Thank you all so much for your reviews.

Koolcatgirl123: I couldn't say it better myself. You are absolutely right. She won't let him go so easily, and I'm glad you find it still interesting to read what actually happened before the cat to do list series. I'm actually glad there are a lot of readers who are interested. This story turns out to be better than I actually expected it to be. A part of me was scared people wouldn't like it XD

Guest; I'm sorry you had to cry, but tbh, I cried while writing it. And I'm happy you like all the other parts as well.

Guest; well so far we planned 10/11 chapters, because in episode 9/10 she meets Bruce, but maybe TEDOG and I can come up with a extra bonus story-line or something where they have to catch a criminal or something and they work together to solve it. Maybe it can be a two chapters extra or three about one case. I mean, somehow Selina and Sean has to separate so she goes to Wayne Manor, right? I know this idea of them separating can be a bit scary, but we know he saves her from the assassins and then moves into Wayne Manor. TEDOG and I did agree that we will entwine the assassins chapter into this story and have a bit better insight on what happened in Barbara's apartment.

Guest; Yup, that's what TEDOG and I was thinking too XD And, tbh, the tests they did on Sean didn't prove anything whether he's Sean or not. It's funny though you mention it, because Knife mentions it into this chapter as well.

Title idea: TEDOG

5. His Body, His DNA

"What happened to me?" Sean thought when he opened his eyes and saw nothing but rooftops and fire escapes. He couldn't remember falling asleep in an alley, and most importantly, he never slept in an alleyway.

Sean sits up slowly, holding his painful pounding head. Usually he felt like this after someone knocked him to the head, which wasn't that much often, but when it happened he felt like this.

The street boy tries to remember what happened then it suddenly all came back to him. First he was kept prison by Fish Mooney only to be kidnapped again by a street girl wearing too much leather, Knife and his men who tested his skills and what not. Soon he managed to escape and wanted to leave the freaking city, his awareness of presence kicked in and when he looked to the buildings across the street he saw the crazy cat like street girl leaping from one building to the next at the same pace as him. He would have been impressed if he didn't need to run for his life.

Sean kept jumping buildings and so did the girl and then it happened. Sean didn't calculate the amount of space between his building and the next and he fell all the way down, landing into a large garbage container.

"Oh, no," Sean thought when the memory of him climbing outside the container ran through the back of his head and saw the cat like girl heading towards him from across the street right before his world turned black. "But where is she now? Did she leave me here, after all she tried to do to keep up with me and telling me to stay?"

Sean looked down at his body and saw his clothes was all still in place, which was a big relief. It at least meant no one stole his pants or shoes while he was unconscious. But there was something else wrapped around his waist that made his heart skip a few beats.

Sean grabs the thick, metal chain and eyed the lock. It wouldn't be much difficult for him to break the lock, if he still had a lock pick, but he knew the girl had taken that from him.

Scared what he might find, Sean followed the chain that lead to something behind him, and once he was fully turned one-eighty, he saw a person sitting in the shadows of the building eating an apple, very slowly and hesitant. As if chewing was too painful. The person was also surrounded by three cats drinking milk from a tin-foiled take-away cup.

"Nice to see you're finally awake."

Sean instantly recognized the voice and exclaimed angrily; "Why did you chained me?"

"Do you have any idea how dangerous these parts of the city are, Sean Ornelas, especially at night? Anyone could have taken you when you were unconscious. I chained you for your own protection."

"Yeah right," Sean mumbled under his breath.

"It's true," Selina replied, slightly insulted by Sean's suspicion. "I mean, my red haired friend, Ivy, even passed by and saw you lying here then when she wanted to drag you with her, she saw the chain and followed it, just like you did. Oh, boy, you should be happy you were asleep, because the tantrum she threw at me, wasn't very pleasant. But yeah, she soon realized once I called dibs onto someone, she can't do anything about it, so she stomped away."

Sean eyes the girl as she slowly stood up and walked from the shadows. That's when he saw her lip was busted and her left cheek was seriously bruised.

"Oh this? Don't worry, the guy who did this to me looks far more worse, trust me" Selina grinned then winced when it hurt her face. "Yeah, it's proof of another example why a boy like you shouldn't be left alone, unprotected, in a dark alley. It so happened that Gotham's most famous drug boss passed by and would have killed you if I wouldn't be here."

