"Where do you think you are going" I snarled at the retreating figures, they stopped in their tracks upon hearing my voice. I had a strong suspension about who they were and I narrowed my eyes at them. 'What did they think they were going to accomplish' I thought to myself but they were kids after all and I would have done the same for my friend when I was their age but...

"Kaida-sama please" Armin said whipping around to face me his hood slipping off his face. "We have to sh-she our friend" he pleaded with me. The other three had turned around peeling their hoods off as well their heads hung with shame about trying to sneak out.

"Go back to your rooms" I growled out angrily closing my eyes not desiring to see the hurt in their eyes when they walked past me.

"But," Armin said.

"Rooms, now" I grounded out. I had to be like this otherwise... No, I didn't want to think about it, I just had to be strong for everyone if I wasn't then everything we built will be for nothing. I reopened my eyes giving each one, Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin a disappointed look as they filtered past me. They look like they were about to cry and I felt like a bad parent but I had to remind myself it was necessary to keep them safe. They were too young to remember what we all sacrificed for them and what I had done and would do again for them and the others.

They had gone to their rooms but I continued to look into the vast darkness of the forest thinking about everything and about what I must do. I had to do something otherwise the kids would have gotten into trouble but at least tonight even if I had not caught them Oluo and Hanes were on patrol and would have caught them in my stead. Speaking of Hanes and Oluo they were approaching me fast and as they got closer I heard some of the horses whiney, you would think they would get used to us but they were only reacting instinctively so it wasn't really their fault.

I scoffed in annoyance even if it weren't their fault it was still a couple more horses I would have to sell, they weren't useful if they were afraid of us when we were like that. I would sell them to the next human group I met. Interrupting my thought, I heard two loud thuds after strong breezes threatened to knock me over. And just on cue, their voices springed into action, honestly even if they annoyed me sometimes I could never really get sick of it. I smiled softly, I would really miss this routine over the next couple of weeks.

"Boss," yelled Oluo and not a second later, "Boss" yelled Hanes who tripped Oluo to get to me first.

"Yes," I said.

"Look she smiling, what a rare sight," Hanes yelled. "That's because of me" Oluo yelled at Hanes.

"Anything to report, anything unusual," I said before they continue arguing.

"No," Oluo said straightening his posture when getting in close proximity to me. "Everything all clear," Hanes said finishing the report.

"Good, then I'll be heading back inside momentarily but one last thing I want you two to be in the dining hall at daybreak, I have something to announce to everyone," I said before turning my back on them.

"Boss, can I ask a question," Hanes asked.

I stopped walking and turned my head, "yes?"

"Well, boss you seem a bit tense did something happen. I know Mikasa disappeared but.." Oluo said not finishing his thought.

"Mhhh...The kids tried sneaking out earlier, I don't think they will try again tonight but be extra vigilant tonight in case they try again after all Armin too smart for his own good. I'll explain everything at daybreak so until then good night " I said ending the conservation.

Before I could walk inside I heard the flap of wings accompanied with gusts of wind and whiney of those damn horses and my face grew grim. I thought I would be gone a couple of weeks but how long would it really take me to find Mikasa and would I even find her and if I did would I find her alive. My thoughts were dark and I hoped for the best but I should be crueler and focus on trying hold together what we had. If I leave, I leave them vulnerable which made this a difficult decision but I promised her parents and I never broke a promise.

I stroll through our makeshift home before heading to the dining hall. I was saying goodbye to it, I felt like it would be my last time here so I wanted to memorize everything in exact detail in case I never got back. There was always that possibility and I creaked open the door and peeked in on the sleeping Jean, Reiner, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, and Armin and I knew I had to get back home with Mikasa in once piece. There was no way around it, their faces reminded me what I had to do so no matter what I had to succeed.

After doing my rounds of everything I plopped myself in a chair in front of the fireplace in the dining hall. I stared at the fire and waited for daybreak. The sun eventually began to rise, the light filtering in through the window and I heard everyone filter into the dining hall one by one. After everyone had gathered I got up preparing for the strong objection I would get for my decision. I turned around and faced my people, my eyes wandered through the crowd and I couldn't miss the grim look in the adults' eyes as if they knew what I already planned on doing. The kids from last night Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin wouldn't look me in the eye which I somewhat expected but that was okay, they would be staring me in the eye at the end of my speech and the adults in the room would be the one refusing too.

"As you all know, Mikasa has disappeared when she was out searching for the one, her one. It has been over two months since she last contacted us and many of us believe she is dead or captured. But as you also know she had passed the test marking her capable to endure what the outside world has to offer, thus she knew of the dangers before she left yet there are those among us who would break rules that keep us safe to search for her," I said looking at each one Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin.

I stopped my speech to look at the face of the others trying to gauge their reactions but their faces remained solemn, there was no look of surprise on anyone faces. I sighed before continuing, "Even though everyone knows of the dangers before they venture out she is still one of us. I made a vow and I promised to uphold that vow no matter what so I will leave to search for her today."

I noted the look of surprise on the faces of Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin and before I could continue angry objections from the adults started to fill the hall. I let it go on for five minutes before I yelled, "Enough" and everyone became quiet. I huffed annoyed before continuing, "The decision has been made already, I'm leaving and I will travel alone," I emphasized staring at the group containing Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin. "And while I'm gone Shadis will be in charge. Any concerns or questions will now be directed to him"

I expected these reactions as I walk forward. Some were angry, distressed, worried, and others surprised. I reached the crowd and they refused to part for me which annoyed me they were acting so childish. "Move" I ordered, I hated doing it but they needed to know I was serious. They moved for me instantly, their faces were scrunched up in anger because they were unable to refuse my orders. The only ones who looked at me when I walked past were Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin. I felt a little defeated but it was natural they felt that way, I only had myself to blame.

Before I left the dining hall I turned my head and I looked up at Shadis nodding my head at him. He nodded his head back at me and then he went back to answering everyone's questions. I silently proceeded to the stables to gather my stuff and leave. When I arrived I encountered Jean, Reiner, Connie, Anne, Ymir, and Armin which annoyed me so I pretended they weren't there and began packing my stuff on my horse and just waited for the shit storm.

