Amongst the way, already on Earth and still terribly butthurt after all effects from the Space Baseball and all what was behind it, the Matsuno children were reunited under Chibita's cart to get some delicious oden, and, of course, setting the bomb inside their midget friend's heart to tick, just as easy as all the times they waltz into his cart, successfully scaring away every other possible buyer. After all, there was nothing better to do, and they had a lot to think about.

Or at least try to, all together as they have always been.



"Cheh, don't sigh at the same time, you fucknuts! Creeps me out…"

"Aw, shaddup, Chibita, don't ruin the mood" – Osomatsu slurred, while slurring literally on the cart's table, head knocking against it.

"The moon is beautiful, and I'm as just as wonderful tonight" – Karamatsu exclaimed in a contented sigh after a slurp of beer, adjusting his bandaged arms over the top to the do his mythical American macho pose.

"Shut up, Karamatsu, m' in no mood to listen to your painfulness" – Choromatsu was already drunk, gesticulating wildly with his jug still full, sloshing beer over his brother who ignored the offendant by trying to look cool. Ichimatsu, who was as drunk as the idol lover, could only cackle in his dissonant, terrible way while watching Karamatsu getting beer bubbles in his hair and face while still trying to pose coolly.

Jyushimatsu, still hyped over their last match, took his beer jug and drank it all, to then shove the entire thing into his mouth, feeding the cart owner's nightmares to come.

"Aaah! Thank you king sized, game winning home run, Akatsuka-sensei! I was able to go play BASEBALL! – The fifth brother screamed happily, flailing his noodle arms and crying lots, while receiving a chorus of "Yep yep" of his brothers behind.

"What a good man! I'll never forget this!" – With that final phrase, a bundle of tears and hugs got out the cart, laughing loud enough to wake up the hobos next to it. The only one who didn't echoed their happiness at Jyushimatsu's proclaims was Todomatsu, who hadn't leaved his seat and was mindlessly handling his phone with a bored face. He waited until the tears and contented sighs when remembering their beloved sensei finished to talk. And when he did, it felt like oil in a glass of water.

"Eeh? Sensei, a good man? Sorry but count me out of that thought" – He said, in his typical sing-song voice, as if his master's existence didn't matter as much.

Even Chibita looked at the youngest Matsuno with disbelief. And the silence that came with that lead the way for a long while.

"Y-you cannot be serious, you jerk! He gave you a-all of those things…! The anime, your house… even yourself!"

"Yeah Todomatsu, look, if it weren't for him Chibita wouldn't be with us even with him being this ugly!"- Osomatsu exclaimed, pointing at his small friend. Of course, those words made him win a furiously hot piece of oden in the eye. – "Yowch! Fuck you too!"

"Hmph, I'm a man that has vast knowledge of what Tough Love is, and I, Kara—URGH!" – Karamatsu was unable to finish his thoughts on the matter, as the flying oden that Chibita and Osomatsu were angrily throwing to each other went right through his throat. With an eye roll and a hand signal coming from the third brother, who was looking already pissed drunk and even more angry by the whole situation, Jyushimatsu had already jumped over the blue clad brother, elbow perfectly aimed on the plexus.


"PFUHHH!" – Exclaimed the attacked one, the piece of oden that was cloying his throat went flying through the sky – hopeful to see the winners of the last baseball event.

"Heh, finally" – Ichimatsu just laughed at Karamatsu's pained face and defeated body, the rest of decidedly laughing too but without looking at him.

The cheery environment didn't last though, as Todomatsu smashed his hands over the cart's table as if he were part of a certain lawyer's game -"Oi, oi! Don't go changing the subject! If he were such a good man, why did he – uh – why did he make me suffer at your hands in Sutaaba!? What 'bout the "Todomatsu Shouldn't Exist" theory, huh!?"

"Sutaaba had nothing to do with Akatsuka-san, Totty." –Choromatsu replied, the blankest stare on his eyes directed at his shivering – more like boiling in rage - little bro.

"You know who the culprit was there." – The cat lover snickered, as he had been doing all night – "But if you need help remembering what happened there I got some photos…"

"No, no! I don't need them, Darkmatsu! And that still doesn't explain the Theory all of you had; you almost made me believe I was unneeded!" – Totty screamed, pointing frenetically every one of his brothers with his hand.

"Totty… you are the one who always make sure to ignore me every time you see me on the street" – Osomatsu replied, munching some slices of boiled egg – "And I'm sure that if Karamatsu cared more about himself he would also tell you so"

"… Huh? B-But…!"

