'And that' Fitz said as he readjusted the cap on his head. 'is how I throw a sinker.' he looked upon the small crowd of boys, ages 5-8, and couldn't help but smile warmly at them. He had a feeling that none of them had a clue what a sinker was even after explaining it 20 times but he was obligated to be out there and show them something.

Fitzgerald Grant was the star pitcher for the Washington Nationals and, for now, had the entire world under his cleats. The previous season he had managed to break records and gather international attention to himself and his team. He was also voted most handsome player in the MLB but he definitely didn't like to think or brag about that. It almost made him blush when he thought about a bunch of people looking at pictures and rating him. He had even gotten a few letters from women saying that they pleasured themselves while thinking about him but he had thrown those all away.

He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't a bit of a playboy, though. He had been single for a long time and at this point in his career women were basically throwing themselves at him. Of course he was always polite and courteous but as soon as dinner was over they'd go to her place and he'd leave when she fell asleep. He didn't plan on having casual hookups for the rest of his life but he was certainly enjoying himself now.

Because of his overnight popularity the owners of the team had been parading him around like some type of show monkey. Today he was at the little league practice to take pictures with the boys and sign autographs or whatever else he needed to do. It wasn't that he hated it; he just saw better uses of his time. This would be the only practice he was required to go to so he didn't complain.

Unlike the kids that stood before him, he hadn't grown up rich. His father was a pastor that died before his time and his mother was a writer desperate to make ends meet. She fell ill when he was 17 and died shortly after his 18th birthday. From there he got a full scholarship to college because of baseball and then played in the minor leagues for a while. Now at the age of 30, he figured he had another 4 years before he had to retire.

The 50 boys that stood before him had actually made the day pretty fun for him, though. They were at an age where they thought they knew exactly what they wanted out of life and yet knew nothing at all. Each and every one of them screamed that they wanted to play professional baseball when they grew up but obviously that was impossible. The odds of any of them even making it to the minor leagues were slim but their optimism brought him joy.

Actually, the odds of them all making it through the entire summer camp were slim. Usually they only stayed long enough to take a few nice photos or play in a game or two and then they wanted to quit. He couldn't say he blamed them, though. It was a sweltering summer in DC and he was positive that they would all be having a better time playing in the sprinklers in the courtyard near the park.

'Alright, now who wants to take a picture with Tommy?' the little league coach asked the boys, using the nickname that the fans had given him.

After everyone shouted 'me' in unison, they were all ushered into a straight line. After signing autographs and answering questions, Fitz headed off to the locker rooms to take a quick shower. His friends had managed to persuade him to go on a blind date tonight so he needed to start getting ready for that if he wanted to make it on time.

He stood in front of his assigned locker and was starting to get undressed when he heard somebody open the door. He was the only player there today so the sound caught him off guard and he nearly stumbled when he turned around. Standing at the door with his hands hidden bashfully behind his back was one of the little boys from the little league team.

Fitz cocked an eyebrow. He loved children and wanted to have a few of his own at some point but he had little to no experience with them and he found interacting kind of difficult. 'What are you doing in here, kid?' he said, his tone a bit more gruff than necessary.

His fair skinned cheeks turned a bright shade of red and he looked down at his cleats. He wasn't expecting for anybody to be in here and now he was embarrassed about being caught. 'I— I um..'

He put his hands on his hips, not realizing how intimidated the boy was. 'Speak up. Shouldn't you be out there waiting on your parents to pick you up?'

'Ya.' he said softly before reaching up to play with his left ear. It was a nervous habit of his that he had since he was a baby and he had never been able to kick it.

'Then what are you doing in the locker room?' he prodded. 'You know you're not supposed to be in here.'

'I wanted to see what it looked like.' he muttered under his breath, still too nervous to look up at him.

Fitz sighed and walked towards the boy then kneeled down so that he could be eye level with him. 'What's your name, kid?'

'Nicolas.' he said, still not looking up.

'Well, Nicolas, usually you have to look up when you talk to somebody so they can see you.' he held his hand out to him. 'Shake my hand like a man.'

Nicolas bit down on his bottom lip before picking his head up. His eyes were wide and he had long eyelashes with hazel colored iris'. He had brown freckles that covered his cheeks and the bridge of his nose and curly brown hair that had been neatly put into a ponytail. He studied Fitz's hand for a few moments before taking it and shaking it as firmly as possible.

'Ow! Ow!' Fitz facetiously cringed as if he was shaking it too hard.

A wide smile took over his face, showcasing the dimples in his cheeks, then he burst into a fit of laughter. He grabbed Fitz's hand with both of his and squeezed down as hard as he could, making him howl as if he was in some type of pain.

'You're strong, Nicolas.' he huffed and rubbed his hand. 'You almost broke my pitching hand.'

'You think I'm strong?' he asked, glancing down at his arm and flexing his muscle. He smiled again as he saw the small bicep flex under his skin.

Fitz held back his chuckle and nodded his head. 'Very strong. Now, I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you so we should probably go find them. And you shouldn't be wandering off without telling anyone. What if you had gotten hurt?'

'I wasn't going to get hurt.' his shoulders shrugged as if he just had all the answers.

'Did any of your friends follow you in here?' he asked, glancing behind him to make sure there were no more stray kids coming down the hall to the locker room.

'Those kids aren't my friends.' he grumbled.

'Why not?' his eyebrows furrowed. 'Those are your teammates so you all need to learn to get along if you plan on winning anything.'

'Because this morning when we all met each other Jaden told all the other boys that I have cooties on my face and if they talk to me then they'll get it to.' he huffed then pointed to the array of freckles on his skin. 'But they're not cooties, I promise.'

'I believe you, bud.' he held back a smirk and shook his head. He had almost forgotten how immature kids could be at that age. 'I'll be your friend.'

'Really?' his eyes lit up as if he had just won the lottery. 'You want to be friends with me?'

'Ya.' he grinned and held his fist out to him.

'Aw, man, everybody is going to be so jealous of me!' he said then smashed his fist against Fitz's.

Before he could say anything else he heard footsteps rushing towards their direction. One of them sounded like tennis shoes but the other pair was a pair of women's heels. He stood up straight and put his hands in his pockets. Obviously whoever running down the hall was in search of Nicolas.

In the next few moments the door to the locker room burst open and in came the little league coach. He sighed with relief when he saw Nicolas standing there safe and sound. 'Nicolas there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!'

'Nicolas wandered in here a few minutes ago.' Fitz explained, trying not to laugh at the coach's beet red face.

He sighed and poked his head outside of the door. 'He's in here!' he yelled before stepping out of the locker room to go back to where the other kids were.

Next came in the woman who Fitz had to assume was Nicolas' mother. She stood at around 5'4 but the heels on her Jimmy Choo sandals gave the illusion of her being much taller. She was wearing a pair of dark washed jeans that she had cuffed at the bottom and a white, long sleeved button down. Her hair fell to her shoulders in big curls and she wore a very minimal amount of makeup.

Fitz's jaw dropped as she brushed past him to reach Nicolas. She smelled absolutely heavenly and the scent lingered in his nostrils as he watched them interact. He found himself in utter disbelief that an actual goddess had just so casually walked right past him as if she wasn't the most beautiful woman on earth.

Well, maybe he was exaggerating the goddess part just a little.

'Nicki!' she said, dropping to her knees and hugging the boy's neck tightly then kissing his cheek repeatedly. 'Where have you been?'

'Auntie.' he huffed and tried pushing her off of him, embarrassed that Fitz was watching her coddle him. It was hard to act tough and manly covered in light purple lipstick. 'My friend is watching.' he mumbled lowly to her.

She sighed and grabbed his shoulders, inspecting him for any damage. 'Don't scare me like that again!'

'Sorry.' he said, his tone sincere. He really didn't mean to scare anyone. He just really wanted to see what the inside of the locker room looked like.

Fitz took a step closer to the pair and lightly cleared his throat to get their attention. Olivia took to her feet and straightened out her outfit before outstretching her hand to his. 'And you are?'

He raised his eyebrows slightly. It was rare these days that people didn't recognize him, especially women, so this caught him off guard. 'Fitzgerald Grant. I play for the team.' he said as he reached to shake her head.

God, even her skin is soft.

'Aren't you too big for little league?' she asked, nearly snorting at her own joke. She had long accepted that she had a very corny sense of humor.

'Auntie Liv!' Nicolas hissed lowly and elbowed her thigh in an attempt to get her to stop. He really didn't want to be embarrassed in front of Fitz but she wasn't helping the situation.

'I just hit my growth spurt a little earlier than the rest of the kids.' he said, feigning offense.

The adults shared a little laugh while Nicolas hid his face in his hands. He wasn't able to tell that Fitz was obviously flirting with his aunt and he really wanted the situation to be over. Being kissed all over your face in front of your favorite baseball player was a traumatic experience for him.

'And your name is..?' Fitz inquired.

'Olivia Pope.' she said with a smile. 'And obviously you've met my nephew Nicki.' she said, gesturing down to Nicolas.

