Dean's eyes closed heavily as they reread the text for the tenth time. He didn't have any idea how to kill the monster at hand. Everything he's read has given him completely different ways and the only thing he could think of doing was to try them all and how they can find the right one before it kills them.

John had gotten frustrated enough to just toss his book down and get up to take a shower and Dean wanted good news to tell him when he got out. Didn't look like he would be able to do that.

"Just go to bed Dean." Sam's voice broke into his tired mind causing a rush if alertness to wash over him for a split second before the tiredness took back over. He looked at his younger brother with eyes that seemed to be frozen in the half open position.

"I've got research to do."

"You've already read all the books we've got, your not going to find anything you haven't already. Get some sleep and you can look for new information in the morning." The 12 year old explained, his own voice holding a hint of exhaustion.

Dean was about to reply when three knocks echoed through the door and around the cheap motel room. Both brothers looked to the door and then back to each other. Dean could still hear the water running in the bathroom so John wouldn't be coming back out for at least five minuets. Dean stood and grabbed the lonely shotgun from the end of John's bed. He pressed it against the plaster door that was trying to come off as wood and unlocked it.

When he opened the door the cold air sharply pricked at is exposed skin and he looked around the parking lot of the motel. He couldn't see anyone and just when he was about the shut the door, something on the ground caught his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when his gaze took in a tiny basket. Inside was a little baby who blinked up at him.

"What the hell...?" He bent down and grabbed the basket by the handles and pulled it inside the warmth of the room. Sam looked just as confused as he did when he set it on a clear space of the table that didn't have books on it.

The baby was wrapped in a pale pink blanket. By the color of the cloth he assumed the baby was a girl. On her lap there was a folded up piece of paper with his name on it. He tentatively picked up the paper and unfolded it.


If you're reading this that means my vision came true and I'm dead. I have no way of knowing where or when you will get this or her but I know that you will.

If she's old enough to explain it to you then this letter isn't worth much but if not then I will do it for her. She's yours. I know the two of us didn't on the best of terms and that's why I never told you I was pregnant. I had no way of knowing how you would react to her and I didn't want it to be a violent one. I'm not saying that you would ever hurt her but sometimes hunter can be unpredictable.

I know that the two of us are young, too young to be parents but everything happens for a reason, just like I died for a reason. She's your responsibility now and I really hope that you will take her and not give her up.

Please don't let her be raised by strangers who won't understand what she is.


By the end of the letter Dean's eyes were as wide as saucers. He read it over and over before looking up and turning his attention to the now sleeping baby. Sam was looking at him with a questioning face, waiting for him to explain.

"Dean...whose baby..." Sam asked, while looked to make sure that John hadn't come out while he was freaking out over the letter. He glanced from his brother to the baby before answering the question.

"I think...I think she's mine." Sam's eyes shot up and they both heard the sound of the water in the bathroom cutting off. He remembered Tay though. She had been a girl he met while they were on hunt in New Orleans. At first he thought she was a normal girl and he really liked her, liked her enough to to spend the right with her inside her treehouse. Yes, treehouse.

When they came face to face with the monster she showed up and killed it with her own powers. After that he couldn't look at her the same, in his mind she sat on the line between monster and human and it was just to close of a call for him. John let her go on the condition that she would only ever use her magic for good reasons and she said that was all they ever got used for anyway. Her parents had been normal and she had been adopted, not knowing where she or her powers came from.

The change in sound sent the baby's eyes shooting open and tears gathered in her eyes. He started panicking and reached into the basket, he had absolutely no idea what to do with her, hell he didn't even know her name. He held her against his chest in an attempt to calm her down. Underneath her was another thing of papers. He wasn't sure how to hold the child but he did his best and looked to his brother.

"Can you look at those?" He asked just as the bathroom door opened and the oldest Winchester came into the room. There was a moment of silence when he walked in and saw the wooden thing on the table and the crying child in Dean's arms.

"What the hell are you doing with a baby?" Dean glanced at the letter he set down next to the her carrier thing and then down at her head that was covered with a very thin fluffy layer of hair. Sam was looking through the file and was flipping through them.

"Her name is Violet." He said turning the attention onto him. He held up her birth certificate and turned it so Dean and John could read it. Dean caught a quick glimpse of his name under father before John snatched the paper from the younger Winchester's hand.

"You have thirty seconds to explain." John told his son. Dean looked at him with a clueless expression.

"Explain what? I don't know what's going on!" Violet's crying had lowered to a whimper but the rise in voices caused her to start whaling once more.

"I thought you didn't like Tay because she's a witch."

"I didn't."

"The baby in your arms tells me otherwise." Dean looked back down at the tiny human that was currently screaming against him.

"Dad, stop yelling." Sam said, moving to stand beside Dean. "You're scaring her." John took a deep breath but surprisingly followed his sons advice.

"I didn't know she would get pregnant." Dean defended himself.

"That's what happens when you have sex Dean, people get pregnant." John looked over the table and saw the letter and not a second later it was in his hands. He read it from start to finish and the looked back up at his son, shaking his head.

"Dad, what am I going to do with her? How do I get her to stop crying?" He looked down at the kid with panic clear in his eyes. Sam didn't know what to do either, he just watched the exchange with confusion. John sighed angrily and moved to Dean, taking the baby from his arms and into his own. He bounced her like he used to do for the boys and she quieted after a few minuets. After she stopped John placed her back into the basket. The baby went back to blinking up at them.

"Dean we can't keep her."