"We're coming with you Kaida-sama" Jean blurted out. I continued packing up my horse ignoring them, did they really think I would bring them with me. I finished putting my last bag on my horse before Armin confronted me blocking my path to gather the horses I would be selling. "We are not going to let you go alone, Mikasa our friend too!" The rest of them joined in all ushering a "yeah".

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to collect myself before saying anything. I reopened my eyes and calmly stated, "If you wish to follow me then you must pass the test like Mikasa did otherwise you'll just be a burden." I let him digest my words before I said anything else, "Now move," I ordered and he did just that. It was awkwardly silent in the stable but I didn't have to spend much more time in the stable.

I pushed myself up on the back of my horse and nudge him in the ribs with the tip of my boot to make him start moving. I heard the group of friends move out behind me but I didn't look back as I rode out on the road to the outside world. I could feel their eyes plastered on my back angry I was leaving them behind while I search for their friend. I hated the outside world, it was only filled with monsters.

I traveled down the road stopping briefly here and there to give the horses opportunities to eat and drink. I stopped for a few hours when the sun set to give the horses time to rest before we started again. It would take me a total of five days to reach the outside world by horseback which was annoying and occasionally I would feel the presence of those from my patrol group. They never stop to talk to me I suppose they were angry at me but instinctively they had to still check up on me while I was still within our territory.

On the beginning of the sixth day, I left the forest finally reaching the outside world. I pulled the reins making my horse come to a halt and stood upon a hill and looked across the plain below me. All I could see was grass and some trees growing in small clusters, it still looked the same from the last time I saw it. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and white puffy clouds drifted across the sky while strong breezes blew across the plains, plowing down any grass that got in its way. I closed my eyes and inhaled the air brought from far away due to the breeze and from that I took in every scent the air had to offer, categorizing each smell.

Not too far away I scented a caravan of about 40 people, perhaps they needed someone to protect them there were some pretty fierce beasts roaming around these parts excluding me of course. Maybe it was the same caravan Mikasa had traveled with but that was wishful thinking; however, if it was I could gather some information from them. I pulled my black goggles over my eyes and dug the tip of my shoe into the side of my horse to get my horse moving in the direction of the caravan. I also hoped they wanted three horses but if they didn't I could always get rid of them in whatever town or city I ended up in.

It took me more than half the day to intercept their group, it looked like they were preparing to stop for the day. I counted 27 visible individuals the rest I assumed were hidden in the covered wagons, they were probably the elderly, young, or women most humans traveled this way. I stopped 40 feet from the front of the caravan not wanting to spook the travelers.

"Hey mind if I join your group" I called out to few of the men who had stopped what they were doing to see who I was. I continued, "I can be quite beneficial to your small group, I will protect your group free of charge while I travel with you."

One the men closest to me called out, "State your species, woman". I frowned at his words, humans have always been prejudice even within their own species they were.

"Human but I'm a mage so if you are..." I stated my voice hinting my annoyance and before I could finish my sentence the same man cut me off. "We are not against your kind mage we merely asking. One can not be too careful while on the roads. Will you tell us why you are traveling?" These men thought they were so smart if they had any idea what I really was they be shaking in their boots begging me not to kill them.

"I appreciate it if you stop calling me mage. If you wish to call me by something call me Niko and for the reasons for my traveling, I wish to sell these three horses and find my niece..." I stated my annoyance more pronounce than before, I hated them calling me a mage. I dislike being categorized as one even though I said I was one, they were a crazy lot and just hated being called one. "Would you like to buy my horses? I'll make them cheaper if you provide me food until we arrive at the next city."

I waited to hear their reply, some men who weren't there to hear my prospect were called over to discuss it. I started picking at my nails while they discussed whether or not to let me join, little did they know I could hear what they were saying to each other clearly. I decided it was for the better I changed my name, I didn't want to offer my real name to anyone in case it somehow made its way to him even though I made sure to put enough distance between us and him but I still needed to be careful. If he knew where we were he would send others after me no doubt, I did not want any more unnecessary blood on my hands.

"One more question mage, how can you protect us?" a different man said.

"I said call me Niko and not mage," I snapped pulling out one of my guns, aiming and shooting at a duck flying in the sky. It landed I'm guessing 500 yards away from us with a thud. "Does this prove my skill and I hope you don't let it go to waste," I said looking at where the duck landed reholstering my gun.

"Yes, you may join us. We will buy your horses too although we haven't inspected them they look decent. We'll discuss prices after inspection, mage," he said. "Fair enough," I replied nudging my horse again to make it enter the start of their camp. "And my name is not mage, its Niko," I muttered angrily to myself making sure they heard me as I rode past them.

I hoped down from my horse after finding a spot in the camp. I took care of the horses allowing them to appraise the three extra I had brought with me and I also set myself up a makeshift place for me to sleep that night before heading into the center of the camp where the fire and food was. I grumbled inwardly to myself as I walked over to it about how they ripped me off for three decent horses, 'gave me only 4 gold coins shitty human bastards'.

I asked some young girl when I got to the fire where to get food and was directed over to an older woman nearby passing out servings of some type of human food. I took what she handed me, thanking her and found a spot next to the fire and stared at my plate disgusted by it, 'how can they eat this garbage' I thought to myself. I poked at it before finally taking a mouthful because I had to eat something for the next 2 months. When I tasted it I dreaded the next month until we reached...Uggh I couldn't remember the name of it. It didn't really matter there was only a small chance Mikasa was actually there, after all, it was city ruled by lizards and I doubted she got that close to it. She knew better, lizards were by far the worst species I had encountered and I had no wish to encounter one again.

I sat there mulling over where Mikasa could be and picking at my food hoping the people here would come over and start conversing with me. However, I had no such luck that night or even the night after that and one after that. It took me two whole weeks for these people to get comfortable with me and that was only because I chased off bandits. Then I learned some interesting information when they began to finally talk to me which made my heart drop, Mikasa was in the city ruled by those lizards I had no doubt after I heard the story.