"No offence, but if you just let me run and leave this city, I wouldn't have fallen down a rooftop."

Selina places her hands in her hips then exclaims; "A thank you wouldn't hurt you, you know! I was lucky enough that Sonny was alone, otherwise I would have looked much worse. Anyway, are you hungry."

"Wait, Sonny as in Sonny Gilzean?"

"Yeah, that's him. I'm aware you won't tell me what happened between you two, but I can tell there is some bad blood. He would have sliced your throat."

Sean stands up and says; "Yeah, you're right, I'm not going to tell you what happened between us. What I want is for you to unlock this chain so we can separate ways."

"Nah, I like your company," Selina purred then rubbed her sore cheek and that's when Sean saw the metal cuff around her wrist. It was leading back to the chain around his waist. Selina noticed he saw it and asks; "You like my new bracelet, because I certainly do. It was about time I used that chain. I stole it once for no reason at all, but hey, it did come in handy after all, huh?"

Sean gave the street girl a murderous glare and asks; "Let me guess, you had it on you when you tried to make me come back?"

"No, there's a payphone around the corner. I called Knife to bring it to me. Anyway, I'm in for pancakes and eggs."

Selina then starts to walk and rubs, cat-like style, against Sean's arm as she walks past him. Sean's blood starts to boil. Never in his entire life he had met a girl as flirtatiously as this girl. He knows most guys would just love to grab her in her tracks, but it pissed him off. Mainly because he knows she's just toying with him, tricking him. Someone else once did. Someone else once told him how handsome and good looking he was only to hit his self-esteem rock bottom by telling him no one else would take a troll in their homes, so he had to be happy she did. He had to show his gratitude by doing something in return, and if he disobeyed she would show him what treatment ugly boys like him would get. She showed him many times when she wasn't happy with the results or if he dared to try to escape.

But apart from her, the crazy hair braid lady how he likes to call her, there had been other circumstances that made his self-esteem hit rock bottom. Criminals who told him he was worth nothing while others first said he was a great asset to their teams only to use him and tell him later he was an ugly, worthless kid. And they always showed him how much pain they could inflict on his already ugly body, but luckily, Sean quickly taught himself how to defend himself by teaching himself all kinds of different fighting tricks.

Sean suddenly gets pulled from his thoughts when he feels himself being pulled forward. Obviously the gap between Selina and him became too big and now he had no other choice then to follow her.

"You know, I can tell your toughness is just your way to protect yourself from being hurt. I know because I know what it feels like to be mortally crushed by someone. My mom left me when I was four years old then when I turned seven years old, Foster Care caught me and put me up for adoption. The woman who adopted me was not that bad, she was actually quite nice, but her boyfriend was not. On my eight birthday he tried to throw my two kittens out and he even organized a party for me and invited all my classmates. He knew they bullied me and that's why he invited them, to ruin my party. But in the end is wasn't that bad because you climbed inside through my bedroom window and you told me your name and that's why I recognized you. Do you remember all of that?"

"NO!" Sean replied, trying to wriggle himself free from the chain as they walked. The girl talked about things he had dreamed about once, but that is what it all was, right? A dream.

"Anyway, Ivy tried to call dibs on you, but then I told her about you and me in the past which gives me basically the rights to call dibs on you first then she yelled all kinds of insults at me, but honestly I wasn't really listening. When Ivy starts to talk it goes in one ear and out the other."

Sean, still wriggling with the chain, mutters softly; "That's because there isn't anything in between to absorb it."

"Hey, I heard that," Selina said, looking over her shoulder then saw what Sean was trying and stopped in her tracks, turning around slowly. "So you know, I never steal low quality stuff. I even tested it on Steve who I chained to a wall for a whole week because he insulted my cats. I know he's the most stinky man in this city, but you don't need to worry. After I released him I disinfected the chain by boiling it in hot water."

Sean glares at the girl then asks, annoyed; "Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?"

"No, not really. Anyway, the restaurant across the street has the best pancakes and eggs," Selina said as she resumed her stroll, pulling Sean with her. "Do you have any money on you?"


"Pity. Then we have to steal some."

