Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them are solely the property of J. . These aren't my characters or my world but I am very thankful that I am allowed to borrow them to play and practice my writing. Please read and review. I will greatly appreciate all feedback including constructive comments, all I ask is that you please be kind... Enjoy the adventure!

Newt woke with a groan, sitting up carefully as he felt the painful bruising on the back of his head. He closed his eyes to ward off the wave of dizziness and groaned again as he realized the Muggle security officer who had placed him in this tiny cell had relieved him of his suitcase, wand and vest. Well this is turning out to be a bugger of a day Newt thought to himself as he tried to make sense of his surroundings through the throbbing pain in his head.

"You're awake" Looking through the bars through slightly blurred vision Newt could make out a man who looked about twice his size and was currently sitting at a desk opposite Newt's cell, his beady eyes watching his every move. Newt tried not to panic as he realized his belongings were nowhere to be seen.

"What gave it away?" Newt asked dryly, touching his head once more, then pulling away with a wince as he felt blood on his fingers. He then quickly placed his head between his knees as he felt the increased motion of the ship send a wave of nausea through his stomach. They were obviously nearing New York harbour.

"Wise guy huh? You wanna explain the ridged corpse in the dining room that we need to clean up?" Newt cringed as he considered how to phrase his answer.

'Sorry officer I was attacked by a dark wizard, most likely a follower of Gellert Grindelwald. He was trying to curse me so I fought back, but please don't be alarmed the charm should have worn off by now leaving him free to try and attack me again before we reach land'. Newt shook his head trying to clear the fuzziness.

"The man wasn't dead, he was stunned and you would do well to keep far away from him". Newt stood up suddenly as the reality of the situation made it through his foggy brain, he gripped the bars to keep himself from passing out again.

"Stay away from him! Do you hear me? He's a danger to everyone on this ship..." Newt's words were cut off as the now standing security guard reached through the bars and grabbed him by the front of the shirt slamming him into the cold steel.

"Save it for Port Authority freak, in less than an hour you're no longer my problem". His shove threw Newt backwards onto the cot leaving his vision swarming. Newt struggled to calm his swimming head and the nausea that followed it. First he had received an Owl in the middle of the night from the Ministry of Magic requesting he report to the American's equivalent ministry MACUSA to be briefed on a case he would be required to consult on back in London within the next few days. Hours later he was being attacked by a fellow wizard and arrested by Muggles. Strangely not the worst start to a day he had so far in his life, but not the peaceful end to his journey he had been hoping for.

'Try not to need arresting' It had only been what, six months since Tina had said those words to him with an amused smile. Six months where he had in fact not only managed to stay out of trouble, but publish his book and receive special permission from the International Confederation of Wizards to carry his case for the purpose of studying, rehabilitating and restoring his creatures to the Wizarding world. He was unsure how recognizable his permit would be in America considering its strict laws, but still, at least he was trying to play by the rules.

Up until today Newt mused the trip had been relatively peaceful. He had spent most of his time in his case

A familiar scratching broke through Newt's troubled thoughts and he sat up in relief as the lock clicked on the door and swung open, Pickett the Bowtruckle sliding down from the handle and making his way to Newt's cell chittering happily. When he had first returned to London Newt had worked hard at easing Pickett's attachment to him and helping to integrate him back into the Bowtruckle society believing this was best for Pickett. He found however that his little companion refused to leave and Newt found that he really rather enjoyed his company.

"What would I do without you Pickett?" Newt asked him as Pickett unlocked the cell and was rewarded with being returned to Newt's shoulder as he went in search of his suitcase and wand. After a mercifully short search Newt found them stashed in an adjoining room.

"The Muggles probably didn't expect me to be released from prison by a magical creature" Newt grinned, offering Pickett a small woodlice from his pocket.

"We had better find out what happened to the dark wizard before he's let loose on a defenceless Muggle ship". Newt told Pickett, hurrying out of the room as he struggled to control the pain and subsequent nausea he felt.

When Newt arrived at the hallway outside the small dining area where he was ambushed he found there was no sign of his attacker, only shards of glass where the windows had been shattered by spells.

"We should be grateful he didn't try to attack me a few decks lower" Newt muttered to Pickett as he repaired the glass, his eyes falling on a wooden object that had rolled under a nearby table.

