The holiday season was wrapping up nicely. It was New Year's Eve. Sir John Middleton was throwing a New Year's Eve party on his estate. Since New Year's Eve was on a Saturday this year, his guests were spending the night so they could thoroughly enjoy some cocktails and champagne to celebrate.

It was about ten minutes to midnight. Delia Middleton, Anne Dashwood and Adele Jennings were sitting in the reception room enjoying the fire and ambience. The house was beautifully decorated for Christmas. They had a wonderful dinner and were enjoying each other's company. Delia, Anne and Adele chatted and smiled as she watched two specific couples dancing. Edward and Elinor were giggling and chatting. But the other two lovebirds dancing they were especially happy about. The engaged Christopher Brandon and Marianne Dashwood.

Anne in particular grinned at her daughter and future son in law. They were dancing close together with Christopher's arms wrapped around Marianne's waist as her arms were wrapped around his neck pulling him close to her. They had their foreheads touching as they grinned at each other.

"It is going to be a great year, especially since I have you and we will be married darling." Christopher said to her smiling.

Marianne smiled and looked into his eyes that were so full of love. She knew they reflected on how hers looked when she gazed at him. "Yes it is going to be fabulous. I can't wait to be your wife Christopher." Christopher smiled down at her. Marianne smiled as well and just gazed at his handsome face, looking incredibly sexy in his neatly trimmed beard. Her fingers threaded through his hair as she pulled him close for another kiss.

The happy couples along with the group of family and friends gathered around to watch the countdown in the telly in London. They all counted down and cheered happy New Year!

Sir John and Delia threw confetti in the air at their guests. They all giggled and Edward and Elinor along with Christopher and Marianne reached for each other for their first kiss of the New Year.

They mingled for a bit and chatted. Christopher was behind Marianne with his arms wrapped around her as they chatted with Delia and Adele. Soon the two women made their way over to Elinor and Edward.

"Happy New Year sweetheart." Christopher whispered to her as he placed kisses on her temple.

Marianne smiled while she closed her eyes, savoring his arms wrapped around her. "Mmmmm, happy New Year love."

Christopher took note that they had a bit of privacy as they maneuvered towards the window. He reached down with one hand as it glided down her breast, then her stomach and over her hip and thigh. "Mmmm." She groaned. He smiled to himself and giggled as. He kissed her cheek.

"I can't wait to get you upstairs so we can have our own private celebration of the New Year." He whispered in his trademark deep velvet voice. Which made Marianne turn to goo in his arms.

"If these people were not in here right now, my clothes and his would be torn off right now." Marianne thought.

Something about holidays and this house caused their arousal and lust for each other to increase. Even though it had always been at a very high level once they started seeing each other. It might have been that they no longer had to sneak around and keep their relationship a secret that made them more turned on this night.

"Oh Christopher. I can't wait to have my way with you in our guest room." She gasped and she squeezed his arm tighter. She was already feeling the tingling and dampness in her knickers starting. He giggled and nibbled on her ear lobe, as he began to feel his trousers begin to get a bit more snug.

Marianne giggled at the sensation. "Well I think we should excuse ourselves and say goodnight." He whispered. Marianne giggled and turned her head to look up at him with his boyish grin. She stepped away and tugged his hand as they made their way to their hosts and other guests.

Anne, Delia, Adele, Margaret along with a friend of hers sat in the reception room enjoying the huge Christmas tree and fire that was going. Margaret and her friend Natalie were giggling as they checked their Instagram accounts.

Natalie was happy to come along. She always thought Edward was cute and would giggle and blush when he would speak to her. Once she met Marianne's new fiancé, she was smitten with Christopher as well. She whispered to Margaret after they greeted them.

"Wow he is cute especially with that beard. I can see why your sister went with him even though he is older." Natalie whispered to Margaret.

Margaret looked between amused and grossed out at the same time as she giggled. "Well, yes he is handsome, but I think of him as another brother now. But he makes my sister very happy. That is all I want." Margaret stated firmly and looked back down at her iphone.

John got comfortable in one of the oversized arm chairs, accepting that he was now the lone man in a room full of giggling ladies.

"Well I think it was lovely. But it sure did seem like Christopher and your lovely Marianne were in a hurry to retire." Adele stated with a giggle. Anne turned red and grinned.

"Yes, I think so. I know Edward had a late shift last night. But they looked like they were looking forward to retiring." Anne stated.

"Yes, I think the lovebirds were looking forward to celebrating the New Year on their own for a bit." Delia added in.

"Yes, as it should be. We now have two very happy and in love couples ringing in the new year together. As it should be." John stated as he took another sip of his drink. The ladies all spoke in their agreement.