The young girls that sat next to me talked about how lucky Mikasa was to be picked up by one of the lizard's scouting groups and how they wished they were chosen instead. My anger could hardly be contained and I snapped my metal spoon in half. How I wished one of these dumb bitches were picked instead. They all grew silent and looked at me staring at the broken spoon in my head before I realized what I did. I giggled trying to cover up snapping the metal spoon, "Ohh god I feel so bad breaking the spoon the metal must have been weak. I just got so excited and I must have squeezed the spoon too hard. I was just thinking about being whisked away by one of those handsome men you described umm...especailly that umm short one you described." I squealed then giggled like they were which hurt my pride immensely. They all burst out in laughter at what I said telling me it was alright the silverware were all super old anyway then they went back to talking again about the men who supposedly took Mikasa.

It made me concerned that Mikasa's one was a damn lizard. If that was the case what would I do, no I just had to think positively they had figured out what she was somehow and they were currently trying to find out where there were others like her. Yeah, that must be what it was I convinced myself and I was glad I placed that spell on her that prevented her from revealing our location or even reveal what she was. But there were ways to figure out what we were even with the spell I placed on her.

The remaining days passed slowly and the closer we got to their city the more anxious I became, it had been 10 years since I last seen a lizard. I had to be careful and was glad I carried with me things that would conceal what I was because I had no spell placed on me masking my true identity. I started using the oil which would conceal my identity three weeks before we would arrive. Two days before arriving I had still spotted no lizards but I did feel the presence of a few which caused me to panic internally and I didn't calm down until they were gone. I couldn't imagine what it would be like walking around through their city constantly feeling their presence and on the last day I saw their collection of cities. The city we would be entering was called Maria, the outermost city.

My breath was taking away from the sight of it and here the people I have been traveling with had no fear at all maybe if I told them what I was maybe they wouldn't have shaken in their boots in fear like I thought they would have. And I wondered if humans had grown extraordinarily more stupid in the ten years since I haven't been to the outside world which seemed true. Going to places like this as a human was like saying kill me now, what were they thinking but I wouldn't know I wasn't human. Well, the city of the lizards was truly massive like these people I traveled with had said but I just didn't believe it. But they also said not just lizards lived there but all sorts of species ranging from humans, mages, elves, and lesser known creatures. Lizards were not known to be so lax concerning other species so I was really suprised to hear it but maybe these lizards were slightly different from the ones I met.

I hated to admit the city was truly magnificent half of it being built in a canyon while being protected by massive walls. But the beauty of it was ruined when I spotted several lizards, the girls in the wagon next to me started to squeal unable to retain their excitement upon seeing them. I nudge my horse in the side making it speed up so I didn't have to be next to the stupid bitches because the only thing I felt when I saw them was dread. Even my nightmares were getting worse each night we got closer to this forsaken place.

We reached one of the many entrances for the city and I felt even more dread as I watched the gate raise for us to enter the city. I was somewhat surprised they let us enter without really checking out who we are but the guards at this gate I guess knew the leader of the group I was traveling with for a really long time so it wasn't a problem. I rode in with the group and turned my head to see the gate lower behind us and my hand reached for my chest to clench it because my chest was throbbing in pain.

"Are you okay because you don't look too good?" asked one of the men I been traveling with. "Ahh...Yes, I just don't like enclosed spaces, let's just say it's because of a bad childhood memory. Well, thank you, I must be on my way" I said in response looking at the man before steering my horse away from the group of travelers. "Well good luck I hope you find your niece, mage" he hollered.

"Goodbye," I shouted back to everyone including that man. They all responded with their goodbyes while I rode off in the other direction and I was glad I was done pretended to be one of them it was really tiring. Now I could focus on finding Mikisa in the massive cities of Lizards. I followed the advice from one of the travelers about cheap lodging near a place where it was easy to pick up a lot of information. "Said it was inside the City of Rose" I mumbled to myself pushing my horse forward through this settlement, district or whatever they called it here.

'To get to the City of Rose have to get through this settle pass through its gates, through the countryside and through another set of gates to get there.' I thought to myself looking out the crudely drawn map one of the travelers did for me. I sighed frustrated shoving the paper in my pocket continuing to my destination, I was so tense feeling so much dread because of the presence of so many lizards. When I reached the gate I was glad it was open because I noticed only lizards were stationed at them and I did not have any desire to speak to one unless I had to.

After I passed through the first gate I was in the countryside where farmers were hard at work. It seemed peaceful but even though it seemed that way I couldn't relax and I continued forward memorizing my surroundings in case I ever needed it. I reached the second gate and it too was open and I was happy once more that I didn't have to speak to any lizards. The sun was just dipping below the horizon when I made it to the place he told me about and just like he said there was a sign falling off its hinges which read 'Bean's and Sonny's Lodging'. My only thoughts about this were, 'it would be quite a tale to tell when I got home'.

I opened the door entering the building a bell chiming when I did so. I walked slowly and warily to the front desk looking around for someone to help me and stood there for some time before an older man came from around a corner behind the desk. "How may I help you, today?" he said drawing out each word slowly.

"One room for me and one stall for my horse, no names and no questions and this is yours," I said staring at the man in front of me sliding all my profits from the horses to him. He slapped his hand immediately down on the gold coins when I removed my hand and he pulled them towards him while his other hand rummaging for something under the desk. His hand stops moving because I'm guessing he found what he was searching for and he pulls his hand out from underneath the desk. He deposits a key on the desk, "Your room is 4 have a nice stay" he said his voice still monotone before walking away very slowly from the desk with his profits.

I stared for a while where the man disappeared before I walked out to tend to my horse. Before I could put my horse in the stall in the stable I had to clean it due to how fifthly it was. After cleaning the stall it made me weary about what my room would look like and I could only imagine as I inserted the key into the lock of my room. I opened the door and peeked inside and it was better than how I envisioned it. The room was a bit gross but there was no bugs running around and the bed was clean just a little dirty from lack of use but I had yet to see the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and it was actually the cleanest thing in my room which shocked me.

