Screams erupted above the basement and Sookie's head snapped up. "Bill?" she gasped but Godric interrupted with shut eyes. "No. I'm here my child. Down here."

Alina cocked her head sideways and looked on with interest. The only times she had felt a progeny being created were in 900 A.D. and around1665 during the bubonic plague. She silently stepped towards Godric with a questioning look on her face and he in turn gently intertwined his arm around Alina's waist.

The trio watched the door fly back with immense force as the hinges snapped back, the door handle creating a hole in the drywall. A tall figure whizzed in with cropped blonde hair, clad in a dark ensemble. The mystery progeny knelt before Godric with his head bowed in submission and uttered a sound so full of reverence and relief.


The second eldest vampire looked fondly at Eric kneeling and the loyalty he has shown while gently reprimanding him, "you were a fool for sending humans after me."

But Eric didn't seem to care as he lifted his head to reply. "I had no other choice. These savages they…. they seek to destroy you." He frowned at the thought of Godric meeting the true death at the hand of humans, nothing more than disposable blood bags and looked up. The viking suddenly realized there was a woman in his maker's arms, vampire, and definitely powerful by the aura of experience she exuded from age. She stood with a straight back and kept shifting her head every couple of seconds to listen for threats of danger but Eric could see her leaning into Godric.

The sheriff of area nine realized the two of his closest companions' hesitance at each other. "Of course. Alina, darling, this is my progeny Eric Northman, sheriff of area five." He gestured towards Eric with his arm and turned towards Alina. "And this is my friend, my lover, and maker." Godric's hand rested on Alina's hips and pulled her closer to give a brusque peck on her lips. Eric and Sookie's eyes widened in shock. If Godric was a more than two thousand years old, how old must Alina be?

"Alina? Alina what?" Eric questioned. He has wandered across the globe, meeting more people than humanly possible but she did not look familiar at all. Pam may have her in her vault—certainly with those looks—but maybe her surname will stir up some memories.

Alina looked amused by Eric's protective nature over Godric and smiled. "Love, I was born in a century with no last names." Godric let out a rumbled growl at Alina's endearing pet name used for someone else and tugged her closer.

Eric zoomed to a standing position and tipped his head down at Alina as a sign of respect. Surviving for more than two millennia was no easy task, he thought, impressed. Alina watched the blonde and nodded back to acknowledge his submission.

Sookie looked on, still shuddering from Gabe and his grimy hands. Where was Bill? Just as she was to voice her question, the alarms for the church started blaring. Blue caution lights lit up and strobed around the room casting an eerie shadow on the faces of the vampires, making them look even paler than normal.

"Take the humans and go, Eric." Alina ordered, "Godric and I have much to discuss. It was a…pleasure to meet you." She smirked. Eric's lips curved in response as he slightly bowed his head again to the ancient one, grabbed Hugo by the scruff of his neck, and ushered Sookie out the door. They disappeared around the corner and Alina and Godric were left alone.

Alina spun around quickly and shoved Godric with all her might, causing the two-thousand-year-old vampire to fly back into the wall with puffs of gray dust floating around. "I left to protect you and you dare to take your life!" she snarled. She stalked forth as Godric whizzed back in front of her with brows drawn. "How could you do this to me? Without even calling for me?"

"I did!" He growled back, "I pleaded for you to stay, I tried to compromise, I even used the fucking bond! What else do you want me to do?" He zoomed forward all the while pushing Alina backwards, trapping her against the wall, her delicate wrists grasped within his powerful hands. "I tried."

Alina's eyes met Godric's and searched through, looking to see if he was telling the truth. His eyes were open and earnest, pleading with her to understand, to not leave again. She slowly relaxed but stiffened again as her eyes shot towards the ceiling. "Do you hear that?" she asked. A muffled groan filtered through the thick church floor along with an unmistakable sound of "KILL HIM! Kill the motherfucker!" being hollered enthusiastically by a young male.

Godric shot an amused look to Alina. "Seems like we are needed, love." He let go of his maker and gestured towards the door with a tip of his head, speeding out with Alina at his side.

They smelled the humans before they saw them. As the two of them made their way up the church ledges and footholds to the balcony overlooking the congregation hall, they spotted Steve Newlin crouching before Eric with a manic grin on his face. "Looks like the cheese finally slipped off his cracker," Alina whispered to Godric as she smirked, letting go of their altercation for now, "finally!"

Godric saw his second-in-command, Stan, stand by the Church door in a stereotypical Texan outfit, complete with cowboy boots and hat as he gestured to kill the humans below. Godric's temper rose. This wasn't what he taught his nest mates and Stan certainly had no idea what the deaths of the Fellowship members would do to vampire PR. All the people in a vampire hating church were killed? Gee who could have done it? Nan Flanagan would lose her shit Godric thought with a sneer.

