AN: I figured given that this was a special chapter for Caryl that it would be okay to not have any crossover with Gemma and Nero. Hope everyone is okay with that. And I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 9

The next morning when he woke Carol was still sleeping so Daryl gently untangled himself, careful not to wake her and slipped out of bed. He had a boner of epic proportions that she was sure to notice if she woke up so he figured a good cold shower might help take care of it… and if that didn't work, well, he would have to resort to plan B.

It was actually really nice to just hold her all night and it wasn't nearly as difficult as he expected it was going to be, that was until he woke up with raging hormones and morning wood. He turned on the shower, just a little bit of hot, and slipped out of his underwear. Then stepped in without waiting for the hot water to take away some of the icy chilly. "Fuck," he hissed under his breath as the water hit him. It was definitely a good distraction but it wasn't really taking care of his problem like he'd hoped. There was also the issue of trying to keep his injured hand dry and do everything with his nondominant hand.

Daryl looked down at his dick. "Come on man, really?" It was no use. Every time he thought he was getting somewhere he would think about kissing Carol or how it felt to have her body touching his and he'd be right back to square one. He knew it was the right decision for them to hold off on the sex, but clearly not all of his body agreed with that.

His left hand had just wrapped around his shaft and he gave himself a couple slow strokes when there was a slight draft behind him, causing him to spin. "Carol? Shit… fuck…" Daryl quickly tried to cover himself, feeling his cheeks grow warm. "What… what are you doing?" he muttered foolishly. It was pretty clear what she was doing standing naked in the shower with him.

"Oh my God the water is cold," she gasped, reaching around him to warm it up. "There, that's better." Carol stepped back a bit and looked at him, then slowly reached out and nudged his hands. Daryl let his arms drop to his side so he was fully exposed and he watched her smile. It was game on. While her eyes wandered over his body he did the same with her. She had beautiful curves and he could wait to run his hands over her body. He fought off the anger from the dark bruises he could see on her skin. Soon they would fade and all traces of the physical abuse she'd suffered would be gone. The emotional scars would remain though, he knew that all too well, but he hoped he would be there to help her through it all.

When he couldn't take simply looking at her any longer he bent his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth. He rested his left hand on the curve of her hip and felt her hands on his head. Dammit he wanted her, so badly. He knew he could press her against the wall or just bend her over and take her right there in the shower, but Daryl didn't want their first time together to be so quick and dirty. Carol was special and she needed to know how much he cared about her. He knew that being a member of SAMCRO made her automatically assume things about him - some were true, and some weren't. It was true he'd had sex just for the sake of having sex with women he didn't have feelings for, but it was always mutual because he respected women, especially the beautiful one in the shower with him.

When he lifted his head Carol was ready and attacked his lips hungrily. Her hands worked their way down his body while they kissed until she was fondling his erection, stroking him slowly. It felt so fucking good his legs were going weak. Once again he had to resist the urge to just plunge inside her. His dick was aching - in fact, pretty much his entire body was aching with desire. Daryl broke the kiss, "Finish this shower later?"

Carol nodded and he shut off the water. They both got out, grabbed towels and dried a little on the way to the bedroom. What happened next surprised him. She led him to the bed, eased him onto his back and before he knew what was coming his dick was in her mouth. "Fuck," he gasped, sucking in a deep breath as she moved up and down, her mouth so hot and wet. It felt absolutely heavenly, maybe a bit too heavenly because at this rate she was gonna get him off in no time. He relaxed and let her continue for a moment, only because it felt too fucking good and he couldn't get out the word 'stop.' Eventually he found the strength to lift a hand and tap her shoulder.

She lifted her head and smiled at him, she knew he needed her to stop. She kissed his hips and along his lower belly, giving him a little rest. Daryl was about to make a move when she straddled him and eased slowly down his shaft. Jesus, she was so perfectly tight and so fucking wet. With everything he was feeling his mind should have been completely shut off, but there was a voice in his head screaming that something wasn't right.

Daryl opened his eyes as she started to move on him. It was perfect. She was incredible, clearly experienced as he would expect a woman around his own age would be. But there was something off. She was too eager to please and she looked almost as if she was scared… Suddenly it hit him. "Hey," he grabbed her hips. "Stop," Daryl said gently.

Carol's face instantly went pink. "Oh God, I'm so sorry…I'm doing it wrong..." She muttered.

"It's okay… it's okay," he soothed her. Carol was sitting on him, his dick still deep inside her. "How long were you with him?" Daryl asked. He didn't want to bring up the dead bastard, but he had to know if his suspicions were correct.

Carol hung her head and he lifted her chin to look into his eyes before she spoke. "High school," she mumbled. "Pushing 30 years…" She looked sick and embarrassed.

