This is the end my friends, thanks for all the support and hope you enjoyed it.

BTW, if you like yaoi or don't mind it, I am co-writing with God of Insanity on archive of our own. Same name, obsidians look for the series called Dreams of Beyond, Away and Home (two stories). Come check it out!

Sid :)

Tifa stepped off the plane and was given a lei that almost matched the flowers on her dress, her face was a wreath of smiles as she looked for her silver haired lover in the airport but was kind of disappointed when he was over ten minutes late, which wasn't like him, you could set your watch by Sephiroth. "Miss perhaps you would like me to drive you to the bungalow? I was given instruction how to find it." her limousine driver suggested. She had been a tad surprised when he had gotten on the plane with her and sat upfront with the with the pilot. But then she reasoned that Sephiroth trusted few people and if he was to hire someone, it wasn't so strange that he would hire him to go to Costa Del Sol to drive them about the resort as well.

"Please just give me a few more minutes, he said he was coming" she said to him, wondering why he was wearing sunglasses and had the brim pulled so low on his forehead that is was hard to make out his features

"You sure?" he pressed her.

"I know him, he should be here any second now" she said in a voice with a touch of impatience in it.

"Actually, he's been here the whole time" Sephiroth said in his normal voice and taking off the cap to allow his hair to tumble down his back from where he had tucked it up underneath.

"Sephiroth" she cried and flung herself into his arms, jumping with a spryness that belied her pregnant form. Sephiroth laughed and easily caught her and melded his lips to hers and they shared a deep kiss while everyone looked on, some in pure happiness for the couple and some in speculation that she was the wife of his employer and they were having an affair. While the women wondered if he was for hire. Leaning back, she settled against him, resting her head on his shoulder and drinking in his natural scent. He easily supported her with one arm under her bottom and his other hand caught a hold of her suitcase handle and easily carried her to the waiting limo while wheeling her suitcase after them to everyone's applause.

They sat in the front seat facing their bungalow, "so we should get inside" Sephiroth said with lust in his voice.

"Yes" she said, ready to jump in him the limo itself, he looked like temptation itself, dorky uniform or not.

He went to reach down to take her suitcase from the backseat. "Leave it for now, just take me to bed" she almost pleaded with him and that resulted in her being carried again and him almost taking the door off of its hinges in his haste to get her inside and his distraction of her nibbling on his neck in a compelling way.

Sephiroth lay on the bed while Tifa rode him with him lifting her up and down and taking most of her weight as she took him into her lustfully as only a long separation can goad a couple to do, he himself thrust with careful abandonment into her hot center, giving her every centimeter he had to offer her. Their clothes were in a trail starting at the door and led to the bedroom as if leaving them for perverts to follow and observe the hot scene they offered. He reclined against padded headboard while she was aloft of him and they kissed endlessly, their love for each other almost palpable as it came off of them in waves. Her hair clung to her sweat slicked skin and his retained a single black sock from their haste to get undressed and to bed. Her final orgasm washed over her with a cry from her that drew forth his own with a satisfying burst and she collapsed on him panting as he carded his fingers through her hair and held her close.

She sighed and clung to him and then leaned back. "So what do we do now?" she asked him.

"Take this time as a vacation and decide where we are going to live and when we are going to marry" he said brushing her damp bangs back.

"Still going on about marrying me?" she teased him, giving him a satisfied smile.

"Well we're going to have to now or Rufus will arrest me for kidnapping you...again. A wife can't testify against her husband that he falsely imprisoned her and made her his captive" he said.

"Please it wasn't so bad and you became my captive as much as I was yours. What can you give me if I marry you? Just to sweeten the deal" she said to him.

"I can give you my everlasting fidelity, genuine feelings for you and a promise that I will never lie during our relationship, I'm incapable of that." he promised her.

"That's a good start, what else?" she encouraged him.

