I'm back from a long period since I wrote a chapter. Although it isn't one from one of my other stories, I am still writing and rewriting several chapters from my old stories from time to time while putting in my new ideas, like this story, to work on. I hope you enjoy.

It was night, as the night sky had a full moon where it filled the evening with an enchanting view for the world to see.

However, for one child, for now, it just emphasizes his loss. Earlier in the afternoon, he just received word that both his parents were killed in the line of duty. Once he heard the news, the young child ran into his father's office since it was a room that he and his parents often hangout together and cried his eyes out, while holding not only his but his mother's lockets in his hand.

The young child is actually young boy who was 6 years old. He had spiky blond hair that resembled the same golden color as the sun, sky blue sapphire eyes with tan skin. He was about an average height that an average 6-year-old would be. There was also something different about him, that only those like him would know. He was a devil.

The young boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikazi. Naruto is a high-class devil born from two high-class devils, Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. Both his parents were reincarnated devils that serve the Agares family for the past hundred years.

You see, Naruto was born in the underworld since his parents were servants of one of the 34 current pillars in the underworld. His parents met since they were part of a peerage from each of the current Lord and Lady of the Agares family. While accomplishing their tasks, they sometimes get involved with several task together since both are skilled in seals and investigation. Soon after, they fell in love where they got married.

For a hundred years, both his parents have worked hard in order to get themselves promoted from low-class devils to high-class were they were able to have a better life from all the work they've accomplished.

After many years of being together, they're love soon gave birth to Naruto, who became a high-class devil since his parents had earned the title of being High-class.

For years, both he and his parents lived together in peace in a simple 2 story building that had 9 rooms, not including the bathroom and closets. During which, Naruto loved how his parents, whenever they had free time, would play and teach him everything he needed to know, such as reading, writing, and math. He also become friends with several people that his parents were teamed up with in the peerage they were in.

Things were good, although Naruto was scared that he would never see them again every time his parents would leave for sometimes because of the Agares family request since the family was their king. Of course, before they left, they would always say that they love him with all their hearts which he always told them back where he would be taken care by the servants for the time being.

Unfortunately, his fears about never seeing them again have come true. It was this day, late in the afternoon, that Naruto was summoned by one of the servants to meet someone at his front door. He saw that it was one of his parent's friend, another of the Agare's peerage members.

It was here that the older devil had told them that his parents were killed. Being a child, he denied it of course, but the older devil told the child that his parents were killed by an enemy that took them by surprised. He even gave Naruto proof in the form of a locket, the same locket that he had around his neck.

His locket had a picture of both his parents while his mother's locket held his picture. After seeing the locket, which was damaged a bit, he took and ran into his father's office, where we are at.

The elder devil decided to give the boy some alone time since he knew now that the boy was now an orphaned. Going straight to one of the servants, he gave an order to tell the other servants to keep the boy safe for now, under the order from the Agares family. Once it was done, he went to inform his king, Lord Agares.

Agares Manor

The Agares mansion was enormous, basically the size of castle or famous building, like the White House or the Buckingham Palace.

Currently, Lord Agares was sitting in his office, waiting for an important individual to arrive to discuss a recent event that cost him and his wife two very valuable member of either of their peerage.

It wasn't long before his guest arrived. Being escorted in by one of his servants, Lord Agares greeted the leader of the four Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer.

Walking alongside him was Sirzechs maid, who was also known as the most powerful queen in the underworld, Grayfia Lucifuge, the Silver Hair Queen of Annihilation.

Greeting the Satan into his home, Lord Agares immediately began to explain the details of the incident that happened earlier.

A few days ago, Lord Agares sent two of members of his and his wife peerage to gather intelligence from an intel that came out of nowhere. The intel explained that a powerful being was starting to make a move towards the three factions. He explained that before he brought the information to the other Satans, he wanted proof so he sent his best members in espionage.

