Author's note: Holy schnitzel! Fanfiction here! But just a few things before you start.

Number One (ten duel commandments begin playing): This is a Leggy fic in a modern day au. Leggy as in the Hamilton between Lafayette and Peggy (Margaret) Schuyler.

Number Two: Angelica and Eliza are beautiful and perfect cinnamon buns, to pure for this world. They are not this mean or rude in the play or (most likely) in the real world.

Number Three: Peggy has quite a few similarities to her real life description. In real life she was often described as badass, sarcastic, beautiful, and captivating. Such represented in her story of her house being raided and her sneaking around to save a baby but then was caught and WITH a gun held to her head she lied to a general. She also had an axe thrown at her head and simply laughed. So I know she doesn't get a lot of show time but she is friggin awesome.

With that said, ENJOY!

Peggy Schuyler trailed behind her older sisters, Eliza and Angelica as they talked chatted about inside jokes. They didn't pay any attention to their yellow clad sister who tried to input her opinion though out their conversation.

Peggy sighed and fell a meter behind the two girls and looked at the sky. She gazed at the swirling colors of the setting sun and frowned. She tapped Angelica on the shoulder and the girl turned with an annoyed expression on her face.

"What?" Angelica asked sharply.

"Daddy said to be home by sundown." The younger sister stated and Angelica smirked.

"Daddy doesn't need to know." She replied.

"Well Daddy said not to go downtown!" Peggy spluttered, pointing to the street they were on. Eliza sighed and patted Peggy on the head.

"Like we said, you're free to go!" Eliza said. Then, the two sisters turned back to each other and began talking from where they were, as they put it, so rudely interrupted.

Peggy frowned again and redid her ponytail. She was so used to this manner of conversation from her sisters she didn't even try and bite back a harsh comment. She focused her mind on her surroundings instead.

They had reached downtown at this point. The Schuyler sisters came from a very wealthy family, and lived in a borderline mansion. Downtown was closer to a wilder, poorer point of town, where the Schuylers weren't welcome. Peggy was more worried about them getting mugged, or worse, rather than finding some new "friends," as Eliza put it. But Peggy didn't get a say in these things.

"Excuse me miss, I know it's not funny," A man walked up to the girls, with a sly grin on his face. "But your perfume smells like your daddy's got money." Angelica scoffed and looked away.

"Burr you disgust me." She sneered and the man laughed.

"Ah so you've discussed me. I'm a trust fund, baby you can trust me!"

"Angelica you know this creep?" Eliza asked.

"Yeah. Aaron Burr." She explained. "He goes to the same college as us. He's in student counsel." Seeing Eliza disgusted face Angelica smiled, "Don't worry. He's more of the reasonable one of them."

"Oh of us?" Came a voice and several people walked into view. Peggy stood on her toes to see who.

"Yeah. Of you." Angelica said dryly. The boys looked among themselves.

"Who is this?" Grunted a tough looking boy with a beanie. Burr began to introduce them, but the sisters interrupted him.



"And Peggy!" The youngest squeaked before the conversation could move on and forget her. Again. The group looked surprised at the sudden voice but didn't make anything new of it.

The boy with the beanie introduced himself as Hercules Mulligan. The freckled cheerful man was John Laurens.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." Came from the youngest of the group. A boy with peach fuzz and greasy hair. "And there's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait." He added. Angelica made a small noise from the back of her throat. Peggy rolled her eyes. She knew Alexander and she didn't think Angelica

The last man smiled and stepped forward.

"Je m'appelle Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. I'm an exchange student." He smirked in a heavy french accent and went back to his friends.

"That's quite the name you have there." Remarked Angelica. Aaron explained: "We call him Lafayette."

"Or French Fry." Piped up Alexander who was met with a slap upside the head by French Fry himself.

"So Burr's being keeping these chicks from us?" Hercules joked and Eliza giggled.

"Since we have been so rudely deprived of your presence," John shot a mock glare at Aaron who watched with amused eyes. "How about all of us go to lunch tomorrow? 12:30?"

Eliza looked at Angelica who shurgged.

"I think-" Peggy started but Angelica cut her off.

"If you're friends with Burr, how bad can you be?" Burr gave a dry laugh.

"Oh my god you have no idea."

"Does that mean we'll see you all tomorrow?" Alexander inquired and Eliza flashed a toothy grin.

"See you then!"