"I will allow you to pick where we live, our daughter shall have the best of everything and any further children should the goddess bless us with more. I can't offer you my chastity anymore because that you already got but can satisfy you in a way a normal man can't seeing how you could exhaust a mechanic bull" he said and then laughed when she mockingly slapped him.

"Okay, you have me convinced, I'll marry you" she said and then he sealed her promise with a kiss.

"So do you want to live here? I can buy us a house if you wanted to stay here permanently" he suggested.

"Do you suntan?" she asked him.

"No I could lie a beach all day long and my skin pigment does not change" he explained to her. She thought that through and then thought about how their child might take after her when it came to easily tanned/sunburned skin and her father's unnatural paleness and how she would have to chase her around with a bottle of suntan lotion all her life.

"Too tropical, let's just enjoy our time together and decide where to live later.

The members of AVALANCHE all received an email a couple of days later and at different times and places, clicked on the link.

The scene started with Tifa and Sephiroth standing a beach before a waterfall while what seemed to be a priest stood before them reading from his book. They stood side by side and were both barefoot and she wore a simple white lace strapless dress that terminated at her mid calf that flowed in the tropical breeze. She wore no makeup or veil, instead on her head, she wore a small garland of tropical flowers from which white sheer ribbons streamed down her back to wave in the breeze. The flowers were the same ones in her bouquet which was an average sized one, they hadn't attempted to hide her pregnancy with an oversized one.

Sephiroth looked coolly handsome in a pair of light gray casual pants, a simple white button down shirt and a slightly darker gray tie.

Sephiroth put the ring and her finger and said his vows while looking right at her and then a matching one was produced so she could do the same. Their kiss was tender and had just the right amount of passion and decorum and then Tifa threw her bouquet to a bunch of native dark skinned girls with dark friendly eyes that appeared to have paused just to watch their wedding and the prettiest one caught it and bowed a small thank you toward them before continuing along with her friends.

The entire wedding appeared to be slapdash with little planning and was over in under five minutes but the bride and groom seemed to glow. Their colouring was at opposite end of the spectrum, but somehow they looked natural together.

The video terminated with Tifa's voice:

"As you can see, I'm not brainwashed, I'm only in love. I never thought I would fall for someone who meant the ruin of my old life but that wasn't him and I know that now. Second chances are rare so you have to seize them when they come around. We both deserve a second chance and choose to do that together. Jail cannot split us apart nor any of you, our daughter deserves to have a family who loves her.

I don't expect to you to understand but I want you to know that I'm safe and we both welcome you into our lives if you want to continue to be. We understand if this is too much for you though and I thank you for being my friend. I shall be in touch with you once we decide where to live and you are welcome to come and hear our story or meet our daughter and decide what you wish to do.


Mrs. Tifa Crescent"

Sephiroth leaned over his wife in the delivery room while their daughter was taken for a hearing test and to be cleaned up. "She's as beautiful as her mother" Sephiroth said to his exhausted wife.

"She must take after you in the size department" she said, giving him a tired smile.

They both looked at the doctor, he looked slightly grim. "I have some news, she's perfectly healthy but there is one thing..." he said.

"She's deaf" Tifa sobbed looking at her. "I wanted to give you a perfect child" Tifa said, worried her might reject them because Sephiroth himself had no handicaps of any sort, his survival had depended on this. He looked down into the baby's eyes, so much like his own and touched the dark fuzz on her head. She seemed to smile at him as she grasped one of his long fingers in a surprisingly tight grip and he fell head over heels in love with the tiny scrap of humanity.

"She is perfect, so we shall have to learn sign language and she will learn to lip read and speak. There are schools for that, Sidra's still our perfect little daughter. She'll have a great life regardless learning to sword fight...and ice dance" he added when he added at his wife's glare.

The small three year old had her back to her sparring partner, her dark shoulder length hair was held back by a hair band and she wore a dark haori and hamaka pants as she effortlessly gripped the overly wooden long practice sword in her left hand.

She turned just in time to block her opponent's blow and counter with a couple of up thrusts of her own and they removed her helmet to smile up at your father, giving him a smile that matched his own.