I was a little happy and peeled my clothes off thankful I could wash some of the grime away from my journey here. I stood in the shower letting the layers of dirty wash away, it feel good. I rolled my aching shoulders directly under the spray of the shower feeling a little relief as the warmth of the water soaked into my skin. I rubbed in between my shoulders the ache I always felt between them never disappeared because I refused to change. I promised myself I would not change unless completely necessary because when I ever I did...I sighed turning the water off, a thought for another day I suppose.

I put fresh clothes on, they were exact a replica of the clothes I had on but these were clean. They weren't my battle clothes but they were pretty close to it, I wished I could have worn my battle clothes but that would arouse too much suspension if I did. Instead, I had to deal with this. I pulled on my underwear, they were neither sexy or cute as the females at home called them but I wasn't seeking suitors so it was fine. Next, I pulled on my pants, they were leather and really uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time but they were a little loose since I lost some weight on my trip here so it wasn't too bad. I lost the weight because I wasn't eating enough let alone eating quality food which would keep up with all calories my body consumed. Following were my boots which matched the material and color of my pants, they were both black and leather.

I stared at the corset, it was by far the worse to wear and thinking about putting it back on was making me ache. Wearing it wouldn't be too bad if it was not layered with lizard's scales, dark green lizard scales which was making me remember the past. I shook my head I know I shouldn't complain about it, they were used as the material for the corset solely to protect my most vulnerable parts my stomach and neck. With much grumbling, I pulled the corset which matched the same color as the rest of my clothes on and laced it up before pulling my messy and wet hair into a loose bun. I stared into the mirror, tonight I would begin my hunt for Mikasa.

I strolled outside and it was well dark out, I would have a few hours to gather information before turning in for the night, luckily I did not have to walk far the bar was practically next door, and just like the lodging the sign was barely readable it to falling off its hinges. The sign read, 'Titans Bar and Lounge' and someone scribbled graffiti underneath the name, 'Cadets don't get eaten by Titans, Titans don't get killed by ...strongest soldier', I couldn't make out what it said after by and before strongest. It didn't really matter, it was just graffiti done by some kid.

I began opening the door hesitantly and was almost knocked over by some intoxicated trolls heading out. I wanted to yell at them but I couldn't cause trouble or draw attention to myself and I took a deep breath and entered. I was assaulted by so many scents it was almost overwhelming and I scrunched up my nose in disgust since most were not pleasant smells but then one smell penetrated my nose which took the air right from my lungs, it was my one or I think it was. Everyone always described it differently, but something in me told me it was.

I search the crowded bar looking for him, I couldn't find him maybe I was imagining it because the smell had disappeared but then what was that odd sensation that I felt when I smelt that wonderful scent...

"Hange, you might have done a good thing today," he said his voice low as he searched the crowded bar before his eyes stopped on the woman who had just walked in. "Remind me to thank you later four-eyes" he grumbled getting out of his seat to quickly which was unlike him.

"Wait Leviiiii. What did I do!? I need to know," she screamed while trying to get out of her chair. The unlucky patrons closest to her were attempting to ignore her, they were used to the ruckus she caused every time she and her group visited the establishment but it was still hard to ignore. She made it out of the chair but only a foot away, she was on the floor face down crying intoxicated, balling "Leviiii," loudly over and over again. "Do you have diarrhea, it that why you are in such a rush shorty!" she wailed. "Don't leave me..."

The woman who just walked in looked around the bar shock and bewilderment written clearly across her face but it quickly returned to its usually calm and collected demeanor. However, she had stood in that spot too long as the door swung open behind her and two kids rough housing knocked into her. All three tumbled onto the floor her on the bottom, the boy had landed in her chest head first while the girl had landed on her friend and was accidentally pushing her friend's face further into her chest. More kids from the same group entered behind them and a few snickers could be heard from them when they saw the predicament Sasha and Eren had gotten into.

"Can you please get off" the woman groaned trying to pull herself out from underneath them her face crinkled in discomfort. Sasha looked at the woman in shock, "Can you get off I'm a little uncomfortable" the woman repeated her eyes not on Sasha but what was pressed against her chest. Sasha followed where the woman's eyes were looking at before sputtering a slew of apologies, "I'm sorry, Sorry, I didn't mean to" while pulling her hand away and scurrying off of the Eren and the woman.

Eren immediately gasped for air pushing himself away from the woman and into a sitting position. He sat there still gasping for air his eyes closed while trying to yell at his companion, "Sa-Sasha were you try-trying to kill me? Anyway, what the hell were you pushing my face in, whatever it was it was smothering me."

He heard the laughter of everyone behind him except Sasha who was only uttering sorries, he opened his eyes and saw a woman sitting across from him who looked really angry. "Were yo-you th-the o-one who Sa-Sasha was smo-smothering me-me with?" he stuttered pointing a finger at the woman. "Eren, Mikasa will be so jealous when she finds out you had your face in another woman's chest" giggled a blonde girl.

"Why would she care, Christa?" shouted Eren but he paused momentarily when he saw hatred and extreme disgust flicker across the woman's face which was not only directed at him but all his friends. He thought he must have made her really mad and felt bad because it was his fault for knocking her down in the first place, "Sorry, here let me help you up" he offered.

"I don't need your help, you and your friend have done enough tonight" she bit out harshly while she picked herself up and off the floor. She brushed herself off while refusing to look at them before pushing past Eren's group of friends to walk out of the bar in a huff. Eren and Sasha watched her dumbly and not paying attention to what was happening in front of them failing to notice who now stood in front of them.