Nicolas' cheeks turned a bright red as he realized she called him by his nickname. His family had been calling him that for years but in his opinion it sounded like a baby name. He quickly moved to stand between the two of them and rested his back on Olivia's legs as he tried backing her out of the room.

'She meant Nicolas! My name is Nicolas!' he said, correcting her and grunting as he couldn't get her to move.

'Nicolas.' she said sternly. 'Stop it. We're having a conversation.' she said, grabbing his shoulders and holding him still.

Fitz smirked. 'I did. He wandered in here after baseball practice because he wanted to see what the locker room looked like in person. We're friends now. Right, bud?' he asked, holding his fist down to Nicolas again.

Nicolas smiled widely and balled up his fingers then hit it against Fitz's hand. 'Fitz taught us how to throw a sinker ball today at practice.'

Olivia's nose scrunched up cutely and Fitz thought he would melt where he stood. She had no idea what a sinker ball was and had a feeling she'd be even more confused if someone tried to explain it to her. 'That sounds really exciting.'

'We had a great time.' Fitz nodded his head in confirmation. 'So, Olivia, what do you and Nicolas have planned for the rest of the day?'

'Well, I think that we're going to go home and get out of these sweaty clothes then maybe go the trampoline park.' she said, ruffling Nicolas' curls but her eyes not leaving Fitz's. 'And, maybe, we'll stop my the store and pick up that new Power Rangers toy but I'm not sure yet.'

His jaw clenched together when he thought about a sweaty Olivia going home and taking her clothes off and having a shower. Obviously she was referring to Nicolas but that still didn't keep the image from popping up in his head. He shook those thoughts out as quickly as possible so that he could continue the conversation without any obvious signs of arousal.

'Wow.' he said as if he was absolutely amazed. 'That sounds like a very fun day. Nicolas I think you have a good aunt.'

'I do.' he nodded his head, a huge grin now on his face. At this point he'd agree to anything that came out of Fitz's mouth. 'She's the best aunt.'

'The best aunt?' he raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 'That sounds like a hard title to keep.'

'Heavy is the head that bears the crown.' she shrugged her shoulders and giggled.

'Well,' he said, shifting his weight to one leg and pushing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. 'would the world's best aunt be interested in joining me for a drink sometime? Maybe when you're not as busy.'

Olivia blushed at the request. She could tell that Fitz was flirting with her, it was pretty obvious, but she didn't know he'd be bold enough to ask her out. He was an extremely handsome man but she really didn't think they'd connect well. She had heard way too many stories about how professional athletes were after one thing and one thing only and she wasn't into flings.

'How flattering.' she said softly, punctuating it with a small smile.

'So is that a yes or a no?' he questioned hopefully.

'It was very nice of you to offer but I'm going to have to decline.' she replied, her tone apologetic and even. 'Thank you, though.'

Fitz frowned. He wasn't used to being turned down for a date so this served as a cold bucket of water to his ego. 'No? Is there anything I could do to persuade you to change your answer?'

She smirked. 'You don't even know if I'm single.'

'You're right.' he nodded. 'But I'm a religious man and I'm praying that there's nobody else waiting on you at home.' he said lowly.

'There's nobody at Auntie's house!' Nicolas chimed in, still not realizing that Fitz was trying to ask his aunt out on a date. 'You can come over if you want!'

Olivia pursed her lips together to keep from laughing. She glanced down at Nicolas, tickled by his outburst. 'Don't you have something else to do other than be in grown people's business?'

'Sorry.' he mumbled.

She sucked her teeth and shook her head and turned her attention back to Fitz. 'I don't think there's much you can do to change my mind about this. I don't really drink, anyway.'

'Alright, but I'm sure that you eat. What about dinner instead?' he smiled hopefully. 'We can go wherever you'd like.'

'I really don't think that'd be a good idea.' she said contritely. 'Again, thank you for the offer.'

Fitz sighed but nodded his head. 'Well, if you change your mind then you know where to find me.'

'Ya. In a crowded stadium full of fans.' she snorted sarcastically.

'Olivia—' he started, his tone low and a little suggestive. 'If you have to get to me then I don't care how many fans are here.'

'I'll keep that in mind.' she blushed but shot him a small smile before lightly tapping Nicolas' shoulders. 'Let's get home, bud.'

'Bye!' he yelled and waved at Fitz, grinning ear to ear and showing off the spot where he was missing a tooth. 'I'll see you later!'

Fitz smiled sadly and waved back and watched them leave. There was the woman of his dreams walking away from him and he couldn't even get her phone number.

'Alright, what about this one?' Olivia asked as she modeled the 30th dress of the night. She had a blind date tonight and she wanted to look drop dead gorgeous. She hadn't had much luck with dating in the past few months but she was feeling optimistic about tonight.

Abbey rolled her eyes and looked up from her magazine. She was going to be babysitting Nicholas while Olivia went out tonight but she had gotten tired of watching her try dresses on. 'Dear Lord this was dress #2! You've run out of options!'

She sighed and looked in her full length mirror. It was a periwinkle bodycon dress that had been sitting in the back of her closet for months. She had purposely bought it a size too small to help motivate her to lose a few extra pounds and it had worked. She did a small turn to see the way her behind looked and poked her bottom lip out. 'This doesn't look too inappropriate? Maybe I should lose 5 more pounds and try it again.'

'Woman! That's the dress you need to wear!' Abbey hissed before standing to her feet and walking over to Olivia's closet. She pulled out the nude pumps that she knew would perfectly match the outfit and set them at her feet. 'This Edison guy is going to die when he sees you. You look gorgeous.'

Her jaw dropped. 'You've never met him?'

'No.' she shrugged her shoulders. 'All I know is that he works with Leo.'

'Oh, God.' she huffed before running her hands through her big, bouncy curls.

'Hey, hey.' Abbey hissed and grabbed her hands. Along with being her best friend, she was occasionally Olivia's makeup artist and hair stylist. 'I just finished curling that.'

'Abbey I thought you knew this guy! What if he's an asshole?'

'Well, then you come home and we drink and talk shit about him.' she grinned. 'Liv you'll be fine. This is the first date in 4 months so this is really just to get your feet wet!' Abbey reasoned.

Olivia groaned loudly. 'Is it too late to cancel?'

'Yes.' she laughed. 'Nicholas come here!' she called out to him from the living room.

Nicholas ran into the bedroom a few moments later already dressed in his Spiderman pajamas. His long hair was in two braids and he smelled like Olivia's coconut body wash. It wasn't that he didn't have his own, he just really liked the way hers smelled. He had an iPad in his hands and they had obviously disturbed his cartoon time.

'Yes?' he groaned.

'Doesn't your aunt look nice tonight?' Abbey asked with a smile before making Olivia do a twirl.

'Yes.' Nicholas cocked his head to the side curiously. 'Are you going out on a date?'

'Yes, Nicki.' she sighed and walked back over to the mirror to fluff her hair out.

'With Tommy?' he asked hopefully.

'Tommy?' Abbey crossed her arms. 'Who's Tommy?'

Olivia's face scrunched up. She didn't pay much attention to sports or celebrity news so she had no idea who Nicholas was talking about. 'I'm not sure.'

'My friend! The baseball player we met today!' he huffed then marched over to where Abbey was standing. 'He plays for the Nats and he asked auntie out to dinner.'

Abbey raised her eyebrows. 'Excuse me? Tommy, the most eligible bachelor in DC, asked you out on a date and you didn't even say anything?'

'I don't know anybody named Tommy.' she rolled her eyes.

'His real name is Fitz Grant.' Abbey pressed, trying to refresh her memory.

'Oh, him!' she snapped her fingers as she realized who they were talking about. 'We met him today. He was at Nicki's baseball camp.'

'Did you at least get his number?' she asked before grabbing Olivia's clutch off of the bed and handing it off to her.

'No.' she shook her head and grabbed it then went to kiss Nicholas' cheek. 'He told me if I changed my mind then I knew where to find him. I don't think I like the idea of dating some celebrity athlete though.'

Abbey's eyes rolled. 'You don't know what you like.'

Olivia snorted and kissed Abbey's forehead. 'Goodnight, lovebugs. I'll see you in the morning.'

'Night, auntie!' Nicholas said, not bothering to look up from the game on his tablet.

Fitz was sitting across from Millicent Vaughn, a young business analyst for the White House, trying to look invested as she talked to him about her day. It wasn't that what she was saying wasn't interesting, he just wasn't interested. His mind had been on one person all day and he really wasn't paying much attention to anything or anybody that wasn't Olivia Pope.

As soon as she walked out of the locker room earlier that day he obviously went to Google her. The first thing that showed up was her social media pages and he had to fight the urge not to follow all of her accounts. He didn't want to seem like a stalker but he needed to find a way to grab her attention, too.

'And that's how I got my job at the White House.' she said, finishing her story with a perky smile.

'What?' Fitz nearly jumped as her voice brought him out of his thoughts. He sighed and gave her an apologetic look. 'I'm so sorry. I have a lot on my mind and I guess I kind of zoned out.' he said before reaching to take a sip of his wine.