Selina halts soon they disembarked the alley and eyed the pedestrians who gave them a quick, weird glance then rushed away. That's when she saw a familiar face across the street.

"JACK! YOOHOO!" Selina cried loudly to draw the boy's attention and that's when Sean saw a street kid, around their age, and with brown spiky hair cross the street and then came towards them.

"CAT!" the boy screamed equally excited as Selina and he brandished his arms to envelope them around her but then saw Sean. "Who is he?"

"Why is that your business?!" Sean growled before Selina could reply.

"Sorry, I was just asking," Jack said, insulted by Sean's tone of voice then asked, loudly enough for Selina to hear; "Did he follow you home? I already told you to stop feeding strays."

Selina shakes her head; "Nah, I actually saved him from Mooney's clutches."

"Wait, that was you? You do realize she is not only displeased that her nightclub needs to be shut down for a few nights to repair the damage but also that her new and best stripper is abducted. She put Bullock and the new detective on the case and they said they would do everything to find her stripper, but would they still if they find out it's a teenage stripper?"

Selina grunts angrily; "You know as well as me that the GCPD is corrupt, so I don't think those two bastards wouldn't mind. They would gladly grab him away from me and bring him back to Fish."

"I guess you're right."

"I'm always right, Jack. Anyway, do you have any money for us? We like to eat some pancakes and eggs."

Jack smirks; "Are you sure your boy-toy agrees with you. He doesn't seem very happy with that chain around his waist. Also, why do you chained him?"

"Ivy tried to steal him from me then Sonny made an attempt as well. These days you can't have someone for yourself, right?"

Jack looks slightly panicked then asks; "Wait, you're not gonna tell me you actually like him, do you?"

"And what if I do, Jack? I'm a healthy girl with feelings and who recognizes a handsome boy when she sees one."

Jack sighs sadly; "That actually hurt, you know. We've been friends for years, does that mean I'm not handsome?"

"Sure, but you're just not my type. Anyway, do you have money or what?"

Jack releases another sad sigh then takes his wallet out and hands Selina some money. Selina quirks an eyebrow when she sees it's a feminine wallet.

Jack, noticing her look, grins; "Yeah, I borrowed my stepmom's wallet, she won't mind."


"Yeah, Doctor Lee Thompkins. Foster care managed to grab me and locked me up in Juvie. After her monthly round at the Juvie, Ms. Thompkins quite liked me and adopted me. Isn't it cute?"

Sean rolls his eyes and Selina simply snatches the money from Jack's hands then takes an extra hundred from the wallet before smiling; "Sean and I are going to have a date at the dinner."

"Okay, have fun," Jack replied then strolled away inside the alley Sean and Selina came from.

Selina smiles; "We will. Oh, and Jack…Don't you dare tell Fish Mooney who 'stole' her stripper."

"Hey, you know I would never do such a thing. I'm not Ivy pepper, you know."

Jack grabbed the nearest fire escape then climbed up and disappeared onto the roof top, and Selina gave the chain a friendly pull which indicated Sean's cue to keep walking.

Selina had ordered pancakes for herself and because Sean refused to order something as long he was still chained, Selina ordered for him the same. Sean stared at her with a murderous face, but she just sends a flirtatious wink.

The waitress brings the food then leaves again, but not before eying Sean and the chain around his waist with an odd expression.

Selina starts to pour loads of syrup on top of her pancakes then stabs her fork and knife into it and slices a big chunk off before putting it into her mouth with a big grin.

"I love sweets, and I bet you taste sweet as well."

Sean quirks his eyebrow bemused then eyes the pancakes and his stomach starts to betray him. It has been days since he had a decent meal which was the meal he had stolen from the restaurant by pretending he worked there. And how long has that been, two or three days?

"They are yummy, just like you are," Selina purred.

Sean takes his fork and knife then starts eating as well. Selina eyes him, constantly, as if he's foreign specimen or something. Then she resumes back to her own pancakes, but never takes her eyes off the boy in front of her.

"Why is she looking at me all the time? She freaks me out," Sean thinks to himself as he chews awkwardly. "She better not kiss me all the sudden."

"Did you ever kiss a girl?"

