A/N: Here's the ending, folks! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story idea, in conjunction with Milaya Milen Zeal. She wrote Noctis's parts, as well as Zidane's, Mikoto's, Kuja's, and Sephiroth's.

Heated Passion

Chapter 12

X*X(5 Years and 10 Months Later)X*X

Almost six amazingly wonderful years had passed since Cloud and Zack were born. Prompto had found every moment to be a perfect one, even with the vomit and diaper changing. The twins had grown to resemble their parents, but definitely were opposites. Cloud was calm like Noctis, whereas Zack was hyper like Prompto. They were sweet boys regardless, and everyone doted on them. Regis adored his grandsons especially. Everyone couldn't help but love them.

However, Prompto couldn't help but miss the days of changing diapers and depending infants. He longed for the day when his heat would strike again, which would be exactly six and a half years from the day he was first impregnated. It was almost that time, and Prompto was eager to spend it with Noctis again. He had planned for him and Noctis to go to Altissia for the duration of his heat, that way their sons' minds wouldn't be scarred.

Thanks to Luna, she had been able to help score him some tickets to sail to Altissia for the time of his heat. The day was getting closer, and he was very eager to have that time with Noctis again. They actually had to get ready to leave that day, that way Prompto wouldn't go into heat before they got there. Not that Noctis was aware that Prompto's heat was to return by then.

"Good morning," he purred into Noctis's ear when he woke up, kissing along the taller male's jaw softly.

"…mmm?" Noctis hummed as he blinked his eyes open, before he groaned and rubbed at his eyes. "God…what time is it?"

"Time to get ready for our trip," Prompto whispered with a smirk.

The prince gave a dissatisfied grunt as he rubbed at his face. "Alright, fine…" he grumbled as he pushed up.

"What, you don't want some alone time in Altissia with me?" the blonde pouted at his alpha.

"I'd appreciate it more if I didn't have to wake up so early…" Noctis pointed out.

"We need to make the boat on time, silly," Prompto argued, pecking the taller male's lips. "Now come on, Luna and Zidane should be here soon to get the boys." The omega slid out of bed, smiling inwardly. 'Oh, if only you knew, Noct,' he thought to himself as he padded to the closet to change.

When he emerged from the closet, Noctis close behind and both men fully dressed, there was a small knock at their bedroom door, followed by a couple of small voices speaking in unison.

"Momma? Daddy? Can we come in?" the voices called through the heavy wooden surface.

"Come on in, boys," Prompto answered back, smiling as Cloud and Zack opened the door and came in. "Good morning, you two."

"Mornin'!" Zack chirped.

"…Morning…" Cloud echoed, rubbing at his eye with the back of his hand.

Noctis chuckled as he adjusted his jacket. "You boys sleep alright?"

"…'s too early…" Cloud stated matter of factly.

"But we get to hang out with Auntie Luna and Uncle Zidane soon! AND Lann and Reynn!" Zack reminded his brother.

"And they should be here any time now," Prompto told them. "So let's get you boys your things, and then we'll meet them at the entrance."

"Okay!" the little raven nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, sure…" Cloud murmured, even though there was a hint of a smile on his face. The parents then proceeded to help the twins get their stuff together in their respective bags, and then they went to the castle's entrance, where Zidane, Luna, and their twins, Lann and Reynn, were waiting.

"Hey guys," Prompto greeted their friends, carrying Zack down the steps. Noctis held Cloud himself, and the boys' bags.

"Hi Prompto, Noctis," Luna smiled. "Hi Zack and Cloud."

"Hi Auntie Luna!" Zack grinned.

"Hey Zack! Cloud!" Lann cheered are he waved his arms excitedly. Reynn, on the other hand, merely smiled as she stood by her mother's side.

"Yo, dudes! 'Sup?" Zidane quipped with a half wave.

"Did you grow again on us, Zidane?" Prompto teased, looking at the now-taller male. He'd gone through a growth spurt over the years, and he was now, surprisingly, taller than Prompto.

"Hmm? Nnnnnooo, I would say you shrunk," Zidane teased back with a grin, as Lann hurried over to Zack once the other boy had been put down.

