A/N: Hey there guys, and welcome to my first story! This is just a little something I wanted to do, so I decided to share it with you guys. I may be a bit of a sap or put some dark parts and fluff parts together, but that's just me (deal with it). This is mostly based on the manga, but I might have some of the anime here and there.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to leave a review at the end :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Monster Musume or any of its characters, only my own OC(s).

Edit: I've decided to add more depth and detail to make this a bit better. Hey it's the first chapter, better make a good first impression right? Big thanks to crowfield for the tips! Thanks a bunch :)

My New Life With Monster Girls

A Monster Musume Self-Insert Story

Chapter 1

The First Friend, First Love

Oh, hello there. My name is Marianna, Marianna Morrison. But, you can call me Mari. I'm pretty much just an ordinary girl. I'm 19 years old, and I'm from England. Though my lineage originates from the Pacific. It's actually a fun story, I'll tell you about it later. I'm not very tall, just shy of 5ft. I have dark brown eyes, long bushy black hair and tanned skin. I'm pretty smart and did well in school although I still don't know what I want to do as a profession. I like to do a bit of everything I guess. I know a lot about wildlife and ecology, I can play piano fairly well, and I've taught myself a few extra languages. But what I love most, is to cook. Not just cook, but also bake and 'experiment' a little. I loved to do it at home, as long as my parents never caught me in the kitchens. Maybe I'll open a restaurant someday, who knows? As great as I seemingly am however, I do have one major issue; my physical health. I was born with very frail bones and underdeveloped lungs, mainly because I am so small, so I've been told. I have strict exercise warnings from my doctor so the most that I'm allowed to do are short jogs and paddling only ankle deep in the water without having to use my inhaler or my oxygen tank. No 5km runs for me, but cycling seems to be okay. As long as I'm not mountain biking.

My family is pretty wealthy as they are property owners nationally and internationally, and like I said before, we originated from the Pacific. We started out as voyagers who travelled the seas looking for land to settle upon. That at the time was also establishing property ownerships. They eventually settled permanently in England. Generation after generation, the old traditions died down to make way for the British living. No more were there tradional dances but classic ballroom instead. Sometimes an odd someone would inherit the old free spirit every few generations. I am one of them. Despite my frail stature and shy tendencies, I do love to be outside and by the water. It feels, almost natural in a way.

I'd love to say that we are a happy family, but that would be a lie. I have two older brothers. To me they are the ones that used to love me, but left me behind as they moved on in life. My father and I don't really get along. He has his heir. He seems perfectly happy with my brother, Reginald. He was father's second choice. Johnathon is the oldest. But, he's gone now. He cracked under the pressure of having to 'rule a kingdom' basically. To take over a large company such as our father's one day. It realy hurt me when he left. Reggie took it rather hard as well, but I don't think he has fully recovered. I haven't either, but much more than he has.

John was always a lot of fun. He was ten years older than me and always had the time to play and have fun with Reg and I. I always stressed him whenever my 'free spirit' took over me a little too much. Reg is a bit of a different story. Like John, he used to be a lot of fun. Always playing with me outside and defending me from other boys. I wasn't always so shy. But after John left, he changed. We started seeing each other less and less, and he was becoming more and more hostile towards me. He became egotistical and narcissistic, believing he was much better than everyone else. He became much more, like father.

And then there's me. The youngest with two brothers eight years and ten years my senior respectively. Since I was female, father had little interest in me. The only thing he believed I was worth was my dowry (given I have one) and that I married into a wealthy family for further familial relationships. A little overly diplomatic if you ask me. My mother and I get along okay, though I never really see her very often. Between school and private lessons, I only see her during dinnertime. Despite being in charge of my education and wellbeing, she rarely talks to about it unless it's something drastic. My Nana and I got along like a house on fire. We share the same 'free spirit' that has been passed down every so often. The pair of us dubbed 'the crazy wild ladies' by many of our relatives. Father says I'm (annoyingly) just like her. But I don't see what's so wrong with that. Unlike Grandmother, she cared not for formalities within family. She was also so into our family history and culture, often telling me stories of the faraway islands and the old trinkets scattered around the mansion. I loved her dearly. But she died, only last year. And not a day goes by that I don't miss her so.

