The soft kisses to your neck and shoulders caused you to wake up; in an instant you smiled, your eyes remaining closed. When you opened them the curtains were not covering the windows no more, and you could see the sun barely starting to rise. When you turned over to your side your lips instantly met Michael's, the two of you smiling through the kisses.

'Silver & Gold' was now a fully functioning pub, and to say that it was popular was an understatement. Along with The Garrison the two pubs were the most visited in Birmingham, attracting both locals and visitors. The people under your employment seemed genuinely happy to work for you; in the beginning it was difficult to work out everything related to your gang, but luckily Lucas provided the support and guidance. Tommy too was now more than eager to show you the ropes, the two of you even getting into a friendly competition as to who was a better leader.

Everything seemed to be going well, but you knew better than to get your hopes up. You were constantly waiting for something to happen; Michael did his best to assure you that everything would be fine, yet you couldn't stop but to be a little paranoid. You had been the leader for barely a couple of months, so it was too early to tell. Alarming news were coming from all over the country of new gangs rising, and you knew it was only a matter of time before any of them found their way into Birmingham, no matter how hard Tommy or Michael tried to prove you otherwise.

"We need to leave soon." Michael whispered through kisses, making you let out a small groan to which he chuckled. Tommy and Grace were getting married, and it was only obvious you needed to attend the wedding. You wished to do anything else but that; looking at Michael it was clear he had the same idea as you.

"We still have time." You whispered back, your kisses turning more passionate with every passing second. He responded with wrapping his arms around you and pulling you onto him, never breaking any contact with you. When you pulled away, Michael placed his hand onto your cheek, a small smile forming onto his face. His eyes looked into yours as if he was searching for your soul; he couldn't look away even if he had wanted to.

He felt as if he never wanted to let you go.

"You look gorgeous, Grace." You smiled at the new bride; she kindly returned the smile, happy that someone from the Shelby family dared to talk to her. Not many people did as it was not a secret they didn't fancy her very much. Her betrayal was fresh in their mind, something they hadn't yet forgotten nor forgiven to the woman. To make matters worse, her family consisted of police members - as someone who dealt with improper business, it was evident that the Shelby family in particular didn't want anything to do with them.

"Congratulations." Michael greeted next to you, his arm tightly wrapped around your waist. From behind you felt someone clutching onto your leg; looking down you saw Karl clinging onto you, a smile on his face. You let out a small chuckle before Ada appeared, informing Michael that he was needed by Tommy. With a kiss onto your cheek he left, Ada scolding her child for not leaving you alone.

"It's alright, Ada. You know I fancy Carl." You replied to the woman and pulling the child into a hug before taking him into yours arms. Ada smiled at the scene, her eyes in search of Grace, yet failing to find her. The woman had left the room; you could only guess it was to freshen up or to search for Thomas.

"So, tell me," Ada started, linking your arm with hers after commanding Carl to search for Polly, "how are things with you and Michael?" She asked, genuine interest in her voice as she sent a dirty glance to yet another policemen passing the two of you.

"We're good." You replied simply. From her raised eyebrow you could understand she was not pleased with a simple reply like that and was waiting for details.

"I thought I would hate him, but I don't." You said, stopping to let out a small sigh. "I think I love him."

"Bloody hell, that's great!" Ada yelled happily, attracting the attention of a couple standing near the two of you. "Have you told him that?" She questioned more quietly after you shushed her due to her outburst.

"Not yet."

"I rather liked Arthur's speech."

"Are you fucking serious? It was the worst one I have ever heard." Chuckling, Michael helped you inside the house, your hand tightly in his. To say you were tipsy was an understatement; the only thing that made the whole night bearable was the glasses of champagne that you, Ada and Lizzie had perhaps too many. Michael was trying his best to stop you from falling, something that you didn't make easy for him. He helped your coat off of you before picking you up bridal style; you let out a chuckle before falling silent, your eyes observing his face. He seemed to notice your silence; his eyes meeting yours he placed you onto the bed, his hand brushing a piece of hair out of your face.

"I love you." You suddenly said, making him stop. He looked at you as if searching whether what you were saying was the truth. You were sure he probably thought you were just drunk and that's what caused you to declare you love for him.

"I really do." A smile appeared onto his face as he replied with a kiss. Seconds later he pulled away, taking your hand into his, giving a kiss onto your knuckles.

"I love you too."