"We can't drop her off anywhere either." He told his father in a low voice. Violet's already shown her displeasure for loud voices.

"This isn't the life for a baby."

"I was a baby when you started hunting." Sam pointed out, earning a glare from his father.

"Now is not the time Sam, Dean you can't raise her. You're 17. How do you even know she even yours?" Dean looked from his father to Violet. She was looking at him, her hands on either side of herself and a frown on her face. She had cubby cheeks and pale skin. She was in a simple pink onesie that had a flower on the chest. Her eyes were the same eyes he saw every time he looked in the mirror and he could make out a few other features that matched his own. He knew that there wasn't anyway of denying the kid.

She was just looking at him, she didn't understand what was going on, everything for her was completely new and unfamiliar.

"Dad, I can't just drop her off somewhere..." He said slowly, moving his eyes back up to his father. Sam had taken back the birth certificate and was looking it over.

"She's Six days old."

"Days?" Dean asked in a surprised tone.

"You really think you can take care of newborn?" John asked.

"I don't know! I can learn. But I can't just not try."

"Fine, then she's your responsibility. You have to take care of her, I'm not helping you." He told Dean firmly, gesturing to the baby with a wave of his hand.

Dean cradled the newborn in his arms as he walked down the aisle of the store. Sam was at school and John was investigating another hunt close by. Leaving Dean time to go looking for things a baby might need. So far he wasn't having any luck. He didn't have any idea what a baby needs, hell had to run to a grocery store to get her baby formula after John so kindly told him that she couldn't drink scotch. He had to grab some dippers then too and let's just say that that part of parenting already sucks.

"Having trouble dear?" A store attendant asked from behind him. He turned around quickly, though he was careful not to jostle the baby girl too much. He didn't like the fact that his hands were so restricted but there wasn't anything he could really do about it.

"Um...yeah...?" He looked around at the items on the shelves with a clueless expression. She laughed softly. She was in her late thirties and more then likely had her own kids at home.

"How old is she?" The woman, her tag labeled her as Martha, peered into his arms to see the newborn who just blinked up at her.

"Seven days." Her eyebrows raised.

"Seven days?"

"Why? Is that bad?" He looked at her shocked face with fear in his own. Was he doing something wrong? Was he not supposed to take her anywhere?

"No, it's just, normally babies are born with blue eyes that turn into their natural color. I've never seen a newborn baby with green eyes." She shook her head. Dean looked down at the baby, her emerald green eyes staring up at him. So far she's been pretty boring, just sleeping and crying and looking at him. Nothing else. Martha seemed to regain her thoughts and asked, "what do you have for her already?"

"Diapers, formula and a bottle. that and the blanket she came in." He said simply.

"No change of clothes or pacifiers? What about diaper rash cream? Do you have a bottle cleaner? A crib?" Dean's eyes widened.

"She showed up on my doorstep last night, I didn't know about her before that." He explained. He would have held his hands up in surrender but they were occupied. Martha nodded and grabbed his arms and started pulling him through the aisle.

He made it out of the store in less then an hour and had everything he could think of when thought of babies and things he never even knew existed. He packed everything into the trunk of a car that he 'borrowed' and made his way back to the motel room. He was a little surprised to see the Impala parked back in front of the motel room and he put his car right back where he found it. He knew no one would notice because the owner and his wife were in the woods on a camping trip and wouldn't be back till Monday.

He pulled Violet's new car seat out of the backseat and looped the handle thing around his arm and then started looping the other bags around his free arm.

"Where're you been?" John questioned, tipping back a half empty bottle of beer.

"Had to get baby things." He set her seat on the table in front of John and deposited the bags on the bed. John looked into the car seat and huffed.

"So you're serious about keeping her?" There was a hint of disbelief in his voice and Dean rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm keeping her. I'll be right back." He went back outside and grabbed the last thing from the car and then made sure that it looked exactly the way the people before left it. When he came back inside he heard Violet crying again. He set the box down in the floor and moved to stand in front of the baby. He unclipped her from the seat and cradled him in his arms much like he had done at the store. He had been a little surprised at how unsteady she was and made sure to support her head.

John watched as his son rocked the baby back and forth. He knew that Dean hadn't slept at all the night before because no one but Sam could sleep through the sounds of the crying baby. Dean looked exhausted and probably needed about ten hours of sleep but he toughed it out. Once she quieted down he placed her back in her seat and went to work going through all the things he had purchased.

"How much crap did you buy?"

"The lady at the store said that I would need all of it. Most of it is diapers and clothes." John couldn't argue with the diaper part but he frowned at the rest of it.

"Does she really need a portable napper?"

"We move around to much for a crib and this things folds down and can fit in the trunk. The rest of her things I can fit into two bags."

"What are you going to do about doctor visits? Babies get sick all the time."

"If she gets sick I'll take her to the doctor, not that hard."

"What about school? She's a baby now but they grow up quick."

"I'll do the same thing you did with us."

"You really want her to have that kind of life? Look at how much your brother hates it."

"Look Dad, I'll figure something out okay? It will just take some getting used to. I can't leave her anywhere so the only option is to take care of her myself."

"What about when she starts showing powers?" That question caught Dean off guard.

"What are you talking about?"

"Tay was a witch. It's hereditary Dean. Violet will be one to." He pointed out. Dean turned his attention to the now sleeping baby. She looked like a normal baby, then again Tay looked like a normal teenager.

"Another reason I can't drop her off somewhere." He said through clinched teeth and went back to packing all the crap up. "Now what did you find out about that possible hunt?"