Now as we previously established, Reginald is to one day inherit the family business, while Father still wants me to marry a wealthy man from a prestigious family. There is only one slight problem however. I am homosexual. I do not, usually get along with men, younger, older or even the same age. I get nervous when they usually start flirting, trying to set me up with their sons, or attack me (around 12 years and younger). Other than family members, I have never had the 'experience' of having male strangers present. I did go to an all girls private school. As of now I am not a very social or outgoing person, which doesn't really help either. Your childhood can only last for so long. I begin to shiver, I start to stammer and the next thing you know, I'm reaching for an inhaler. Aren't I attractive. The only man outside family that I have ever been comfortable around is the family steward. I've known him since I was little, and he's always been very dependable when I need him to be.

A dream of mine has aways been to move away from this large, stuffy, overbearing estate house and start a life somewhere where I can be free to do what I want, to marry who I want, and to live the way I want to live. And maybe even find some friends. Some real friends, and maybe even some love. I always loved it whenever we would go to the country house. I was always either out by the horses, in the garden, or on the tyre swing. And when it rained I huddled up by the fire with a book either studying French or (attempting) to read a Michelin French recipe book aka 'The Cooking Bible'.

After my 19th birthday, I had decided to take a chance at that dream. Thus resulting to moving to Japan. I would have went to Provencial France, but I'd rather be somewhere where Father doesn't have business. Let alone be able to find me. Has has not spread towards the Far East yet. We had a bit of a, disagreement. That may be a bit of an understatement. Let's just say that he's not happy about my 'preferences' and leave it at that. I managed to buy myself a nice farmhouse with an covered yard in between a city and a small town. The town reminded me of a French Provincial town with an open market that's only ten minutes by bicycle. The city's half an hour away, but it's a level road in, so it's easier access than the town which is down a hill. It's perfect for a peaceful life. I worked out all of the essentials, and with the help of my mother, general practitioner, steward, and plenty of paperwork, I am now an official citizen of Japan. Thankfully I learned to speak fluent Japanese. That would've been a bit awkward. Thank the language tutor for letting me pick! I had too much free time after school was finished. The house is big, but not as big the estate mansion. It was an old barn and mill converted to a living area. It's got a big covered courtyard at the side with a large kitchen and storage area. It was huge! A little cramped with pots everywhere, but huge! It's a three story building with a big attic and a cold storage downstairs; a large family room, sitting - dining room and several spare bedrooms, and even a large back yard that led to a river with a private mill. I began to think the place was made for me.

Yes, I was more than ready to start a new, normal life here in Japan. I was prepared for anything! Well, that was until, one day, I got an unexpected knock on my door.

And that was when my life with monster girls began.


"Hm?" I looked up from my messy coffee table of notes and paperwork as I heard a loud knocking on my door. That was weird, its 1:47pm and I wasn't expecting any visitors.

'Maybe it's the neighbours' I thought. Wait. I don't have any neighbours.

I walked over to the front door and answered. I opened the door to find a strange, tall lady in a business suit and sunglasses, and a shy looking red haired girl... with a snake tail?! Okay, I vaguely heard about the Cultural Exchange Programme that was set up here a few years ago, but I was not prepared for this. What on earth is happening?

"Um, may I help you?" I ask awkwardly, having to remind myself to speak in Japanese. It was hard to break out of my old habit, but I was improving. The business lady was giving me a scary smile. It's like she's one of those people that you know are nice, but creepy all the same.

"Hello. My name is Smith and this here is Miia. She will be staying with you for a while", business lady now dubbed Smith introduced.

"Please take care of me", Miia added with a bow. Now that I take a better look at her I see that she has two hair clips like 'D's. It makes her look like she has a snake biting her head. Her clothes look to be normal despite her obvious anatomical differences.

For a moment I could do nothing but blink in pure confusion. Was this a joke? What the hell was going on? I didn't sign up for this! Heck I only found out about all this the day before yesterday! (Admittedly).

Suddenly hearing a strange noise behind me I turned to see several men with tools and materials modifying my house interior.

"Hey! What are you all doing?" I exclaimed, "Watch that coffee table, I don't want any of the contents on top going missing!" Just because I get nervous talking to men, does not mean I'm a total pushover.