"Whatever you say, Zidane. I clearly remember you being shorter than all of us in senior year," Prompto smirked. "And there's more than one photo to prove it."

"Are you excited for us to stay with you guys for the long weekend?" Zack asked Lann, his blue eyes shining.

"Yeah! This's gonna be awesome!" Lann cheered with a grin. Cloud didn't join his brother; he just watched it all happen, and Reynn merely giggled.

"Thanks again for watching them, Luna and Zidane," Prompto told the couple gratefully.

"Of course, Prompto. We just want you both to have a good time," Luna giggled. Prompto was quick to catch the hidden meaning, and blushed faintly before turning to Zack and Cloud as Noctis set the little blonde down.

"All right, you two. I don't want to hear about any funny business while we're gone, okay? I'd like to hear how good you boys were for Aunt Luna and Uncle Zidane," their mother told them, his tone lightening with the last sentence.

"I promise! We'll be good!" Zack nodded eagerly, before looking at his twin.

"…why're you looking at me?" Cloud questioned. "You're the one messing things up usually…"

Noctis snorted with a small smirk at the comment.


"Cloud, at least tell me you won't get dragged into it if he does," Prompto told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"…Okay," the small blonde said with a nod.

Zidane chuckled at the exchange, "Alright, alright; I think your parents gotta get going or they'll miss the boat, boys."

"Right," Prompto nodded, and then hugged his sons close. "I love you both so much," he whispered, kissing their cheeks. Cloud gave a small whine as he tried to get away, pouting/glaring at his mother. The expression made his father smirk, but the prince didn't say anything on the matter. "Hey, don't forget that I love you both. You'll never be too old to be my boys." This was said with a light tap to the small blonde's nose.

"We know, Momma!" Zack whined, practically dancing in place. "Uncle Zidane's right! You and Daddy gotta go soon!"

"Trying to get rid of us?" their mother teased. "It's okay. We'll see you all in five days!"

Noctis laughed as he crouched down, gesturing the boys over. Once they were in range, he ruffled both their heads good-naturedly. "You boys don't forget your training either, understood?"

"We won't," Cloud said with a nod, though he gave a pointed look to Zack.

"I won't either!" the small raven huffed.

"Better get going, guys. Zidane's right, you'll miss your boat if you take much longer," Luna warned.

"We're going," Prompto smiled, taking Noctis's hand in his own, leading him to the Regalia. The blonde took his place in the passenger seat, while Noctis sat in the driver's seat, and then started the ignition. "See you, everyone!" he called to the group, waving as his husband began to pull away, heading for Galdin Quay. Once they had pulled out of sight from the castle, the omega sighed. "I'm gonna miss the twins…" he murmured.

Noctis briefly looked over, before he reached over and lightly squeezed the blonde's knee. "They'll be fine," he said. "And we'll be back before you know it, too."

"I know. Just can't help it," Prompto smiled slightly at him. "But we need this. It'll be nice in Altissia." He didn't say much after that, not wanting to give anything away about his upcoming heat.

They eventually reached the ocean scenery of Galdin Quay, and Prompto deeply inhaled the salty sea air, relaxing and exciting him at the same time. The couple grabbed their bags, only two between them, mercifully, and headed to the docks, where Prompto handed their tickets to the man near their boat.

"Go ahead and hop on. The boat will be leaving shortly," the man told them. The pair boarded, and five minutes later, they were setting sail to Altissia. Watching his alpha, Prompto noticed he appeared tired.

"You gonna make it?" he teased, whispering in his ear.

Noctis stretched his arms briefly over his head, before he hummed. "I'll be fine…ocean air always makes me drowsy."

"Okay," the smaller male smiled, watching as their destination got closer. He couldn't help but hope that Noctis would get with the program. They'd had sex after his pregnancy, without incident, of course, but right now, his husband almost seemed oblivious. Hopefully he was just playing dumb. Soon enough, they arrived, and headed to their hotel.

When they got to their room, Prompto couldn't help but be awed by the elegance of the hotel room as he walked into the middle to look around. The walls were a pine green, the soft carpet was dark red, there was a king size bed near the large bay window on the far end of the room, a kitchenette, and a large bathroom near the entryway. It was very nice, even with the elegance, but then again, they were lucky enough to get a suite for this trip.