'Oh, its alright.' she nodded her head in his direction then reached for the dessert menu on the table. They had finished their meals already and the evening was winding down.

Mellie was no idiot and she knew that Fitz obviously had something else on his mind all night. He had barely said a word to her and she had to almost force him to give her any information about himself. Of course she had heard about his reputation but their mutual friend, Elizabeth, had assured her that he'd be on his best behavior tonight.

'So they have this really good creme brûlée that I've had a few times.' she digressed and turned the menu around so that he could see the picture of it.

'That sounds good.' he simply shrugged. 'So um, you really like it?' he asked, trying to make conversation.

'Ya.' she laughed awkwardly then quickly flagged the waiter down. She was definitely going to need another drink to get through the rest of the night.

Fitz looked down at his mostly untouched food on his plate and pushed it around with his fork. He knew he was rude to simply sit there and sulk but he couldn't help himself. The only reason he hadn't cancelled earlier that day was because Elizabeth wouldn't let him but now he was having a terrible time. He was brought out of his thoughts again when Mellie reached and touched his hand.

'Do you want dessert?' she asked then gestured to the waiter who was clearly waiting on his response.

'Oh, no.' he shook his head. 'I don't eat a lot of sweets.'

Mellie sighed and turned back to the waiter. 'Just another glass of pinot grigio, please.' she said, handing over her wine glass. After the gentleman left, she turned her attention back to Fitz. 'Is everything alright, Tommy?'

His nose slightly crinkled at the use of his nickname. All of his friends and extended family called him Fitz while his fans referred to him as Tommy. It just seemed so impersonal to have her call him that. She just seemed like another woman in the crowd chanting his name. 'I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff.'

'Mmm.' she hummed and sat back in her seat and tried to come up with something else for them to talk about.

Fitz was tempted to just ask for the check so that he could leave. Not only did he not want to be there but he could tell that he was ruining the night for her. Right before he could flag the waiter down again the doors of the restaurant opened and it caught his attention. He nearly melted when he saw Olivia come through the doors of the restaurant with another man.

He stared intently at them with his jaw clenched as he led her through the restaurant to a booth that happened to be right across from theirs. The man helped her sit in her seat before going over to his side and picking his menu up. Fitz seemed calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he was screaming.

What's this guy have that I don't have?

Olivia was looking down at her menu and going through her options when she sensed a pair of eyes on her. Her jaw almost dropped as she caught eyes with Fitz in a both across from another woman. She quickly looked back down to her menu, her face heated. It was just her luck that she would get caught out on a date after rejecting him earlier. Obviously she had nothing to be ashamed of, she was a grown woman and could be with whoever she pleased, but it was more than just a little awkward.

Mellie had been typing something on her phone but when she looked up she could see Fitz's gaze elsewhere. She turned to see what he was staring so intently at then saw Olivia. She sucked her teeth and scoffed as she realized that clearly this woman was the reason she couldn't get any of his attention tonight.

'She's pretty.' she said, grabbing his attention.

Fitz blushed as he realized how rude it was to stare at another woman while on a date. 'Sorry, Millicent.'

'It's alright.' she waved the gesture off. 'I guess its best to find out on the first date and not the 31st.' she laughed humorlessly then cocked her head at him. 'But she's here with another man.'

'I know.' he grumbled.

'Well, you know they say that whatever is meant to be will happen when its ready.' she slid from her seat in the booth and stood to her feet. 'Thanks for dinner, Tommy. I hope you find what you're looking for.'

'Thank you.' he gave a sincere smile as she straightened out her dress and walked out the restaurant.

Fitz sat there for a few moments just contemplating what his next move should be. The logical thing to do would've been to just pay his bill and walk out of the restaurant. She had already explained that she wasn't interested in going out with him so he should just count his losses and go.

But, Fitz didn't feel like using logic tonight.

Instead he sat back in his seat and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He didn't know exactly what sitting there would accomplish but he couldn't bring himself to get up and leave, either. Earlier that day when he looked through her social media pages he hadn't seen a sign of a boyfriend so he hoped that this was just a casual date.

'So Olivia,' Edison started, not noticing the small exchange of glances that Olivia and Fitz were sharing. 'Leo tells me that you're doing really well in the real estate business. Is that right?'

Olivia smiled sweetly and put her menu down so that they could make eye contact. She came to the restaurant a lot with clients so she already knew what she wanted. 'Leo likes to flatter me.' she said bashfully. 'I do alright for myself but—'

'Honestly I don't see how you do it.' he said, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. 'Real estate seems kind of boring, don't you think?' he asked, nose crinkling. 'I mean all you do is look at houses and things all day.'

'The work can be tedious at times but its really rewarding.' she commented, now feeling a little defensive. 'But I get to meet all types of people from different walks of life so that parts interesting.'

'I suppose.' he shrugged, still not seeing much merit in her opinion. 'My job allows me to travel all around the world, though. Just last year I was in South Africa working with a company there. Have you ever been to South Africa?'

'I cant say that I have.' she mumbled softly before quickly flagging the waiter down. She needed a drink and she needed it fast.

The waiter came over a few moments later with his pen and notebook in hand. 'Good evening. My name is Gregory and I'll be your server tonight. May I start you off with some drinks?'

'Yes, please.' Olivia said, shooting him an almost desperate look. 'A glass of Merlot would be great.'

Edison's nose slightly crinkled. 'Really? Merlot? What about moscato instead?'

She shot him a challenging look. 'I really prefer red. And moscato is more of a dessert wine I believe.'

'You should really try it.' he said, brushing off her comments. He turned his attention back to the waiter and smiled. 'Two glasses of white moscato. Your most expensive bottle.' Edison suggested with a wink.

Olivia sighed and sat back in her seat. She was trying to be optimistic about the date but things were quickly going from bad to worse. She handed Gregory her drink menu and waved him off to go get the moscato. Edison opened his mouth to say something but her eyes were drawn to Fitz sitting at his table alone.

In the back of her mind she wondered what it would've been like sitting across the table from him instead of Edison. She had to admit that he was definitely a charming man and she had caught herself smiling when she thought about him earlier. She just couldn't allow herself to get caught up with him. She knew his type, the handsome ones with more money than they knew to do with, and she didn't want to be another notch in his bedpost.

Fitz could feel her watching him. He straightened himself in his seat and raised his head from his phone to make eye contact with her. As soon as their gazes were locked he winked at her. Olivia's breath hitched and she looked away, embarrassed that she had gotten caught staring.

'Olivia, are you listening to me?' Edison said, grabbing her attention.

'Oh.' she sighed softly. 'Sorry about that. I guess I got kind of lost in my own thoughts.'

His nose crinkled but he shook her statement off. 'I was telling you that I was thinking about making a run for senator soon; maybe in the next few years. I want to start getting my face out there and meeting the voters.'

'That's a good idea.' she nodded her head in agreement. 'You definitely want the people to have a good feel for who you are—'

'Exactly! You get exactly what I'm saying!' he said excitedly, cutting off her sentence. 'But I need somebody at my side to do this.'

'What? Like a campaign manager?' she cocked her head to the side curiously, obviously not seeing where he was going with this.

Edison chuckled. 'I already have one of those. I was thinking more of a wife.'

Fitz had been listening in on their conversation and almost spit out the water he was drinking when the word 'wife' came out of Edison's mouth. He quickly looked to Olivia to see that her face had flushed and her eyes were wide. Obviously she was just as shocked as he was.

'Of course I don't mean right now.' Edison followed his previous statement in an attempt to ward off her obvious hesitation. 'But certainly within this year. Nobody wants to elect a single person to office. It'll make me look young and obnoxious. Like I'm out trying to sow my wild oats.'

Olivia nearly choked at the term 'wild oats'. Just as she thought her throat couldn't get any drier, the waiter returned with her wine. She didn't wait for Gregory to ceremoniously place the glass down in front of her but instead grabbed it right off of his tray and took three big gulps of it. Her gestures weren't lost of Edison but he watched her dramatics with his chin resting on his hand.

'I'll be honest with you, Olivia, I've looked you up and I like what I see. I think you'd look good on my arm during election season. We would make a good team.' he said, trying to reassure her. 'And I know it seems a little sudden but I could definitely make the deal worth your while.'

'Deal?' her eyebrows raised slightly. 'So this would just be some type of arranged sham?'

'Keep your voice down.' he whispered lowly, checking their surroundings and making sure no one was listening to them. 'It doesn't have to be a sham. It would be a deal.' he reiterated the word, still whispering. 'A good deal. A deal what would benefit both of us.'

'Edison I really don't think I like where this conversation is going. I—'

Before she could finish her sentence the waiter returned and stood at the end of the table. 'Are you all ready to order or do you need some more time.'

'We're ready.' Edison nodded his head in the man's direction and handed off both of their menus. Olivia's jaw dropped in shock of his forward behavior. 'We'll both have the filet mignon, cut into butterfly, with spinach on the side.'