"Sign here, here, and here please", Smith said as she shoved, sorry, held a clipboard of paperwork at my face. I took the papers and read through them quickly. Good thing I'm a fast reader. Smith as it turns out is a coordinator for the programme and security/social worker of sorts. House modifications were government paid, as well as a percentage of food costs. What was this? I never applied to be a host for this programme. I'm only starting to get used to living here myself! Well, I guess it's a way to make a new friend. I don't have a problem with extra species, I think they're amazing! And she's also quite pretty. First time for everything I guess. Happy with my final decision, I sealed the deal and signed the papers. What on earth am I getting myself into?

"I hope you enjoy your stay here Miia", I say with a smile as I turn to the snake woman. She offers me a smile of her own, though I can tell she's still rather nervous.

"Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable. I'll sort you with your room in a moment". Miia happily slithers into the new and larger family room to wait, dragging her suitcase along with her. I turn back to Smith as she shoves some books into my arms.

"Here's a few guidebooks to all extra species currently in the programme, and a copy of the rules and regulations", she says.

"Who do I call if I need information?" I ask. No doubt I'll need it later. "What about insurances?"

"Don't worry you'll be fine. And don't worry about insurances. Health care's pretty good here and the government pays for any property damage", she says with a slight yawn. "I'll be back to check on you in a while. Later". She jumps in a car and drives off.

Okay. That could have been weirder. She's like my aunt and uncle who dump my ever so arrogant and stuck-up cousins off at home as they go off to some party. They're younger than me and frankly I'd rather lock myself in the library, if I could. I turn around to see my modified house. The hallway is slightly wider to accommodate Miia better, and from what I can see so far, everything else is either larger, spaced out more or both, not that there was that much of a difference since it was a pretty large house to begin with. I walk back to the sitting room to find Miia sitting patiently and my coffee table untouched. At least they weren't snooping.

"Hello again. I haven't introduced myself have I? Well my name is Marianna, but you may call me Mari if you'd like. It's nice to meet you", I say to her as I dump the books on the messy table and offer my hand for a shake. She gives me a smile and reciprocates my handshake offer. I can tell she's anxious. I am too. Why wouldn't she be? She's here in a foreign country, away from her family and everything she knows. Wait, am I describing her or me?

"Hi Mari-san, I'm Miia and I'm a Lamiia", she says gesturing to her long and obvious tail. Lamiia, so she's part snake. Neat.

After the handshake there's an awkward silence. What am I supposed to do now? I usually zoned out on the lessons about this because I didn't think they concerned me very much. Well, thanks a bunch karma!

"So, erm. Where are you from then Miia?" Well, one must start somewhere right?

"Oh! I'm originally from the desert region. It's warm there and perfect for Lamiia's since we're poikilotherms and all". I can tell she's relieved about the awkward silence breaker.

"I see. So I can assume that you wouldn't like England then?"

"Why? What's the climate like there?"

"Cold and rainy with the continent stealing all the good weather". Miia laughed heartily at that. She has a nice laugh, it's cute. What am I saying?! She is a Lamiia's for goodness sake! An all female race! Get a hold of yourself woman! You need to stop this puppy love before she finds out! I doubt she even swings that way, so stop before you creep her out! Why is my head making me argue with myself?

"Mari-san, are you alright?" The sound of said puppy love's crush snapped me back into reality. I guess my inner turmoil was readable. And by inner turmoil, I mean my face. Am I that much of an open book?

"Hmm? Oh, yes I'm fine Miia, thank you for asking". Wanting to change the subject, I say something else, "Hey, why don't I show you your new room?" I offer.

She smiles brightly and nods. I lead her upstairs to one of the larger, now modified spare rooms on the second floor. I noticed that I have a lot more of them ready, why? The room was pretty spacey with a nice large window and the bed was the right size for her long body. When she came in I noticed her shivering. That's right she cold blooded! I looked to see that the window was open, and the smell of fresh paint made its way to my nose. Well, that answers why it was so cold in here. I quickly ran to close the open window and turn on the radiator. As Miia made herself comfortable, I ran to the supply closet to get her some spare blankets. I then told her where my room was, on the opposite side of the hall, and that she could explore the house after she got herself settled in. I checked the hall clock to see that it was nearly dinnertime, so I made my way down to my now even larger kitchen. You know, I think I'll be okay here in Japan.

