Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Pokemon, its characters, locations, or names. All of them, with the exception of the original characters, belong to Nintendo

Credits: The original fanfiction Shadow League was based off, Pokemon Master, was written by Acey. I retrieved permission before starting this the first time. "Paran" is the property of Elemental Sorceress, who had requested that I include her in my fanfiction. "Shadow Fox" is the property of Shadow Fox 05, who also requested that I include him in my fanfiction.

A/N: Final Chapter! Now I am finished with the rewrite of Shadow League. I'll possibly start on League Team...maybe. Or I might try to finish my other random fanfics. x.x Bah.

I also am intending on writing the sequel to DG come November, too, for anyone that was interested.

Warnings: The pairing in this is RivalSibling. This fan fiction has a lot of violence and gore, not to mention some language, and implied rape/sex. Not for kids, that's for sure.

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Chapter 20: The End...or the Beginning?

"Look at that!" People shouted and pointed when there was loud squawking, and the blue Ice Legendary flew over the remains of the League statue, gliding to land carefully. They backed off, making room for the large creature, as Lance pushed through.

"Outta the way!" he shouted, "Rebellion leader coming through!" Even the League Masters and Trainers obeyed, letting him and Misty, Paran, and Fox run over to Fiona. May had by then jumped down, and was starting to try to pull Ash off with Sneasel's help. "What happened, May?"

"Help me!" she said, and the Dragon Master helped lift the unconscious man off along with Misty. "What should we do with him?"

"I'd assume we'd lay him down, most likely on his back or something," Misty replied, and everyone looked at her blankly.

"That isn't a good idea." Lance said wryly, "Misty, look at him. Does Ash really look like he'd be comfortable on his back?"

"Er..." Frowning, she glanced over him, and her eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of the limp wings that swung with every movement. "On his front, then. We need to keep him from moving too much."

"Over there, in that grassy area." Fox pointed out, "The pavement will do him no good in this condition." There was a scream in the crowd.

"Ash!" Destiny fought away from the crowd, Dallas following reluctantly with the two children. "What happened?!"

"Oh." Put off by her worry, his sniffed, turning a critical look on the group. "It's just that Shadow Master man, isn't it?"

"Leave off about it!" Destiny snapped, holding Sirius and Rachel back when they started struggling to get to Ash. "Paran...oh god, Paran. What happened to him?"

The Fire Master could only shrug. "He fought Gary, then went on to try to fight Kiall." May said, "And when I got there, it ended up in the middle of my trying to stop Kiall that he'd lost control and Mazin had to save my ass and his."

"He did too much in too short of time..." Lance summarized it, getting a nod from May, and sighed.

"Does that mean...does that mean he did what he needed to do?" she asked, and they nodded grimly.

"Yes...yes it does." May gently pushed the hair that had fallen into Ash's face away as he shifted, moving into a different position. With a shout Rachel pulled away from Destiny to run at him, her arms out.

There was a resounding gasp from everyone when Ash curled into a tight ball, his wings unfolding to their full span, and wrapping around to act like a shield. "That's...incredible," Misty said, and both Lance and Fox shook their heads.

"Not very. Most creatures with wings have a similar defense mechanism that if they can't attack, they defend." Fox remarked, "It's not that surprising that in such a vulnerable state, that Ash would use it."

Rachel stood, her arms at her sides, tears welling up in her watery eyes. Destiny kneeled down to embrace the small girl, as there were screams of fear when there was a popping sound. "Ash! May!" Lance shouted.

Both had vanished.

- - -

May groaned, sitting up to rub her eyes. "Where...not this again. Wasn't it enough when Agatha did this?" she sighed, looking around, and crawling over to where Ash was laying, and pulling him up to lean against her. "Who's behind it this time?"

Red eyes appeared all around them, and she froze, wondering just where they had been taken to. "Okay...so not like what she did," she corrected, when there was a laugh, and a flash of light. "What-"

"Fear not. You both are safe here. They won't attack you, now that the imbalance has been fixed." May looked up at the two forms standing in front of them. The first one, a dark haired woman, kneeled down next to them, and carefully pulled Ash away from May. "Arise, my successor," she said, touching a fingertip against his forehead.

Ash blinked sleepily, sitting up straighter as a rush of energy coursed through him, and his injuries healed over. "That is much better," she mused.

"Who are you?" May asked, and she smiled.

"I'm...Shadow," she replied, and both Ash and May stared at her, the later amazed and the former bemused. "I suppose you wouldn't know of me, most on the other plain don't."

"What is going on?" Why're we?" he questioned, and Shadow shook her head, gesturing to her partner to approach.

"This is known as the Shadow Realm. My home. The Shadow pokemon's home." She looked away, then back at them. "Ashura, your performance has been better then anyone expected of you. You've fixed the upset that the earth-bound humans caused one thousand years ago, and managed to get through it alive. But I see that you are still having your own war."