Eren and Sasha's friends turned their head back planning on teasing them about what just happened for the rest of the tonight until they noticed none other than their corporal standing there looking very angry. He always looked angry but they could almost feel his angry without him utter any sounds. Their faces grew pale at the sight of him and they followed his gaze and saw he was glaring at Eren and Sasha who had failed to notice the glaring of their menacing corporal. Eren was the last to notice Levi standing in front of him and he only noticed then because Sasha yelled, "It was all Eren's fault" before running off. Eren who still has not gotten up, turned his head around to see two very shiny and clean boots in front of him, and he had a very good idea who it was because he had just cleaned these boots a few hours ago. He gulped very loudly before he slowly looked up at his Corporal and his eyes grew wide and face paled when he saw Levi's face. 'He looks more pissed than usual' was his only thoughts as tried to scramble for safety, "Sorry corporal. I don't know what I did wrong but whatever I did I'm so sorry I won't do it again. Never again I promise".

When he tried to get to the safety of his friends he noticed they were all but gone and unfortunately for Eren, he wasn't fast enough to get away from Levi's rage. With one kick Eren was rolling around in pain, "Shithead consider yourself lucky with just that after touching what's mine" he growled out. "Corporal, I don't know what you are talking about" Eren whimpered out because of the pain he was feeling but Levi never answered him choosing to leave him on the floor before walking out of the bar.

I stood outside the bar fuming, those damn lizards bastards had Mikasa because that blonde girl had mention Mikasa's name so she was here but where was she exactly in this dreadful place, there was too many smells for me track her. It was irritating that I would have to wait to follow that kid named Eren back to where ever he lived to find Mikasa. It made me wonder if he was Mikasa's one but if he was her one he was a damn lizard. What would I do then...I would have to access the situation more before I decided anything, first I had to get to Mikasa then I would be the rest later.

I couldn't help but reply the memory of when those kids fell on me, they were damn lizards and they were on me and touching me, it was repulsive. However, they were strange lizards though because they were laughing and having fun, the ones I knew never behaved like that. I bite at my thumb's nail my irritation growing it didn't really matter, I could forget this whole place once I got home with Mikasa...

"That's a disgusting habit" I heard someone say and my hand was smacked away from my face. I should have gotten angry instantly but I got weirded out instead as I felt something similar to a zap of electricity run through my body beginning where he touched me. It was an odd sensation and I recoiled away from him immediately disliking the feeling because of how pleasant and calming it was. I turned and face the person and even before I saw him I disliked him, not only because of that weird sensation or the fact he slapped my hand away from my face, but because I didn't feel him sneak up on me, it unnerved me. This man's eyes were gray, sharp, and intimidating which made me even more nervous.

We stared at each other in complete silence, I was more stunned and confused than anything trying to figure out what species he was but I couldn't figure it out. This was the first time I had so much difficulty figuring out someone's species but then I saw his eyes wander over my body, 'was he checking me out' I thought. 'No, he couldn't be' I assured myself but I saw something like a glint of approval in his eyes when they made contact with my own eyes again, there was also a slight smirk on his face which wasn't there in the beginning.

"Prick who do you th-" I began to snap but he interrupted. "Disgusting mouth too, I'll have to correct that too I suppose," he stated out loud more for his ears than mine and continued, "Any other disgusting habits you have," he asked me.

"What," I asked.

"Tchh. Nevermind. What's your name?" he said.

"Name?" I repeated what he said becoming more confused, was this man insane.

"Are you deaf and dumb, brat. I asked for your name and I also want to know your species too," he said becoming annoyed.

"Name and species, as if shorty," I laughed out loud, trying to get rid of the unease I felt from being so close to this man, he had no smell too which caused me more anxiety."I got better things to do than spend it talking to your crazy ass" I said walking away from him hoping he would leave and not follow me, I did not want to cause a ruckus in this place I had no clue what type of laws they had and that man there was something strange about him. I still had to find Mikasa too but I could also begin tomorrow. The best course of action for tonight is to head back to my room at the lodge and look tomorrow because the lizard kids had uniforms on so it shouldn't be too hard to track down their headquarters.


Damn asshole but I kept my head forward not allowing myself to look behind me no matter how much I wanted to because I couldn't show how uneasy I felt because he could be a species that would attack if I should show any weakness. I reached my door without any trouble and I was sure he wasn't following but why did I still feel uneasy, the only thing I could think of was I was in a lizard city so that why I felt uneasy still. I put my key in the lock and opened my door, and entered flickering the light on. In the midst of closing the door behind me, something collided with me taking me by surprise.

I didn't have much time to respond as I was thrown across the room landing on the ground next to the bed with a thud. I heard my room's door shut after my impact with the floor and my only thought was 'What the hell' before I felt the weight of whatever had collided with me on me. It made me panicked and I rolled around a couple of times with the thing on me and I attempted to kick and shove the thing off me or at least get the upper hand but I failed each time. Every time I came close to getting it off I felt those damn sparks of electricity again. They would shoot through me causing a strange warmth to spread through my body causing me to recoil thus, allowing whatever it was to get the upper hand again. Me and this thing went back and forth and I started getting concerned because it felt like it wasn't just wrestling me for control it was groping me, slight touches here and there on my ass and chest.

I finally was able to push my attacker off and went for my guns only to find an empty holster, my eyes went wide how did I not feel them being removed. "Looking for these shity brat," hissed a familiar male voice which drew my attention. It was the man from earlier and he sat there twirling one of my guns while he looked around the room. "Could you pick a dirtier place to lodge in, brat?" I was stunned and out of breath but I had to play it cool, let this man think he has the upper hand since he had my gun so I can find out what he wants.

"What do you want," I asked. He stopped twirling my gun and looked back at me, "Now the shitty brat wants to talk" he said rolling his eyes, "Well, it's simple I want you."

"Me?" I asked maybe he wanted me for a job I heard about that and I also read about it in books about how people were selected for expeditions or quests. I would have to turn him down if that was the case... "I want to fuck you, don't make me repeat myself," he growled out. Wait...did he just say what I thought he said. The words sunk in after they repeated themselves several times in my head before I scrambled for the door but I never got there. I was confused as to why my first instinct was to run like a weak creature, I should have attacked and killed him instead.