Unfortunately, he received intel from them that they were close in finding out who it was but soon was surprised when the routed reports didn't come in for a while where he sent other members of his peerage. It was then that they soon discover that the backup force didn't find them but found a locket. Inside the locket, a special seal was activated where the information that was gather was stored but also explained that if anyone found this locket, then the two of are either captured or dead.

"From the information, it is confirmed that members of the Old Satan faction are a part of this group now." Lord Agares said

"Are you certain of this?" Sirzechs questioned

"Yes… Minato and Kushina made it very clear in their dying message that the Old Satan faction is part of this new group, although the leader still remained a mystery, as well as its cause." Lord Agares responded

"Lord Sirzechs… we must now investigate this information. If it is the Old Satan faction, then it possible that the descendants of the former Devil Kings might be involve." The silver hair maid suggested

"Yes we should. I will send Beowulf to continue where your people have lift off." Sirzechs said which Lord Agares nodded in agreement.

It was then that the door was knocked on from outside Lord Agares office, where the person stated himself as his pawn. Lord Agares allowed him to enter, where he bowed towards his king and to the Devil King, Sirzechs.

"Have you told the boy?" Lord Agares asked

"Yes, my lord." His pawn replied, "… I have also ordered the servants to watch over him for the time being." He finished his report.

His king nodded in acceptance which he then dismisses him to continue on with his other duties.

Once Lord Agares' servant left, Sirzechs was curious on who the boy they were talking to.

"Lord Agares… out of curiosity, what boy are you talking about?" the Devil King ask

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. He's the son of both of my family former servants who got us the information. Both were High-Class devils that earned their titles. Thus their son being a high-class as well." Lord Agares

"I see. Does he have anyone?" Sirzechs asked

"No, he is the only one." Lord Agares quickly replied

"What do you plan to do with him?" Sirzechs wondered

"He is the son of both my servants. We'll take him in where he'll become a servant. If anything, he can become the perfect servant to my daughter, Seekvaria, once she gets her Evil Pieces." Lord Agares

"But what if he doesn't want to become a servant to a peerage? After all, as you said, he is a High-class devil from a high-class family, even if isn't a very well-known one." Sirzechs added his opinion.

"There isn't much to worry about since he is young and naïve. Even though his parents were strong, they were still reincarnated devils with a gift in the art of Sealing, along with being espionage experts. I don't see what other option he has." Lord Agare replied

It was then that one of Lord Agares servants announce herself, which he allowed her to enter. The servant explained that one of the servants living in Minato and Kushina's home had found a letter that was address to Lord Agares. Lord Agares accepted where he dismissed the servant to continue on.

Sirzechs wondered what it is, where Lord Agares read out loud that Minato and Kushina had written a Will in case something happened to them. The details of their will is in a safe deposit box located in city of Lilith, where it was also witness and signed by a lawyer.

Hearing it, Sirzechs spoke up.

"Lord Agares. Although they were your servants, if you would be so kind, I would like to deal with your former servants' will. It the least we should do since in a way, their death was a result of me and other Satan's ability on not settling the issue with the Old Satan Faction." Sirzechs requested

Taking a moment, Lord Agares agreed since it meant less paper work for him. With that, Sirzechs and Grayfia left Lord Agare home to continue on with their business.

As they were leaving, Sirzechs turned to Grayfia. "Grayfia… as much as I don't want to hand you any more work, do you mind in taking care of this will and assure that it is complete taken care of." He asked his Queen.

"Of course, Sirzechs-sama" Grayfia responded where she took the letter to see the information. It was also here that Grayfia asked her king something.

