Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"I don't even know why or how I let you talk me into this!" The shorter of the three women walking down a steadily drying street self-consciously pulled her well worn red scarf more snugly around her neck. Normally, the crimson-haired woman wouldn't have minded joining her zealous sister and friends on an infamous Girls' Night Out, but she'd been right on the cusp of figuring out where a certain criminal was, based on evidence brought in by her boss. Thus, her sudden fretting about abandoning her post for the evening. The fecal matter from the shoe print Uncle found ...I should have-

"Oh, don't worry about it, sis." A familiar, finger-less gloved hand came up to clasp the tense woman's shoulder and when she was able to turn her worried gaze from the glistening streets, silver met unusual lilac. A shared trait from a mother the two didn't share. "I'm sure Velvet's got ya covered. At least for tonight." Her reassurance wasn't quite assuring, but she had no choice but to trust her older half-sister. I'm sure whatever Velvet finds will be enough.

"If anyone's going to catch Torchwick and his band of misfits, it's your uncle." Another, taller, woman spoke up over the crowd they were now passing. Said half-sister had taken the lead and it took the girl in the red scarf a minute to catch up to where they actually were. Since when did they go straight to the front of the line? Waiting in those dastardly long lines usually helped the young CSI assistant prepare for what was to go on behind the doors when the time came. This was definitely something new.

"Yeah. Besides, you haven't been out in, like, forever! A hard little worker like yourself needs one...or twelve drinks once in awhile." The last member of their little group added from behind them before draping an arm around her unsuspecting shoulders.

"Whoa there," Yang interjected, tossing her hair back to give the human scarf a mock-pointed look. "Ruby gets wasted on a beer and a half, so-" A sudden hard punch to the blonde's arm made her bark out a short laugh, though she stood by her sister fact. Her dear little sister was such a lightweight, it was endearing!

"Shut up!" The short girl groaned just as they stopped at the entrance to a nightclub Ruby had never been to before. Oz? Just...Oz?

"I've heard stories about this place." The taller woman named Pyrrha stated in awe while Yang spoke with the bouncer who had impressive Wolverine sideburns.

"What kind of stories?" Ruby felt compelled to ask after avoiding eye-contact with the guy when Yang gestured to them, nervousness nudging at her gut.

"Supposedly, everyone who goes in comes back out a completely different person." Nora came to stand beside Ruby with her arms crossed, sizing up the ominous building with a certain mischievous glint in her turquoise eyes. The look made Ruby's heart clench. Wait. Seriously?

She barely had any more time to process that thought as the blonde came back, grabbed her wrist and all but yanked her through the glowing green doors and straight into a complete mess of people.

So many voices overlapped that it soon became useless background noise to the group of four that was now weaving and dodging their way through the sardined bodies to the bar. Once they situated themselves and Yang called out for drinks, another voice made itself heard among countless others over the speakers. "Alright, people, after this short break we will have the band you love so much back out to rock your world a bit more." Cheers and applause quickly followed when he stopped.

"How did you hear about this place again?" Ruby leaned over to her sister's ear.

"An add." Was the nonchalant reply that ended with a long drink of the highlighted color of her cup. Silver eyes narrowed suspiciously. There's no way that's true.

Deciding to leave it for now, Ruby couldn't help but scan around at the strange-looking place. Especially since the lights had begun to fade and the innocent looking walls suddenly turned into an eerie purple with known and unknown figures appearing all over. Even on the ceilings, between what appeared to be mirrors reflecting the dance floor. Black lights. The CSI assistant had seen and even used it before. But what had her immediate attention was the patterns that came up on certain members of the staff and a few people who must have been regulars to the place. Most faces were only covered around the eyes like a sort of mask. They were all white with red pinstripes in them and for some that wanted to go the extra mile, they had different animal heads splashed on their clothes. One or two had full face paint with red outlines.

While she was busy ogling them, she didn't notice her own clothes until a florescent pink flashed by her. Silver focused on the streaked orange hair of her hyperactive friend as she squealed in delight at the color of her shirt. Things like 'They really do glow!' came flopping out of her mouth while she went up to a random guy with an equally florescent pink streak in his otherwise dark hair. Ruby shook her head at the sight. That girl...