'I don't need anyone ordering for me.' she hissed lowly as Gregory walked away.

'I'm sure you don't but I really wanted you to try their filet. It's the absolute best. They cook it to perfection every single time.' he smiled sweetly at her.

Olivia opened her mouth to say something but Edison's phone rang in his back pocket. He held his finger up, signaling her to wait a moment, and looked to see who was calling. He shot her an apologetic look. 'This is the office. I need to take it.' he said as he stood to his feet and walked to a more secluded area.

By this point Fitz had seen quite enough. He didn't have much of a plan but he preferred to make decisions on impulse, anyway. He stood from his booth and straightened his outfit before sauntering over to where Olivia was sitting. She was looking down at her glass of wine when he lightly touched her wrist, startling her.

Her breath hitched and she pressed her freehand to her chest. 'You scared me.'

'I can't be as scary as the guy you're here with tonight.' he shrugged his shoulders and shot her a lopsided grin.

She chuckled and shook her head then sucked her teeth. 'I suppose you're right.'

'Why don't we get out of here?' he suggested, nodding towards the exit behind him.

Olivia's jaw dropped and she looked at him as if he was turning purple, obviously flabbergasted at his proposal. 'I can't just get up and walk out.' she hissed incredulously.

'Why not?' he asked, cocking his head to the side. She was so cute when she got worked up about something.

'Because that would be rude.' she insisted.

'Olivia.' he said, his tone serious and low. 'He's been rude to you since you've been sitting here. He doesn't deserve your kindness or your patience. I can guaranty you'll have a much better time once you leave.'

She looked up at him, obviously considering his offer. She knew that Edison was being extremely crass and she definitely wasn't having a good time but she had never done anything as bold as just getting up and walking out on a date before. Olivia was raised to always be ladylike and graceful even when people didn't show her the same courtesy. Usually she would just endure the night, block the guy's number, and tell the story next time she saw Abbey. This was new territory for her.

'I know you want to.' he rumbled lowly because he could see it in her eyes. 'Let's be bad tonight. But you may want to go ahead and decide before Mr. Perfect decides to come back.'

Olivia bit down on her bottom lip and glanced around the restaurant to find Edison still on the phone with his back turned towards them. A small and coy smile started to form on her lips as she finally made her decision and she nodded then stood to her feet. He grinned widely and took hold of her hand, noting that it fit perfectly in his, then started rushing them towards the front doors before she changed her mind. Luckily he had already paid his tab and Edison would have to take care of whatever their table was responsible for since he was being such an ass.

She struggled to keep up with his long strides as they brushed through people in the lobby area but they eventually made it outside. Olivia burst into a fit of giggles as Fitz let go of her hand to give the valet his ticket so the young man could go and get his car. This was extremely out of character for her and she could feel the adrenaline pulsing through her body. He could only smirk and shake his head at her antics. He was honestly just happy to see her smiling again.

'I can't believe we're doing this.' she mumbled excitedly more to herself than to him as she clasped her hands together in front of her.

'Doesn't it feel good to be bad?' he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

'Maybe just a little.' she admitted with a smile as she looked over her shoulder to the doors of the restaurant. She wanted to make sure that they hadn't been followed out. 'He's going to be so mad when he found out I left.'

'Doesn't matter.' Fitz shrugged his shoulders. 'He was an ass.'

'So you were eavesdropping on our conversation?' she playfully accused.

'Absolutely.' he nodded his head in confirmation. 'I had to see what the competition was like.'

Olivia blushed but smiled and looked down at her feet. The valet came around moments later in Fitz's custom Maserati. It was black with dark tinted windows and a glass ceiling. The leather seats were brown with black trim and his initials FTGIII were embroidered into the floor mats. He took the keys from the valet and opened Olivia's door for her and helped her inside before walking around to the driver's side.

She was too busy checking the inside of the car out to notice that Edison had just rushed out of the restaurant to look for her. Fitz, on the other hand, made eye contact with him and shot him an apologetic smile before getting in the car and revving up the engine. If Edison wouldn't treat her the way she deserved to be treated then he would and he didn't feel bad at all.

By the time they pulled up to the first stoplight he still had a big smile on his face but when he glanced over at Olivia he could tell she was starting to have a few second thoughts. He needed to find something fun for them to do but he had no idea where to even start. It was way too late to get reservations to any of the nicer restaurants in town and plus he wanted their date to be different. He wanted to do something fun and relaxing in the hopes that she would open up more tonight. Still feeling in the moment, he slid his right hand over to her side and rested it on top of hers. He slowly intertwined their digits and was happy that she didn't immediately pull away.

Before the light could turn green somebody pulled up beside them on Olivia's side in an orange Camaro with dark tint. They revved their engine up loudly bringing their attention to them. Olivia cocked her head. 'Why are they doing that?'

'They want to race.' he shrugged.

Her jaw dropped. 'Right here? In the street? That's dangerous. Somebody could get hurt.'

Fitz chuckled. 'People do it all the time. I've done it a couple of times myself.' he said nonchalantly.

'Seriously?' she raised her eyebrows at him and folded her arms across her chest.

'You don't believe me?' he smirked. 'I could show you better than I could tell you, sunshine.'

Normally Olivia would object to anything like this but her curiosity was getting the best of her tonight. She wasn't sure what it was about Fitz that brought out this wild side in her but she kind of liked it. She had spent all of her life playing it safe and sticking to all of the rules so this was kind of refreshing.

'Is it safe?' she asked cautiously.

'No.' he answered honestly, shaking his head. 'But I can promise that not one hair on your head will be harmed tonight.' Fitz brought her hand up to his mouth and looked her in the eyes before kissing it softly.

She bit her bottom lip as she watched him. It was becoming more and more clear why it was so easy for Fitz to charm different women. Between his beautiful blue eyes, his deep baritone, and his slick tongue she was surprised he hadn't been through every woman in the DC area. Wanting to just be in the moment, Olivia decided that she'd let go of all of her fears and reservations about him. She just wanted to have a good time.

'Okay. Let's do it.' she nodded with an eager smile.

'That's my girl.' he cooed, not even realizing what he was stirring up inside of her. Fitz rolled his window down to get the man's attention and the man on the other side did the same.

It was a young guy, probably in his early 20's, and he had a car full of friends with him. Their music was blasting loudly and they were all laughing and excited. He leaned against his steering wheel and shot Fitz a mischievous grin. 'Hey, pretty lady.' he winked at Olivia before turning his attention to Fitz. 'We riding or what, old man?'

He chuckled under his breath but decided to let his comments go. 'Over the bridge into Virginia.'

'Sounds good.' he said in agreement before looking at Olivia again. 'I cant wait to see your fine ass at the finish line.'

Fitz raised the window back up and she rolled her eyes. 'Wow. What a jerk.'

'I hate to break it to you but most 20 year olds in nice sports cars are jerks.' he quipped, making her giggle. He let go of her hand to grab the gear shift in between them. The road to Virginia wouldn't be crowded this late on a Friday night and he was grateful for that.

'You have to beat him and defend my honor.' she teased, batting her eyelashes cutely at him.

'Of course.' he chortled smoothly then glanced over at her to make sure her seatbelt was fasted. 'You ready?'

'Do I need a helmet or something?' she cocked her head.

'I told you I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you.' he reminded. Before either of them could get another word out the light turned green and Fitz and the other guy sped off from the intersection.

Just as he suspected there was hardly no traffic in the direction they were going so he shifted gears to go faster. Fitz was trying his best to keep his eyes on the road but he could see the smile coming across her face as they hit the highway. He usually hated racing in his car but he was glad he got the opportunity tonight. For her safety, and so he wouldn't scare her half to death, he decided he wouldn't be going over 150mph tonight.

By the time he got close to that speed Olivia was sitting back and her hands were clenching the seat below her but she was laughing with her eyes shut tight. It felt like her stomach had gone all the way to her back but she loved it. She had never done anything this spontaneous before in her life and it felt good. It felt damn good.

Fitz finally turned his head to get a good look at her and he knew then that he was in trouble. There was no way in the world he should be feeling the things he was right then after knowing her for basically 24hrs and yet here he was, swoon over Olivia Pope. He saw the kid and his friends pass them out of his peripheral but decided to let him go. The race wasn't worth her safety and he doubted she even remembered that they were supposed to be winning. He continued down the road, dodging the little traffic that was there, until he came up on a rest stop where he pulled his car in.

Once he parked she finally opened her eyes but she just couldn't stop herself from laughing. She struggled to catch her breath and finally released the death grip she had on the leather, her chest still heaving up and down. She finally turned to him, her expression bright, her cheeks burning almost red, and her lips turned up into the biggest smile he had ever seen. 'Oh my God!'

He couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement. 'Fun, right?'

'Yes!' she nodded her head. 'That was amazing!'

'You weren't scared?' he put the car in park then reached out to take her hand again. She wasn't as hesitant as what she was in the first time but he had to assume it was because her mind was still racing.

