It was typical sunny day in the town of magnolia, the Fairy tail guild was always fun and lively and towns people were living in peace under the protection of the proud Fairy tail.

(Natsu P.O.V)

"Sniff sniff" something smells weirdly famiar Natsu said, Natsu went looking around using his dragon nose to find the odd smell "woah this aura so powerful so famlier. "Igneel no it can't be." "Hey Natsu whats wrong" Happy said to a troubled Natsu "na it's nothing Happy I just sense something odd, so don't worry ok bud" "ok Natsu" Happy muttered.

(Acnologia P.O.V)

Behind the scenes a black dragon stood stealthly, waiting to pounce on Fairy tail.

"Great now all of fairy tail are here now I will destroy them, RROARR!" Fairy tail were all as frozen as statues untill all the lower class mages ran out screaming in fear, all of Fairy tail now sense incoming death who will save them they all thought.

(Natsu P.O.V)

"I can't let them all die they are my friends, my family they gave me hope" Natsu said emotionlessly. "Wwhat are you talkin about Natsu" said Natsu's team of Erza, Gray, Lucy and Happy in unison, "don't worry guys I'll take care of Acnologia" Natsu said with a sad smile.

Natsu ran like the wind straight to Acnologia "FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST! DIE" Natsu screamed, they returned all the punches that they both received. Now it was up to who was going to deliver the final punch, in a second they both flew to each other at an incredible "IGNEEL LEND ME YOUR POWER KING LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON DEMOLITING FIST" Natsu shouted as both he and Acnologia colided. As the dust disapeared Acnologia and Natsu were no where to be found "NATSUUUUU!" All of Fairy tail screamed.

(Under World with Sir Zechs Lucifer)

"Grayfia is that what I think It is" Sir Zech said standing over the fading Natsu and the dead Acnologia.