To her left stood her sister, who was dressed in her nearly ever-present brown leather jacket. Yes, we all love Bumblebee. A criminally tight yellow tank that showed off her ripped, I'm-totally-in-training-for-my-next-UFC-fight, midsection was next and lower were black skinny jeans that tucked into her favorite pair of brown boots. There was a confident sway in her step that attracted any and every one and if that wasn't enough, her you-can't-resist-me smirk and glorious golden hair would raise some brows. And there was a lot of people doing that now since said hair looked to be ablaze in vibrant yellow. Ruby had to blink a few times to register that her sister's hair was practically glowing under the lights.

So, maybe it wasn't a mere black light after all? Unless Yang put something in her hair like Nora did.

With that in mind, Ruby almost didn't want to look at the last person they'd come with and when she did, she wanted nothing but to face-palm in defeat. Because her hair was glowing a brilliant red too! "Was I the only one who didn't get the 'glow-y' memo?" Ruby threw her hands up in exasperation, making Yang and Pyrrha share a snicker.

"It wasn't like any of us could get a hold of you!" She playfully patted Ruby's head, yet there was a hint of guilt in her eyes. Or was that a trick of the light? She didn't even know anymore.

"Here." Pyrrha suddenly turned Ruby to her and ran her fingers through short brown locks. "I had some left, but I'm afraid it's only enough for your tips."

"Hey, no fondling my sister!" Yang joked.

"Tips!" Ruby growled, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. "Not tits, Yang." Luckily it was dark enough to not notice.

"Can never be too sure." The cheeky girl tossed a wink at Pyrrha who merely smirked back while she cleaned her hands with a napkin from the bar. "Anyway, we're here to have fun, so follow our Norwegian friend's example and drink up!" Yang urged her sister to take a sip and gestured to the dance floor. Said girl was out there now dancing around the guy with the pink streak. If he was bothered about her rambunctiousness, he certainly didn't show it.

"What do you know," Ruby took a small sip of her drink, speaking to the taller redhead since Yang was chatting up the bartender. "The guy speaks Valkyrie."

Before Pyrrha could respond, Ruby was again being yanked back around. "Come on, you're gonna wanna see this!" Yang all but barreled through the crowd to get as close to the stage as possible. Right, they said a band was taking a break. Though the sound of an electric guitar jumping from the stage and people now clamoring around, said that that break was over. But, what about Pyr- The concerned thought fell away with the thumping of the drums and Ruby stopped dead in her tracks when the spotlight focused in on the lead guitarist.


It was a woman. A woman with long, jet black hair that was messily tied back with thick, silky, strands still out framing her magnificently shaped face. Her features were sharp, almost cat-like and Ruby almost couldn't take the fact that she was also wearing cat ears. It. Was. So. Cute! She was wearing a simple black dress shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, showing off some tattoos on her left arm, but that was all the silver-eyed girl had time to process as a woman's voice came almost whispering out of the speakers. There were also people getting in the way. Curse her fun size!

Although the mere sound of it caused pleasant chills all up and down Ruby's spine and when another spotlight came on to reveal the owner of that voice, she was sure she'd died and gone to heaven.

If she thought the lead guitarist was pretty, this woman was in a league all her own.

Her hair glowed the way Pyrrha's did, only it was a brilliant white. In fact, her entire outfit consisted of the color. From the white leather of her jacket to her stark white boots and back up to the mesmerizing color of her hair. That hair was fashioned in an off-set ponytail that was being held up by a spiky hairpin that shimmered a glacier blue under the lights and what was she doing just standing there like a sudden love-struck idiot? Ruby had to get closer!

"Little girl, you like it loud.
Come alive in the middle of a crowd.
You wanna scream, you wanna shout.
Get excited when the lights go down.

At the rock show,
You'll be right in the front row.
Heart and soul, they both know,
It's where you gotta be."

