Chapter 6 - January 22nd 2009

Lorelai and Luke

"Well hey there, fiancé of mine!" exclaimed Lorelai joyfully, beaming at Luke as she bounded through the doors of his diner. "You do realise that as far as I'm concerned, saying that is never going to get old don't you? I mean, I could just say it all day! Better than that, I could go tell it on the mountain! I could shout it from the rooftops! Fiancé! Fiancé! Fiancé! Boy, I can't wait to tell Rory!"

Luke smiled and planted a kiss on her lips as she reached his counter. "Good afternoon fiancée..." he greeted her, pulling her closer and whispering "...and just so you know, for the record... hearing you say that word... well, it's never gonna get old for me either; music to my ears Miss Gilmore."

At that, their lips met. They kissed again and got swept up in the moment for a second or two, forgetting that they were in a diner full of people; forgetting at least until the diner phone started ringing, at which Luke let out an almighty groan.

"One sec" he mouthed to Lorelai, reluctantly letting go of her and walking over to the phone. His reaction when he actually got to it surprised Lorelai somewhat though. Rather than actually speaking to the person on the other end, Luke picked it up to stop the ringing, but proceeded to slam it down, angrily and repeatedly.

"Woah there Mr!" cried Lorelai, rushing over to grab the phone from his hands. "Tell me please... what has that poor piece of plastic ever done to you?"

Luke sighed "It's Liz" he groaned. "She's been calling all day, I couldn't bear to listen to her for the 30th time since noon... it's about Doula and the pageant..."

"Again?" interrupted Lorelai. "How can she possibly have anything else to say about that? She asks you about it on a near daily basis. She just needs to ride it out man! Kirk... the folks at the Gazette... they'll get bored in the end. The cardboard cutout will come down. She's been living in the Bronx for years for goodness sake! Surely some good old, Stars Hollow, telenovela style drama is nothing in comparison to the hoodlums she would have had to deal with there?! Taylor would have a heart attack weekly there!"

"Well...funny you should mention hoodlums" started Luke " Liz is insane, I agree with you there... but...erm...turns out today, she may have good reason to be freaking out actually. I mean, she created the reason, but still... there's a reason...a hoodlum shaped reason..."

"Luke..." Lorelai cut in "... You're rambling..."

"Right, sorry" he replied "to cut it short... you know what?... you should probably start freaking out too Lorelai..."

Lorelai fixed him with a very confused stare.

He continued " would seem that our favourite telenovela may be about to take an even more dramatic turn than usual..."

"Explain, Danes..." Lorelai cried, a mock stern expression gracing her face.

"Well..." began Luke "it turns out, Liz decided it would be a good idea to invite Stars Hollow's favourite bad boy back into town... you know, our rebel without a cause... Take a wild guess... his name rhymes with Tess? ..."

Lorelai's mouth fell open.

"I'm guessing from your reaction you know who I well... Yeah... she's invited Jess to sort out her mess for her... yet again...he arrives today...early evening"

Suddenly the penny dropped "ah ha..." said Lorelai "...and we both know who else arrives today don't we?"

"We sure do" replied Luke. "...a certain, blue eyed, butter wouldn't melt, intelligent, beauty of a girl who is always claiming to be related to you, though I struggle to see the resemblance..." he smirked.

She smirked back at him. Then added "well ... all I can say is today sure did get more interesting all of a sudden. This is going to be awkward. Rory is also scheduled to arrive early evening and I told her to meet me here, at the diner! Get ready Danes, looks like this evening's entertainment will be an episode of 'Rory and Jess: the later years.' I for one can't wait" she grimaced "I was such a fan of the early years after all" she added sarcastically.

Luke placed his head in his hands "argh... I smell trouble" he groaned.