He grabbed my wrist pulling me back and onto the bed. "Look, I'm not going to force you, shitty brat so calm down but" I didn't let him finish his sentence and slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me it feels weird," I yelled feeling that strangeness pulse through me again.

"How?" he said curiously reaching out for my hand. "I said don't," and scooted away from him and further up on the bed.

"I want to know if you feel the same thing I feel when we touch. That's all stupid brat," he growled reaching out for me again. The weirdest thought went through my head, 'he's your one'.

"You can't be my one, I won't accept it," I yelled to myself out loud trying to deny what my mind told me. My freakin out made him stop reaching for me, he probably thought I was insane but he was also insane so it didn't really matter. "It doesn't make sense I should be able to smell you but you don't have a smell," I said eyeing him with caution, after all these years I find my one or think I find my one but I still couldn't smell him so he might not be my one. If he was my one why here in this place. I didn't want to find my one, I had enough to do. It just wasn't fair...

"What does One mean?..." he demanded but I did not answer him and he got angrier, "What the hell does One mean?..." he repeated but I think he understood what I meant because his eyes light up in some type of recognization and then he moved on to the second part of my sentence, "I don't have a smell".

"Smell?..." he asked himself continuing his train of thought while staring at me. "That shitty glasses as if I will fucking thank her now" he snarled and dug something from his pocket before pulling it out and tossing it across the room. "Better?" he asked looking back at me and that's when the smell that I got a brief whiff of assaulted my nose again. But it was so much stronger from being enclosed in such a small place and I closed my eyes enjoying it. It smelled so wonderful and I couldn't help but hum a small, "yes" being so complainant which was the opposite of my personality.

"Can I touch you?" he asked next as if he was testing the waters. I reopened my eyes my body having already relaxed succumbing to that smell already and I wondered why he was asking for permission. A piece of me knew why and it fought desperately to wake me up but the word still drifted off my tongue so easily, "yess". The smell was like a drug so addicting, so this is what finding the one was like no wonder we are inseparable from them when we finally meet them. That small piece of me continued to fight telling me this wasn't me but the smell was so intoxicating making me yearn for him. I wanted him to touch me and cover me in kisses that I never had.

He looked around the room, "Tch..this place will have to do, I can't wait any longer" I heard him mutter but his words never registered. "Can I take your boots off?" he asked and I hummed a small, "yes". Everything he asked of me I wanted to do because I just didn't want that smell to disappear plus I wanted him touching me already, I was desperate for his touch. I watch the same smirk he had when he was looking me up and down return. That piece of me was still there wanting to kick him in the face because he was smirking but I didn't bother everything felt too good and why ruin it.

"Can I take your pants off?" he asked next after removing my boots, "I'm sure they are uncomfortable." he continued. "yes" I answered wiggling my hips to help him get them off when he hooked his fingers in the belt loops. That piece of me denying him never left me in peace whispering this was going too fast which I agreed with but I just didn't care why would I if he was my one we were meant to be together after all. The whispers continued saying stuff like I was going to get hurt in the end but it seemed silly to me since he was my one. We don't hurt our one and our one doesn't hurt us I had never heard of it before so why would it be any different for me...

"Good girl," he said his voice becoming husky and he grabbed my ankle pulling me closer to him so he now hovered above me. I let him it felt good with him being so close to me, above me, dominating me. I also enjoyed the contact with his bare skin too, it brought back the tiny sparks of electricity, they traveled through my body igniting that strange warmth again and causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. I could see and think but everything was out of focus but then I saw his hand reaching for my face and I met it half way and I pushed my face against it enjoying his touch and warmth. His hand was rough and calloused but soft at the same time, how odd.

I stared up at him after nuzzling his hand and saw him lean his face down to me pressing his lips against mine. They were so gentle and soft as they moved over mine, it felt heavenly and I thought why I have never tried kissing before but these soft kisses didn't match him. Either way gentle or rough I wanted more and brought my hand up to his face my fingers brushed his cheek while we kissed and I ran my fingers along his jaw line. I realized didn't just want more I needed more and I timidly kissed back, his eyes widen slightly but he never stopped kissing me but it became more heated, more hungry, more desperate after I started kissing back. It was the same for me as well but my kisses in return were probably sloppy and clumsy compared to him since he was other he definitely been with others. The thought sparked a small spark of jealousy in me he had touched others like he was touching me; however, the thought also made me insecure. What if he desired those other females still after being with me.

He pulled away and I grabbed his hair trying to keep him there. Why was he pulling away was I doing something wrong perhaps it was my lack of experience in kissing, "No," I growled, peeling my lips back in a threatening snarl, he would not leave me after giving me a taste. All the awful feelings I been feeling for the past ten years, all the stress from running everything at home were gone and it was wonderful. He was not going to leave...and I heard a chuckle before I could pull him back down.

"You'll get everything in due time, shitty brat," he said thrusting his hips into mine and couldn't remember when he had pushed himself between my legs. The thought was lost when the thrust caused pleasure ripples to go through me along with unintelligible noise to filter out of my mouth, "nhhh." I was desperate for the feeling again and experimentally rolled my hips back causing me to make the same noise again and him to grunt. Before I could do it again he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me to the bed, "Shitty brat...Damn you be patient, I'm aching too."

He continued, "Christ who knew you would be so wanton, bloody hell you were so scared of me not too long ago must be the pull of the ..." he muttered staring at me. "Damn it... Whatever, open your mouth" he commanded not caring about whatever he was thinking about. I did just as he asked and he leaned back down sticking his own tongue in my open mouth. His tongue was relentless tasting my mouth, running it along my teeth and the roof of my mouth. I think he decided he liked my reaction from where he kept swirling his tongue along the roof of my mouth because he kept doing it.

"Taste..so..good..Shitty brat" he said in between kisses tugging on my lip with his teeth each time he uttered a word. I wanted him closer but this damned material was in the way. I clawed at it trying to get it off but I was having a hard time with it.