~ A Week Later ~


"Hmm", I groaned as I tapped my alarm clock to stop ringing. It was currently 6:30am which is the usual time for me to get up, but my goodness, the jetlag was real!

I tried to get up out of bed, but I noticed that I couldn't. My legs felt oddly cold despite being under a large duvet. Ah, I know what it is now. I turned my head to see Miia cuddling up next to me in her sleep, her long scaly tail wrapped around my legs to draw heat with her arms lazily surrounding me as well. She must have came in last night, again. She used to be a lot tighter with her embraces before and I didn't want to tell her off or anything, but when my GP came to do a house call checkup, I had to tell her about my health conditions and ever since she then became extremely gentle when physically around me. Not to mention she became rather mother hen-ish. That was only three days ago.

*Three Days Ago*

I was cleaning up in the family room after Miia helped me organise my plans for a vegetable garden. She's sweet and helps me out with chores, except for cooking. Well, she sets the table if that counts. She even helped me pick out some new curtains. So far we're getting along swell, but I don't want to jinx myself later. She's a very affectionate person, I can tell from her hugs. Sweet lord has she got some grip in that tail. They are a little too tight for my condition, but I haven't broken anything yet (amazingly). I'm too scared to tell her off. I'd kill her cheerful mood, then she'll be uncomfortable around me, she'd hate living here and then leave me all alone again! Am I overthinking this?

"Mari-san!", speak of the devil. I turn around to see Miia by the door, hair disheveled and panting slightly as if she ran a mile, err, slithered really quickly in her case. I'll admit, she looked rather attractive like that. All disheveled and out of breath, as if- What the hell am I thinking!? Bad Mari! Bad! Don't think like that! You'll weird her out! You're already weirding yourself out! Is this a sign to show that I'm a pure nutcase? My head's telling me off again. Help!

"What is it Miia? And please, no formalities. It's a little awkward to get used to. Just Mari is fine". I call her by her first name. That's what friends do right? Call each other by their first names. Why am I such a sad person?

"Mari, there's a black car outside with a strange lady with a white coat. I don't think it's Smith either". While I was tidying, I let Miia outside to explore. There's a big tree beside the courtyard she could climb, and the river of fish not too far from the back of the house. It would be a nice picnic or fishing spot, with the water mill and a bridge. She must have spotted this car when she was coming back.

As soon as she said that, the doorbell rang. I immediately went to answer it with Miia trailing behind me while fixing her hair. I opened the door to see the ever so familiar face of my doctor. She's Japanese herself and has been my private doctor since forever. It would make sense for her to come here too. She was also the one to tutor me in Japanese. So if I do get anything wrong I can always blame her.

"Rin! I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon!" I greet. Dr. Rin Nanami was a tall woman (to me. Then again everyone's tall to me), with short tawny hair to her chin and warm brown doe eyes. I always see her with her doctors coat and bag.

"Hey there Pipsqueak! Sorry I didn't call earlier, part of me really wanted to see your new place. It's pretty nice". Rin's pretty much my older sister/second mom. She dotes, she teases, and she cares. Though I could do without being constantly reminded that I'm short. I get enough visuals as it is, I don't need verbal reminders as well! Not that that's going to stop her.

"Do not call me that", I groan. Though my complaining goes ignored as Rin notices my new housemate standing shyly behind me.

"And who's this?" She asks.

"This is Miia. She's part of that Cultural Exchange Programme, and I am her host", I explain as I turn to said Lamiia, "Miia, this is my GP, Dr. Rin Nanami", I turn to Rin, "Rin, this is Miia". Rin, being the ever so friendly doctor, takes Miia's hand for a shake with a big friendly smile.

"Hello there Miia. I'm Mari's general practitioner, or GP for short. I usually come around every so often to give Mari her health checks".

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Miia asks worriedly as she turns to me. Oh dear. Well, she was going to have to find out at some stage right? I mean, how long can I hide my oxygen tank from her? Then again, it's in my bedroom closet. Why would she be looking in my bedroom closet?

"Mari here has a frail body. Or to be more specific, she has the bones of toothpicks and at times, the lungs of a fish out of water", Rin explains as I lead them to the sitting room. Miia lets out a gasp. Guess the cat's out of the bag. I hope she doesn't feel guilty.

