Chapter One

Disclaimer I do not own teen wolf but I do own the plot and the OC I've created. I accept constructive criticism about my story but other than that do not bash my story because you can always make your own. I hope you enjoy the story


A pair of forest green eyes calculated the object in front of her before sighing. An older woman who had a slight bump to her stomach. "Ayanna aren't you ready for tonight" the older female said in a singing voice. "Barely mom it's a little overwhelming especially with school tomorrow" I replied.

I sat down at my dresser and looked in the mirror. Ayanna's mother was behind her who was an exact older version of her daughter. "My chocolate bunny, we all have been in your position but today is your day and I will make sure it's perfect" her mother said putting a necklace around her neck. "Now come on your grandmother is waiting, don't wanna keep her waiting" Ayanna mother said before leaving her alone.

Immediately I looked at my hands feeling anxious about the ritual tonight. Usually when it came to certain events sI face them head on but something about tonight makes me feel slightly uneasy. I slowly sighed before getting up and walking out of my room. "You got this Ayanna just breathe and everything will be fine" I murmured to herself as I walked down the stairs to see my grandmother smiling softly.

"Now look at my granddaughter looking as beautiful as the sun" she said opening her arms for a hug. "Thanks grandma" she said as she buried her face in her grandma arms. Tonight, will be a day she won't ever forget.

As Derek threw Scott's inhaler at he felt something odd. He wasn't the only one who felt it as Derek stopped himself before leaving. Scott could faintly hear shallow breathing near him as he looked around. "Dude what's wrong" Stiles hesitantly asked him I a low voice. Scott just shook his head "Nothing" he replied before looking back at Derek as he slowly left.

"I gotta go to work" Scott said hesitantly and a bit distracted. That's when he felt that weird feeling again and the breathing started to get slightly faster. Something told him to get closer but he can't risk getting late work. So, caught up in his thoughts he wasn't listening to Stiles as to what he was talking about.

They started to walk back to Stiles car but as the closer they got to stiles car the dreaded feeling in his stomach started to get stronger. "Stiles do you feel that?" Scott inquired with an edge in his voice. Stiles just looks at him "Yea the absolute fear of Derek Hales talking to us? Definitely" he replied with nonchalance. Scott just rolled his eyes before walking away the woods with that pestering feeling.

Through the whole day Scott was distracted with every task he had to do. That gut feeling stayed with him all through the week. But it didn't stop him from going to the party with Alison or even getting on first line. But after the full moon the feeling was even stronger as he got a ride from Stiles.

"Stiles stop the car" he said in a slightly loud voice making Stiles panic. Stiles looked at Scott with an exasperated expression. Scott got out the car and started running towards the woods. "Scott wait" Stiles said fumbling out of his Jeep trying to catch up to the boy.

Scott kept running as the feeling in his gut started to dim before it stopped. He looked around trying to catch his breath as Stiles was right behind him wheezing. "Dude what the fuck?" Stiles said between each breath he took. Scott hit Stiles arm as they walked towards a body on the ground.

"I-Is she dead?" Stiles said quietly as he looked at the girl on the ground. She was covered by plant life and had this eerie glow on her skin. "N-no I don't think so" Scott said getting closer and the breath started to still. Until the breathing stopped suddenly. Scott reached his hand out slowly about to wake up the female before suddenly forest green eyes opened. Scott fell back before getting up and reaching out to help her.

She suddenly got up breathing heavily as a force pushed both Stiles and Scott down. She looked around hesitantly. "Holy shit I'm so sorry" she said before getting up and backing away. Both boys were groaning because the force caught them off guard. "I-I uh" she started before running away. Scott hurriedly got back up helping Stiles get off the ground. "Who was that?" Stiles asked looking at the spot she roused up from. Scott just looked at Stiles before remembering what the girl looked like.