yet, I have the feeling that something had changed."

"Can you stand?"

"I guess." He tried to stand... And immediately lost his balance. The doctor caught him and helped him get back to the chair.

One Mika felt well enough to stand, there was only one thought in his mind: Going to see his reflection in a mirror. He had to see with his own eyes if it worked. And so he stood up and walked toward the mirror hanging on the wall. And when he saw that his blue eyes were back, that his fangs were gone, that he was human again, he smiled. A smile that was brighter than the sun itself. Finally, after nearly ten years of being a vampire, he was finally free from that curse. He couldn't be happier. At last, he was able to grow old with Yuu, and he would no longer be afraid of outliving him. All of that was in the past now. It was finally over. He could finally live a normal life. He would longer depend on Yuu's blood to live. It took time, but he was now human again.

When Mika was released from the hospital, a few days later, Yuu was here to pick him up and bring him back home. And he already had something planned for the evening, something he had in mind for a while now, and that he wanted to do once Mika was human. It was going to be a very special evening. One that the blonde was not going to forget. Ever. He couldn't wait.

They walked back home, and once they reached their destination, Yuu parked the car and helped Mika get inside. The blonde was still weak, after all. While Mika went to sit in the living room, Yuu finished the preparations for his surprise for Mika. He put the dinner he made for them, warmed it in the microwave, and lighted some candles. Perfect for a little romantic dinner, only the two of them.

"Mika, dinner's ready!" he said from the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen. The table was decorated, with a tablecloth, lighted candles, and a dinner that looked tasty. Mika had to admit; he didn't know Yuu could cook. He was always the one who cooked. "You did all that?" he asked. "Yeah. I wanted to make it special for you." he then added. "Come here." Mika went to sit at the table.

They ate their meal, chatting happily, talking about what was new in their life. Yuu told Mika about things that happened at work and said that the squad was waiting for him to come back. Mika talked about the hospital, and the meals that were not so appetizing, and told him that he was bored during his stay. And that he missed him. They laughed. Both knowing that it was true. After all, Yuu did had a hospital stay. He knew how it was.

After that, the dessert came. Yuu went to the fridge and took a cake from it. A big, decorated cake, like the one at Mika's welcome party. The only difference was the message. On the cake, written in light blue icing, there were "Will you marry me?" When Mika saw the message, he was left speechless. Was that a marriage proposal? Yuu dropped to one knee, a small box in his hand. "Mikaela Hyakuya, will you do me the honor to become my husband?" Mika could not be happier. He always knew that he wanted to be with Yuu forever. So, them being husbands, was a dream come true. Today was the best day of his life so far. "What do you say?" Yuu asked him. Mika took Yuu in a big hug and said:"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Of course, I want to marry you!" Yuu smiled and put the ring around Mika's finger. He then kissed his fiancé. His fiancé... That sounded good.

A few months later, Yuu and Mika married, their friends and family present at the wedding. And they lived happily for the rest of their lives, raising orphans children of the apocalypse. And they died old with their adopted children and grandchildren by their side.

And after death, Yuu, Mika, the Shinoa squad, and the Hyakuya orphans were reunited in heaven.