Summary: Cat!Hermione is an animagus kept by Draco Malfoy. It was his condition for letting her live. Of course, he's more affectionate for her than he admits. She is cute after all. Heavily AU. DRAMIONE. The spells used to allow Hermione to talk to Draco even when in her cat-form will be explained in a later chapter, as well as why she is living with him and what Voldemort is up to. The story becomes more serious and less comedic the further you read :)


Draco's Kitty


Draco smiled as he stared down at the basket where his little 'kitten' Hermione Granger was curled up in a ball, taking a nap.

'Here kitty, kitty, kitty,' Draco drawled and poked at the kitten's back.

The 'kitten' squinted open one eye and saw that her master Draco Malfoy was there and he had a treat for her.

The kitten, Hermione, immediately began to purr and perked up as she twisted around in her little basket bed and stood up to try to get the treat.

'Give me the treat,' Hermione begged, batting her little white paws at Draco's robes and chest.

'Nah ah ah. You have to be a good kitty.'

'But I'm always a good kitty,' Hermione pouted. And then she tried to look as cute as possible by batting her large cat eyes and licking her own silky, fluffy hair with her tongue. 'Don't you like me, master?'

'Of course, I do.'

'Then why don't you give me the treat now?'

The treat in question was a chocolate Honeydukes bar, which she could eat once she transformed back into human, but Draco was holding it just out of reach from Hermione's paws.

'You have to do a trick first. I can't reward you for sleeping all day and being lazy.'

'I'M NOT LAZY!' Hermione hissed and scratched her claws teasingly at Draco's chest.

'How adorable, my cat is trying to attack me!' Draco chuckled. 'Put away those claws, Hermione, before I make you really regret getting even a hair or nail on your master's robes.'

'Sorry master.' Hermione sat back in her basket and licked innocently at her paw.

'So...are you going to give me the treat?' Hermione asked after a while when they had calmed down and Hermione had finished licking her fur and grooming herself so she could be as pretty as possible.

Draco smirked. 'Well, what kind of trick can you do?'

'Hmmm.' Hermione squinted as she thought over her repertoire of tricks and feline charms. 'I can chase a ball.'

'No, I've already seen that many times.'

'I can chase my tail?" Hermione asked hopefully.

Draco laughed. 'Nice try, but I've already seen you chase your tail too, kitten.'

'Well, I could scratch up the furniture and hiss at any mice that pass by.'

Now Draco was angry. 'You know my Manor does not have any mice. How dare you even suggest it! I should strap your cat hide for even insinuating it.'

'Sorry!' Hermione purred.

Her master was very angry. She needed to soothe him. She raised herself on her haunches and leaned her pretty, whiskered face towards him, her jewel-like eyes concentrating on him. 'I know the Manor doesn't have any mice. Because...Because any house with a nice cat, doesn't have mice!' Hermione tried to smile to make her master Draco happy.

Draco stared at her harshly for a long time before he finally smirked.

'Fine Hermione, you win. Do any trick you like. I can't stay mad at you long.' He patted Hermione on the head and stroked her silky hair. 'You're too cute to stay mad at.'

Hermione purred even louder and eased into Draco's touch, lifting herself off her little feet so that she could rub against Draco's side and leave little hairs of light brown and white all over Draco's robes.

Draco grimaced. 'You're leaving cat hair all over my robes!'

'Sorry master.' Hermione pouted and tried to lick off some of the hairs from the robes, but it just made her sneeze having her own hair in her mouth.

'You're a funny kitty.' Draco said and patted Hermione again. 'Let's go into the garden and get you to attack a bird.'

'I don't want to kill a bird.'

'Well, you'll try.'

Hermione was very wary. She wasn't a killing type of kitty. Though she had no choice but to follow her master Draco as he headed towards the large garden gates of Malfoy Manor.

'Go and get me a bird and don't come back until you have one caught in your mouth.'

Hermione nodded and bristled her tail. This wasn't going to be easy. How did one even catch a bird? She would have to use her claws or something but she wasn't much of a hunter.

'Go,' Draco commanded.

'Bossy,' Hermione thought with a roll of her eyes as she sauntered out into the tall grass of the garden and started smelling around for a bird or mouse to catch.


Note: Hermione is a cat animagus in this, so part of the time she's in her human form and part of the time she's in her cat form, but she can still communicate with Draco in her cat-form using an animagus communication spell.

Please let me know if you'd like to read more!

cheers :)