Selina's sudden question made Sean nearly choke on his food and he feared she had read his mind or something, if that was even possible.

Sean's cough finally subsided and he then cleared his throat, looked as nonchalantly as he could when he asked; "What kind of question is that?"

Selina shrugs; "I don't know. I'm just curious."

Sean drops his eyes back onto the pancakes and pretends to be engrossed with eating them. Selina looks at him as if she's still expecting an answer, which she is.

"Well did you?"

"NO!" Sean replied with stern voice. Then a playful smile curled her lips up and Sean started to feel quite iffy again.

"Do you want to?"

Sean's eyes widened, even though he had sensed she would ask the question then shook his head rapidly.

"Why not?" Selina asked.

Sean looks at his plate. "Why would any normal girl wanna kiss me?"

Selina's mouth dropped agape in utter astonishment, and Sean realized he had said that out-loud.

Selina opened her mouth to tell him he had to stop thinking about himself like that when suddenly a bad smell entered her nostrils. There was only one girl that could smell that bad, and it was not Ivy pepper who even smelled good, and even stinky Steve smelled nice compared to this person who engulfed the restaurant into her odour.

"Hey Selina, who's your friend?"

Selina squints her eyes displeased then replies, territorial; "Kelly, hi. It's nice seeing you, but uhm, how about you move along and find Zeb?"

"Zeb is outside talking with Macky. I came in here to buy some bagels then saw you and—Hi, I'm Kelly," the girl then said, addressed to Sean when she realized Selina was not going to introduce her to him.

Sean just gave her a quick glance then focused back onto the pancakes. You can't really blame him. He hasn't eaten anything in days.

Kelly eyes Sean up and down and everything in between then slips beside him in the boot and smiles; "You're shy, I can tell. Also, what's with the chain?"

Sean grabs his plate with pancakes and tries to scoot further into the boot as far away from Kelly as the chains allow him to.

Selina plasters her annoyed look on her face then replies; "The chain is some sort of a message so people know he belongs with me."

"He's cute, and handsome, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is! Now please leave!"

Kelly takes no notice of Selina then scoots closer to Sean and asks, flirtatiously; "So, are you gonna tell me your name, handsome?"

The street girl tries to stroke the side of Sean's face, but Sean instinctively pulled his head out of the way then threw an angry glare at the girl. Kelly then looked at Selina, quirking her eyebrows.

"Yeah, he doesn't like it when people touch him, which means it's your cue to leave," Selina said, getting very annoyed and impatiently.

Kelly smiles then looks back at Sean. "People hurt you in the past, didn't they? And now Selina here chains you like a wild animal."

Selina throws a very murderous glare at Kelly, who ignores it and even leans closer toward Sean, battering her eyelashes flirtatiously. Sean looks at her bemused, and even wished the boot was bigger so he could scoot further away, but it wasn't.

Sean starts to feel very nervous and realized returning back to Gotham was a bad idea. Since he got back he found himself in nothing but trouble.

"First I witness the horrible Wayne murder, then witness how a rookie detective and Bullock kill Cobblepot, and then have them chase me," Sean thinks to himself.

Kelly suddenly yelps in pain because Selina kicked her from under the table to draw her attention off Sean. It worked, because she suddenly started to yell all kind of insults towards Selina.

"You are insane!"

Kelly's words pull Sean from his thoughts and saw the girl's look. Selina however, smirked as if she wasn't taken aback by Kelly's murderous glare.

"Yeah well, I at least don't smell like a sewer."

Kelly didn't appreciate what Selina just said and lunged towards her over the table, grabbing the lapels of Selina's jacket and the both of them rolled onto the floor and a heated fight ensued.

Selina finally landed on top of Kelly and pinned her down to the floor then readied her fist to punch the street girl's face. Then she realized she couldn't.

The cat-like girl looks back over her shoulder and sees Sean is still sitting in the boot, clutching himself tightly around the table, preventing from being thrown and pulled around.

"Sean, just a bit more chain so I can beat this B* to pulp!"

Sean shakes his head then comments; "How about you just remove that chain cuff off of your wrist?"

Kelly finally freed one of her arms then used it to grab a fistful of Selina's curls and pulled hard. Selina screamed in pain then Kelly flipped her off of her and the both of them rolled down the floor, struggling to end on top of the other.