Her beautiful voice echoed through the quiet room like it was a ball of steadily growing fire. Ruby's body tingled and only grew more restless as she continued moving closer to the front. She'd get there even if she had to start a mosh pit! That sultry voice and the equally gorgeous woman were unlike anything the CSI assistant had ever seen before. Everything about the band, the women (save for the lone guy on the drums) was utter perfection. They were completely in sync which only made them sound that much more amazing.

With a last gentle shove, she made it to the very front of the stage.

"Little girl, there you are.
All the lighters looking just like stars.
Sing along, feel the sound.
Take a ride on the hands of the crowd.
Here it comes, the moment when
You know you'll never be the same again.
Power chord, you see the light.
You found your place in the world tonight.

At the rock show
you'll be right in the front row.
Heart and soul they both know
It's where you gotta be.
Yeah, at the rock show.
Getting high on the solo.
So, what if it's crazy?
That's gonna be me."

There was a good amount of yelling and basically just loudness all around, but Ruby couldn't look away from the woman in white. It seemed that as soon as she got there, icy blue eyes crashed right into her own awe-struck silver and stayed a moment longer than was probably appropriate for this sort of thing. It wasn't often that someone on stage really looked at someone particular in a crowd of any size. Ruby would know. She'd given plenty of speeches throughout college and in her job.

But her gaze was something else altogether.


When the black-haired woman began an epic solo, Ruby had been so caught up that she suddenly found her body pushed and pulled in ways she wouldn't normally move it. But, she really didn't care. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the song. Not the fact that Yang and possibly Pyrrha showed up beside her, or that Nora was jumping around like a maniac off to the side, nothing. Ruby was entranced.

"This goes out to anyone one
Whose heart beats like a kick drum
When a bitchin' riff comes.
Knows the words to every line, every time
And you know you gotta go get some, get pumped
Find yourself and lose it,

At the rock show.
I'm looking at the front row!"

Their eyes met again and Ruby instantly knew she was in love with that woman.

"Heart and soul, we both know
It's where we gotta be
Yeah, at the rock show
We're reaching for the high notes.
So what if we're crazy?"

The lead guitarist joined in on the fun, lending her quiet, but wholly powerful voice in a devious undertone that fit well with the singer.

"You're coming with me.
You're coming with me.
You're coming with me.
So what if it's crazy?
It's where we gotta be.
At the rock show."

All too soon the song ended. The white-haired beauty had a pleased smirk playing on her lips that only grew as she raised a triumphant fist in the air, gaining a roar from the crowd.

"We are The White Fang!" The drummer with spiky red glowing hair stood up and shouted while the black-haired woman started up on a different riff that quickly involved the bass, pianist and drums right after. Ruby found her voice raw from screaming too much. Her eyes were still glued to the lead singer as she instantly caught up to her band mates in another gripping song, but she swore she heard her sister ask her a question so she nodded. It wasn't until an arm wrapped around her shoulder and a louder, closer, voice sounded her ear that she finally managed to take a quick glance around in confusion for a moment.

"I told you it would be fun!" Yang's grin was so wide, Ruby feared her face would split in two. And she wasn't wrong. The girl with the red scarf might not have been much for 'Painting the town,' but for that lead singer, she'd gladly punch a hole in the moon.

Silver picked out certain looks from the crowd who all where staring at the band on stage. Some were full of admiration, some jealousy, and it unnerved her a bit to see all the desire directed at the black and white pair sharing a mic for the chorus. It might have been odd, but one thing was clear to the shorter woman.

Somehow. Some way. I totally gotta meet her.

A/N: Happy New Year!
It's my first time writing for something other than Frozen and LoK! ^^
Anyway, I know it's been forever and a half since I've written anything, but I was suddenly inspired by RWBY and my top two favorite pairings in it AND from getting a new keyboard. (Yay me.) Anyway, this doesn't mean I'm back, but now that I've written something after so long, I might -might- do something for Culaccino. We'll see.

I hope you all have been doing okay and that this snippet wasn't disappointing. (Let me know if it should be a two-shot or not.)

Song inspiration: Rock Show by: Halestorm.

I own nothing.
