A/N: so I've been gone a good while haven't I? I made clear why I was gone so long in the last update so I won't talk about it. Anyways enjoy. edit: fixed the issue of the random numbers.

In one of the several lecture rooms of beacon. Bell, Lilith, Summer, and Hazel sat in the middle row ready for class to start. Thanks to Summers fast impulsive nature they had made it to class with 20 minutes to spare. "Well Summer I can't say you were a slouch about getting us to class." Bell said playfully poking fun at her cousin.

"Sorry Guys I was just so excited to get into class, I didn't think we'd have a full 20 minutes extra." Summer said smiling somewhat sheepishly in response to her cousins words.

"It's not much of an issue, The only problem is just waiting around for twenty minutes for class to start." Hazel stated resting her head against her hand. "For now I guess we'll wait until then."

Ideal chat worked well to fill the time for the group as more students filled the class. Once the final bell rang the students took their seats but only to discover their teacher had not entered the room quite yet. Some of the students were concerned they had the wrong room, these concerns were bolstered once someone pointed out the teachers desk was empty of any supplies.

Though before anyone could begin to leave to find the proper class, the teacher step through the door with a fast pace. Her orange hair and jade eyes stood out like lamps in the dark as she scanned the room. With a small grin and a light laugh she began to speak. "Good morning class, I hope you're having a good morning cause our first day is going to be productive. My name is Nora Valkyrie, you'll call miss Valkyrie though."

Nora spun around to write her name on the board behind her but quickly decided that was too much effort. Once her attention was back on the students she spoke again. "This class will be your Grimm biology class, I expect that you know the basics of what makes a Grimm a Grimm. Red beady eyes, bone plate armor covering a large portion of the body, and made up of a murky black substance." Nora stated placing a sketch of a Grimm Beowulf onto the back board.

"Now as I said these are the basics as in you should've know this coming here." Nora spoke tapping the desk with her index finger. "If this is somehow new information to you then you're going to struggle here."

Bell looked on with focus taking diligent notes of everything miss Valkyrie said. Next to her however Summer did her best to keep up, her note taking skills hadn't grown much since her first year at signal. Next to her Hazel was also having a bit of trouble keeping up but tried to compensate by paraphrasing. Lilith on the other hand wasn't taking any written notes, instead she seemed to be holding something.

Seeing her teammate holding the unknown object Bells curiosity grew and she whispered to Lilith. "Hey Lilith what's that you're holding?"

Hearing Bells question, Lilith retrieved her notepad and wrote a quick reply. "A tape recorder, I prefer to tape the lecture over writing it all down."

Bell was intrigued by her friends clever solution. Though she must spend a fortune of tapes. "That's pretty clever Lilith."

With a bell ring the first class ended. And the students began funneling into the halls to get to their next class in time. Team BLSH's next class was some simple combat training.

The team was instructed to go to a training arena. "So next is combat training, then remnant history, lunch, and we finish out the day with weapon training." Hazel stated looking over the schedule she was given when she came to beacon.

"Well it'll be good to get some physical activity after all that note taking. I honestly can't wait to get moving!" Summer said with extra excitement in her voice at the end. She was ready to really start combat training. Signals combat course was bare basic sparing.

"Don't get too excited we'll be fighting other students with our actual weapons so you'll have hold back a bit Summer." Bell said trying to temper her cousins expectations. "But it should be a good way to get real world experience."

"Even If holding back training is always a good thing, we need to keep ourselves sharp at all times!" Hazel spoke flex her arms to drive her point home a bit.

Lilith was quick to write a response. "I just hope it's not too strenuous, it's only our second class of the day and it'd be annoying to deal with muscle pains all day."

Once the group reached their destination they noticed the other teams had assembled there rather quickly. Around the circular arena stood two or three full groups of students looking eager to train.

With the last few teams arriving the instructor walked into the middle of the arena. He stabbed his sword into the middle of the floor and cleared his throat. "Hello students, this is your combat training class. I will be your teacher Jaune Arc." Jaune moved his blonde hair out from in front of his eyes and smiled with a confidence of iron. "Now at your time at signal academy or whichever one you studied at, you learned how to properly handle your weapon and some hand to hand techniques. With your time here you'll be looking to hone these techniques and put your own spin on them."

In the dorm~

Weiss and Yang had just reached their daughters dorm only to find it empty. The two quickly realize classes had been in session for a while now. "Damn I was hoping to see her before she left." Yang spoke sighing as the walked away from the dorm room and to the exit.

"It is unfortunate but not too big of an issue. We could always comeback when classes are over." Weiss spoke gracefully dusting off her skirt. "I'm more concerned with the intel on cinder. Perhaps I should contact winter, give her a warning."

"That probably won't be necessary. I'm sure Ozpins already gotten word out to atlas' top brass about it." Yang spoke placing an arm around the shoulders of her partner.

"If they're smart they'd listen to it and double security." Weiss said pinching the bridge of her nose. "But they might just brush it off as Paranoia."

Yang smirked spinning Weiss to face her and grabbing her hand with her free one. She then began to dip her down like they were dancing. "In either case we'll be ready for them, and we'll take down anyone who tries to break down what we've all built."

Weiss smiled placing her hand on yangs cheek before kissing her gently. "For now we should go catch up with the others, it's been a while since we've had a chance to talk to them." Yang nodded in agreement as they left to go visit their dear friends.