Selina finally manages to push Kelly away and she instantly jumped to her feet then lunged forward again for another attack. Sadly, there was not enough chain and she tripped and fell.

"Sean, just work with me, alright?!"

"NO!" Sean replied stubbornly.

Selina rolled her eyes then jumped back to her feet and used one of them to kick Kelly as she lunged forward for an attack.

"Sean, I need you! If she wins she will take you! Is that what you want?!"

"If you win, you'll take me. Either way I'm still kidnapped by a girl."

"She will do worse things to you!"

Selina grabbed a fistful of Kelly's hair and pulled, hard.

Kelly howled in pain, and her boyfriend, Zeb, who was outside talking with someone and waiting for Kelly to return, heard her screams of pain. He instantly ran towards the restaurant followed by his friends and they stormed inside, coming Kelly to the rescue.

"How about you help me now?" Selina asked while readying her fists to knock out a few guys.

Sean starts to calculate the risks of getting out in one piece while being chained to a crazy street girl, and realizes his chances are very slim.


Sean climbs onto the table then jumps, feet straight out, towards the nearest guy and knocks him to the ground with ease. Then he kicks him in the face before readying his fists for the next guy that heads towards him.

Instead of waiting for the guy to reach him, Sean grabs the chain and gives a firm pull. Selina makes a short trip through the air then collapses into the guy Sean was aiming, knocking the both of them to the ground.

"A little warning would be nice!" Selina grunted while scrambling up from the floor.

Sean smirks; "Sure, but wouldn't that ruin the whole purpose of a surprise attack?"

Selina throws a stink-eye at the street boy then readies herself when she saw Zeb heading towards her. Sean rolls his eyes then pulls the chain for a second time, but this time in a circular motion.

"AAAAH!" Selina yelped when she twirled around on her feet and the chain wrapped around her at the same time. Then their noses nearly touched when she reached Sean. "Oh, you are so naughty."

Sean ignores Selina's flirt then pushes her off of him and knocks Zeb in the face. Then his eyes dart to Kelly who sits recoiled in the corner.

"See, I told you my boyfriend is stronger than yours," Selina smirked and Kelly ran out the restaurant, crying hysterically.

"Aw, we are such a great team, aren't we?" Selina purred as she lied on the floor, wrapped up in the chain. "Anyway, little help here."

Sean looks at the unconscious street kids then saw the manager coming from the back, and he didn't look happy.

"Actually, I think we need to run."

"Run? You think I can-yeah, that will work," Selina corrects herself with a dreamy smirk when Sean hoists her over his shoulder then starts to run outside the restaurant. Then suddenly remembering something; "Wait, we still didn't pay for the breakfast."

Sean ignores Selina's comment and starts running away from the restaurant as fast as he can and as far as he can. Once they are more than ten blocks away from the restaurant, Sean stops and drops Selina onto the concrete street.


"Alright! You're going to get this chain off of me and I'll leave Gotham. I don't wanna stay here any longer."

Selina looks at Sean with a pouty face; "But Sean-y…

"Don't call me Sean-y!"

"You can't leave Gotham. You have to stay and solve so many things."

"Like what?"

"The attack on you and your parents. But you can't do it alone and that's why I'll help you."

Sean frowns suspiciously; "And why would you want to help me?"

"Because…because I have nothing else to do anyway."

Sean rolls his eyes.

"But you know what, I'll show I'm friendly. If you'll help me unravel from these chains I will unlock that lock around your waist."

Sean squints his eyes then growls suspiciously; "Yeah, like I trust you. How about you just give me the key and after I unlocked it myself, I'll unwrap you."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because I'm Sean Ornelas and I'll never lie."

"That was a straight lie! You know why I know you lied? Because you're nose wrinkles a little."

"It doesn't not! And it was not a lie!"

Selina drags in a deep sigh then says slowly; "Look, you'll have to unravel me first to get to the key. It's in the back pocket of my pants."

Sean eyes the girl, scanning her to find a trace that indicates she's bluffing. Her blank face says she's not, but he has dealt with stone hard bluffers before.

"Yeah right."

