We are very sorry to inform you that Senator Rush Clovis' father, Head of Muun family passed away yesterday. The reason of his death is unknown to us. Senator Clovis isn't answering our questions about his father's death.

Senator Clovis' biological parents died when the Senator was twelve years old and after that, Senator Clovis was adopted by the Head of Muun family. After his father's death, now this title belongs to the Senator. Clovis currently is engaged to Grand Vizier Padmé Palpatine. The date of their date is unknown for us, but it's probably delayed due the death of Clovis' father.

"Well, that was quick." Padmé remarked as she turn off the holovid.

"What do you mean?"

Padmé turned around to face at her companion who was watching her with curious blue eyes. She shrugged her shoulders and snorted.

"You don't get it? Clovis killed his father."

Skywalker gave her a disbelieving look.

"He did? But why?"

"Didn't you hear it? The title of the Head of Muun family now belongs to him."

Skywalker grimaced.

"That's horrible."

"He's a politician." Padmé explained. "Every politician is greedy, power-hungry wretched bastard who will do anything for more power and money."

"You're a politician too." Anakin pointed out.

"Guilty." Padmé smirked at him. "But I'm not a bastard. My parents were married."

A surprised look overtook his features.

"You remember your parents?"

Padmé shrugged.

"Barely. I was very young when they died." She didn't add that her parents were killed by the Jedi. It would cause another argument between them and she didn't really want that.

Anakin shifted and Padmé figured out that he was trying and failing miserably to comfort her.

"I never knew my father." He told her unhelpfully. Her eyebrows rose.

"It's not very unsurprising. The Jedi don't know their parents, since they're taken from them early before they'll attach to their progenitors."

"Usually, yes." Anakin agreed. "But I was nine when the Order took me as their youngling. Before that, my mother was raising me."

Padmé shot him a curious glance.

"Aren't you afraid that my father will hear about her? This whole room is bugged you know?"

Blond eyebrows rose.

"Then why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid that your father will hear you?"

Padmé glowered at him.

"Don't use my words against me. My father knows that I know that you know that this whole room is bugged. He won't be angry." She was lying. Her father was probably electrocuting nearest person to him now if he was listening to her words.

"You're awfully confident." Skywalker remarked. "And now my headache is coming. I feel it in my bones."

"Probably from the dust in this room." Padmé suggested. "What you think about getting out?"

The holy and mighty leader of rebellion gave her a disbelieving look like she suddenly spurted another head.

"Are you suggesting that I can leave this palace?"

"With me, yes." Padmé lied. Her father was going to flip when he hears about that. But, to Sith's hell with him. This was what he was getting when he accepted Clovis' offer - and no, it wasn't a phase, it was real Padmé. Deal with it.

A nagging voice in the back of her head told her that she was playing with a fire, ahem, with a Force-Lightning and her father wouldn't let anyone, even his own daughter to disobey him. But he would probably calm down if she tells him that taking Anakin Skywalker out was a part of her plan 'Bring The Leader Of Rebellion And Dad's Migraine For Past Ten Years On His Knees.' Not that she had any plan. She just wanted him to spent a one passionate night with her before she married her own migraine, as known as Rush Clovis for the common folk.

Was she demanding too much?

Probably, since she was demanding from a Jedi to spit at his vows and shred his robes for her.

Well, she was Emperor's daughter. She took various punishments and a surgical operation on her back at age thirteen in stride. If she wanted something, she deserved it. Deal with it.

Even if that 'it' was supposedly eternally virgin Jedi. Whatever.

"Are you sure?" Anakin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Absolutely." Padmé said and stomped the nagging voice in the back of her head with all the force she could muster. She didn't have a time for another surgical operation, her father wouldn't whip her.

Blue eyes brightened and another swirl of the color of heavens whirled in them.

"Just cover your face with a robe." She told him cautiously. "Your height will be a small problem. There aren't a lot of people in the court as tall as you."

Anakin chuckled and Padmé decided that it was most beautiful voice in whole galaxy.

"Aren't you afraid?" Anakin asked as he grabbed a plain robe from his wardrobe. "You're taking your worst enemy out."

"You still have that collar around your neck, don't you? One wrong move and all will be over for you." The woman pointed out and watched curiously as he covered his hair and upper part of his face with the hood of his cloak. "Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what?"

"That this may be a trap?" Padmé immediately bit her tongue.

Anakin stopped and glanced at her.

"Is this a trap?"

"No." She told him truthfully. "But you are still too trustful."