Upstairs in the one guestroom, clothes were strewn about the darkened room. The only light coming from the moon through the window near the bed. Soft moans and sighs were heard. Marianne and Christopher fell to the bed together. Marianne looked up into Christopher's eyes as he softly thrust inside her. She was in ecstasy at the feel of him. He smiled down at her and leaned down to exchange kisses between their movements. Marianne ran her hands through his hair as he leaned down to place kisses on her chest and full breasts. She smiled as she felt the slight tickle of his facial hair on her skin.

Christopher pushed himself up on his hands and gave a firm thrust that caused both of their heads to be thrown back and a synchronized gasps and panting. He leaned down to kiss her again as he reached his hand to caress her hip and thigh that she had loosely wrapped around his waist. They gazed in each others eyes as they moved.

Marianne gazed up at him with her eyes full of love and passion for him. She had never experienced the depth of physical pleasure and emotional connection before during sex before him. She had only had two relationships that went that far. But being so deeply in love and knowing you found your soulmate was another matter. She as well as Christopher didn't believe in casual flings. She wanted to feel a connection and love for the person. The love was quickly realized within weeks after meeting between Christopher and Marianne, especially when their relationship became intimate.

Christopher smiled down at her as he thrust inside her. He leaned down to kiss her some more. He began to turn to his side towards his back gently pulling her along with him. Marianne smiled and kept eye contact as they repositioned themselves. Christopher was flat on his back as Marianne straddled him and laid against his chest placing kisses on his neck and chest.

Christopher gently wrapped his arms around her back and shoulders hugging her to him and slowly sat up with her. He slowly laid back down on his back. She looked down at him as he smiled up at her. She soon began to move her hips up and down along his erection slowly. She gasped and panted as she felt him inside her. Christopher reached for her left hand and kissed her fingers next to her engagement ring. "Ohh ahh." Marianne moaned as she closed her eyes. Christopher sat up and wrapped his arms around her as they began to kiss again. Christopher loved the feel of her full breasts pressed up against his chest. Christopher leaned his right hand down on the mattress to brace himself so he could thrust against her to meet her movements.

Marianne wrapped her arms around him and had her right hand threading through his hair as he kissed her neck. "Oh, ahh darling Christopher. You are so fantastic." Marianne panted as she felt herself getting closer to release. Their position caused Christopher's firm member to rub against Marianne's sensitive clit with each thrust inside her. Marianne was near tears with the pleasure she was feeling. Christopher moaned and panted as he felt himself getting closer. One more movement and then they were both there. "Ahh oh love." He whispered and gasped against her neck as he felt her contract around him along with his semen shooting inside her.

Out in the hall Margaret and Natalie had said goodnight to the adults and Anne. They were heading towards their shared guestroom. Giggling as the looked at their iphones. They stopped and looked to the door they were passing to the right. Mutual moaning was coming from the other side. Natalie gasped and giggled turning red as well as Margaret. "Oh God! Those two are unbelieveable!" Margaret whispered exasperated. Natalie giggled.

"Well, Christopher is cute even for a guy in his late 30's. But I don't think I am going to be able to look at your sister and him now without giggling." Natalie said as they made their way down to the other guestroom.

The couple on the other side of the door didn't hear the giggling coming from the two teenagers. Marianne pulled him as close as possible to her as she kissed his neck and cheek. He pulled away smiling up at her as she reached up to caress her forehead and hair. They were still panting. Marianne gazed at him adoringly then grinned. "Well Happy New Year to us. That was a wonderful way to ring in the new year love."

He smiled and leaned forward to exchange another deep kiss with her. Marianne hugged him to her and wrapped her arms around his neck. The gazed at each other as they kept exchanging soft kisses. Marianne was in no hurry to move off of him. She wanted to maintain the physical connection with him inside as long as possible. He was rubbing his hand up and down her back and buttocks. He made a slight movement to lead them down on the bed. "Hmm not yet darling. I am not ready to move and let go of you yet. I love feeling you still inside me." She whispered kissing him again.

"Don't worry love, I am not going anywhere. I love feeling your warmth." They both smiled and giggled as they rested their foreheads against each other. "Happy New Year Marianne. I am so glad to start this year off with you. Especially since it started off with making love to my fiancé." He said smiling up at her.

Marianne giggled. "Yes, that was a splendid kick off to the year. I love you."

Christopher kissed her again. "I love you too Marianne." He whispered back at her. Marianne was starting to feel a bit of a knot in her back. They both giggled as Marianne adjusted herself. Marianne slowly began to rise up on her knees. Both looked down and watched as he slipped out of her as Marianne let out a slight gasp. They got comfortable and laid down in the bed spooning against each other. Christopher wrapped his arms around her enjoying the feeling of her skin against his. He kissed her temple. They whispered words of love and contentment as they soon drifted off to sleep snuggled together.