She was new, vulnerable - he saw.

She walked through the long dark halls, looking around nervously, her heels clicking on the cold hard floor. She passed his cell. There was a sound, a tap on glass. She jumped, turning to see what had made the noise to see a crazy man looking at her, smiling. He gave her a wink. She blushed, offering a slight smile as she turned to walk away. She continued down the hall, more speedily than before. She entered her office and plopped down on the sofa. I wonder what he wanted. She laid back and rested a moment, for she had had a long day with the inmates today. I feel like I assess everyone's problems but my own. She took her hair down, letting her blonde tresses fall over her shoulders and around her face. She took her glasses off and placed her hand on her head. What are you doing, Harleen? You need some rest. She looked at her watch. 4:54. Only 6 minutes till I can leave. She looked around her room, taking notice of how drab and dreary the place was. The bricks making up the wall were a sad light gray color. I don't know how they can be kept here in such a facility. She shivered. I wish these poor people a better place than this. They need more, this can only cause more problems. This place almost makes me insane, like I'm trapped inside a dull world I can never escape. She looked at her watch again. 5:00. She put her glasses back on and walked out, made her way back down the hall. She paused near the cell where the smiling man was earlier, he wasn't there. That's odd. I guess someone moved him to a different cell for the night. She continued down the hall, exited the building and got in her car. She turned to look back at the massive building where she worked. She shook her head slowly and put her car in reverse. She backed out and sped away.