A/N I'd like to thank you all for the reviews and see ch 1 for disclaimer. Enjoy.

Ch 24 The End

The next day the family was awake and enjoying breakfast in Raph's room. Just then Mondo Gecko came in. "Mona's awake," the orange skinned gecko said with a smile. "She's been askin' 'bout you guys."

"I'll go check on her," Donnie said, walking out the door.

"Donnie wait!" Raphael called out. "I wanna see her."

"But R-Raph you c-can't walk," Mikey pointed out.

"Yes Mikey I know that," Raph said, rolling his green eyes. "That's why I need help."

"C'mon Raph I'll help you," Leo said with a smile as he went to help his brother. After settling Raphael into the chair Leonardo wheeled him into Michelangelo's room. Once inside the group saw Mona Lisa awake.

"Mona!" Raph cried out happily, a huge smile going across his face.

"Hey Raph," Mona said, a huge smile going across her face. Raphael got up and attempted to walk to Mona's bed. But his legs were shaky and he nearly fell. Donatello caught his brother before he fell and lowered him onto the bed.

"Thanks Donnie," Raph said. Then her climbed up to Mona and threw his arms around her, being careful not to put to much pressure on her wounds. Mona wrapped her arms around the red masked turtle and the pair held each other for a few minutes. "I thought I was going to lose you," Raphael whispered.

"Well I'm still here," Mona said, rubbing Raph's shell. "You should know you can't get rid of me that easily."

"I don't think I could stand losin' you Mona," Raphael said. "I..I really care about you Mona."

"I know," Mona replied softly. "I care about you too."

"No Mona you don't understand," Raph said. "I..I well I.." But then Mona put her finger and Raphael's lips.

"I do understand," Mona whispered. "I love you too." With that Mona brought her lips to Raph's and they shared their first kiss. Raphael pulled away after a few minutes and they stared at each other for a few minutes. Then they remembered the others. Looking over at the group they saw the smiles on their family's faces.

"What no smart ass remark?" Raph asked.

"We're happy for you Raph," Leo said with a smile.

"Y-Yeah bro any-anyone can see th-that you g-guys are p-perfect for e-each o-other," Mikey said with a smile of his own.

"But I do feel that you both need you rest," Splinter put in.

"C'mon Raph," Leonardo said. "I'll help you." But as the blue masked turtle reached for his brother his T-com beeped. Looking at it Leo's blue eyes went wide with surprise.

"What's wrong Leo?" Donnie asked.

"Its from Karai," Leonardo said. "She used the communication system in the Shell Raiser and said to expect it back soon." Then as if on cue they heard the sound of the Shell Raiser pulling into the garage. The group went into the garage and sure enough the Shell Raiser was there. Donatello went to examine it and after a few minutes he turned to his family.

"Everything looks good," the genius turtle informed the group. "No trackers that I can see. I'll have to look closer just to make sure." After inspecting it for a few minutes more Donnie turned back towards his family. "Nothing," he said, unable to hide the surprise in his voice.

"Maybe our talk did some good," Leo said, hoping that his words were true.

"Yeah I doubt that," Mondo chimed in. "But hey what do I know?"

"I think we should all retire for the night," Splinter said, not wanting to think about his daughter at the current moment. The group nodded and all went their separate ways for the night.


Meanwhile Karai had arrived back at the Shredder's lair. She had called her Foot Bots to come get her and they, along with Tiger Claw had helped her back to the lair.

"Ah my daughter you have returned," Shredder said, putting his hands on Karai's shoulders. "I trust you are unharmed."

"No worse than I already was," Karai said with a grunt. "But I taught the turtles and Splinter a good lesson about what happens when you mess with me."

"Did they take you to their lair?" Shredder asked. Karai stared at the Shredder for a minute, debating on rather she should tell him where the lair was.

"No," Karai lied. "They didn't. I was in some warehouse across town." Tiger Claw stared at Karai, knowing full well she was lying. But the assassin decided to let it go for the current moment.

"I see," was all Shredder said. "Well Karai I'll let you rest. You've had quite a tiring day."

"Yes Father I have," Karai said with a tired sigh. Shredder brought Karai her wheelchair and she wheeled herself to her room. After she was gone Tiger Claw spoke.

"Master forgive me for saying this," the assassin began. "But I feel Karai was lying."

"Yes Tiger Claw I am aware of this," Shredder said. "But now is not the time to question her. When she is stronger I will question her actions. Until then not a word to her. Understood?"

"Yes Master," Tiger Claw said with a bow. With that the mutant tiger was gone.

"So help me Karai if you are lying to me it will not be pretty," Shredder growled, clenching his fists. "I'd hate to get rid of you but you may not leave me any choice." With these thoughts Shredder sat on his throne, plotting his upcoming revenge.


A month past and things were looking up for the Hamato Clan. Raphael's legs had healed up nicely and he was working on strengthening them. Mona Lisa was joining him almost daily to work on her therapy. The pair had become joined at the hip since proclaiming their love for each other. And Raph and Michelangelo's relationship had improved greatly. Raphael was much nicer to his youngest brother, although they still fought. And Mikey and Mondo were as thick as thieves and Mondo was helping Michelangelo with his speech therapy along with Donatello and Splinter. Mikey's studdering had improved but he still studdered most of the time and his legs were still a little weak. April and Casey had been coming over almost daily since April's leg had healed and the pair were training with Splinter as was Mondo. But all three brothers had a new found respect for the youngest turtle and were careful not to say cruel things or at least apologize for them if they were said. But Michelangelo knew his brothers loved him so whenever they did say something mean he didn't take it to heart. At the current moment the family was enjoying a pizza dinner and taking in the quiet. They just hoped it would last. But knowing the Shredder was still out there the group knew their peace wouldn't last forever.

The End

A/N well folks there you have it story complete. I hope you all enjoyed it and FYI there will be a sequel. That is if anyone's intreasted. Thank you for reading and as always please review.