'I mean, I was at first.' she admitted, unashamed. 'But I don't think I could feel my face after a little while. I thought for sure you were going to hit somebody or crash or something.'

Fitz laughed loudly at the thought before bringing her hand up to his lips once more to kiss it. 'Then you need to learn to trust me more. I told you that you'd be safe with me.'

Olivia blushed. There was that charm of his again showing its head. She was falling deeper and deeper into what she had to assume was his trap and she knew they needed to slow things down. Much to her luck her stomach chose that exact moment to growl and break up whatever moment they were having.

'What would you like to eat tonight, sunshine?' he asked as he heard the rumbling from her belly. He had forgotten that he had basically abducted her before she got a chance to eat anything back at the restaurant.

'I'm not picky.' her shoulders shrugged. 'Surprise me.'

'Hmm.' he hummed, thinking about the best options. He thought about going back into the city and trying to use his name to squeeze them into some restaurant but he quickly brushed that out of his mind. It was a beautiful night tonight, the moon was bright and the stars were shining, and it was quiet out at the rest stop. It had long been abandoned, a newer one took its place a few miles up the road, and it was very peaceful. The last thing he wanted to do tonight was share her so staying out here would be perfect.

Plus, he wanted this date to be different. Usually he would wine and dine a woman, using only his money to get to what he wanted, but Olivia was different. Everything about her felt different.

Fitz took his phone out of the cupholder it was sitting in and went to text one of the staff members he had working for him. He would've just ordered delivery but he had a feeling that they wouldn't bring anything to the location they were at. 'How about wings and fries?' he suggested.

'That sounds good.' she nodded her head and smiled before taking her own phone out to text Abbey to tell her she was no longer in D.C. and definitely not with Edison anymore. She knew her friend would have 3,000 questions but she'd have to table that discussion for later. She dropped a pin from her iPhone so she could share her location. Fitz had been showing her a good time so far but she had seen way too many episodes of Snapped to trust him completely.

No more than 20 minutes later Fitz had spread out a blanket from the back of his car and they were sitting in the patch of grass at the rest stop side by side. His assistant brought food and a selection of drinks for them to choose from and while he drank water, Olivia opted to pop open one of the strawberry wine coolers. He turned the radio on in his car to provide some music but the only other sounds were them talking.

Fitz wasn't really the type to discuss his family or past with anyone so they kept their conversation about their jobs and what they like to do and whatever else came to mind. 'So do you have any kids of your own?'

'No.' Olivia shook her head before tearing off a piece of meat from a wing and putting it in her mouth. 'You?'

'Not yet.' he responded, taking a sip of his water. 'So you were just babysitting Nicholas?'

She sighed but smiled. 'Nicki is staying with me during the summer. His mom is my younger sister and sometimes I think she gets a little bit too wrapped up in herself to think about him.'

Fitz nodded his head and leaned in, letting her know that he was listening. He could tell there was more to this story and he was willing to hear about whatever she wanted to say. He actually loved to watch her speak. Her eyes were expressive and her hands moved and made gestures if it was something she was excited about.

'Tanya had Nicki when she was 14.' she started then wiped her hands on a napkin. 'She's 19 now and she never really got the chance to grow up. Now she's off living with whatever boyfriend she has that month and dragging poor Nick around with her. I offered to take care of him this summer because I wanted to kinda give him a slice of childhood. A little piece of normal, ya know? I don't know much about boys but baseball seemed like a pretty safe choice.'

He smiled and nodded his head. 'You really cant go wrong with America's past time.'

Her eyes wandered down to her plate below her. 'I think I want to get full custody of him but I haven't brought that up with my sister just yet. I already know that she's going to have a fit if I suggest it and I don't want to mess up the relationship we have. She lets me get him most weekends and during holidays because she's always caught up living the fast life. Even if I were to file that doesn't mean that I'll win and it doesn't mean Nick even wants to come with me full time. I mean I may be creating an even bigger problem for myself by forcing him away from his mom and not only that I really have no clue about raising a kid.'

Olivia finally looked up long enough when she realized that all she had been doing was rambling. She was surprised to see that he was still intently watching her and obviously hanging on to every word she said. She blushed and shook her head. 'Sorry for unloading all of that on you like that. Sometimes I get a little carried away in my thoughts.'

'Don't apologize for that.' he quickly corrected and took hold of her hands. He liked how open and honest she was being with him. He was actually quite enjoying it. 'Can I ask you something, though?'

She hesitantly nodded her head. She figured after getting all of that off of her chest she at least owed that to him. She hated that she had just bogged him down with all her problems but sometimes once she got started it was hard to stop.

'Why did you say no when I asked you out earlier.' he noticed her eyebrows furrow and realized he had reached a touchy subject. 'You don't have to answer but I'm really curious.'

Olivia sighed. She had a feeling this would come up at some point during the night. She tried pulling her hands away but he wouldn't let go so she decided to just keep them there. It was a little scary how they fit perfectly into his and she needed some space.

'Fitz you seem like a pretty nice guy but I really don't see myself with some professional athlete. I'm sure you have women basically throwing themselves at you and I don't think I'll be able to deal with all the pressure of worrying about someone on the road and traveling to games and meeting new women. It's nothing against you personally.' she tried explaining.

'But it is against me because I'm the one who wants a chance but you wont let me have it because you're afraid of something that may or may not happened.' he said. Olivia didn't like the fact that he could read her like a book but she kept it to herself. 'So this is a trust issue?'

'That's a part of it, yes.' she nodded.

'Well, what's the other part?' he asked, ready to nip whatever this was in the butt. He didn't want anything standing in between his way of Olivia Pope after tonight.

'I don't want to be some type of prize to you.' her nose crinkled at the thought and at the fact that she was saying this out loud to him. The wine cooler was giving her a little bit more courage than what she usually had. 'I'm not a fantasy. I cant be called on when you're bored, or lonely, or horny. I don't want to be some type of celebrity booty call for you or anyone else. I don't want to be bought with expensive trips or dinners.'

His brows furrowed as he took in what she said. Fitz wasn't sure how much Olivia knew about his past but he hated that it was now all coming back to haunt him. He couldn't change what he did then but knew he could stop now. 'Is that what you think my intentions are?'

'Are they?' she asked, trying to be blunt.

'No, not at all.' he brought both of her hands to his mouth and kissed her fingers. 'I want to be completely honest with you when I say that I have been that way in the past but, Olivia, if you give me this one chance then I can stop all of that.'

She had to keep from rolling her eyes. As sincere as Fitz sounded she had heard this line plenty of times before and she was pretty unfazed by it. 'Your words are nice, Fitz, but I need to see some type of actions. I can't base my life on something you say.'

'I know, I know.' he nodded in acknowledgement. 'But you have to promise to give me a chance. I cant show you anything if you refuse to even hear me out.'

'I understand that.' she sighed in agreement. She knew it wasn't fair to him to flat out reject him without even giving him a chance but she was trying to guard her heart, too. She didn't want to get hurt because she fell for some old tricks.

'I want you to trust me.' he said, squeezing down lightly on her fingers. 'I want to earn you.'

Olivia blushed, unsure of what to say. It seemed like he was saying and doing all the right things and she really wanted to break their moment up. He seemed to be leaning in to kiss her and she knew she'd be a goner if he did. There was no way she'd be able to show any restraint if he did. Right before he got too close she heard a new song play on the radio and it seemed familiar. She abruptly stood up to her feet and walked over to the car to turn the volume up.

'Do you know this song?' she asked as she returned to the blanket and kicked her heels off. They were killing her feet anyway so feeling the soft grass in between her toes was welcoming.

Fitz smirked. It was obvious that she was avoiding getting too close to him and he found it kind of cute. He'd play this game of cat and mouse with her if thats what she wanted to do but it wouldn't last long. She was going to be his soon enough. He watched as his cute little prey pushed her designer shoes off to the side and listened to the music playing from his car. It seemed like he had heard the beat before but he didn't pay much attention to pop music. The baseball stadium was always playing the latest hits but he never cared for them.

The club isn't the best place to find a lover
So the bar is where I go
Me and my friends at the table doing shots
Drinking faster and then we talk slow

'I cant say I've ever heard of it.' he said, still watching her from his seat on the blanket. He bent his knee so he could rest one arm on it and used his other arm to support himself.

Come over and start up a conversation with just me
And trust me I'll give it a chance now
Take my hand, stop put van the man on the jukebox
And then we start to dance and now I'm singing like

She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that Fitz made her feel wild and free when he was around but she started dancing. It was probably a combination of them both. Nothing too extreme at first, just shaking her hips to the beat of the song and nodding her head.

Girl, you know I want your love
Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead

Olivia reached down to him, still rolling her hips to the beat of the music. Fitz raised his eyebrows at her gesture and shook his head 'no'. He had never been much of a dancer and he definitely wasn't tipsy enough to embarrass himself like this in front of her. He watched as she shrugged her shoulders and continued to dance by herself.