"Fine, then don't believe me! Then we'll just both stay here in this alley. But hey, I won't mind. I mean, it's you who wants to leave Gotham so desperately, so it's more a pain being still here for you than for me."

Sean starts to lean back and places one foot flat against the wall for support and finally folds his arms. He's absolutely sure she's bluffing and all he has to do is wait for her to break.

Selina rolls her eyes then gets an idea. Instantly she starts sending a few flirty winks at Sean. That definitely will work, right? No boy can resist her flirtatious winks, right?

Sean sighs deep then looks the other way, uninterested. Selina's face turns sad again. Then she gets another idea.

"So, where have you been all these years? Wait, don't tell me you actually want to leave Gotham because you have a girlfriend waiting for you."

Sean tries to ignore her questions.

"Come on, Sean, tell me something about yourself. I mean, since we will be here in this alley for quite a while…

"Not if you just give me the key!"

Selina snaps back; "I would if I could use my hands. Why did you have to wrap them along with the rest of my bo-wait, my nose starts to itch. Sean-y, be a sweet boy and scratch my nose."


"Oh come on. Do you have any idea how much of a torture it is to have an itchy nose and you can't scratch it?"

Sean smirks; "Then just give me the key."

"It's in my butt pocket, I told you."

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying! Please, either untangle this horrible thing or scratch my nose."

Sean looks at Selina. She does look very sincere, but maybe that's what she learned from Knife. Also, what kind of person puts a key in the back pocket? This indicates she's definitely lying.

"You're lying! Just like you lied to Kelly, telling her I'm your boyfriend."

Selina smiles sweetly; "But you are my boyfriend, right? I mean, you're a boy and a friend which makes you my boyfriend."

"I'm a boy yes, but not your friend! I don't have friends!"

Selina tilts her head then frowns confused; "Wait, so that girl I saw at the warehouse and those boys…they are not your friends?"

"No…they are just…people I know. I don't have friends, which is nothing but a good thing. Friends are just overrated."

Selina widens her eyes then gasps; "That's what I always say when people ask me why I don't have friends. See, we are alike, you and me."

This time Sean frowns baffled and asks; "Wait, if you say friends are overrated, then why did you just say we are friends. Also, what about that creepy red haired girl. You called her a friend earlier."

"I just wanted to make an exception for you. And Ivy is what you said, creepy. You better call her 'your friend' otherwise she will do things to you. She hates it when she doesn't get her way."

Sean rolls his eyes annoyed the spits; "That's another big lie!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is! If you're too scared to say no to Ivy, then why did you refuse handing me to her?!"

Selina penetrates her eyes deep into Sean's then says; "I could tell you why, but it will only make you trust me less. I mean, with all your low self-esteem and all, I know what you will say in response."

Not hiding his annoyance, Sean spits angrily; "Don't pretend you know me! Just stop lying and give me the key!"

"Just unwrap me first, you little punk! Then I'll give you the key and you can leave the city! I don't care anymore!" Selina yelled back.

"See, I knew it. I knew she didn't mean anything of what she said. But then again, maybe she's playing me for a fool. Maybe she pretends being angry only to trap me so I'll unwrap the chain and she can run, dragging me with her as her prisoner."

"Stop overthinking everything I do or say and just unwrap this thing!" Selina yelled who saw the pondering look on the street boy's face.

Sean eyes the angry looking girl then realizes he has no other option and walks towards her. He crouches down beside her then starts to unwrap parts of the chains until one of her hands is free enough to reach her back pocket.

"Now give me the key. I'll unlock this thing and you can free yourself completely while I run. And don't you dare to try capture me again!"

Selina pierces her green eyes into Sean's brown ones then rolls her eyes annoyed.


Selina reaches for her back pocket and takes the key out handing it to Sean. Sean snatches it from her hand and unlocks the lock that connects his waist with Selina's wrist then starts to make a run-up to the nearest fire escape, grabs the bottom part and finally hoists himself up before climbing further up to the rooftop. Then he disappears.

Selina unwraps herself with a sad sigh then scrambles to her feet and dusts her clothes off. Then she runs towards the same fire escape and climbs up. Once she reaches the rooftop there is no sign of Sean, anywhere.

