"Stop there and let me correct it,

I wanna live a life from a new perspective,

You come along because I love your face,

And I'll admire your expensive taste,

And who cares divine intervention,

I wanna be praised from a new perspective,

But leaving now would be a good idea,

So catch me up on getting out of here...,"

-New Perspective; by Panic! at the Disco

(A/N). . . .again:

I know the last time I updated a chapter, I said I'd be going on a mini-hiatus, and I'm still kinda here. I'm finishing up the things I need to work out, but it hasn't quite been accomplished yet. I think what I really need right now is some support from you guys. I don't know why, but it seems like it's just this story I'm having trouble with; I can't really explain it, but any thoughts or plans I had for this story just flew out of my head and I've been having trouble trying to figure out what to write or how to properly write any ideas I have for any new chapters here.

You guys may be upset with me, I'll understand if you are. I'm a little irritated with myself! I had hopes for this story, and now it's like I can't even figure out what to do with it. It's sad since SPN is one of my growing favorite shows. Anyway, if I could get ideas from you guys on how to write just a single future chapter, I'd appreciate it. For this whole writer's block thing, I want to say it's probably related to school and work, but I can't say for sure. Maybe it's something else entirely.

On another note, I apologize for making you guys think that I was writing another chapter and it turned out to be another author's note. The story's still on a mini hiatus for the time being, at least until I have my thoughts sorted and whatever else figured out.

Thank you for your patience and I am terribly sorry for all of this.

Be kind to one another, don't text and drive, and be sure to drink lots of water.