I may be crazy, don't mind me
Say, boy, let's not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead

She turned her back to him, still dancing and enjoying herself in her own little world. He couldn't help but laugh under his breath. He had wanted this date to be 'different' than the others and that's what he had gotten. Fitz was going to just continue watching before he remembered what he had just told her. He had already promised that he was going to earn her and yet here he was, sitting on his ass. If she wanted to dance, then he was going to dance.

I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body

He felt a little awkward when he first stood up and tried to catch the beat and thought about sitting back down while her back was still turned. The most dancing he had ever done was at his prom back in high school and he would still compare those movement to a dying fish trying to flop back to water. Before he could change his mine again she happened to turn around. Olivia smiled brightly as she realized he had changed his mind, just as she thought he would, then came over to where he was. She could tell he was nervous, and normally she would be too, but tonight was different.

And last night you were in my room
And now my bed sheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body

Luckily Fitz didn't have to do much thinking about any dance moves or steps because Olivia took both of his hands and started to move them both. She put his palms on her waist and encouraged him to move along with the music. He was positive that he looked like the biggest idiot but he felt like he was on top of the world when he moved with her. His main focus was to not step on her toes but he was sure he had done it at least twice but she didn't seem to mind.

Olivia helped him twirl her around and then Fitz, feeling bold, decided to lean her down and dip her. As soon as she leaned back he lost his grip and he almost dropped her but he caught her before she could hit the ground. He quickly picked her back up and he felt bad but she burst into a fit of laughter.

He blushed and looked down at his shoes and scratched the back of his head. 'Sorry about that.'

'It's alright.' she managed to get out through her tittering. She knew it was an accident but she appreciated his effort. 'I guess we wont be going dancing anymore.'

Fitz's little mistake was making him feel just a little shy but he was down right embarrassed now that she seemed to be making fun of him. It wasn't until he finally processed her last sentence that he looked up and grinned. 'Next time? As in a second date?'

She snickered at his eagerness but decided to tease him. 'No, that's now that I meant at all.'

'Yes you did.' he countered, walking towards her. Olivia tried backing away but with his long strides it was extremely easy to keep up. 'You're agreeing to go out with me again.'

Olivia held her hands up, trying to put some space in between them, but it didn't work. He grabbed hold of her wrists tightly in his hands and pulled her closer to him. Right as their bodies pressed together his lips crashed to her in a heated kiss. Her mind was telling her to pull away and to stop but instead she opened her mouth, inviting his tongue in, and she stood on the tips of her toes so that they could better reach other.

That was it. That was the moment Olivia Pope knew that she was a goner.

6 Months Later

Olivia sat in her bed, naked and pouting as she watched Fitz going around the room and picking up his clothes. It was really her own fault. She knew that he had to go but she insisted that they should have sex before he did and now she wanted to cuddle but he had to leave. She liked to think that she 'seduced' him but it didn't take much persuading to have him start tearing through her clothes. She pulled the sheet up above her breasts and willed herself to calm down. It wasn't his fault he had to go and there was no reason to be mad at him.

Fitz had a game the next day and this one was important not for the team, but for their relationship. Olivia had insisted that they keep their relationship private and he was fine with that at first but she took it to a new extreme he wasn't ready for. They never met in public or well visited restaurants, he wasn't allowed to bring her lunch while she was at work and all of their dates were meticulously planned out and strategized, by her of course, and he was getting sick of it. He hated that she continued to be his little secret when all he wanted to do was broadcast that he was a man in love with an incredible woman.

Tomorrow, though, was going to be a step in the right direction. She'd finally be attending one of his games and she'd actually be sitting in the premium seats right above the dugout so that he could see her the whole time. Fitz was excited to say the least but he was trying to play it cool. The team always got a few hotel rooms the night before the games and they were all required to report in at a certain time but he spent every moment of the day up until then with her.

'I don't want you to go.' she mumbled under her breath as she watched him victoriously find his boxers and put them on. She cursed herself in her head because she meant to hide them in a better spot when she threw them off.

'I don't want to leave you. You know that.' he said seriously before pulling his pants up and tightening his belt. Olivia didn't know but he was aware of all of her little tricks to hold him hostage at her house. He once found that his shoes had magically disappeared into the kitchen cabinets so he had gotten pretty good at finding her hiding places.

'I know.' she sighed and looked down at her hands, playing with her thumbs. Fitz was the only man in the world she had ever been so head over heels for to the point she hated being away even if only for a few hours.

'So are you coming to take pictures after the game?' he asked cautiously, knowing that this would be a very touchy subject for them. They had agreed on 'slowly' revealing their relationship to the world and he knew that her taking pictures with the rest of the wives and girlfriends and families would completely derail that. He didn't care, though, he was tired of moving slow.

Olivia's brows furrowed. 'Where is this coming from? I thought we agreed we'd wait until next season to do that.'

Fitz waited until he pulled his shirt over his head to roll his eyes, knowing that if she saw him do it he'd likely get something thrown at his head and it probably wouldn't be a pillow. He noticed she had a book lying on her nightstand and he knew he didn't want to take that to the face. 'No. You said let's wait until next season and I said we'd play it by ear. Next season is next year.' he added, tucking his shirt into his pants. 'And I'm ready now.'

She sighed again. She hated when he got this way. If she was honest she was absolutely terrified of what might happen if they went public. In her opinion Fitz wasn't thinking this situation all the way through. 'Can we talk about this another time?'

'What are you so afraid of, Liv? What's the worst that could happen if we told everyone we dated? Its not like we'll lose our jobs and I'm almost positive that the sky wouldn't fall.' he said, trying to add a little bit of humor to it.

'Fitz I just want to make sure you're ready.' she said, trying to explain the situation as gently as possible. When she saw the way his face dropped she immediately regretted it.

'What do you mean "Make sure I'm ready"? I'm ready, Olivia! I've been ready for months now!' he said, running his hands through his hair as he tried processing what she meant.

'I just don't think you're looking at the whole picture, Fitz.' she said softly, trying to keep their conversation calm although it was obvious he was getting worked up.

'Could you stop talking in riddles long enough to tell me what's really on your mind?' he asked, his voice still elevated.

'It's just that we've been seeing each other for six months now and they've been absolutely great but I just want to make sure that this is something that you're ready for. Going public will put a major strain on our relationship and everything we will do and have done will be scrutinized. I can only imagine what would happen if we were to ever break up. The media would be in total frenzy.'

His eyebrows raised. 'So this is what this is about? You're afraid I'm going to break up with you?'

'No.' she shook her head and looked away from him. Fitz had a strange talent of reading her expressions and thoughts and she wasn't in the mood for his analyzing.

His jaw clenched as he tried to think of her reasoning. 'You're afraid that I haven't changed?' he asked although he pretty much knew the answer. 'You're scared that I've been doing the same things I've been doing. That's why you don't want to come forward!'

Her silence let him know that he had hit the nail on the head and he was so frustrated that he could scream. 'I can't believe this! I've done nothing but try and prove myself for the past six months and you still think I'm screwing around! I don't know what else you want from me!'

'I don't need you to do anything extra, Fitz! I just want to make sure that we're both on the same page! I don't want to be embarrassed if this doesn't go right!' she said, finally yelling back at him.

'Unbelievable!' he threw his hands up in the air. 'What do I need to do now? Get a t-shirt that says "I'm taken"? Or should I get your name tattooed across my face to let women know not to approach? After all this time you still don't trust me!'

'I do trust you!' she tried to argue back.

'You didn't. You don't!' he countered. Before he could respond their was a soft knock on the bedroom door. They both had forgotten all about Nicki who was spending time with his aunt. Her sister, Tanya, had flown to Europe with her latest boyfriend and Olivia had insisted on keeping him in the states so he could go to school.

She hopped up from the bed and threw on the nearest t-shirt she could find and her panties before rushing over to the door. Olivia shot Fitz a look, telling him to behave once she opened the door. He scoffed and looked away before shoving his hands in his pockets. She opened the door to reveal Nicki rubbing his big brown eyes.

'Why are you guys yelling? Are you fighting?' he asked, his tone showing how worried he was.

'No, no.' Olivia shook her head. 'We were just talking kind of loud. I'm sorry if we woke you up.'

'Can I have some water before I go back to sleep auntie?' he yawned.

'Yes, you may.' she nodded and started lightly pushing him out of the room. 'Go get in the bed and I'll bring it to you in a few minutes. Tell Uncle Fitz goodnight.'

Nicki smiled and waved at his hero turned 'Uncle'. This was one of the best parts of staying with his aunt in his opinion. 'Night, Uncle Fitz! Do good tomorrow, okay? We have to win!'

Fitz put on the biggest smile he could muster under the circumstances and winked and waved at him. 'You know it, Nick. I'll be looking for you out there tomorrow, okay?'

'Okay!' he nodded before scurrying off to what had become his bedroom.

Olivia waited until she heard the door shut before turning back around to face Fitz. 'Look, I'm not trying to argue or pick a fight. I just want you to be ready.'

His eyes rolled as she mentioned him being 'ready' again. He was now regretting even asking about the photos. Fitz grabbed his keys and wallet from the dresser before walking past her and through the bedroom door. 'Good night, Olivia.'