Sean looks over his shoulder every now and then as he runs down the streets. Up until now there is still no sign of the girl, but he knows it's best to keep running anyway. He had to reach the borders of Gotham fast.

Sean was running so fast he didn't notice the person hiding in the shadows of two tall buildings. Nor did he notice the leg that pulled out in front of his feet as he ran past by, tripping him and knocking him to the ground.

"AAAGH!" Sean yelled when he hit the hard pavement then when he turned his head to see what or who made him trip, he saw a familiar Glasgow smile coming from the shadows. "You…how?"

Tommy simply grins then replies; "Let's just say that Cat has many tricks up her sleeve. I mean, especially when she has her eyes set onto something or someone. You, in this case, won't get away from her very easy"

Sean clenches his fists then yells; "I will not stop trying!"

The street boy scrambles to his feet then starts running again, but soon he reaches the end of the street, a group of Knife's men jump around the corner of a building and aim their guns onto Sean.

Sean halts abruptly then looks around for another escape route. That's when he spots a fire escape ladder, but soon he grabbed the bottom of it to pull himself up, one of Knife's men grabs his leg and pulls him back down and onto the concrete street.

Sean wanted to jump up and fight back, but all of them surrounded him and aimed their guns onto his chest.

From the corner of his eyes he saw Knife approach him taking a small rope from his pocket. Then, while his men kept their weapons aimed onto Sean, Knife pulled Sean back onto his feet and bounded his hands together behind his back.

"What do you want from me? Why can't you just let me walk?" Sean exclaimed in anger when Knife hoists him over his shoulder.

Knife saunters back to his van, followed by his men, and replies as he tosses Sean into the back of the van; "Cat really, really thinks you are THE Sean Ornelas. I still need more proof."

"What?! Why?" Sean gasped in horror, fearing what might come next. "I'm not going to do more stupid tests!"

Knife smirks; "Listen kid, there is only one test left for you to take. And trust me, this test will show which blood runs through your veins."

Sean's eyes widen in fear after Knife's comment. Knife walked away only to show up seconds later behind the steering wheel. His men stepped into the back and kept their guns aimed onto Sean in case he was planned to play silly escape tricks.

A few minutes later the van stopped in front of the GCPD and then men jumped out. Then one of them grabs Sean and pulls him out as well. Sean frowns confused when he saw the GCPD building.

"Why are we here?"

Knife grins; "To take the final test. And this one you can't fake."

"I never faked the others!"

"I know, but honestly, I don't know why silly Cat thought your skills would proof who you are. I just figured to let her have some fun before taking you to the GCPD."

Sean clenches his fists in anger then growls; "I won't let you allow them to arrest me!"

"You really think that's my plan? Are you kidding me? Cat will castrated me if something happens to you."

Knife then grabs Sean by the shrubs of his neck and drags him inside the precinct, right after telling a few of his men to stay outside and only come in when things go out of hands.

The criminal enters the building and the cops who recognize him, scurry away in fear. Knife entering their building never meant a good thing.

"Hi, I'm looking for that rookie detective!" Knife announced and all the cops present look at the room in the back. Realizing he would find Gordon there, Knife smiles; "Thank you very much, gentlemen."

Knife drags Sean with him to the back and enters the interrogation room that was occupied by Jim trying to interrogate a criminal.

"Wait, who are you?" Jim asked confused when he saw Knife (and Sean).

Knife grins; "The name is Tommy Knife, you're co-workers know me. Anyway, now you know me too. I'm here because I need you to take a blood sample from this kid and see if it matches with this blood sample."

Knife takes a tube of blood from his inside pocket and when he hands it to Jim, Sean can read a glimpse of the label, saying; "Sean Ornelas, 7 years old."

Jim frowns upon reading the label then asks; "Wait, this belongs to a closed case. How did you—

"It doesn't matter how I got it, now does it? Nor do I care if it's a closed case. All you do is taking blood from this kid and match it."


"Stop asking stupid questions and just do it," Knife replied then took out a gun and pointed it at Jim.

Jim reached for his own gun as well, but stopped when Knife shot a bullet into the table. The criminal who was still in the room, screamed in fear.

"Okay, just take it easy, alright?" Jim said between clenched teeth. "I'll do what you ask."

Jim then beckons them to another room, the lab, and tells Sean to sit down and relax while he takes some of his blood.