"Sirzechs-sama… out of curiosity, why do you really want to take care of this Will? I can understand that they earned the title of High-Class devil, even if they were reincarnated. Aside from that, why do you want to help them?" she asked

"Two strong and courageous individuals left this world while giving us their dying message about a possible threat to our future. They could have ended the investigation and called for more reinforcement but didn't were they gained the intelligence of new group popping up at the cost of their lives. I believe that such an act of sacrifice for their son's safety of the future should not go in vein. And although I have never met them, the thing that I can at least do for them is to assure that their last wishes would be taken care of and their son would receive his inheritance." Her king answered

Hearing Sirzechs answer, Grayfia had a small smile on her face at being reminded on why she chose Sirzechs as her king. Once they finished their conversation, they both left to go home.

A year later

Naruto was currently living in the main house of the Agares' family where he was assigned to be a servant to Lord Agares daughter, Seekvaria.

Whiling living there, Naruto was given his own room that was with the servant's corridor which he didn't mind. While he wasn't working, he would study the books that his parents left him with.

Naruto had a month of mourning where Lord Agares let him do what he wanted for the time. It was during that time that he was visited by Grayfia, who he didn't know who she was or her king is.

Grayfia, had checked the will that his parents left him where she made sure that everything was accounted for. Written in the will, Naruto was to receive everything that they own and bought after they became High-class devils.

One was all the books that were in his father's office. His home was to be sold so it can pay for the servants that worked for them that they hired that wasn't given to them by the Agares' family.

The second was his financial inheritance where it explained that he can't have it until he reaches twelve years old. Surprisingly, Minato and Kushina were able to invest their money wisely where it surprises Grayfia to know that Naruto has enough money to live comfortably by himself and such, along with help invest in his future plans.

Finally, was his evil piece set. Minato written in the Will that all his Evil Pieces were to be given to Naruto, since he had a total of 15 but didn't use it just yet. He also explained that if his Evil Pieces aren't able to be given to Naruto, then they are to be used to trade to Ajuka or by some means in order to give Naruto his very own Evil Pieces.

Grayfia was surprise to read this where she thought the idea was possible where she explained that she'll need to talk to Ajuka about it. Of course, the Evil piece he won't be receiving them until he 10 years old.

Once everything was set, Naruto started to work and live in the Agares family. Since then, the only person he accompanies with is Seekvaira.

While he worked and guarded Seekvaira, he also learned the basic of demonic magic from Lord Agares peerage.

He was able to master the simple necessities such as teleportation, a barrier for defense, learning to fly with his devil wings, and simple hand to hand. As he improved in his physical mind, Naruto also continued his studies by reading the books that his parents left him.

Naruto has proven to be a very intelligent child, who was great in creating strategies on the fly, instead of preparing beforehand.

While he was being taught to defend Seekvaria, he couldn't help but have his thoughts wonder about something, where his mind and attention always goes to the outside world, like the world was calling him for some reason. He shook it off as he knew that as of now, he would be in danger since he is just a little kid.

Two years later

The mansion of Lord Agares was nearly silent as rain fell upon the land. Currently, a nine-year-old Naruto was in his room, readying a fictional story inside hard book cover, a book called 'Tales of the Gusty Knight.', that he hasn't read since the day his parent's died.

It was a book characterizing about a young boy growing up in harsh conditions without anything, including parents. He then worked hard and rise up against all odds to become a legendary heroic knight that fought against evil, yet never hurt the innocent while saving the souls of the damn.

Naruto loved this story since it wasn't just the last story that his parents read to him, it was also a story that remind him of himself, from what his parents use to say to him. His mother and father had told Naruto that they believe and had faith that Naruto can grow up to become just like the hero of the story if he chose to.

Knowing that his would be proud of him for reaching such a height would be wonderful. As read the last page, Naruto just let out a few small tears which landed on the back book cover.

After a few tears fell on it, Naruto compose himself a bit before he noticed something that he never noticed before. Looking closely at the back of the book, Naruto saw that there was a hidden page perfectly align with the book cover. Freeing the page, he saw words written in it where he began to read. Reading the page, his eyes widen at what he discovered where he looked at all the books that his parents left for him.

Mentally preparing himself, Naruto began to go through certain books that he discovered along with something else that was just as important, a letter.