"I think this is gonna be a very nice trip," the omega remarked, before looking back at Noctis.

"Hmhmm," Noctis hummed as he dropped his bag in the first chair he came across, before he dropped backwards on the bed with his hands behind his head. Pouting at the lack of interest, Prompto thought for a bit, hoping that tempting his husband would activate his heat, seeing as it was to start very soon.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna take a shower first," the smaller male told him. He snagged his bag as he headed to the bathroom, kicking his shoes off along the way. He smirked once in the bathroom, leaving it cracked open an inch. Stripping down, the lithe blonde turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm up a bit before stepping under the spray.

When he finished cleaning up, though, he didn't get out just yet. Instead, Prompto slipped his hand behind himself, along his hip, until he started to slip a finger inside himself. He gave a drawn out moan, as he hadn't done this to himself since before he and Noctis had gotten together. Circling his wet finger around the inside of his entrance, he then added a second, scissoring himself. This drew a loud groan from his lips, and he whimpered.

Of course, Noct caught the sound easily, and he glanced over to the bathroom door curiously. When he noticed it was opened slightly, he frowned, before he got up and walked over quietly. Rather than go in, though, he leaned around and peeked inside.

As Noctis caught sight of Prompto, since he hadn't bothered to close the curtain, the prince gawked in surprise, before the situation dawned on him and he bit back a groan. The view was very…erotic, to say the least.

Prompto's back was to him, as he was facing the shower head, bracing himself against the tiles of the wall with his arm while the other hand was still fingering himself…with a perfect sight for Noctis to take in. And the raven had to bite his lip to keep silent, as he curled his hand around the doorpost, his eyes beginning to flash between blue and violet.

Finally sensing the taller male's presence in the doorway, Prompto smirked to himself, albeit a slightly strained one, before calling out, "Come on in, Noct."

Noctis's eyes widened at the invitation, but only for a moment as he gave a small growl, and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him and ridding himself of his clothes before he wrapped his arms around Prompto's waist and pulled him in. "And just what do you think you're doing?"

Prompto gasped as he was pulled, his fingers slipping out of his ass in the process. He was quick to lean into the familiar warmth against him, though, before responding. "You are so thick," he snickered.

"And you are a fucking tease," Noctis growled softly, before he suddenly latched onto the back of Prompto's neck, right over his bond mark. Prompto gave a loud groan, shuddering against Noctis in response. He then felt that old sharp pain in his head from when he had his first heat, thankfully not as intense this time, before he began to feel warm all over, just like last time.

The prince caught the scent almost immediately, despite the shower masking it somewhat, and his eyes flared pure violet as he realized what was happening, before he smirked. And then he swiftly whirled Prompto around and locked their mouths together, pushing the blond back until his back hit the wall.

The omega whimpered at the intensity of the kiss, but responded back eagerly, wrapping his arms around Noctis's neck shakily. Shivering at the cold of the shower tiles on his back, he tried to press closer to his alpha so he wasn't against the wall. He would have preferred the bed, but he'll take what he gets this heat.

As if sensing the shorter male's frustration, Noctis reached out and turned the shower off, and then snapped his hands down, cupping the blonde's ass and lifting him up firmly. Once he was lifted, Prompto wrapped his slim legs around those strong hips, keeping himself as close as he could to his alpha.

Noctis purred into the kiss, before he effortlessly moved them both out of the bathroom, back into the bedroom, where he immediately pinned the blonde down to the bed, not caring in the least if they were getting the bed wet. Not that Prompto cared, either. After all, the sheets would dry.

The omega trembled against Noctis, feeling his heat start to hit him full force, and broke away from the kiss with a gasp. This had the raven move in to lick and suckle on the male's throat, as his hands moved up to play with Prompto's nipples. The blonde whimpered and moaned, his arms wrapping around Noctis's neck to keep him close.

Growling possessively, Noctis moved his head lower and latched onto the blonde's left nipple as he pinched the right. This drew a startled yet pleasured cry from his omega. Chuckling softly, Noctis proceeded to nip and lick at the hardened nub, as his other hand dragged his nails along the blonde's sides.

