I went with the assassin idea. Perhaps I'll do the story about Kuroko being abused later. It's not like I have any qualms about starting new stories before finishing others...obviously...

I hope you enjoy. It's a slow start.

Comment if ya want! You know I enjoy them!


"Kuroko." A man in a suit with dark shoulder length hair and grey eyes sitting behind a large desk addressed the small boy standing in front of him.

"Hai." The small boy, Kuroko, replied with an appropriate bow before straightening to look his boss in the eye.

His boss, Hanamiya, shoved a file folder across the desk. Kuroko picked it up.

"Your next target is Akashi Seijūrō. You will go undercover to get close to him."

Kuroko picked up the file and flipped to the first page, scanning it briefly. He then looked up at his boss confused. His specialty was stealth not undercover work. He had completed a few undercover missions before, but this was a big target. Surely there were better agents for the job, ones with more experience with undercover missions.

His boss seemed to read his mind and proceeded to explain.

"Your specialty is stealth, so you're wondering why I am giving you an undercover operation for your next assignment. You are probably also wondering why the due date is so far away, correct?" Hanamiya cocked his head to one side and waited for the bluenette to reply.

"Hai, sir."

"Stealth alone is not enough to get to this man, not even with your capable abilities. You will need to get close to him and gain his trust first. Your abilities will be put to use to gather information while on assignment. The information we want is detailed in that file. The far off due date is to give you time to infiltrate, earn his trust, and gather the necessary data before killing him."

"Hai." Kuroko responded and bowed, preparing to leave.

"And one more thing…" the words rolled off Hanamiya's tongue like poison. "If you fail, you will be exterminated." He smirked, sending a shiver down the boys' spine before shooing Kuroko out.

With a final bow, Kuroko scurried out of the room and shut the door behind him. His face remained emotionless as always. He wasn't afraid of being exterminated. All things die. It's not like life held any special value. It was simply his boss's voice that, for some unknown reason, when it sounded like that, terrified him to the bone. It was perhaps the only time he could recall feeling afraid.

Kuroko made his way down the hall, unnoticed by the others as usual, until he came to the large double doors of the organizations library. He had two days before his mission began. He needed to find out as much as he could and the library was the perfect place to do it.

The organizations library was not a normal library. It held files on past targets and potential future targets, every organization, gang, government, and company that mattered in the world, guides for various things, manuals for weapons and tech, and information texts for what seemed like miles. The only unnecessary items were the porn magazines that some of the agents kept hidden in the corner, although, they weren't really hidden. Kuroko had no interest in those.

Kuroko had no interest in relationships period. He had little interest in anything except what he needed to be an assassin and complete his missions. Unlike other agents, he wasn't distracted by desires or emotions, or at least he didn't think he was. He didn't have memories of anything before the age of ten when he began training and every memory after that was of training and missions. You might even say he didn't desire life. It held no real meaning to him. He wasn't suicidal or anything. He didn't see a point in death either. He was a robot more or less. He existed to do his job and little else. Except when his boss used that voice and he felt fear. That was perhaps the only time he wasn't a robot.

He grabbed several files and texts and took a seat in the far corner by the window. It was his favorite seat, especially on sunny days when the sun warmed it up. Unfortunately, it was raining today and the seat was cold, but so was every other seat.

He picked up the first file and started reading, instantly memorizing every detail and fact that he read. Within a few hours, he had already memorized all the files and was gathering some extra useful information about undercover work from some texts. He would have kept reading, except someone was calling his name loudly. Well, it wasn't that loud, but the man calling his name was only a few feet from him. As usual, he didn't see Kuroko.

"I'm right here Kise-kun."

"AHHHHHHHHH! Kurokocchi! Don't scare me like that." Kise calmed himself after nearly having a heart attack over his self-proclaimed friend's sudden appearance.

"This is a library, idiot!" Aomine wacked Kise with his hand.

Aomine and Kise were fellow agents Kuroko had worked with before. He didn't mind Aomine too much, but Kise was loud and obnoxious.

"And don't suddenly appear like that Tetsu." Aomine scolded Kuroko as well.

"I did not suddenly appear." Kuroko deadpanned. "What are you two doing here?"

"Looking for you Kurokocchi! Isn't that obvious?"

"But why? I'm quite busy."

"Boss didn't tell you? We're working together on the next mission." Aomine said as he took one of the files from Kuroko's finished reading stack. "I see you already started. Typical. You just got back from your last mission. Don't you ever take a break?"

"And do what?"

"I don't know? Fun stuff? Sleep?"

