The prompt is - "Here, drink this, you'll feel better."

The shooting pain was unbearable, throbbing with every attempted gesture. It hurt to lay still, but moving about would make everything just as bad. Another bout of issues with her sciatic nerve, random this time around. Olivia was ready to scream into the darkness. It took five minutes to turn on her side, to find her cell phone.

The screen was bright - 3:52am - already straining her tear-filled eyes. Being awoken in the middle of the night wasn't the problem. When work called, she'd be out of the bed in seconds. This pain was unfathomable. Unless she went to the emergency room, Olivia would have to find a way to ride this one out.


Olivia's eyes moved towards the long silhouette next to her. The moon highlighted his sleeping frame. Calling his name once more, she got the man's attention. Softly grunting, he answered, "Hmm?"

"Help me."

She hoped the plea would bring him to life. It took a lot to break Fitz from his slumber. As her thoughts wandered towards a distraction, Olivia felt a kiss on her temple.

"What can I do," he asked in a soothing tone.

"It's my back again."

Fitz whispered, "I'm sorry, honey. Do you want me to hold you?"


Olivia winced as soon as her boyfriend pulled her close. He immediately apologized, massaging her bare arms, peppering soft kisses on her face. "Sweet baby."

"I don't know why this keeps happening. I thought yoga would help."

Fitz traced his finger along Olivia's nose, cheek, and jaw. "Do you want to go the doctor? We can get there in fifteen minutes."

"I'll be screaming the entire time, Fitz," Olivia groaned. Frustration was building with each renewed pulse of discomfort.

Fitz nodded, pulling the covers off his body.

"Where are you going?"

When he didn't answer, and left the bedroom, Olivia felt her lip quiver. Crying wouldn't help, but her resolve was slipping away. Even though Fitz wasn't able to physically adjust the pinched nerve, he was her rock. Just a presence to lean on during this vulnerable moment. She was a strong one, but when she was literally down and out, Olivia wanted someone who could be just as reliable.

Footsteps treading the stairs relieved her worry. Olivia watched Fitz come towards her side of the bed.

"Liv, can you try to sit up?"

The willingness to complete this simple action was there, but Olivia knew her body would resist. More pain ran through her lower half, forcing her to cry out with each push to lift.

"Here," he offered a small glass. "Drink this. You'll feel better."

Olivia received the drink, took a whiff, and rolled her eyes. "It's scotch, you moron." she croaked.


"You think this is a cure-all? No pills?"

Fitz snickered, "Maybe. It always knocks the edge off when I'm in pain. And you hate taking pain meds."

Olivia shook her head in amusement. Fitz could always make her laugh or briefly forget about something.

"Trust me on this one."

Sighing, Olivia relented and took the shot. Another wince, but only because of the liquor's strength going to her lungs. That was his drink of choice; a sexy glass of red was her preference.

Fitz leaned in to kiss her, relishing in the smoky flavor on her lips. Sitting gingerly on the bed, to avoid any sudden moves and consequent pain for Olivia, he asked, "Do you think you can lie on your side? I also brought an ice pack."

With his help, Olivia shifted her weight, teeth gritted.

"Or I can give you a massage, if you'd prefer that," he offered.

Olivia pondered; which option would bring immediate relief, so that she could wake up and get to work.

"Massage and then ice."

"Okay, sweet baby," he answered, lifting her tee shirt a bit. "I'm going to lower your shorts too, so I can really push out these aches."

Olivia teased, "I bet you like that." With his thumbs adding pressure to her warm flesh, she moaned.

Pleased with the response, Fitz continued his work, "Yeah, but this is for your benefit. Not mine."