"… Tch, it's not even the same thing." – Todomatsu still refused, puffing his cheeks and looking even more spoiled of what he already was. – "Seriously, I'm sure that there's another universe in which I don't exist and all of you are happy"

"Who says that is a bad idea?"

"Ichi, that's cruel…!" – Jyushimatsu exclaimed, appalled but still laughing a bit.

"Hmph, no universe where one of us is Out of this World shouldn't exist, we are a unit, and no unit is complete without me" – The second brother said to the air.

"No one was talking about you, Karamatsu"

"Shut up Shittymatsu"

"B-but weren't you talking about me right now?"

"God, Painfulmatsu, you are even slower than Osomatsu-niisan!" – Scorn on his mouth amongs with a full jug of beer, Todomatsu was full poison that night. "Should we begin to call you Airheadmatsu-niisan now?"

"Nah, Karamatsu is kinda right, yanno"

After a minimal moment of dumbed silence, that got the entire present people look at the one who muttered those words with complete attention. Osomatsu, who decided to fill himself with all the oden Chibita had not been looking at while concentrated at the rest of the Matsuno's discussion, had been listening to everything and mulling all words said that night. Slow as always, it was rare for him to come on a conclusion of his very own. So that's why Karamatsu's words sparked something inside him, something that couldn't be left even if it meant to praise his painful brother in front of everyone else.

And maybe it was not a bad thing, to see his brother's face flourish like that.

"Am I right…?"


"Aaaaa…! *ehem* Hmph, of course I am!" – His cool pose didn't deny the tears running through his eyes.

We are a unit, a pack. Always have been, always will be." – He smiled, a warm smile on a cold evening. "If Akatsuka-sensei would've wanted us to suffer I'm sure he would make us… dunno, take care of baby Totty, or even worse, baby Choro."

"Oh, oh! I'm good with babies! Babbbieeeeesss!" – Jyushimatsu chirped, happily imagining his brothers as kids.

"What the fuck *munch*, Osomatsu-niisan, I'm not that terrible." – Choromatsu scowled, stealing one of his big brother's boiled eggs and putting it on his mouth.

"Yeah sure, I guess your rage problems wouldn't go aggravated with your fapping addiction if you were a baby" – The eldest spattered, to end with a hearty laugh.

"I'm sure he would be the kind of baby who would show his penis and play with it every moment he could though…" – Ichimatsu closed his eyes, resting his head over Jyushimatsu's shoulder, already dozing off.

"Hey, hey! No! That's not what I would do! Besides, wouldn't baby Todomatsu be worse than me? I mean, he's already rotten spoiled, as a baby he would be even more of a spoiled bastard!"

"Whah? Who are you calling a Cute Prince?"

"Huhh? Who are you calling a Scottish Fold!?"

Choromatsu, red as a bell pepper, looked ready to throw the cart with his both hands - "We already did that skit before! And you, Osomatsu! You talk too much about who's worse and even more terrible than the other but we know that you would be a handle. A terribly lazy baby that would cry every moment without any tits at his side!"

"Hey, babies have it easy! Food, tits, all in one!"

Chibita sighed, and started to close his shop. – "I can't believe what 'm listening today…"

"Hmph, can't believe I'm sympathizing with Chibita, of all people…" – Todomatsu sighed, reading idly his Twitter notes.

"So you still don't understand, right?" – Ichimatsu wondered.

"Todomatsu… you believe we could've got that far in the asjfbshjdfs Invitational without you?"

"Well, yeah? It was not that hard, we also had the help of the other guys and our mentor there…" – Todomatsu answered, this time with no poison spitting.

"But you were one of the ones who got to handle that big baseball bat with us!"

"We couldn't have done that without you" – Karamatsu said, with lights on his eyes.

"Uhuh! You are very important to us Totty!" –Jyushimatsu said, while patting his youngest brother's head in what he hoped it wasn't too strong of a pat.

"But didn't we lose?"

"Yeah, we failed, we failed in that moment all together, and not all alone as it could've been! I'm sure that with even one less they could've destroyed us even at the very start!"

Todomatsu still seemed reticient over those kind words, because he knew that they were doomed to fail anyways. And who could say that they were telling the truth in those moments? Maybe they wanted just to get his acid stare out so they could eat in peace. That was something he would do!

A very familiar clink took him out of his reminiscing, to see his plate was refilled with delicious looking oden. At his side, he saw Choromatsu serving him the food. Todomatsu only could stare at him, unsure of his intentions. The third brother smiled, albeit looking very shy, as if smiling wasn't his thing and it really wasn't, judging how angered he always got when drunk with all of them picking on him.

"Mama also… told me of… that, and I'm glad you were there for me, Todomatsu"


"Choromatsu! No talking about that, not today!" – Osomatsu exclaimed, getting red in the face, as if embarrassed.