Year later

Walking down the corridor of the main hallway of the Agares family, Naruto was summoned by Lord Agares where he was waiting in his office.

Coming up to it, he knocked on the door where he announces himself which Lord Agares allowed him to come into his office.

Entering the office, Naruto glanced around where he notices that not only Lord Agares, but among him, presently, was Lady Agares and their daughter, Seekvaira.

Standing in front of the current Lord, Naruto stood up straight since he knew that Lord Agares was a man that wanted everyone below him to be attentive to him.

"Lord Agares, you requested me?" Naruto asked

"Yes. As you know that today is Seekvaira's 10 birthday. As such, earlier today she was taken to the location to gain her Evil Pieces and begin collecting her peerage." Lord Agares explained

"I see. Is that the reason you called me so to inform me about it, sir?" Naruto replied, already guessing what the conversation was leading to.

"No, that is not the reason. You see, Seekvaira has been thinking long and hard for the past month since she knew that she would be getting her Evil Pieces. And as such, she has come to a decision where she wanted to present you." Lord Agares said before allowing his daughter to move forward.

Naruto paid close attention at the Agares heiress as she moved in front of him. She lifted her arm while unclenching her hand to reveal what she was holding. In front of Naruto's face, Seekvaira held to him a chess piece, but not just any piece, the queen piece.

"Naruto-san, I want you to join my peerage as my queen." Seekvaira simply stated

"Is that so?" Naruto responded

"Hai… I've been thinking about it where I believe it's the right decision since I've seen you over the years. You have study and train hard as well as knowing that you can complete any task that I've given you as both my personal servant and guard. Having you as my queen, I know that you have the ability to being my second in command." Seekvaira explained

"I also believe it would be a good idea. Knowing that having someone who is already familiar to serve to would be advantage to you." Lord Agares added

"Now then, Naruto… accept my request and become my queen." Seekvaira stated

Seeing the family looking at him with a look that said that they predict that he would agree with, Naruto decided to ask Seekvaira something in order to confirm on what path that he has been struggling on figuring out.

"Before I accept can I ask Seekvaira-sama one question." Naruto requested where it confused everyone a bit, where Seekvaira nodded in agreement since it was a question to her.

"Speaking freely, Seekvaria… if I become your queen, how would you see me as then?" Naruto asked the young heiress.

Confused on what he asked her, Seekvaira simply answered his question. "Well, you would be my right-hand. You'll assist me on running not only my affairs and peerage, but also several issues that I would need help in." she honestly said

"Is that all?" Naruto asked

Seekvaria said that was it where Naruto tilted his head down as his bangs covered his eyes, hiding his expression.

After a moment, Naruto responded. "Alright then. I guess I know what my choice is now. Lord Agares, it would be my honor serve Seekvaira."

Seekvaira smiled at having Naruto accept her request on becoming her first member in her peerage as her queen. Lord Agares nodded in satisfaction at seeing his daughter getting her first peerage member along with Lady Agares who also looked pleased.

Both adults knew that Seekvaira's choice in picking Naruto was indeed a wise one since, not only because of their earlier remarks, but also because they witness the boy growing up to see that, by his own hands, was able to reach an impressive level that nearly match their daughter. Thinking about it, they believed that with proper instruction by veteran masters, Naruto would become a very powerful alia to their daughter.

However, just as Seekvaira was about to begin the ritual, Naruto once again spoke up to the Head family.

"But of course, that is something that you expect me to say." Getting their attention. "To tell you the truth, lately I have been having some doubts about something, something important that something deep within me is telling me to do, while another part of me told me to just ignore it." He began to explain

It was then that they saw Naruto lift his face that held a smile of confidents and determination. "I knew that sooner or later, Seekvaira-sama would try to make me part of her peerage. I decided to hear Seekvaira-sama answer my question to make my path clear which she did." The blond child said

Moving away from Seekvaira, Naruto face Lord Agares with a look of gratitude and forgiveness.