"In reality, I'm not." Anakin answered her. "In my past, I was and then received a harsh lesson that not everyone is worthy of my trust." He said acidly and his eyes darkened from bright blue to dark cobalt. Padmé felt sorry for anyone who wronged with Anakin in the past as she saw his harsh expression.

"Then why are you trusting me? I'm your worst enemy."

"I'm not trusting you." The man replied her. "Just what would you do to me?"

"I could kill you."

"When the Stormtroopers imprisoned me, I already accustomed with the fact that there are high chances of my death. Death doesn't scare me. I'm a Jedi."

Padmé scoffed.

"I could torture you."

"I think at our first meeting we already established the fact that torturing me would be absolutely fruitless."

"Well, yes." She agreed. "So, you aren't afraid? That we're going out together?"

"I'm the Hero With No Fear for a reason. Besides, I ready for anything for a breath of fresh air."

Well that rang promisingly in Padmé's ears.

"Okay." She said. " Now we need to sneak in my garage and get my speeder."

Anakin arched an eyebrow.

"Your garage?"

"I have my personal garage." Padmé boasted like a proud mother of child who got praised by the director of his school. In truth, there was nothing to be proud of. She didn't built this garage herself. She was just a spoiled daughter of a rich father.

Well, like she said, whips and stones. She deserved this garage.

"That's... Impressive." He probably thinking something far less polite and far more insulting, but Padmé knew that Anakin Skywalker was a smart man. He wasn't going to bit a hand that feed him. Scratch that. He would probably tear the whole arm off if someone dared feed him like that.

Padmé flushed. She reassured herself that with his collar, Skywalker couldn't hear her thoughts, although, she doubted herself as she saw his amused smirk.

The nagging voice returned and nipped her brain. Whispering harshly that Skywalker was awfully cheerful considering that in their past meetings he was always ready to bite her head off.

'That doesn't matter.' Padmé argued with herself. 'He just wants to go out from his room.'

'Please.' The nagging voice barked. 'That man was in father's dungeon for days without breaking a sweat and that says something about his endurance.'

'Precisely.' The woman insisted. 'After spending days in that hell, he'll do everything to go out.'

'I don't like this.' The nagging voice stubbornly declared. 'There's something fishy...'

"There's nothing fishy." Padmé growled.


"Oh, nothing." Padmé mumbled as she realized that she voiced her thoughts aloud.

Anakin gave her a dubious look.

"Okay." He muttered. "So, where are we going?" He asked as they snuck in her garage.

"To Naboo." She quickly answered as she scanned the area and smirked as her eyes landed on sleek black speeder.

The man looked bewildered.

"Why to Naboo?"

"It's my birthplace. When I'm stressed I always go there. And even if you're the best pilot in whole galaxy, I'm taking us there." She hurriedly said as she noticed how Anakin eyed her speeder.

He frowned at her but said nothing.

"We aren't taking anything with us?" Skywalker asked as they sat comfortably in her speeder.

"We can grab anything there." Padmé said and turned on the engine. "You'll like there."

"I'll like everywhere where I won't see a trace of the empire."

Padmé chuckled.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but Father, too, was born on Naboo. Of course, it's loyal to empire."

"That's just sad."

Padmé shrugged.

"Whatever you say."

"Won't your father be angry?"

The woman rolled her eyes.

"I already told you, he won't be angry."

"And let me doubt your words, since I know that above everything Sheev Palpatine hates surprises and probably this surprise will cost your life."

"I told you that your room was bugged, didn't I? If he wanted to stop us, he already would do." Anakin scoffed at her words and she gave him a sly glance. "Are you worrying about me, Skywalker?"

Aforementioned male rolled his eyes.

"I'm a Jedi, I would hate if someone died for my sake."

"Millions died for your sake." She pointed out.

"Millions died for their freedom." He corrected. "I don't force anyone to fight alongside me. That's not Jedi's way."

Padmé uncomfortably shifted in her seat as a sharp pain decided that it was perfect time to settle in her back and start a new life there.

"So, you don't feel the responsibility for their deaths?"

"I didn't say that." Anakin grumbled. "Of course I feel the responsibility. I feel it everyday and I don't sleep many nights when I think about them. The only relief I find is that I know every single of them knew that there was a possibility for them to die." He turned his head from head. "I shouldn't say that."

"Why not?" Padmé questioned him. "Due me being your arch-nemesis' daughter?"

"Isn't that enough reason for me to keep my mouth shut?"

"Well," the girl relaxed in her seat. "I'm your worst enemy's daughter, but that doesn't automatically makes me your enemy."