"Fuck woman, you're going to wreck my shirt." he cursed pulling away from the kiss and then effectively pulled my hands away from him. Salvia trailed between us and only broke when he put more distance between us, dribbling down my chin. I was such a proud creature and he had reduced me to such an embarrassing state.

He let go of my hands but when he did I panic and fought to reach for him but he slapped my hands away commanding me again, "tch. hold on" he snarled as he pulled off his shirt. The command somewhat cleared my mind and I stopped clawing to get to him, maybe because I knew he wasn't going anywhere now. I just stared up at him taking in every part of him, my breath catching in my throat when he finally removed his shirt. Never have I seen such a beautiful man, his muscles were so well defined. I had seen a lot of men in general naked or half naked so I was used to it because of what we were; however, it felt different looking at him and nothing I had seen could compare to him

"See something you like brat," he smirked and I turned my head to the side avoiding his gaze and also his cocky grin. My cheeks proceeded to heat up in embarrassment for gawking at him. "That's no good," he hummed most likely commenting on me turning my head away from his gaze but I couldn't help it I felt so vulnerable and small compared to him and I shouldn't feel that way but at the same time I felt needy causing me to be bold and act out of place clawing at him like a damn animal. He did not give me much time to think about my conflicting actions and feelings because I felt his fingers ghost over my clothed core causing me to gasp.

I still refused to turn my head back and he pressed his finger down towards my core through my underwear making me moan. He kept pressing there and rubbing it causing something to tighten in my abdomen. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling and began rocking my hips against his finger coming...coming closer to whatever that feeling was but then he abruptly stopped pulling his fingers away too before I could relieve myself. I whipped my head back to face him annoyed he had stopped.

"Better," he said now that I was looking at him but I continued to glare at him. He only smirked, "No need to be so pissy, I'll make you feel good but I want something in return brat" I felt him ease his hand in my underwear and he started rubbing my folds directly making me produce a lusty moan, the feeling was beginning to return full force. But. then. he. stopped.

"Do you want me to continue?" he asked and I could only nod my head weakly. Then I heard the rustle of a zipper being zipped down and he grabbed on of my hands yanking it down soon after pressing it against something hot, very hot. "Up and down, Can you handle that brat?" he asked and I just stared up into his eyes dumbly in a daze. "If you can then I'll make you feel good," he said flicking my throbbing clit making me moan softly but he didn't continue like I wanted him to.

My eyes lowered from his face and peeked at what was in my hand "Oi! perverted brat you can look all you want but start moving your hand" he growled thrusting into my hand emphasizing what he meant for me to do. Just like he asked me to I started moving up his length, slowly at first unsure what to do but like he promised he started massaging me again rubbing against my clit. The feeling was building again coiling tightly in my gut but every time I got close to that feeling he stopped because I had stopped my moving my hand.

I was becoming frustrated and I gripped his length tighter and begin moving my hand faster over him. "Shit not too tight, brat" he hissed, pinching my clit making me yelp in pain when I didn't listen to him. After I loosened my grip on his length, I started to experiment with it while trying to deal with the onslaught of pleasure he gave me It was sweet torture, I wished it would last forever. To be with him, to feel like this, never have the feeling of being complete and whole stop.

First, he breached my folds dipping past them with one finger much to my discomfort and also my pleasure. "So tight" he hissed pumping his finger in and out of me. Noises I didn't think were possible slipped from my mouth, I stopped some others I weren't able to. After he added a second finger, I couldn't stop the noises from exiting my mouth, I just dug my nails further into his shoulder with my free hand lost in the pleasure of it all. I was surprised he hadn't scolded me for that yet or maybe he liked it since he moaned softly when I dug my nails deeper into his skin.

I learned while experimenting with his length he didn't want me to grip it too tight but he didn't want me to grip it to loose either. Each time I pleased him he would grunt softly and praise me, every praise he gave added to the sensations building in my stomach because he chose to whisper in my ear. The whispers made me shiver in delight, his hot breath making me squirm under him. After praising me he would alternate between soft butterfly kisses and rough bites on my neck that I was sure would leave marks for a couple days but it didn't bother me.

"That's it, good girl" he praised me and I drowned out the negative voice my head only caring about his voice. I decided I like his voice it praising me and I liked his kisses too. I was having trouble moving my hand up and down his length, he was just terrible hot in my hand and not only that he was rubbing my insides. The feeling was overwhelming,

"My one, mine" I began calling and chanting when I felt close to my end. "Call me-" he grounded out but I didn't catch it because my screams shrill and ear-shattering drowned it out. "Mine, my one" I repeatedly moaned and I heard him say "Fuck it, doesn't matter right now." he groaned as my fingers continued to dance across his length while he massaged my insides. I was so close and then euphoria erupted through me and I screamed, "my one" possessively while raking my nails down his back. The warmth, peace to my inner turmoil and pleasure he gave me was mine only and I decided I would kill anyone who decided to disrupt it.

He pulled his fingers out of me making me inhale sharply I felt extremely sensitive down there and he placed it on the bed next to us scrunching up the sheets focusing on his own pleasure his other hand pawed and fumbled with my corset trying to get it off. His breathing quickened against my neck small grunts escaping his throat a hot and wet tongue lapped up my neck before I felt teeth sink in the crook of my neck. I screamed in pain and also pleasure before I felt a hot sticky liquid cover my hand and partially my arm. My hands had fallen weakly by my side long before my scream had died down and turned into labored breathing. I felt an apologizing tongue at my throbbing neck after he withdrew his teeth. It hurt but it didn't hurt that bad, I was sure it would be extremely painful along with being black and blue the next day.

He pulled away from my neck after thoroughly lapping my neck and looked me in the eye. His molten gunmetal eyes were dilated from the pleasure he had just received, they also promised more pleasure for the both of us.

"Feels so good when you touch me" I panted enjoying the afterglow of what we had just shared but the voice was back objecting this, nagging me something was wrong. I tried pushing it away but it persisted, 'ask what he is, what his species is, ask' and with an irritated huff I gave in to the voice, "What species are you" I asked lazily still in a daze, still feeling that tingling sensation.