"Hey, I already did! I just… wanted to make him know that I'm glad he was there, that day."

"Hmph. I… I'm glad you recognize that."

And that was all.



Suddenly Jyushimatsu, who was still imagining round cheeks and baby snot, stopped his train of thought instantly and flashed a look to the sky, his ahoge standing up even more than possible, starting to move up as it searching for signals in the dark sky.

"Oh, no, Jyushimatsu-niisan don't do that, I'll lose my wi-fi!" – Todomatsu exclaimed, he always got scared when things like that happened.

"Jyushimatsu, my dearest brother, is something the matter?"

The trace the fifth brother entered, as suddenly as it started, ended as suddenly too. In seconds he was already himself, eating pieces of fried dough and chugging beer from the very bottle, to then exclaim "Yes, there are some Parallel Dimensions! I dunno how many, though!"

That claimed for a general "Eeeeehhhh!?", because, fuck, that was some Big News. Better not to ask how he got that info, Jyushimatsu was to be feared most of the times, this one not being the exception.

"Seriously? Oh, Akatsuka-sensei, you are soooo astute!" – Osomatsu exclaimed.

"So maybe the baby thing is true…"

"Don't fret, Ichimatsu, my dearest brother, I'd take care of you as if you were my son"

"I wouldn't want you to be near me if I were a baby!" – The mentioned Matsuno said, attacked his painful brother with his cat claws.

"So maybe there are other kind of parallel universes too… maybe there's one in which Nyaa-chan has married with me! Nyaa-chan! YES!" – Choromatsu floated away of the table with the power of his love, dancing his hyperactivity off.

"Hey Osomatsu-niisan…"

"Huh, what's the matter Jyushimatsu?"

"Do you believe… she… would've chosen to be with the Other Jyushimatsu?"

"What? You worryin' for him now? Be more positive, Jyushi! Of course there's a you who got to score! You got to show her all of your moves!" – The eldest laughed,

Todomatsu could only eye his brother in a demeaning way over his bad choice of words -"Osomatsu-niisan, that's doesn't sound very rea—"


"Exactly!" – Both of them laughed, to what the youngest could only sigh.

"I guess that only idiots understand each other"



After some moments, the night grew colder, and it was time to go to their homes. But before that, they decided to make a toast.

"For Akatsuka-sensei and my oden to become brighter than the sky!"

"For my future out of this social hellhole!"


"For… cats."

"For Nyaa-chan, and Totoko-chan! I LOVE YOU!"

"For all those Karamatsu Girls and Boys in this world and others, please wait for me!"

And Osomatsu, the first and the last, decided to word his toast in a different way.

"If we are all together, I'm sure all will be fine. Cheers!"

In some universe, far, far away from the others, things were a bit different. Matsuyo conceived sextuplets, and Matsuzo decided that six was not his lucky number after all. Names were put, even if they weren't as common or well thought as some Japanese parents would name their brethren, and rules were made. Unfortunately for Matsuzo, rules meant nothing while having as a wife a doting mother as Matsuyo was, and, unfortunately for Matsuyo, her little children grew up from babies to children, from children to beasts and from beasts to...

… NEETs.

… And being crowned like that came with a certain malicious pride, if it could be called like that, which just made it all worse in the eyes of everyone else but them.

Their existence brought a revolution in their house and entire city, considering how the little sextuplets, with their childish rowdiness and unnatural power, brought destruction and reconstruction all around them almost every day. People had learnt to dislike the six of them as a whole, and they could understand all the disgusted looks and the hurting words directed at them, really. It was just something that they didn't really care of, as they always would have themselves.

Their dearest Sensei in the Sky was one of the few ones who felt a smidge of love at them and seemed to agree with (more like, laugh at) their dangerous antics, and so he granted them with an anime- no, three of them and one more to come, based on their lives and wacky stupidities, in an act it was supposed to be made of sheer love for them.

And even if they were still angry with the guy, they couldn't refuse that fact.

The night was chilly, and their sores still hurt as if they were new, but their good feelings still filled them with warmth that followed them even after running from Chibita as they refused to pay.

Because they still had each of them together, so there would be always be another day, no matter in what universe they were.

Because being six was better than five, or even less.

And so, towards another day!

Finally, I finished. This fanfiction feels like a baby of my own, yanno. I'm super glad I could finish it ;3;. Its not beta tested, so maybe there are inconsistencies as I had to rewrite this over and over and over again. But pfuh, its completeeee!

Thanks to all who read and commented! I love you all. Even if you are not in the fandom anymore.

A big hug for you all.