"I see that you've found a nice friend, Mari. I'm happy for you", Rin says, taking the opportunity of Miia's shock. The hell is that supposed to mean?! She gives me that knowing look. I sigh. She knows me. I confide in her. She knows I'm gay, and the loneliest (saddest) person ever. But that doesn't mean Miia feels the same sympathy. Her statement makes me blush and stammer. I know that my face is probably red, so I try to hide it. From Rin, and especially from Miia.

"I am sure that you are hungry after your trip, Rin. I'll go and make us some snacks", I get up from the couch and head for the kitchen, face still red. It's not the best excuse, but it was the best I could think of.

What was she thinking?! She knows that I kept my sexuality a secret, because most of the time whenever someone finds out about, it backfires. Take my parents for example. When Father found out, he blew a gasket and threatened to disown me. It's not like it would make much of a difference. He's ignored me for most of my life anyway. Reg was much quieter about it, but I know the look of disgust when I see it, even if it is professionally hidden. My mother's reaction was a little better. She distanced herself from me for a while, but later told me that it was alright, that she would try to accept it. I wonder what John would think? Would he accept me? Or would he despise me like the rest of the men in the family?

My train of thought was cut short as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach. The person was tall, so it was probably Rin. I looked down. I was preparing a tray of snacks and tea, but when I looked at the encircled arms, I noticed. They weren't Rin's.

"Miia?" It can't be her, can it? She's hugged me before, but never this tender. Why?...

"Is, is it true that, you're into girls, Mari?" I flinch. That is defiantly Miia's voice. Wait, what?! How does she know? I was sure I was hiding it pretty well. It's worked before, has she seen through me?

"Rin told me". Ah, that makes more sense. But why? Why isn't she trying to avoid me? Or sound disgusted with me? Is she like Rin? Does she just feel, sorry for me? I can tell that she's wondering why I haven't told her before. She's just trying not to look mean or pushy about it. It's sweet.

"I was afraid I'd scare you off", I admit quietly.

"That's ironic", she chuckles. I can feel her breath and movement as she laughs. "I was afraid I'd be the one scaring you off".

"You know that Lamiia's are part snake right, so most people are scared of us for that", she explains. Her grip tightens, but only slightly. "When I arrived here in Japan, I was very nervous. I was afraid how my host family would react. Would they be scared of me, or hate me? But you, you weren't scared or didn't hate me at all, you worried about me. You made me feel welcome and safe. It was the first time a human's ever done that to me. You gave me such a warm and cute smile too, I was so happy". I feel her face nuzzle into my hair as I put a hand on top of her own. I had no idea she felt that way. But that doesn't answer my own plight of her reaction to my sexuality. According to the guide, and my own knowledge, Lamiia's are an all female race. I highly doubt she'd ever fall for someone like me, and that makes me sad. Was I destined to never love someone that way? Maybe I am just a crazy lady. I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. How pathetic.

"You can't control what you are and what people think of you. But you are still you Miia. And Miia is a good person. You're not scary", what else can I do? If she doesn't like me that way, that's fine. As long as she doesn't hate me, I'll still look after her like a good host. There's a long pause. I'm not sure if she's going to say anything else, but she doesn't move her arms. I need to finish making the tea and snacks, but her arms are kind of preventing me from doing so.

"Um, Miia?" I ask trying to get her to move her arms.

"I like you too", she whispers into my ear. Wait what?! I feel my eyes go wide as I turn to take a look at her face. Did I mishear her? Or is my sanity finally going senile? I don't have the ability to say anything as I stare into her bright golden eyes.

"At first I was confused. I didn't know how to react to these feelings. I mean, I come from a race that's only female, and we rely on men to reproduce. But, during these last few days, I've been thinking hard about it. I knew that I liked you, but I wasn't sure what you would think about it. But now I know". She takes one of her hands to hold my head gently. She tilts it so that I keep my eyes locked onto hers. Am I dreaming? If so, I never want to wake up. "Mari, I think- no, I know, that I am in love with you".

She bends down to kiss me. On the lips! Is this really happening? She said she's in love with me! I'm so happy! This is amazing! The kiss is soft and tender yet full of her affection. I waste no time kissing her back returning with my own tenderness.

I didn't realise until after our first kiss, that Rin was watching the whole time.