"So, you're insinuating now, that you're my ally?"

"I'm not saying that." Padmé denied. Even if secretly they had same enemy, she would never have a Jedi as her ally. "I'm just saying that I'm not your foe."

"And why should I believe that?"

"Well, if not me, Father would fry you alive."

"If I remember correctly, he left me alive, because suddenly you had some wretched idea of me being broken. Is this going out part of your aforementioned plan?"

"Well, it's too late to ask that. But, no, I was just too bored in the court and too lazy to go in the Senate and listen to those Bantha poodoos."

"Language, Princess."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say, Princess."

"Say that again and I'll kick you out."

"We are in the middle of cosmos, Princess."


Padmé was right. Her father didn't send Stormtroopers to make sieves from her and Skywalker. He was probably waiting them in Coruscant to fry them alive, but Padmé didn't care about that. She was just enjoying the fact that she was on her dearest planet with the love of her life and enjoying the warm beams of sun that highlighted her pale skin against her brown curls, pulling her in a warm embrace.

Anakin was lying beside her and watching how the lake reflected the sunbeams and glistened in their light. The woman deeply inhaled the scent of different flowers and fresh smell of the lake.

"In Tatooine we have two suns."

Padmé opened her eyes.

"You're from Tatooine?"

"I was raised there until the order took me."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "It must be very hard for you." Anakin turned his head to her to give her a dubious look and she hastily added. "Being taken away from your mother."

"Ah." He mumbled and glanced at the sharp light of sun. "It was and it wasn't."

Padmé rolled on her side and observed him.


He shrugged.

"It was hard because, well, she was my mother. I always missed her. It wasn't, because finally I was free and I could try to free my mother."

"Did you do it?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you free your mother?"

"She was free and dead before I could anything."

Padmé shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was years ago."

"Still..." She exhaled. "Tell me about Tatooine."

"It's covered with sand." Anakin described his planet simply.

"Sand." She repeated dumbly. "Is that everything you can say about it?"

"It says enough. Sand is coarse, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere. I couldn't sleep nights, because even my bed was full with sand. They were in my clothes, scratching my skin and they were in my eyes. In my childhood, it almost blinded me. Doesn't that say enough of how difficult is to live on that wretched planet?"


"Yes, oh."

"I'm sorry." Padmé apologized, since she had no idea what she was supposed to say. Clearly, her questions reminded him the early years of his life, that definitely weren't happy. She mentally kicked herself. She was future empress for Forces sake, trained in smooth talk since age ten and yet, every time she traded a word or two with Anakin Skywalker, her foot somehow ended in her mouth. What a mystery.

Anakin shrugged.

"I told you, don't be sorry. It was years ago and it wasn't your fault. You didn't find slavery, you didn't send me and my mother on that planet and you didn't covered it in sand."

"Still." Padmé mumbled and unconsciously reached for his hand. She momentary let it go as she noticed how the male flinched at her touch.

Anakin exhaled and crossed his hands under his head.

"I should be the one, who's sorry. I shouldn't leash out at you. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry." Padmé sucked an air between her teeth at his words. "You're right. I shouldn't treat you like I treat your father. You're different from others."

The woman's lips curved into a small smile.


"Yes. Better. You're better than them. You aren't heartless like others."

The small smile vanished. He was wrong.

"Haven't you heard about my title? People calls me 'Heartless and Cold'"

Anakin gave her a puzzled look.

"Then why you stopped him and saved me?"

"Maybe it was due my rebellious phase."

The Jedi wrinkled his nose.

"So, it's a phase, it isn't real you?" Padmé giggled at his words. "Nah, I'm a Jedi. I feel lies and you're lying now." He looked straight in her eyes, his face somber, all trace of playfulness gone from his voice as he said. "Why didn't you let your father to finish me?"

Padmé bit her lip. Should she answer his question honestly? That would probably ruin everything. She wasn't stupid and she knew that Anakin wouldn't believe her words.

Lying was out of question too.

Maybe if she tells him the truth, he won't be frightened by her bluntness. He sees her true feelings. That she isn't pulling his leg. She really loves him. Loved him since childhood and she never touched a man, because she was infatuated with him and no man can hold a candle to Anakin Skywalker.

Maybe if she confessed her feelings, it would make everything better.

Padmé inhaled. Well, here goes nothing.

"When I stopped him... I had ulterior motives." She admitted.

One blonde eyebrow rose.

"Ulterior motives?"

Padmé sat up and nodded. Her eyes decided that her lap was most magnificent view as she continued her confession.