She sighed and looked down at her feet as she heard him leave. Olivia walked to the kitchen to get Nicki his water then returned to bed. He usually would text or call when he made it to his destination so she waited up to hear from him. Instead all she saw was where he tweeted that he and his teammates were getting ready to play tomorrow. She rolled her eyes and plugged her phone in and decided to just go to sleep.

The next day Olivia thought about skipping out on the game all together but as soon as she brought the idea up to Nicholas he had an absolute fit. He had been looking forward to going for weeks and he knew Fitz had gotten them the best seats in the stadium. He had even put out his own outfit and took a shower with having to be asked.

She really didn't know where they stood after their fight last night and she didn't want to be a distraction while he played today. She could admit that she let her insecurities get the best of her but she was just trying to be cautious. It would be absolutely devastating if she found out that they weren't ready. She wanted their relationship to last and rushing into things wouldn't help. Olivia also realized, though, that she had been being a little selfish. Fitz had bent over backwards for the past few months making sure that she was happy and content and she still refused to even take a picture with him.

Olivia held on tightly to Nicki's hand as they walked down the sidewalk to the stadium. They had taken the Metro today with the rest of the Nationals fans because she wanted to give him a real feel of what it was like to be a fan. They were both wearing matching red and white jerseys with dark blue jeans and white Converse. Nicholas swore they took at least 1,000 pictures before they left home but he tried his best not to complain. Once they made it to the main entrance and she showed their VIP passes one of the guards came to escort them to their seats.

She felt her Apple Watch buzz with a notification and she glanced down at it as they followed the man that was leading them to their seats.

I love you— Fitz

She sighed but smiled and pulled out her phone to reply with a simple I love you, too. Olivia had been worried all morning about what would be next in their relationship but she felt so much better after hearing from him.

Once the game started Olivia ordered some food to be brought to their seats and she and Nicki sat back and enjoyed the game. Nick was trying his best to wave and get Fitz's attention but it seemed nearly impossible. He wanted to be disappointed but he was working on his 3rd hotdog of the day by then so he wasn't really thinking about it.

The Nationals won 5-0 and the crowd erupted into a fit of celebration and applause. Olivia was about to gather their things and head back home when she saw Fitz running towards their direction. Her brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what he was doing. The only thing separating them was a bar to keep the fans corralled in. The cameras were still rolling so it curiously followed to where Fitz was going.

'What are you doing?' Olivia hissed lowly as she watched him approach.

Much to her surprise Fitz hopped over the gate and stood up close to her. He took a firm hold on her waist and pressed her body against his. There were fans all around trying to get his attention but he completely ignored everyone else, his eyes only on her. 'Something I should've done a long time ago.'

'Fitz.' she warned lightly as she tried to pull herself out of his arms.

His grip tightened so she couldn't move at all. 'You don't get to tell me what I can and cannot handle. You don't get to tell me what I am and am not ready for. I'm ready for you, Olivia, and I'm not letting anything else come in between that.'

Her jaw almost dropped at the tone he was taking with her. She wanted to be mad but she kinda liked it. She loved it when he took charge. 'I—' she stuttered. 'Alright.'

He leaned in to kiss her but she pulled away and mumbled. 'The cameras, Fitz.' she gestured over to the big screen which was zoomed in on them.

Fitz looked around until he found exactly which camera was filming them then waved at it before turning his attention back to her. 'I don't give a damn about those cameras, Olivia.' he said confidently before leaning in to take her lips.

Olivia tried to resist at first but she couldn't help but mold into his body as his lips took over hers. The crowd erupted into a mixture of laughter and cheering but they seemed to have blocked everybody else out. Nicki, on the other hand, was not too pleased with seeing them this way. He turned his head and covered his face in embarrassment. He couldn't believe that his family was acting this way in front of everyone.

Only once he was sure that Olivia needed to breathe did he pull away. His hands traveled down to her bum and he gave both cheeks a tight pinch before whispering lowly. 'I want my family with me for photos in the next 10 minutes.'

She winced slightly but smiled and nodded her head. 'Okay.'

He smiled widely. If he had known this was all he needed to do to get his way he would've done it months ago. Fitz kissed her forehead then ruffled up Nicholas' hair a bit before hopping back over the rail to go to the dugout. In his opinion everything was now right with the world.

That night Olivia was sitting in Fitz's bed in his penthouse watching ESPN. This was usually out of the question for her but tonight was different because they were the headline. It was the 'Kiss Seen Around Baseball' as the MLB's most eligible bachelor declared that he was no longer on the market. It had really been the only story they had been playing all day but she couldn't tear her eyes away. She had to admit that it felt good actually being out as a couple. She felt like so much weight had been taken off of her shoulders.

After the game they all ate with Fitz's teammates so they could all meet then they dropped Nicki off with Abbey for the night. Once they showered and got changed, he took her to a nice restaurant in downtown DC and made sure to show her off every chance he got. They sat across from one another at a booth and ate off of the same plate like two lovestruck teenagers. Fitz usually didn't use a driver but he did tonight so he could feel her up the whole entire ride back to his place. It was something he quite enjoyed actually.

A few moments later he returned from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He chuckled when he saw what she was watching on television. 'You're still watching that?'

'Why wouldn't I be? Baseball has a new power couple.' she said half defensively.

Fitz smirked and shook his head as he towel dried his hair. They didn't come to his place too often, mostly because they knew the paparazzi would be around, but he loved when they did. Since he didn't have much family and not too many friends he would rarely have anyone over. It was always lonely and quiet and it often seemed too big for him to be staying it. But seeing Olivia in his bed in her pajamas eating a bag of his chips (on his side so she wouldn't have to sleep in the crumbs) felt perfect. Everything about today felt perfect. The only thing missing would've been Nicki running around like a madman while playing with Fitz's dog but they could have that another time.

Tonight, he had a plan. Tonight he was going to make up for all the times they missed together because they had to be apart. Tonight he was going to make her moan and scream at the top of her lungs. Tonight he was going to wear her out so that she couldn't leave his house tomorrow. Tonight she was going to be branded as his.

She just didn't know it yet.

Fitz watched as she put another handful of chips in her mouth, completely unaware of what he was plotting. He looked around the room, trying to figure out what surface he would do her on first. She had a very long night ahead of her so he was glad she was eating now. He could feel his dick begin to harden as he thought about all the naughty things he was about to do to her. He grabbed the remote off of the end of the bed and turned off the television then put it off to the side.

'Hey!' she huffed. 'I was watching that!'

'It'll be on in the morning.' he reassured, brushing off her concerns. He walked over to his closet and grabbed a tie before returning to the bedroom. 'Get undressed.'

'What?' her brows furrowed as she saw the tie in his hands.

'Clothes off. Now.' he demanded.

Olivia blushed at his commanding tone but stood to her feet and took off her t-shirt and running shorts then moved on to her panties. Usually it was her setting the pace when they were intimate but it seemed as if the axis of power had completely shifted. She put her discarded clothes off to the side then watched as he rounded the bed to come to where she was standing.

Fitz dropped the towel that was covering the lower half of his body, showing off his impressive semi erect penis. She reached out to grab it but he quickly grabbed her wrist and pushed it behind her back. Before she could respond, he was tying both of her wrists behind her back with his tie. Assuming it was some type of joke she pulled on the restraints but blushed when she saw that she couldn't get away. It was tied too tight for her to try and wriggle out of it and now she was stuck.

He started slowly kissing down her neck then to her collarbone until he reached the valley between her breasts. Fitz took the right one in his hand, fondling it and using his pointer finger and thumb to pinch her nipples, while his mouth began to lightly suck on the flesh of the left one. They usually said no markings but she wasn't leaving his bed without his love bites tonight. Olivia didn't seem to mind as she threw her head back at the sensation of his warm tongue on her nipple. She clenched her legs together tightly, sure that her arousal would start dripping soon.

Once he had shown both of her breasts his full attention he kissed down her body until he reached the juncture between her thighs. Fitz tried to get her to open her legs and chuckled when he saw that she was stubbornly keeping them closed. He stood up straight and backed her up to the bed. When the back of her knees met the side of the comforter he turned her around and bent her over. She yelped softly when her shoulder hit the soft padding of the mattress and tried to stand up again but he pushed her back down.

'Fitz,' she started to protest. She hated not being able to see him or know what he was doing. If she had her arms free she'd at least be able to sit up some but he wasn't having it. She was right where he wanted her to be.

'Quiet, Olivia.' he said curtly before spreading out her legs. His cock twitched as he got a perfect view of her round ass but he restrained himself. He was going to have fun with her before they took things there.

Olivia heard him drop to his knees and couldn't help but blush. This was all very new territory for them and she was feeling a little self conscious. She tried shutting her legs again but he popped her behind.

