Chapter 1

It was the fifteenth anniversary of the Queen of Spades disappearance, and Alfred Jones the King of Spades was in the Royal library where his beloved Queen's clock was kept ever since the day he disappeared.

"Alfred. Alfred aru." The Jack of Spades, Yao Wang, stepped into the Royal library looking for Alfred, only to find that he was off in his own world.

Alfred snapped out of his thoughts to find Yao staring at him. "Oh sorry Yao."

"Aiyah you're more spaced out than usual today."

"Can you blame me Yao? It's been fifteen years since Arthur disappeared. I just want him back" Alfred was trying his hardest to hold back the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes.

"I know aru. Maybe it's time that you accept that he's gone and is never coming back."

Alfred jumped up from his seat and grabbed the Jack by the collar of his shirt.

"I. Will. Not. Accept. His clock has not pointed to anyone else that means that he is still alive and still out there; and I will find him. I don't care how long it takes I. Will. Find. Him!"

Alfred released his grasp of Yao who quickly retreated out of the library, knowing that he had stepped on a landmine.

It took Alfred some time to calm down from what Yao had said to him.

Once he had calmed down he walked over to the pedestal where his beloved Queen's clock had been placed until his return.

Alfred touched the clock, just like he always did when all he wanted was Arthur back in his arms. And now that he was alone in the room again he let his tears fall.

"Where are you Arthur? Please, please come back. I need my husband back. I miss you. I miss you so much. Please just please come back to me."

"Come back to me."

"England. England!"

England awoke to find that he had fallen asleep during a G8 meeting with not a very happy German starring and at him.

"Sorry Lu-Germany." England said as he tried to regain his composure from after falling asleep during a meeting.

"Verdamit England I vould expect zhis from some of zhe others but not from you." Germany pinched the bridge of his nose, not exactly happy with how the meeting was going at the moment.

"Ohhhh Iggy's in trouble. Iggy's in trouble." America said from where he was sitting on the other side of the meeting table.

"Shut that damn hamburger mouth of yours America. I'm terribly sorry Germany it won't happen again."

The meeting carried on as usual with not much being got done between the countries. And all throughout the meeting England couldn't stop thinking about that voice that he heard. It wasn't the first time that he heard it. The tone of the voice never changed, it was always sad; always wanting to see him or someone again. And then his dreams would show him this castle but the people inside it, including the one that called to him and they all had blank faces to him; they all felt familiar to him but he could never figure out how. These dreams had been going on since England was a kid.

When the meeting was done England was packing up his notes when America walked over to him with his hands in his pockets. "Hey Iggy nice job falling asleep during the meeting. Totally wasn't excepting you to that dude."

England did his best to not visibly sigh at the young nation. "Do please shut up America. And would you stop calling me that."

"Jeez man I was just coming to see if you were ok. Cause you know it's totally not like you to fall asleep like that, especially during a meeting and all. Is everything ok?"

"Perfectly fine America. I'm just a little tired. And I bet that you're going to start calling me an 'old man' now." England wasn't going to tell America that someone was calling out to him in his dreams; it would make him seem crazier in the American's eyes than he already was.

"Well if you say so man. And well I would never call you that man." America shrugged his shoulders but didn't leave the side of the older nation.

"Please, please come back to me."

"There's that voice again." England was distracted as he tried to think of where he had heard that voice from.

"Yo England dude you ok? You seem out of it." America waved one of his hands in front of England's face to get his attention.

"Sorry America I think I'll just go home and get some rest." England quickly finished packing up his stuff and then went to leave the meeting room.

"Oh ok then. Want me to . . . um . . . you know . . . make sure that you get back home ok." America said as he scratched the back of his head whilst not looking at the older nation.

England was shocked at what America had just said; he never did anything like that. "You're not going to take no for an answer are you?"

"Nope. A hero like me wouldn't won't something bad to happen to you." America gave his best smile as he answered England's question.

England finally let out the sigh that he had been holding back as America gave that annoying but loveable smile. "Fine then."

For England this was just a slightly good thing. He had gotten to the meeting thanks to one of his brothers giving him a ride and he really didn't fancy doing that again anytime soon.

The two of them then left the meeting room walking side-by-side. And when they got out of the building they both headed straight for America's car.

One awkward car journey later with not much talking done between the two nations and America and England had arrived outside England's house.

"Thank you for the ride America." England was about to get out of the car when America grabbed his arm.

"You know that if anything is wrong you can tell me." America said his voice full of concern.

England was slightly shocked. He didn't think that his former colony cared about him. "I will. And what is up with you today? You don't usually care about me this much."

"You know how I keep saying that I'm a hero?" America looked directly at England, not taking his eyes off of him.

"Unfortunately yes." England tried his best to not sound as if he was getting annoyed with the younger nation.

"Well there's only one person who I want to be a hero to."

"Who?" England was curious as to what America's answer was going to be.

"You England." America leaned over and kissed England on the cheek.

England's face reddened upon hearing this. He didn't think that it was possible that America liked him the way he liked America. "I really do like you England. And I want the two of us to . . . you know maybe . . . go on a date sometime."

England was left completely stunned by America's confession and just couldn't think of what to say to him in response.

"I don't expect to hear your response just yet, but please think about it."

And with that America let go of England's arm.

When England got inside his house he quickly took off his suit jacket and tie, and undid the top two buttons of his shirt, not caring that they had landed on the floor. He pulled out the gold chain that he always wore around his neck and held tightly in his hand the small object that hung at the end tightly in his grasp.

When he opened his hand he looked at the gold ring that was attached to the chain. He couldn't remember where he got it from, but knew that he had it ever since he was a kid.

He took the ring of the chain and looked at it. He knew that it had some sort of special meaning to it but just couldn't remember what it was. But for some reason something was telling him that he should put on his left ring finger.

England did what his instincts told him and as soon as the ring was on his finger it began to glow so bright that it could blind a person. England closed his eyes instinctively to block out the bright light.

When he next opened his eyes he found himself lying on a beach that he had never seen before.

A/N: first of I would just like to say sorry for the feels that appear in this chapter and well that won't be the last of them, there will be more to come in future chapter

secondly the plot for this fanfic was based off of the Hetagame Diamontalia with some changes

so I hope that you all enjoyed my new cardverse fic. I have some really amazing stuff planned out for this and I can't wait to get it down.

favs, follows and reviews are all welcomed, please let me know what you think of this so far.

till next time gxgirl-93 out