"Yeah, as if I will cooperate," Sean snapped angrily.

Knife pushed Sean down onto a stool then says; "Look kid, I know Cat will claw my eyes out if I'll mark your body with a scar, but that actually won't stop me from doing it. Or maybe it will, I don't know. Just don't test me, alright?"

Jim frowns; "Wait, you guys know Cat? Do you know where I can find her? She's an important witness for a-

"I'm not here to give you tips on where to find my stepdaughter. I'm here to find out if this kid's blood matches with that sample."

Jim decides it's best to obey then takes a saliva swab stick and asks Sean to open his mouth. Sean penetrates his eyes stubbornly into Jim's.

Knife rolls his eyes then whispers into Sean's ear; "Open your mouth or else I will lock you up in a room and release Cat's cats on you."

Sean still looks stubborn.

"And then I will also tell Cat she can do with you what she wants. Trust me, it's a lot. It involves parts you rather want to keep private for another few years."

Sean's eyes widens in fear.

"She wouldn't be that type of girl, would she?"

Sean decides it's best to not test it and opens his mouth. Jim takes a saliva swap then puts it into machine along with the blood. It takes a while but then the results are showing up.

Jim reads the results then his eyes widen and gasps; "This kid is actually THE Sean Ornelas!"

All the officers who dared to come closer to the lab and eaves drop, gasp in shock then the mumblings starts.

"He did survive, but how?" one officer asked the other and a lot of other questions are asked, but neither of them knew the answer to them."

Bullock walks lackadaisically into the precinct then sees most of the cops aren't in the bullpen but hanging around by the lab.

"Alright, what is going on?!"

Alvarez turned around then exclaimed, because he was still in shock; "Harvey, they found the Ornelas heir! He's here and-

"WHAT?!" Bullock roared murderously and charged towards his co-workers and the lab, but suddenly all the cops separated to let someone through. It was Sean, holding Jim's gun. He managed to grab it from Jim's belt when everyone was too shocked or surprise to see it or stop him.

"Move out of the way or I will use it!" Sean yelled and backed out the room then turns on his heels and points it at Bullock who tried to grab him from behind. "You too! Drop your weapon!"

Bullock takes his gun from his belt then says, soothingly; "Sean, listen to me. It's me, remember?"

"Yeah, I do remember you, Bullock! You promised me to find the people who attacked me and my family, but it was all a lie! You're actually working with them, covering everything up!"

Bullock shakes his head; "No, I really tried, Sean. I really tried."

"Liar!" Sean yelled then backed away further to the front doors, still aiming the gun on all the cops.

Sean nearly reached the door when he suddenly felt something vacuum to the skin in the back of his neck, and he couldn't help it but half-moan a little in surprise. He felt the gun he was holding slip from his fingers.

Knife knocked a few officers to the head with his gun then ran over towards Sean and Selina, who released Sean's neck skin with a soft, wet plopping sound. Knife picked up Sean's gun then as Selina backed out the door dragging a half-limply Sean with her, Knife threw a smoke bomb between the desks then ran when it exploded.

"How could you do this, Knife?! Now they know he's THE Sean Ornelas!" Selina yelled infuriated when she dragged Sean across the street then nearly knocked someone off his feet. "Watch it, you freak!"

Penguin, who happened to be that person, watched Knife and Selina push Sean into the back of a van. Then a few more men joined them and the drove away. Then the villain simply shrugged and walked inside the GCPD.

"You putch! Now everyone knows Sean Ornelas is still alive!" Bullock roared infuriated.

Jim opened his mouth to retort something back, but soon he saw the villain in the front, he turned pale as a sheet.

"Hello, old friend!" Cobblepot grinned from ear to ear.

Bullock's eyes turn even more murderous and turns towards Jim, going in for the kill.

"Get inside!" Selina said to Sean and pushed him inside the warehouse. She, Knife and his men followed quickly and shut the door behind them.

Sean then stops in his tracks and turns around. His knuckles starts to turn white and his eyes fill with rage, right before he lunges himself towards Knife and his men.

Sorry for the cliff-hangar. It seems Sean still refuses to trust them and stay with them XD

Anyway, let me know what you think :D