Harry found himself back in his own time, he had thrown the man known as Finch into the cell and told Aurors not to given him an inch. He started to head for his offices in the foul mood he ran his fingers though his hair as he tried to calm himself. He had to hold his tongue as he heard the sharp clip of heels on the marble floor of the halls that lead towards the Auror's offices; he turned and saw that tall brown haired witch caught up with him. He saw her smile at him, Harry raised an eye brow at her he notices her hair is up in a loose bun and he saw that she was wearing her new muggle suite to work. "Very nice Hermione I'm shocked Ron let you leave the house in that." He smirked, her cheeks turned red as she slapped his arm.

"So I hear it went well, you're caught Finch." She said, as she looked down at the file in her hands.

"Yep." Harry told her

"Were there any witness?" She asked him, the dark haired wizard frowned and nodded.

"It seems I wasn't the only one trailing Finch, Newton Scamander was there. He had set to work freeing the creatures when Finch found him. The man has beaten him so I took Newt to a hotel room and healed his wounds and then left." He told her…please don't ask any more questions…he thought.

Hermione frowned at him and kept following him as she looked down at her file and about Finch and then looked back at Harry "Tell me you obliviated him Harry?" She asked him, the young man gritted his teeth and balled his hands up into fists. She grabbed him by his shoulder and forced him to turn to look at her, he hated that her eyes were soft. "Harry you can't leave witness, when we set this to catch these criminals who are using time as their escape root we all made an oath to Obliviate any and all witness. What if they start asking to many questions they could change their future and Newton Scamander shouldn't have been there in the first place." Harry looked up at her and narrowed his eyes

"Yes…alright Hermione I obliviated the poor man!" He snapped at her before walking away and slamming his door to his offices shut. She sighed and walked back to her own offices thinking about why Newt was even at the warehouse.

Harry sat at his desk and glared at the mountain of paper work that sat there waiting for him. He pulled out a half bottle of fire whisky and then waved his wand at a pocket watch and turned it into a glass and then poured his whiskey and started to drink it. He let out a hiss as he felt it burn his throat, he couldn't stop thinking about Newt he hated that he has to obliviate him, he really liked him. He didn't want to he wanted to but it was the Ministry rules he knew it was kinder to leave Newt with no memory of them together to save him the heart ache but he could not stop thinking about him…oh god Newt…he thought he wished he could obliviate himself.

"HARRY!" Came Hermione angry yells.


"What the hell did you do!" She pushed herself into the house; she stood there and glared at him "What did I tell you about sleeping around!" She snarled as Hermione threw her ever changing file onto the desk and Harry looks down and sees Newt's file. Harry blinks and sees something that makes him pale.

"Oh shit."

"You will fix this."

Mean while….

Newt spat into the toilet and groaned at the rawness of his stomach as he sat on the floor of the bathroom brother's apartment. Who stood there and looked down at him "I should find this man and kill him! How dare he obliviate you." Theseus snarled, Newt leaned against the wall and sighed as he looked up at him.

"Theseus pleases my head hurts I don't need you yelling at him." He told him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry little brother, but someone took…I'm sorry come on let's get you some tea." He told him softly, as he helped him to stand up. Newt sat on sofa and sighed as his brother brought him a potion to help settle his stomach, and then handed him a cup of tea.