'Don't move.' he instructed. He rubbed his palm gently across her bum, soothing away the sting, before spreading her apart so that he could get a full view of her. Olivia was a beautiful woman, anybody could see that, but it was a huge stroke to his ego knowing that he was the only one that got to see her this bare and open. He'd make sure that he was the only person who would get that privilege from now on. He flattened his tongue and licked her pussy, splitting apart her drenched lips. She made a sound that was somewhere in between a squeal and purr and Fitz's eyebrows quirked slightly. That was definitely a new sound, but, he liked it. He repeated the action and got the same response, this time with her body lurching forward. He popped her ass once more, another warning for her not to move.

Fitz took hold of her hips and brought her back to his greedy mouth. He loved how exposed she was in this position and he planned on taking full advantage of it. He continued to kiss and lick and suck at her lips and vulva, ignoring her throbbing nub that was craving for his attention. He could hear her whimpering and begging but he wasn't sure if she was trying to get away or craving more. He moved down to her clit and sucked it into his mouth and she screamed. All of his teasing had gotten her worked up and she thought for sure she was about to orgasm right then. Olivia tried her best to stay still as he selfishly fed off of her essence. She could feel a tear rolling down her face as an explosion began to build in between her legs. Her toes began to curl and her legs trembled, threatening to give out as she whimpered and moaned.

What has gotten into this man?

He got a good grip of her thighs as her orgasmed washed over her. He could feel her body begin to slump and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. He continued to lick up her essence dripping down her thighs then moved back up to her pussy, kissing it and lightly sucking. He could eat her all night long if he had the chance. Olivia's eyes opened once more and she groaned lowly as he made it obvious that he was going to try and bring her to another orgasm. Fitz licked his way back up until he reached her asshole and ran his tongue around it.

She blushed profusely and tried moving again but he had a good grip on her body and made it clear that she wasn't getting anywhere. None of her partners had ever done that for her and she was feeling a little self conscious. Olivia felt as one of his hands moved from her thigh down to her pussy as he began running his fingers over it. His tongue didn't stop as his digits teased her until she got wet enough for him to slide two fingers in easily. Her face burned red and she cried out loudly as he showed her absolutely no mercy. She could feel her thighs begin to get sore from being in that position so long but she didn't care. It all felt way too good to care.

'Fitz, baby.' she keened, not knowing whether to beg for mercy or beg him to keep going. It wouldn't matter either way, though, because he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted.

Olivia wasn't sure how long she had been laying there. It could've been hours for all she knew. She could feel another orgasm build and she choked out a few more straggled moans. As soon as it hit her she couldn't help but to fall flat over. Fitz stood to his feet and licked his fingers that were still covered in her essence and stroked his cock with his free hand. He watched as she turned over so that she could lay on her back. Her face was red, her hair was wild and splayed out, and her legs were still trembling. All he wanted was more.

Fitz helped her sit up then reached behind her to undo the tie that kept her hands together. Just as Olivia thought she'd be getting some freedom he retied them so that her hands could be in front of her instead. She pouted and looked at him with her bottom lip poked out. 'Baby.' she whined.

'Later.' he said, shushing her drones with a kiss. Fitz got her to stand on her feet then abruptly picked her up in his arms so that her breasts were right in his face. He buried his head in between them, kissing and licking as he pleased.

He knew his room well enough to get them pressed up against a wall, her back lightly slamming into it. Olivia had been on the pill for the past 3 months so they had long ditched the use of condoms. She could feel him start to lower her body down towards his shaft and she whimpered. Fitz was being an absolute animal tonight and she loved it.

Finally he pressed the tip of his dick inside of her wet entrance and she threw her head back and shut her eyes tightly. Fitz leaned into her and started laying wet, open mouth kisses up and down her neck. 'Livvie.' he mumbled lowly, grabbing her attention.

'Yes?' she breathed out, her chest starting to heave.

Fitz pushed the rest of his dick inside her, making her scream as she stretched out to accommodate his size. He slowly eased all the way back out of her before thrusting himself back in. Olivia's legs wrapped tighter around his waist as he fucked her.

'Look at me, Livvie.' he said, looking in her eyes as he started to pull out once more. 'Whose pussy is this?'

Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to speak. The only noise that came out was whimpering but she cleared her throat. 'Yours. It's yours.' she said softly.

He plunged back into her slick depths, making her scream again. 'Louder.' he demanded.

'Yours! All yours!' she cried out, leaning in to kiss him.

Fitz tightened his grip on her body as he kissed her. His thrusts became quicker after that as he fucked her against the wall. Her walls tightened around his dick, sucking him in further whenever he pushed back inside of her. He looked down in between them, watching his cock go in and out of her pussy. Her stomach began to tremble and it became obvious that she was close again. His balls were beginning to tingle so he knew he wouldn't last much longer, either.

He leaned it to kiss her again and carefully pushed one of his hands in between them so that he could play with her clit. Fitz sucked in all of her screaming as he took her over the edge once more. As soon as she came her body grew limp in his arms and her face flushed. He slowed down his thrusts and moved gently inside her, kissing her face gently as she came down from her high.

A few moments later he squirted his seed into her and rested his head in the crook of her neck as they both struggled to catch their breath. He knew they would need to clean up as soon as he pulled out so he walked them to the bathroom.

Once he was sure that she could stand on her own he gently placed her down on her feet and she held her thighs together. Fitz untied the tie and gently kissed both of her wrists before walking over to the bathtub and running some water. She wasn't expecting this but she definitely wasn't complaining, either. While the water ran he grabbed a small wash cloth and helped her clean up between her legs. He kissed both of her thighs before standing back up and kissing her forehead.

'Hi.' he said with a soft grin.

'Hi.' she responded shyly with a smile of her own.

'Olivia.' Fitz said, lightly shaking her from her sleep. He chortled when she pushed him away but tried again anyway. 'Livvie, wake up.'

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. After her bath last night she had fallen asleep nestled in his arms but he had woken her up a few hours later. It was like he just couldn't get enough of her and she had enjoyed every moment of it. Olivia stretched her legs and realized just how sore they were.

'What time is it?' she mumbled.

'It's 1.' he said, crawling in bed next to her. He was already dressed in a pair of jeans and a white tshirt.

'In the morning?' she asked, sitting up. She was still naked so the sheets cascaded down to her thighs, leaving her chest exposed.

'No.' he chuckled. '1pm, dear.'

'What?' her eyes widened. 'Oh no, Fitz. We were supposed to get Nicki from Abbey's at 11 so she could go out. We have to get up.'

He took hold of her hand before she could hop out of bed, halting her movements. Fitz leaned in and kissed the side of her face. 'Hey, hey, I already took care of it. I've talked to Abbey and everything. I'm going to go get him now.'

'You don't have to.' she shook her head. 'I can go.'

With Fitz's help she had finally gotten the courage to ask her little sister for full custody of Nicholas. While she was apprehensive at first, her new boyfriend didn't really like kids so she was starting to come to terms with leaving him with Olivia. They said they'd have a further discussion once she made it back from Europe. Fitz recognized that if she got custody that he'd also need to step up and become a role model for the young boy. He didn't mind helping out with Nicki. They both felt like family.

'It's not a problem.' he smiled and kissed her forehead. 'We'll be back soon. I'll bring something from that Italian place down the street.'

She smiled and nodded her head before laying back down on her back. Olivia puckered her lips, wanting a kiss, and he chuckled and leaned forward to give her one. 'I love you.' she said with a bright smile.

'I love you, too.' he replied before getting out of bed.

Fitz left the house 10 minutes later and met Abbey and Nicholas a few miles down. Abbey had agreed to meet up with him to help him pick out engagement rings although he basically already knew what he was going to get her. He saw it in the store window one day and went inside to ask the jeweler about it. After the man explained that it was old and one of a kind he knew that that was the one for her. He paid the man to put it away until he could return the next week to get Abbey and Nicki's opinion on it.

As soon as they met outside the doors Nicki ran into his arms and nearly climbed up his body to get to his back. Fitz laughed and took hold of the boy's legs to keep him steady. The three of them walked inside the store and came back out 10 minutes later with a new piece of jewelry.

A/N: Behold the result of a Monday of not doing a single ounce of my homework. This is way longer than what I intended it to be but I'm not really good at writing 'short' stories. This was originally supposed to be 5,000 words but I suddenly looked at the word count and it said 10,000 and I just kept going *sigh*.

This story is a part of a larger collection of one shots that I've started but never finished; just like The Perfect Stranger which is also posted on my account. I start them and get distracted and never take time to complete them. I wore my Nationals baseball jersey the other day and I got some inspiration back for this one. If you all like these little mini stories then I may post a few more. Depending on how popular this one is I'll do a poll on my twitter or something and see what you guys want to read next. My Twitter and Tumblr names are lynalexandria if you didnt know. I've said before, and I'll say it again, I want my readers to be happy with my writing so your opinions matter to me. Or maybe you don't like them at all and want me to stop. Just let me know!

I know that not everybody is watching the show but HAPPY SCANDAL WEEK for those who still do! The wait is almost over! I hope this season lives up to all of our expectations!

Let me know your thoughts and favorite parts or whatever else! Until next time!