N.B. All references to republican relates to being pro republic over monarchy.

Chapter Seven

Lennox Gardens, Knightsbridge, Friday 8th July 2016, 6am

Elizabeth sat at the breakfast bar drinking a big cup of coffee. She has barely slept that night thinking about the tales that George Wickham had feed her the previous evening. Even if only half of what he said was true, it would be revolutionary if it ever got into the public domain. She had so many emotions swirling around, but she needed to focus. It wasn't every day a journalist got to interview the prince.

" You're up early," Jane whispered as she made her way across the kitchen in her dressing gown, " What time did you get in last night? Did Lydia take you to the latest club?"

" What do you know about George Wickham?" Elizabeth replied

Jane's facial expression immediately changed, " Please don't tell me Lydia's new George is George Wickham,"

" Yes, why, do you know him?"

" He's bad news Lizzy, truly. Lydia needs to watch her back with him," Jane explained. Elizabeth was shocked. Jane never said a bad word against anybody.

" What has he done?"

" I don't know all the details, but from what I heard from Charles…"

" Who heard it from His Royal bloody Highness," Elizabeth snapped back and rose to feet.

" Lizzy, what's wrong?" Jane was concerned.

Elizabeth took a deep breath, " Did you know about Princess Anna?"

Jane fell silent. She had promised never to talk about this incident to anyone. She hated to lie, but she could not break her promise to Charles.

" I don't know what you are talking about,"

" You're a terrible liar Jane," Elizabeth replied and walked towards her bedroom.

" Lizzy wait, I don't know what you've been told, but leave it. Please," Jane called after her, " Enough people have been hurt, don't do anything you could regret,"

Elizabeth was too cross. She closed her bedroom door, got dressed and made her way to her offices. As she walked through the revolving doors, her phone vibrated. It was a message from Jane. Fact check. Elizabeth smiled. Jane always knew how to speak her language. She was right. She needed to get to the truth of this before she could do anything with it.

Kensington Palace, London, Friday 8th July 2016, 10am

Elizabeth and Jemima, her photographer, waited patiently in the sitting room of Apartment 1A of Kensington Palace. Elizabeth had expected to be taken to a state room or the public offices, but she found herself sitting in the Prince of Wales private sitting room. She was surrounded by family photographs, photographs she had never seen before of the Prince with his sister, the Queen and his late father.

" How surreal is this?" The red-headed Jemima cried excitedly, " I don't know how they do it. I'm no royalist, but as soon as I am around them, I turned into a little girl in awe of her surroundings.

Elizabeth just smiled.

" Come on Lizzy, don't tell me even your republican heart is soften a bit but this stuff?"

At that moment, the door opened and the Prince walked in followed by his chief press officer, Sir Jacob Cavendish-Spencer.

" Good morning," The Prince greeted

" Your Royal Highness," Elizabeth and Jemima both replied and curtsied.

" Ah, so I see the republican still respects the Crown," Jacob said sarcastically

" Jacob, please," The Prince replied and smiled at Elizabeth, " I understand you want to take a few photos before we start the interview?"

" Yes Sir, Jemima will take a few photos of you and then leave whilst I do the interview, if that suits you?" Elizabeth explained and the Prince nodded

" Jacob, you can leave us," The Prince instructed

" But Sir,"

" I'll be fine," He assured

" But,"

" Jacob," The Prince sternly insisted and his press officer left the room.

Jemima finished her shots and before Elizabeth knew it, they were alone.

" Finally we are alone," The Prince declared

" Shall we start then Sir," Elizabeth professionally replied and began the recording on her phone, " Why have you decided to champion the Rhino cause?"

William pulled a slightly bemused face, " Well, in just a decade, more than 7,245 African rhinos have been lost to poaching…"

The Prince continued to answer each of her questions with passion and elloquence. He seemed to genuinely care about this cause and his attention to it was having a impact not only in raising its profile in the UK, but also across the globe. Elizabeth was impressed, and struggled to conceal it.