"Looks like he won't be causing anymore trouble today" Newt sounded relieved as he held up the broken wand to examine it then ducked down suddenly behind the table as a pistol was fired from the Muggle officer arriving at the opposite end of the room. Newt didn't have much experience with Muggle weapons, but he knew enough to know it would be wise to stay well away. He overturned another table, using it to shield him from the weapon. Crawling along the floor Newt fired a spell that disarmed the man then cast the obliviate spell as he ducked out of the way of another officer. Hastily checking his pocket to ensure Pickett was safe.

"I do apologise, you may not remember much of the last week, but you were trying to kill me just now" Newt told the two obliviated men as he exited the dining area to the main deck. He wasn't fond of using the spell even when other wizards would have deemed it essential, but in this case he knew it was for the best. Newt stood at the bow of the ship watching as they glided into the docks.

"So much for a relaxing week at sea" Newt sighed to Pickett as he took a moment to enjoy the view. He preferred not travelling by portkey unless absolutely necessary, but in this case he had also chosen the sea in the hope of a vacation from the stress of the last few months...and maybe if he was honest to buy himself some more time. The thought of seeing Tina again seemed to cause a feeling in his stomach something akin to being stung by a Billywig.

"Merlin's Beard I'm actually going through with this aren't I?" Newt took a breath to calm his nerves, smiling at the sound of Pickett chittering excitedly from his pocket in response.


"Miss Goldstein" Tina groaned inwardly at the sound of Mr Roland's voice calling across the room as she made her way to exit the MACUSA building. After a day of chasing dead end leads on her latest case she was more than ready to go home to one of Queenies home cooked dinners.

"Yes Mr Roland" Tina attempted a smile as one of her fellow Auror's stride over to meet her, her curiosity peaking as she noted his disgruntled expression.

"We just received an Owl from an Auror at the Ministry of Magic in England. They want one of our Auror's to liaise with one of them on a case. Madam President recommended you for the task, if you think you can handle it" Roland was an arrogant, unpleasant man who felt his gifts were far superior to anyone else. No doubt he was annoyed that he hadn't been chosen for the task.

"I'm sure I'll handle it just fine Mr Roland" Tina responded coolly, trying to control her temper.

"Sure, sure" Mr Roland smirked "We all know how well it went last time you involved yourself with a Brit! Portkey leaves in a few days. Apparently there's some hold up at their end, their expert consultant is on leave or something". He strode away leaving Tina awash with a range of conflicting emotions. Visiting The Ministry of Magic meant a trip to London and the possibility of seeing Newt.

As she made her way out of the building the image of Newt standing before her on the dock asking if she would mind if he delivered his book in person came to her mind. It had been six months ago that he had said those words, unable to quite meet her eyes but his words full of hope. Tina had been surprised and elated that Newt had summoned the courage to write to her during his absence, letting her know in detail how preparations for his book were coming. She loved the parts where he described his creatures and their mischievous antics, and their behaviour that he inferred was due to them missing their new friend. Still Tina felt a gnawing anxiety that he wouldn't return and that she may never see him again. Despite having only known each other for a few days before he left their adventures together and given them the chance to get to know each other better than they otherwise would have in such a short space of time, especially considering they were both very cautious people. Tina now counted Newt as a close friend even though she knew there was still so much they had to learn about each other.

As a familiar feeling of sadness began to spring up at her thoughts Tina squared her shoulders and walked resolutely through the busy streets of New York City. She had promised her sister she would make it home for dinner tonight with Jacob and she wasn't going to allow her emotions to get the better of her.

While apperating directly to her apartment would have been faster Tina enjoyed the sensation of a brisk walk from her office, which also gave her the chance to unwind after the stresses of the day. Tina smiled to herself as she pictured Queenie in the kitchen preparing all of Jacob's favourite foods. Queenie's first visit to Jacob's bakery had triggered something in his memory and they soon discovered that Jacob's memories of the wizarding world were returning to him. While Jacob was still unable to recall the exact details of their experience, his friendship with Newt and Tina and his feelings for Queenie were undisputable and even Madam President when she had interviewed Jacob was unable to find cause to regard him as a threat.

It had taken many weeks of exhaustive interviews between Jacob and Madam President before the decision was made. While Queenie was not permitted to acknowledge her relationship with Jacob in the wizarding world she was also not forbidden by MACUSA to pursue it either in the NoMag world. Jacob had won favour with the President by agreeing to a magical contract stating that he would never reveal details of the wizarding world to his fellow NoMag's. The deal wasn't exactly perfect, but she had never seen her sister so happy.

Sorry a small amount of editing needed to be done to the first two chapters which will lead to further developments in the story. Nothing major was changed but the changes were necessary to the plot! Thank you for reading. Chapter 3 will be coming soon!