It took years for me to find him again.

I finished school, spent a year helping my parents and then decided it was time. My search began to find the lost Prince of Paris. As I walked out of the city, I couldn't help but think about everything I had gone through. From curses to warlocks to enchanted stones, I should have hated my home. But I saw past the bad an looked towards the good, like playing in the courtyard with Alya or listening to Nino's songs or staying up late to sew. I saw beauty in the streets which ran red with blood. I saw pretty flowers blossoming from the graves and ivy creeping up the stone castle.

With the money I had saved from the market, I embarked on a trip to find Adrien. I hoped he would wait for me, and he did.

He ran a bakery. I smiled, remembering the first time we met and he brought me back home with nothing but a stick.

I opened the door and a bell rang brightly. The shop was empty except for a set of familiar blonde locks which were leaning over a piece of paper as he scribbled something down. He looked up and said:

"Welcome to Chat Noir's Bakery. How can I-"

The green eyes registered who I was.

"Hey, Kitty." I had said.

Now our daughter plays in the garden. Emma's ten now, and she's the first child ever to be born without a kwami. Occasionally she asks why, and what the vial which I carry around my neck is. We won't tell her until she's older, but one day we will. We'll tell her the story of Nathaniel and Alya and Lila and Fu and Manon and Tikki and Plagg. We'll tell her how Nino fought. We'll tell her how Chloè betrayed us.

She already knows that she is the daughter of the prince, and she has this urge to go back to Paris and claim her throne. Maybe one day she will. But first, we'll tell her the story of the Paris where poverty and death filled the streets and then the story of the Paris where every good thing bloomed. But most importantly, we'll tell her the story of Ladybug and Chat Noir. We'll tell her the story about the two young people who fought, fell in love and witnessed so much.

We'll tell her how we ran from fate.

Someday, but not today.

And they lived happily ever after.


I'm actually crying right now.

This stupid fanfiction has meant so much to me over the past year. Yes, I've been writing this for a year because one day I randomly came up with the idea and, without a plan or any consideration, I dove right in and published the first chapter. I got a response from you guys. It inspired me to keep going.

I've learned a lot about my skills as a writer and I'm more confident now. I think I've improved so much and I am really proud of my development. My dream has always been to become a published writer, and this fanfiction has brought me a step closer. I learned that you need to plan things and always check your grammar, along with other vital skills.

Of course, I strayed from the whole "Sleeping Beauty AU" part, but you know what? I like it. It was inspired by thousands of things and yeah, the sleeping curse was in there. I think it's more than a sleeping beauty AU at this point.

But most importantly, thank you to you readers. You are the ones who kept me going, in spite of my early on grammar issues and stupidity. You are the ones who inspired me to keep writing these, what, 44 chapters? So a big THANK YOU to you guys. I love every one of you who reviewed or followed or favorited or even just read it.

In fact, I may have a sequel in the works! You may notice how Chloè didn't die... And Emma seems drawn to the throne... See where I'm going?

So look out for it! If it does happen, I'll let you know. Of course, I'll plan it this time.

But for now, Running From Fate draws to a close.

Thank you for following this to the end. I loved writing it.

Goodbye (for now),