" Have you ever been to South Africa?"

" Unfortunately no. I have never managed to make it to Africa," Elizabeth explained

" I'll have to take you some time," William replied in complete seriousness. Elizabeth rose to her feet.

" I think I have everything I need here,"

" Good,"

William stood up and looked into her eyes. He was transfixed. Elizabeth was clever, feisty and beautiful. He had never really met anyone like her. He had never met someone that actually spoke their true mind to him. Aside from perhaps his mother, Queen Catherine.

There was silence now between the two of them. Elizabeth gathered her notes, phone, and carefully placed it all into her bag. Her heart was beating fast and her temperature was rising.

" Thank you for the interview Sir," Elizabeth finally spoke and put out her hand to shake his.

" Anytime Miss Bennet," He answered and encased his hands around the waiting hand. As their skin touched, Elizabeth lost focus. The Prince smiled and gently tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. This time, she lent in and let her lips fall on his. They kissed slowly but as their passion erupted, the embrace intensified.

" What are we doing?" Elizabeth interrupted and pulled away, " We hate each other,"

" I don't hate you Miss Bennet, quite the contrary," William whispered and kissed her forehead, " Despite my role, and despite my complete lack of trust for the media, our differences in station, my mothers expectations, indeed, the nations expectations, I love you,"

Elizabeth pulled back.

" What is it?" William asked

" What is it?" Elizabeth snapped back, " Are you kidding me?! I can't believe I almost allowed myself to...well, it doesn't matter now. I need to leave before I say something I regret,"

" I thought that…"

" You thought that DESPITE your role, my role, that perhaps you could lower yourself to love me?! Love me? You don't even know me," Elizabeth replied

" I did not mean it like that," William replied and grabbed her hand, " Please Elizabeth,"

It was the first time that she had heard him call her Elizabeth. There was something comforting in the way he spoke it. Like a familiar feeling.

" I'm sorry but I can't do this," Elizabeth replied and pulled her hand free.

The Prince was now agitated. He could not understand what had happened. One minute they were kissing and then next she was leaving.

" Do you know who I am?" He quipped and immedaitely regretted it.

" Know who you are?" Elizabeth laughed, " I know more about you than you wish to know,"

" And what is that supposed to mean?"

" It doesn't matter," She replied and walked towards the door.

" If you have something to say Miss Bennet, I request that you say it now. At least if you say it to my face I have the oppportunity to defend myself,"

Elizabeth turned back to face the Prince.

" I had a interesting conversation with George Wickham yesterday,"

At the mention of George Wickham, William's eyes flickered.

" George Wickham? And you take an interest in what that man has to say?" The Prince replied. Agitation had now turned to anger. William would do anything to protect his family, and most importantly protect his sister, " Tell me Miss Bennet, are you really here to report on the Rhino issue or are you undercover for something else? Perhaps that is why you kissed me. Is that how you often get your stories? And there was me thinking you took your journalism seriously. I thought you believed in facts over fiction. So what did dear old George have to say for himself?"

Elizabeth could hear the fear in the Prince's voice. She had heard it countless times before when she had interviewed corrupt politicians and businessmen. And now she could hear it in the voice of the future King.

" I know all about the baby, the money, the threats," Elizabeth continued and the Prince stood back. He sat down in his chair and looked like the wind had been punched out of him, " I know about the briberies, the cover ups. George has told me everything. About how you even removed him from your late father's will,"

" Anything else?" William quietly replied unable to look her in the eye.

Elizabeth stood in front of him, " Anything else, I think that is plenty for you to explain right there,"

" I don't have to justify anything to you Miss Bennet," He ended, " Are you planning on reporting on this?"

" The country has a right to know who will one day rule over them,"

The Prince scratched his forehead as he thoughts raced through his mind by the time he looked back up the room was empty and Elizabeth was gone.

To be continued...