"Dragon, I waited such a long time for you I promise you I will not let you go," he confessed his breaths slow and heavy from his relief. He was rushing to finish undoing my corset being compelled by the same disillusioned influence I was under. I was under. "What species are you?" he asked in return but I was in shock and I did not answer. He pushed my hair away from my face with his other hand and little did he know what I was thinking. My thoughts at the moment were in this order, 'I'm in bed with a lizard. I let him touch me. He is my one. Absolutely disgusting. Is there a way to forget this?' All the happiness and carefree feelings I had disappeared and were replaced with hatred, anxiety, disgust, dread, and fear. The feelings that I always had returned full force and I was beginning to feel normal again or as close I could get to my normal self considering what I had just done with one the creatures I detested with all my being.

He pulled the last string of my corset and it fell open revealing a nasty surprise for him. "What the hell is this? Woman, why do you have dragon hide layering the inside of your corset?" I took this opportunity finding my strength renewed and I kick him in the stomach and then in the groin. I pushed him off of me with little effort as he cradled his stomach and lower regions, glaring daggers at me, if looks could kill I'm sure I would have dropped dead. I wiped my hands furiously on the bed trying to get any residue from him off of me.

"Exactly what it looks like you damn lizard. The skin of a lizard I had the honor of killing and skinning myself. Believe it wasn't the only one I killed either, I killed so many I lost count I honestly enjoy it. How I see it is there are less lizards roaming around all because of me" I screamed feeling tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "I have the worst luck," I muttered hysterically digging in my bag for the thing I needed. "I can't believe it. I let a scaley freakin dirty lizard touch me," I ranted until I found what I was looking for in my bag.

His eyes seemed to glow with rage as he saw what dangled in my hand. "Shitty fucking brat as if I'll let you" he cursed getting ready to counter but I wouldn't allow it. I took the gun he had carelessly left on the floor and I shoot him in the shoulder and then in the leg. They were not death shots and they wouldn't kill him either even if I left him without any first aid. I wish I could deliver a death shot but my heart would not allow me to kill him. I heard you weren't allowed to even intentionally hurt your one but I just proved that wrong. I didn't really want to shoot him but the bullets would prevent him from chasing after me because they contained potent magic that paralyzed anyone I shoot.

I pulled on a pair of gloves not wanting to touch him, I wasn't even embarrassed the rest of me was unclothed as long I had a pair of gloves on to prevent me from touching his bare skin was all I cared about. I had no desire to feel that spark ever again even though I wanted it now along with that stupid happiness that lasted less than an hour. I walked over to where he laid on the other side of the bed, the force of the bullets causing him to fall off on the other side. He eyes glared up at me and I felt a pain in my heart seeing him hurt and in pain. I felt the beginning of tears but I wiped them away with the back of my hand, I couldn't afford to be weak.

I carefully leaned down and picked up one of his arms putting it in the cuff and successfully attached it to the bed without our bare skin touching. "Na-name...Shitty...Brat" he whispered. I was a little shock he was able to speak maybe it was a bad batch of bullets.

I ignored his request and started dressing but I could feel his eyes on me, I should have dressed where he couldn't see I wasn't sure why I didn't. Maybe it was to torment him show him what he would never have because of what he was, a monster. I was sure if he was watching his eyes were brimming with an unimaginable angry, I only wish I felt just anger like him. I stopped a couple times to wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and for some strange reason gave in to his request, "Kaida. My name is Kaida" I spoke softly. I wasn't sure why I told him my name maybe I wanted his name and it was only fair I gave him my name, it just felt right at the time. Part of me wanted to hear him say my name but he never did.

"Me-means...Lit-tle...dra-dragon" he choked out.

"I know... What's your name?" I asked I had to know I couldn't die without ever knowing my one's name.

"...Levi.." It was such a fitting name for him, I liked it perhaps I only liked it just because he was my one. I even felt a little different about dragons which bothered me that someone such as the one had such a great influence on us.

"We will never meet and if we do meet again I will kill you" I spoke my voice softer than I wanted it to be, I wanted my voice to be cold, nonchalant, and uncaring instead.

"I..w-will...find...you" he hissed out the rage clearly evident in his voice. I only hoped he wouldn't because then I would have to kill him to maintain my people's happiness. "Then I will kill you," I said somberly closing the door behind me, those were my last words to him and it felt like my heart had sunk to the bottom of my stomach. The only image of him I had in my head was him on the ground bleeding and hurt not just physically but mentally, he too had waited for something like what we called the one and unfortunately for him he got me...

Preview of Next Chapter

"Kill the shitty four eyes then," he responded which took me by surprise. 'Does he not care if I kill one of his own or was he bluffing' I thought.

"Leviiii why do you have to be so mean. I know you would miss me if I died," Hange whined as big tears trailed down her face. I couldn't tell if her tears were real or fake.

"Shut your trap shitty four eyes and die," he snapped at her before looking me in the eye and began walking closer to where we stood. I swallowed nervously unable really to look away from his glare, 'He really didn't care' I thought which made her a useless hostage so I did what I could and threw her into him and ran towards the cliff. I heard a small "uhmp" when Hange collided with Levi given me enough time to jump.

"I'll never belong to a scaley lizard bastard such as yourself, I rather die," I yelled as I threw myself off the side of the cliff.

"Wait," I heard Levi screamed, but his voice was snuffed out the moment I jumped so if he said anything else I didn't hear it. He couldn't even follow me because I had shot him I wondered what he was thinking since he probably thought I was committing suicide.

As I fell I forgot him and I felt the age-old ache between my shoulders and I wanted nothing better than to stretch them to relieve that ache, it had been 10 years since the last time I had stretched them but that last time was not for enjoyment. I wanted to forget and as I fell I did just that, the air rushed past me as I plummeted to the earth below and it felt so good. I turned and faced the ground, everything was so beautiful like this when it just me and the deafening roar caused by falling through the sky. My clothes and hair whipped in the air wildly as I fell closer to Earth and all I could think about was how much I had missed this feeling...