"The Shadow Realm..." May repeated, and the dark woman ignored her in favor of paying attention to Ash, who sat listening to her patiently. Shadow carefully stood and circled around to stand behind him, pulling one of the wings out to look at the dark scales.

"Yes...yes. I can see, you and Mazin haven't found a balance with each other. You cannot retain your consciousness when he takes over, and cannot remember what happens when he does, can you?" Ash shook his head, glancing at May curiously, and she shrugged. "That won't do. We cannot have my successor having black outs...but if I could make it possible for you to remember, would you want it?"

"You will be able to see all that Mazin has done, and all that he will do when he does it," she warned. Ash closed his eyes, taking a breath.

"I don't like...knowing that he can do what he wants, and I can't do anything about it or know about it," he said, and Shadow nodded, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"So be it." Ash's eyes widened, his expression turning pained, when he heard Mazin's angry outcry in his mind, and hunched over when the memories started pouring into his own, of the ending attack that finished off the stadium, the battle with Blaine, and ones even going back to the time he was in the League. His wings shrunk back into his back. "The two of you are one in the same, even if it doesn't seem like it. What one of you can't do, the other can, and the power you both share...is enormous."

"Why did you bring us here?" May asked, restating the question, and Shadow shook her head.

"I had not meant to bring you," she said, and jerked to look at her blue haired companion, "but someone insisted."

Returning to looking at them, both Ash and May moved to stand in front of them, Shadow sighed. "This Realm has been closed off again, as it is meant to be, and in short time your plane's creatures should return to normal, except for the Masters such as yourselves." she continued, "But, Ashura, do you know why Masters come to be every thousand years?"

"What is that supposed to mean?!" May snapped, and the lighter one waved her hands.

"We were only to summon the Shadow Master, no one else," she admitted, "I wanted you both here."

"You're Light?" Ash inquired, and she nodded, getting a scowl from Shadow. "Why am I needed? And why are they made?"

"To find new guardians to replace the old ones for Shadow and Light." They both answered, and Ash gaped at them.

"They are unstable Elements," Shadow continued, "and as a Guardian, it is wearying to be of it for as long as we have to be. Every thousand years, the humans are granted the power of the Elements, and normally whoever is Shadow and Light are brought here and to the other Realm. That's how I came to be. But with the humans locking Kiall away, he couldn't, nor were you until he was finished off."

"I...would replace you."

"Yes." Ash looked at her, his eyes glowing.

"That means never returning to my home again, and never seeing any of my friends or family again?" Shadow nodded hesitantly. "And what of-"

"Marian." Light finished, and she looked at them. "She'd replace me in the Light Realm."

"The only reason Light is here is because I was made to bring you both," Shadow sighed. "Well, Ashura? What have you to say?"

He looked at May, then at the pair. "No. I won't. I can't stay here, even if it would let you go. I can't leave everyone." He clenched his fists, his eyes watering up. "And I can't leave May again! I won't. Not again."

Shadow narrowed her eyes. "You are putting mortals, and your opposite before your duty?" she snapped, "You were chosen for this!"

"Too bad," he said, "but I refuse. You were faced with this same situation before, why would you put someone else through it?"

"It's predetermined."

"Predetermined by who? You? Why would you choose to put someone else into the role you are in?" he shouted, and May took hold of his hand to try to calm him down.

"It is a lonely existence," Shadow replied, "and one that carries a great weight for one soul to handle. That is the reason for Masters, and the reason for the Shadow Master. Have you not wondered why you are the only one of your type, besides Kiall?"

"Even so, I...can't. I have to keep living on my own plane. There are things I need to do there, and people that I'd be hurting if I was made to come here." Ash looked at her determinedly. "And something I need to catch up on, that I left for too many years."

"That is your decision," Shadow said flatly, "but what of the Light Master? What has she to say?"

"I just want to go home," May replied, even though she didn't know what precisely home was or where it was.

"Then we shall wait another thousand years, and see then what will happen," Light said cheerfully, "Let them return, Shadow. Even you are not so heartless as to force either of them to do what we want."

"As you both wish."

- - -

There were yelps of surprise when both reappeared in front of the League building. It was as if very little time had passed. "Ha!" Paran threw her arms around both of them, squeezing them. "What was that?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," May assured her. Ash pushed her away, and looked up toward the stone Rapidash.

"You can tell us later." Lance grinned. "Now that you've returned...you do know what you have to do?"

Ash turned his stare onto the other man. "Well, the League is without a leader now, and needs to be returned to its old self..." Misty pointed out, and he paled.

"You fools want me to take over as the new leader, and make it...oh god, I need a vacation, now." His eyes rolling up, Ash fell over backwards. He'd fainted again.