Prompto gave a small hiss at the feeling of his alpha's nails on his skin like that, but he shuddered heavily as he felt slick beginning to leak from his ass. As if sensing the smaller male's arousal (though he likely smelled it first), Noctis's free hand slipped down along his thighs, before pushing two fingers in without any sort of warning.

This didn't draw any pain from the blonde, seeing as he'd been fingering himself in the shower, but it certainly drew a long, low moan from him. Growling from the back of his throat, Noctis moved back and abruptly kissed his husband deeply, just as he pushed two more fingers inside, arching them up at the same time.

Prompto cried out, gasping sharply as those sinful fingers brushed against his prostate. Smirking through the kiss, Noctis moved his fingers out and slammed them right back in again, continuing to strike the other's 'feel good' spot again and again.

"Ahh-ha…! N-Noct…I need you…inside me…!" the omega gasped after the eighth strike to his prostate. Fingers just weren't enough. With a small, breathless chuckle, Noctis pulled away and then lifted Prompto's legs up, before giving the blond a smirk. The smaller male nodded quickly, ready for his alpha to fuck him senseless.

Once he had the okay, Noctis moved in, sliding his whole length into his husband in one smooth motion. Prompto gave a small whimper at the filling sensation, but then shifted his hips slightly to adjust, making Noctis grab them, holding them still. Blue eyes locked onto glowing violet ones, before Prompto nodded, wordlessly telling the taller male to move.

And the raven didn't waste a moment more; moving out and then slamming right back in as he secured Prompto's legs across his shoulders. Immediately, Prompto cried out, automatically hooking his ankles together behind Noctis's back, and drawing his alpha in even closer.

Groaning at the motion along his back, Noctis almost stalled, before he leaned further forward and rested his weight on his palms, before increasing his speed even further. The smaller male moaned and cried out loudly, shuddering with each strike to his prostate by the head of his alpha's amazing cock.

A small smirk played on Noctis's face as he moved swiftly, before he leaned even lower, while at the same time reaching out to curl his fingers around the blonde's cock. A startled shriek escaped Prompto, and he clenched around his husband briefly in response.

Laughing breathlessly, Noctis moved down until Prompto was folded almost entirely, briefly kissing his lover. That didn't last long, though, as he shifted to the blonde's throat, and then bit down sharply at the same time as he slammed down and tightened his fingers around the blonde's cock.

Reaching his limit, Prompto screamed Noctis's name as he came, clenching tightly around his alpha's cock as his cum spurted up onto their stomachs and chests between them. Noctis groaned around the bite, before he gave a choked cry, and his own release hit him, filling up his omega with his seed.

The blonde gave a soft whine and shivered as he felt the familiar white hot seed fill him. Falling back against the pillows, he laughed breathlessly.

Noctis breathed heavily for a moment before he pulled away and set himself down next to Prompto. After a moment of silence, though…

"You could've said something, you know?"

"Doesn't mean you're not a bit slow on the uptake," the smaller male smirked. "Besides, I've been thinking about having another baby…" At this, he looked almost hesitant, like he wasn't sure what Noctis would say to that.

"Again…" Noctis murmured with a small smirk, "you could've said something."

"I was trying to make this something special, but you can't take a hint," Prompto huffed, blushing. "And how was I supposed to bring that up?"

Noctis didn't respond to the rambling with words; instead, he leaned in and covered the blonde's mouth with his own, effectively shutting him up. His omega melted against him with a content sigh, and when they parted, Prompto smiled lovingly at him.

"I still don't know how I got so lucky to have you as my alpha," he whispered.

"Who can say, really?" Noctis murmured softly, but with a small content smile.

"I love you, Noct. So much," Prompto breathed, curling up against him.

"Heh… Love you, too," Noctis murmured. "Now shush and get some rest, you goof."

"M'kay…" the omega mumbled, already starting to drift off. He couldn't help but love this heated passion with his alpha. All thanks to some petty disagreement with Niflheim, he managed to end up married and bonded to the only person he ever loved.