"That's what I thought," Daryl replied, sitting up. "Lay down," he patted the bed beside him. She slowly climbed off of him and obediently lied down. "You've spent way too long trying to please a man who didn't deserve you. You need to know how special you are… how beautiful and sexy you are." As he spoke he moved until he was kneeling between her legs. "You ain't been treated right - that ends now," he growled, before dipping his head down, cheeks brushing the inside of her thighs. He felt her tense and looked up. "Is this okay?" he breathed, kissing her delicate skin. The scent was intoxicating - he couldn't wait to taste her, but he didn't want to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

"Only… um… only if you want to…" she said shyly. Carol didn't have much of a shy side, so it was strange to see her that way. But he knew she wasn't used to someone focussing on her. He wondered if the selfish bastard had ever gone down on her. If he hadn't, he'd missed out because with one lick Daryl was in heaven.

The way she wriggled and the sighs that he was hearing confirmed she was enjoying it. He almost felt guilty because he was enjoying it every bit as much even though the focus was on her. She came quick - really quick, thankfully that wasn't an issue for her like it would have been for him. But he would have gladly liked her pussy for however long it took.

"Did you like it?" he asked, when she finally opened her eyes. It wasn't a question meant to stroke his ego in any way and the truth was - he already knew she liked it by the way her body reacted, but he was asking because he wanted her to know he'd done it for her and he was genuinely interested in whether it felt good. He wanted to be sure Carol knew he cared that she was receiving pleasure too.

"Uh, yeah," she replied, followed by an adorable giggle. "That was amazing," Carol added with a sigh. Then she was quiet a moment, looking a bit reflective. "Did you want me to go back to…" she gestured towards his dick.

Wow, this was going to be more difficult than he thought. It made his heart hurt to think of what sex had been like for her in the past. It was a chore or a routine. She was likely terrified of upsetting Ed and made sure she did everything he wanted so as not to set him off. Daryl really had to fight away the anger raging inside him because it wasn't the time for that. "Shh," he said, gently pressing on her shoulder so she would lay down again. "Close your eyes and relax."

He watched as she shut those spectacular blue eyes and waited until her breathing evened out. Daryl watched her chest move up and down and then let his eyes wash over her gorgeous body. Once he had taken in every inch of her he touched her entire body with his good hand, grazing his fingertips over her. Carol shivered and goosebumps appeared in his wake. When he had touched her all over he followed that same path one more time, patiently, with kisses.

Daryl made sure she knew he could be patient and tender as he worshipped her body. She kept her eyes closed the entire time, but her facial expressions were captivating. Slightly parted lips, the hint of a smile, biting her bottom lip… they were all things that told him she was content and enjoying him exploring her.

It wasn't until he was finally ready that he asked her to open her eyes. He needed to see them as he pushed into her. "Look at me," Daryl said huskily as he positioned himself between her legs. Slowly he inched into her as they stared at one another. It was pure magic.

Daryl was completely mesmerized once they were joined. It felt blissful to be inside her again, and especially to be in control so he could show her she's special. For a few minutes he forgot how awkward things were with only one hand until he went to link their fingers and realized he could only do that on one side.

In a matter of seconds none of that mattered anymore, yet again, because Carol cried out and squeezed his fingers tightly. He was still fucking her when he felt the contractions on his dick. "Holy fuck," he got out. The combination of her being so damn tight along with the throbbing of her inner muscles was about to push him over the edge. He was caught between knowing if he kept moving it would be over and not being able to stop because it felt so fucking good. The fact that she had already came convinced him to just keep going and it wasn't long before his balls felt tight and he reached his peak.

"Oh my God," he sighed happily as he pulled out and flopped down beside her.

"Daryl?" she said softly.

"Mmm?" he rolled and propped up on an elbow.

"Was it okay? For you?" Carol asked him, her eyes wide and innocent.

Daryl shook his head and smiled. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"I know, I know… but was it?" She asked again.

He reached out and touched her cheek with the tip of her finger. "It was… so incredible," he whispered. "You… you're incredible. I ain't so good with words, but you gotta know how much you mean to me…" Daryl knew he was nattering on, but he hoped she understood.

Finally she nodded and wiped a tear that slid down her cheek. "I do know. I do," she whispered back. They kissed for a moment and Daryl was shocked by the instant stirring inside him. He'd never been that hot for any woman before. But he'd never felt like he did with Carol. "Ready for that shower now?" she asked with a giggle. Daryl watched her naked ass as she strutted to the doorway and looked back at him. Then he jumped out of bed and took off after her knowing he would follow that woman anywhere.