*Return to currant time*

That memory makes me smile, even now. I'm defiantly going to treasure that forever. I think Rin does too for several (different) reasons. I swear that deep down, she really just has a perverted mind. But I still love her, God dammnit! Anyway, returning to the current situation. I look to see Miia still half-asleep next to me. Despite my long reminiscing. Although we're now 'together', she still sleeps in her own room, most of the time. Baby steps guys, baby steps. Sighing I (reluctantly) turn to wake her up.

"Hey, come on Miia it's time to get up". She groans in response and pulls me closer pressing her face into my hair and pushing her (rather large) breasts further into my face. It made me blush a little but I kept it together. Ever since the confession, she hasn't been afraid to show her newfound affection. Gently of course.

"As much as I love your cuddles, I'm afraid I have to get up now".

"Noooo, five more minutes, no wait, five more degrees", she mumbles as she continues to doze off.

"Then I'll get you the electric blanket", I offer in an attempt to make her let me go. It's one I brought from home, and Miia seems to love it more than I do.

"Mmmm, tempting. But I'd much rather warm up with you Sweetheart", she says as she turns to look at me and giving me a peck on the forehead. Not long after the confession, I had officially been named 'Sweetheart'. Between that and 'Pipsqueak' I think I'll end up forgetting my own name at this rate.

"I'm sorry Miia but I can't. I can draw you a bath instead". I managed to escape for a few seconds before I felt her tail around my waist and dragged me back into her arms. Only this time my face was completely squashed between her breasts. I blushed. Oh dear.

"But I want my Sweetheart to warm me up", she whined. She wrapped herself securely around me again and tightened her grip slightly to render me immobile. Unfortunately, what she failed to notice was that part of her tail had made its way around my neck and was not letting me breath very well. I started to squirm to try and loosen her grip. That only did the opposite of the desired effect as she tightened her grip as I was rubbing my face against her breasts, arousing her. I couldn't breathe at all. As much as I love the feeling of her cold, smooth reptilian tail (that's not weird!), I'd rather not have the feeling of it choking me.

I start to panic. I squirm around even more in an attempt to get her to loosen her grip but it was no use. As gentle as she usually is, she still reverts back to her more common strength from time to time. Her grip in this situation is firm so not to break anything but enough to hold me still (which wasn't very much actually). My vision was starting to darken and blur as the only thing I could do was pathetically whimper in hope to wake the dozing Lamiia. It must have worked as I open my eyes to see her pressing my oxygen mask to my face with a worried expression. Tears were in her eyes as I feel the rich oxygen fill my lungs. I'm glad Rin showed her what to do in case something like this, ever happened. She took it off once she saw that my breathing regulated and immediately started apologising furiously.

"Oh my gosh, Sweetheart! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! P-Please forgive me!" She wraps her arms around herself, afraid of hurting me further, the tears falling from her bright golden eyes. I feel the tail underneath me shake as well. This isn't right! Miia's not supposed to be a scardycat, that's my job! Miia is supposed to be the romantic and straight forward one.

I smile as I moved to hug her. She looked like she needed one. She flinches a little but doesn't try to move away.

"We can still cuddle all you want. Just don't have your tail around my neck at the same time, okay? So don't cry", I smile and snuggle in even closer when I feel her arms around wrap themselves around me once more. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek for further reassurance. I didn't want to make her feel guilty anymore and I think I managed to achieve that.

After our extra little (half hour) cuddle session, I managed to get Miia into the bath and not have me in, or worry about me at the same time. As much as I'd love to join her, I'm the one who makes the meals around here. So as Miia takes her bath, I am now cooking breakfast in my very large kitchen and currently focusing on trying to decide how Miia would like her eggs today. She told me she didn't mind because she loves whatever I make her, so she tells me. But I've seen the way she looks at those vegetable salads. She honestly acts just like a child, and it's actually quite adorable. Since then I've been trying to sneak some vegetables into my egg recipes for her. It's healthier for her and her diet. Hmm, I think it's time I make her an omelette special. A rich omelette with Indian spices and nutritious peppers and herbs. That should work. I continued to work as I absent-mindedly began humming the tune that was on the radio. Some rock band named 'Hellfire' or something like that. Personally, I'm not one for rock music, but this one seems to be pretty catchy. The freshly home baked bread was in the oven and the new stock of butter was in the fridge, so what was left to do was set the table and make the tea. So I made my out to the smaller kitchen area to make a start on the tea.