"I didn't want to see your death. I didn't want you to die."

Anakin slightly rose and supported himself on his elbows as he asked.


"Because..." Force damn it, woman. Admit it already. "I didn't want you to die, because I have feeling for you. Your death would hurt them. It would hurt them because my feelings aren't negative. They're positive. Definitely positive. I have positive feelings for you since childhood. I love you. Always loved you and always will. It may seems shallow for you, but I'm truly, deeply in love you. That's why I stopped my father from killing you. Hurting you." Padmé covered her face with her hands. "Force, I'm rambling."

Warm, calloused fingers carefully removed her hands from her face and Padmé glanced at the object of her love confessions to see his reaction. Her heart felt like someone squeezed it tightly as she saw Anakin's face - empty from any emotion.

A Jedi's face, perfected by using for years.

A Jedi, right. What a fool she was, thinking that a few days around her would make him to spit at his vows and break his code for her. What a fool she was for thinking that he would miraculously fall in love with her. Why would he? She wasn't a legendary hero. She wasn't a promised child that would bring peace and love for everyone.

She wasn't the Chosen One like him.

She was just a spoiled brat, at least in his eyes. Nothing would change that.

Stupid Jedi. Stupid Jedi Code. Stupid Anakin Skywalker for being perfect and stupid Padmé Palpatine for falling for him.

Stupid love and stupid heart for feeling it.

"Princess Palpatine." Anakin started but Padmé shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut to keep her tears from falling from them.

"Don't." Her voice was surprisingly steady. The woman opened her eyes when she was sure that she wasn't going to burst into tears. "I understand."

"I'm a Jedi, Princess Palpatine. Attachments are forbidden for me. I knew this since the Order took me."

"The Order isn't alive anymore." Padmé screamed at him. Anakin met her scream unflinchingly and that only fueled her anger. "Father killed them. He killed everyone."

"As long as I, my Master and Grandmaster Yoda live, the Order lives too."

The Heiress shook from anger.

"At least, pray tell, Master Jedi. If you weren't taken by the Order, would you love me?"

Anakin lowered his head.


"I can't hear you, Master Jedi."

The male raised his head and Padmé saw the anger in his eyes. He was annoyed by her questions.


"I said no, Your Highness." He spat. "You would be still the only daughter of Emperor and I would still fight against your father, against you. I would never bring myself to fall in love with you."

Padmé left how her strength left her.

"It's good to know." She said quietly and stepped away from him. "I'll be at house. Come there whenever you want. The collar is around your neck, so I really don't care." She mumbled and with fast, but steady steps lengthened the distance between them without glancing at him.

Padmé didn't break down and cried until her eyes were red and puffy. She just sat in silence until her comm beeped and Sabé's hologram appeared in front of her.

"We have her." The lieutenant of Imperial force and Padmé's secret second in command informed her. "She's cuffed and in a cell."

"Good." The Heiress answered curtly. "Work on her."

Sabé's eyes widened.

"My Lady?"

"Are you deaf, Lieutenant? I said, work on her until I come there. Beat her, whip her, whatever you want. Just don't kill her."

"But, My Lady..."

"Are you questioning me, Lieutenant?"

"Never, My Lady. It shall be done."

"Good. Now, go and do what I told you."

"Yes, My Lady."

The hologram vanished and Padmé closed her eyes. Anakin may hate her for this, but he didn't leave any other choices for her.

Ouch, Padmé, you really need to chill.

And I know that some of you think that I'm a horrible person for teasing you. But you need to wait a little. I can't really make Anakin to jump in Padmé's bed. Like, I know that this is a fanfiction, but I wouldn't really believe, that Anakin would ever fall for a woman who he envisions as a some kind of jailer and slaver. He was slave as a child and he abhors slavery. Let's be honest, Anakin would sooner kill this Padmé than kiss her. But that would foul this story and end it too quickly. And I just couldn't resist to pull another stunt to piss off Palpatine. I just couldn't, sue me. I'm too weak.

For Jedaerys - in both ways. Anidala is sexually safe and emotionally safe. If there's someone worried about Clovis, I assure you that he only have a political role here, that won't harm Anidala. No one will harm Anidala. I'm a woman of my word.

End remember when I said that she was dark and manipulative? Well, that time is coming. I'll update as soon as I can, but if you have any questions, you always can PM me here or send a message to me on Tumblr (queenofheavensandstars dot tumblr dot com). I'm always open for your questions and always response them.

Drop a review.

Love you all, guys.