"How did you hear me? You're supposed to be deaf? Have you been lying to me all these years?" Sephiroth signed at her and spoke the words out loud, she was certainly his daughter as she could already sign and lip read at so young an age.

"Well if you're going to charge at me so heavily like a raging elephant, of course I am going to feel your vibrations" she signed and spoke back in the toneless voice the deaf used and then made him crack up by extending her arm before her nose and pretended to roar like an elephant and then rolled her eyes at him.

"Now you're just being cheeky, I'll have you know that I was trained to move noiselessly" he motioned back.

"You had better go back for retraining" she replied.

Tifa laughed at the conversation as she ventured on them with Barret and the now teenaged Marlene and tapped Sidra on her shoulders. "I see your is father training you, but we have guests. Please come with me and get changed, I have to go feed your brother" she signed to her daughter.

"But I was having fun, can't we train a little longer?" she protested and suddenly both pairs of pleading green slit pupil eyes were staring at Tifa.

"Come on inside, I have a present to give you" Barret said.

"Another one? You sure love little girls" Sidra observed.

"Don't be saying that in front of the parents of your school" Barret said and seemed to blush.

"You have to go get ready, I have to get back to the kitchen before Aunt Yuffie and Aunt Jessika get into blows about how to best prepare the turkey. Yuffie wants to make it the Wutaian way and Jessika, the Southern Way.

"I'll go monitor them, if I could handle a squadron of full grown men when fourteen , I can handle two small women" Sephiroth said sweeping Sidra up as they all walked to the house.

Their eyes went wide as a Sai flew from the kitchen and embedded itself into the wall inches from Sephiroth.

"Honey calm down" Cloud chided his wife as he held her at bay from the raging TURK. Cloud had been upset after the couple's marriage and found a source of comfort that he hadn't considered when Yuffie started to come to the bar to check up on him. He soon realized just how pretty she was, with a good sense of humour that could make him laugh and soon they got together.

"My "people" as you refer to us, are fully capable of making a full turkey without having to resort to chopping it up and stir frying it" Yuffie said burnishing her shuriken at the TURK while Tseng had his restraining hands on this wife's shoulders. "The giblets belong in the garbage, not roasted with the bird."

"Yes like you lot don't eat strange things" Jessika countered.

"Look it's my favourite niece, come on Yuffie, we promised Sidra we would take her to town to get a treat" Cloud said in rush taking Sidra from Sephiroth. "It'll be good practice" he added.

"Practice for what?" Sephiroth asked him.

"Congratulations you two!" Tifa enthused

"Way to distract them" Sidra signed as she smiled up at handsome man.

"Sephiroth, Tifa, you don't mind if we borrow your daughter for a bit?" Cloud asked his friends.

"Bring her back afterwards" Tifa said as he and Yuffie left.

"Spending time with my handsome Uncle. My day keeps on getting better and better" Sidra signed and Sephiroth felt uncomfortable how she looked up at the blonde man, it reminded him of the smitten way Tifa looked at himself.

"Practice?" he questioned her.

"They're expecting" Tifa said.

"Well now that she's gone, I'll finish prepping the turkey" Jessika declared.

"I've got a better idea, come on. You look like you could use a foot rub" Tseng said drawing her away.

"Well if you insist" she said with her sexy slight southern drawl.

"I guess I'll finish the turkey after I feed Alistair" Tifa said.

"I'll help you" Sephiroth said and followed his wife into their bedroom and watched as she fed their son who was only two months old but already was showing a silver glint in the fine hairs on his head, he enjoyed watching her feed him. She was a natural as a mother.

She looked up and realized that Sephiroth was smiling as he normally did when company wasn't around. "Are you okay with everyone coming to visit us? I mean you're not much into socializing" she said.

"They will go home soon enough and I shall be with you, it's good" he said as his own hand stroked along his son's head.

Yes he had taken her and held her captive and then she did him when she captured his heart and now two more reasons shackled him to her and he was ecstatic about it.