"You have a very nice voice", a voice behind me noted. I jumped in surprise and turned to see Smith of all people sitting on a stool by the kitchen bar. An empty mug in her hand. Did she walk here with that? Is she a ninja?

"You didn't forget about little old me now did you? After all I am your cultural exchange coordinator. And did you know that you're adorable when you squeak in surprise?"

I blushed at her last comment as I try to be stern. I swear she and Rin are related. If I'm stuck in a room with those two together, heaven help me, and my soul. "I knew you were visiting soon, you just didn't inform me when".

"Hey, can I have breakfast?" She asks.

"This is not a bar restaurant!" I exclaimed. I am not getting paid for this! I look to see that her mug is empty. Might as well accommodate for something. "Do you take tea or coffee?" Why am I so nice? Curse private lessons in proper mannerisms!

She smiled. "Why, aren't you a generous girl. Coffee please Mari-chan". Is she flirting with me? I feel like she is.

"I came to make sure that you weren't inacting anything, unprohibited".

That made me look up. Did she know of the little mishap this morning?

"I know that you're homosexual. Know that if you are having a sexual relationship with Ms. Miia or hurt her in any way, then you will be arrested, she will be deported back to her country and you will be sent back to the England". I'm well aware of the consequences. They're in the rules and regulations. I've read them. Why was she saying this to me? I know what I'm not supposed to do, and I'd much rather stay here in Japan. Despite Miia's tendencies, our relationship is not sexual by any means. Even if it were legal, I don't think I'd be ready for that kind of commitment just yet.

"I don't blame you for eyeing her though. Though she is part snake, she does have a nice figure, ample breasts and lovely features in general. Not to mention", She walks up very close to me and leans down, putting her hand on my chin, making me look up at her. She's so close I could see her eyes past my reflection in her glasses. "You're rather easy to fluster". What on earth does she think she's doing?

I suddenly feel the familiar cold feeling of something wrap around my waist and pull me into the (damp and) awaiting arms of the afore mentioned Lamiia.

"Just what do you think you're doing Smith!" She practically hissed as she held me close. "Sweetheart is mine and mine alone!" Okay. Looks like she's also the possessive type. I'm glad she's recovered.

"I was only kidding", Smith proclaimed as she waved her hand innocently. Sure she was. "I need to be going now anyway".

"Your coffee's in the to-go cup on the counter if you still want it", I say. She smiles a thanks as she takes it and leaves. Wait, how did she get in here again? I don't have any spare keys yet.

I sit on the warm, wooden kitchenette floor with Miia for a few seconds until I notice that she's not fully dry from her bath earlier and her breasts were currently pressing against my cheek, yet again.

"Umm, Miia?" I say weakly as I try to get her to move. She's wearing one of my large white shirts that is now see through. Hey, I like getting clothes that are too big for me! Don't judge, they're cozy! "Shouldn't you dry yourself a bit more? I don't want you getting sick".

"Is the prohibition really that serious?" She asks. Wait, why is she asking this. Does she want to take our relationship that far? Already? How much did she hear?

"Hey, that may be true, but that doesn't mean we can't still be together. Though we may have to hide how we feel to others, as long as I'm with you, I'll be okay", I say as I look up at her and hold her face gently in my hands. She smiles at me herself and leans down to kiss me tenderly.

We spent the next few minutes cuddling once again. I am so glad I installed those heated floors. I then realised I had to finish breakfast. And that her breasts were rubbing against me, again. Not that I'm complaining. I knew moving to Japan was the greatest idea ever.

A/N: So here we have the first chapter of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it! Leave a review and tell me what you think. Is there stuff you want to see? Stuff I could improve on? What do you think about my character? Does she live up to the expectations you guys no doubt have? I know she's in a way a replacement for Kimihito, but I'm trying to make her much more than that.

Anyway, I'd love to know how I can improve and make this enjoyable for all of us. So please, don't be afraid to ask or share :D

Edit: So more fluff and deep moments. I hope it's a bit better, for those who have read it already. For those with little requests, I may add them subtly somewhere in the chapter, so keep your eyes open ;p

I'll see you all in the next chapter XD

Next Time: First Date?