"ENOUGH!" He finally growled out, the command ricocheting off the walls. Everyone froze at the powerful tone. "I assume you came for me. Underling." Godric stated more than asked as Stan bowled submissively. "Yes, Sheriff."

"Leave the humans. They've caused no harm to me. As you can see, we can coexist peacefully." Godric waved a hand at the people in the hall.

An indignant response rose from Steve's throat, "I will not negotiate with sub-humans! Kill me!" Eric looked more than happy to do so but stopped to observe the drama as a woman's voice rose from the crowd, "No!"

Steve's head whipped back fervently, "Do it! Jesus will protect me." He closed his eyes with his head raised towards Eric, but he remained still for Godric commanded him not to spill blood. He ignored the vapid man simpering at his feet and kept his eyes on the balcony as Godric spoke.

"I am actually older than your Jesus," Godric mused, "I wish I could have met him, but I missed it." His eyes focused again as he addressed the humans below him directly, "Good people, who of you is willing to die for this man's madness?" The room remained silent as Fellowship tried to avoid Steve's expectant eyes. Godric observed with a nod, "That's what I thought. Stand down people, go home. It's over now."

With furrowed brows and downturned lips, the room seemed to let out a great sigh as people gathered up their stakes and stowed their silver, but heads swiveled around as Alina stepped forward capturing their attention again. It was hard to miss the dangerous yet enchanting looking woman behind Godric shrouded in shadows.

Alina jumped down from where she stood and strode towards the center of the room, between the chapel benches, her heels clicking against the wooden floors. She arrived before Steve Newlin, eyes meeting his, and surveyed the tense humans before her.

"Do not mistaken our mercy for leniency," She warned, voice low with hidden dangers and soft enough so people had to strain their ears to hear the threat, "we are the monster that go bump-in-the-dark." She emphasized her point with a graceful lean of her neck, mouth open a sliver to show her fangs clicking down.

The church tension thickened as Eric and Stan grinned menacingly at the Fellowship of the Sun, fangs already out and muscles tensed to attack. Godric knew Eric would not disobey him, but Stan was a wild card. He willingly accepted vampirism from day one and the bloodshed that came with it—he would have no qualms with death.

Stan's fingers twitched as if he itched to wrap them around a spinal cord and Godric blurred over to pin Stan's neck against the wall. The plaster cracked from the force Godric pressed Stan upon it and hissed at the wide-eyed Texan looking vampire.

"I will not accept insubordination from you," Godric gritted out, "do you understand?" His fingers tightened by a miniscule amount around Stan's neck and a light trickle of blood trailed down.

Isabel's eyebrows furrowed and quickly ushered the humans out before one of them could get hurt. She grabbed Newlin by the collar like he was a newborn kitten and shoved him out the door. He was about to storm in before Jason rushed over and taunted him with being inside his wife before punching the lights out of Steve. Seems like the little Stackhouse has some merit after all, Alina thought, all the while with eyes on her lover.

Isabel kept a tight grip on Hugo seeing Jason Stackhouse taking care of the Newlin problem but bloody tears welled over at the thought of Hugo's betrayal. She should have kept a better grip on her heart, she scolded herself as she quickly wiped away the tears before anyone could see. Isabel shot a look at Alina to see if Godric's companion noticed her momentary weakness but her gaze was still on Godric and yawned. Yawned! As if a thousand-year-old vampire was nothing to be perturbed by! How old was she really to not feel the danger sizzling in the air, Isabel wondered.

But Alina seemed to have enough of this tousle. She whizzed by to Godric's side and laid a dainty hand on his defined corded arms. He visibly relaxed under her touch and dropped his hand while Stan slid down the wall, looking alarmed at his Sheriff. Godric may be old but he was never as…. threatening as he was now. It has to be that woman Alina who's causing this change in him, Stan thought.

Godric's jaw clenched at the thought of Stan and laced his masculine fingers with Alina's. They disappeared in the blink of an eye, and in another blink of Sookie's, all the other vampires except for Bill disappeared.

"Who the fuck was that?" Jason asked, out of breath from the dark haired woman who exuded more danger than Eric—and Eric was the oldest vamp he knew! And maybe because she was a sight for sore eyes as well, he pondered with squinted eyes at where he last saw Alina. The corners of his mouth turned down in the universal "not bad" quirk but he was snapped out of it by Bill.

"Trust me, you couldn't handle her."

Sookie looked unsurprised at Bill's claim and grabbed Jason's arm with a tug.

"Come on, we gotta go."

A/N: This month has been wild. There's so much shit going on and I'm trying to do what I can about this story. It's sad when I read FANTASTIC fics with so much potential and finding out it has been abandoned.