"Lord Agares… thank you for taking care of me for all these years after my parent's death. But I sadly must ask you to accept my resignation as both Seekvaira-sama's guard and employer to your family." Naruto stated

Hearing Naruto saying that he wanted to quit working for the family, Lord Agares and his family, especially Seekvaira. Before anyone can say to him, Lord Agares talked.

"Naruto… you do realize that if you quit working for me and the family, you then have to leave our home." Lord Agares said

"I already know that which is why I plan to work for at least one more week so you can find a replacement for me to assist and guard Seekvaira-sama. After that, I plan to leave the house." Naruto said

"You're just a child and you think you're grown up. You do realize that I was your parent's king which makes me your king in both title and name." Lord Agares agitatedly stated

"That true. You were my parent's king, but by law, since I was born as a High-Class family, even if it just by title alone, I am a free devil who isn't associated to any family since I am not a branch family member or anything related to the Agares family. I read the right that High-Class devils have and such." Naruto said as he added to his answer to Lord Agares.

Lord Agares frown at being caught by surprise before he started to unleash his devil power, raising it to a very high level.

"Naruto… even if you are a high-class devil, you belong to this family and will continue to work for me until I see otherwise. Now you will become my daughter's queen and accept your fate." Lord Agares coldly said to the young boy who quivered a bit, while Seekvaira shook in fear at feeling her father's power.

Still quivering, Naruto took a deep breath before he mustered all his courage which he narrowed his eyes as he shook off Lord Agares powerful aura, as he looked at him in the eye.

"I already sent a copy of my letter of resignation to Lord Gremory a few days ago. I remember hearing that the Gremory family treats the people that work for them fairly and such, which is why I sent them a letter. I explained my situation to him where I told him that I am a free High-Class devil that I might quit working for you, Lord Agares, because of a personal issue. I also said that you might force me against my will to leave where I asked him if he doesn't here from me in a week from now that to come here to pick me up. And for helping him, I promised to serve the Gremory family for two years without pay or pay the debt in any other kind of formed that is within my power." Naruto said rebelliously

Hearing that he has gotten the father of Lord Lucifer, he knows that politically, Naruto has started to cause a very serious matter which could get not only Lord Gremory but also the Devil King, Lucifer, involve which could cause problems to the family since Naruto was indeed a High-Class devil. If Naruto was a low or mid-class devil, then he wouldn't have to worry but the boy was a High-class which the law is protecting him.

Trembling in rage at how he was outsmarted by a boy no even 10 years old, Lord Agares glared at him. "You'll work as our servant for one more week, but then you'll leave without pay and never return to home ever again, understood." Lord Agares sneered out in anger.

Naruto sigh as he was glad that his discussion on being able to leave freely, without any consequences went smoothly.

Once it was done, Naruto dismissed himself where he said that he'll prepare himself on attending Seekvaira's birthday party since he was still her guardian.

Walking down, the corridor, Naruto mentally made a list on what he needs to do before the 7 days are over.

His thoughts ceased when he heard a young girl cry out his name. Turning around, he saw that it was Seekvaira, looking at him with annoyance.

Walking up to him, Seekvaira looked at him with a serious look on her face. "Why, why are you leaving my family? Why won't accept my invitation to becoming a member of my peerage?" she asked

Naruto simply look at her with a smirk on his face. "It because of what you said that pushed my decision in leaving that much clearer. And because of that, I know that my path is out there in the world." Naruto responded

"My answer… what exactly is it that I said that made you decide on leaving." Seekvaira retorted

"You'll figure it out, one day." Naruto simply said before turning his back towards her. "Now then, I must prepare. I have one week to get ready on leaving your home. I also have to make myself presentable since tonight is your birthday party. So, until then Seekvaira-sama, I bid you a good day." He said as he walks away from the young Agares heiress.

Till Next Ch.