"I sleep at night and we are too old for 'fun stuff' Aomine-kun."

"If I recall, you're only 15. You're the youngest agent here and stiffer than old Amar!"

"And you are 20 and act like a child Aomine-kun." Kuroko retorted. "Surely you did not pester me just to comment about my day time activities."

"See. Stiff. It's all about business with you."

"Aomine." Kuroko threatened, although his face and tone of voice didn't send off any danger signals, the lack of honorifics was something he only used when he was threatening. That and Aomine swore there was an evil aura surrounding the blue haired boy.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh Tetsu. Momoi has some information for us and Riko wants us in the fourth training room after dinner."

"The new equipment must have arrived." Kuroko's evil aura disappeared (according to Aomine) and he stood up. He didn't bother putting his materials back as a librarian would take care of that. He headed out of the library and towards the elevator with Aomine dragging his feet behind him and Kise following while half skipping.

The elevator ride to the fifth floor was quiet. When they arrived, a girl with pink hair, Momoi, was already waiting for them.

"Hey guys! Come with me. I have some info I think you will find useful." Momoi announced as soon as they stepped off the elevator.

"Couldn't we have done this tomorrow? I was enjoying my day off." Aomine complained as they followed Momoi.

"Stop being lazy Aominicchi!" Kise scolded.

"Sorry Dai-chan." Momoi replied.

The four of them entered a room with multiple computers and monitors and were greeted by the familiar information team. Momoi led them to her desk at the far end of the room. It was the largest since she was the head of the team. They took their seats and Aomine and Kise were each given a file full of documents. The screen behind the desk turned on to display the documents as well.

"I assume you don't need a copy." Momoi was speaking to Kuroko. The bluenette nodded.

"I should be able to memorize this much easily."

"Show off." Aomine muttered under his breath.

Momoi briefed them on the new information gathered on the target and the specifics that weren't covered in the original assignment file before sending them off. Next they went to the first basement floor to visit Riko, one of the weapons trainers.

"Hey boys!" The brunette, Riko called out. She was standing to the side of the room by a table in the otherwise empty room.

"What's up?" Aomine waved.

"Rikocchi!" Kise shouted enthusiastically.

The only one who remained silent was Kuroko.

The three stepped up to the table and looked at the items displayed.

"What are these?" Aomine picked up a black semi-round object smaller that a pea.

"The new hidden cameras!" Riko boasted. "but that's not the best part of the new equipment!" Riko grinned as she picked up a small gun.

"We get new guns?" Kise asked curiously as he examined the watch.

"It's not JUST a gun!"

"What about the pen?" Kuroko asked, his eyes seemingly searching for something.

"Oh." Riko looked a little disappointed. She pulled out a slick black pen from her pocket. "You mean this?"


"What's so special about the pen Tetsu?"

"Rikocchi! What about the gun!"

"Ugh. One at a time. Here." She handed Kuroko the pen. Kuroko took it with an almost unnoticeable smile.

"Thank you Riko-kun."

"What's it do Tetsu?"

"Nothing you need to know Aomine-kun." Kuroko placed the pen in his own pocket as Riko handed them each a new gun.

"Now back to the gun."

"You're too excited Riko." Aomine commented.

"But! Just follow me!" Riko huffed and walked to the center of the room. She pressed a button on a remote and the floor opened up. Several 'targets' rose. "Watch this!" She pulled out the gun and shot it. It was silent, even without a silencer attached. Even when it hit the target it barely made a sound.

"So it's like a super silent gun?" Kise walked to the center and tried it. Just like the previous shot, it was silent.

"Yes. But that's not all!" Riko handed her gun to Kise. "Shoot."

Kise gave her a confused look, but did as he was told….at least he tried to. The gun wouldn't shoot.

"I can't.." Kise whined and Riko looked like a kid in the candy store.

"It's awesome right! Your guns have each been pre-programed. If someone else gets a hold of it, they won't be able to use it. It's super silent, smaller that your other ones without sacrificing range, and you are the only one that can use it!"

"I guess that's cool." Aomine shrugged and turned back to the cameras. He looked around suddenly and realized Kuroko had disappeared. "Oi! Where did Kuroko go?"

Kise and Riko, who had started chatting, looked up and shrugged. At that moment, a bell rang.

"Dinner time! Sorry Riko, but we gotta go!" Kise shouted excitedly.

"Alright. Don't forget your new toys." Riko smiled and waved them off.

Aomine and Kise grabbed their new equipment and headed off to the cafeteria.

