Chapter 1: Not Done Yet

"Now, tell the Eye of Wdjat your name." As usual, Ishizu's words had an air of prophecy around them.

This is it. Yugi braced himself, tears silently running down his cheeks. He did his best to draw on his courage, the courage that the Pharaoh himself had taught him. But it was hard. He was about to lose someone who had been more than a friend, closer than a brother. The person who had been with him through his most difficult trials. His other self.

Yugi watched as the Pharaoh stood in front of the gold carving, his stance strong. The Eye began to glow, and their friends watched wide-eyed with disbelief. Yugi could read their thoughts on their faces. They couldn't believe this was happening, that after their long journey that somehow seemed like the shortest of times, they would be separated.

When the Pharaoh opened his lips to speak, power seemed to reverberate under his deep voice and radiate from his entire being. "I am the son of King Aknamkanon. My name is…Atem!"

More light began to break through as the Eye of Wdjat was split down the center. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the door to open. The room began to rumble and then…

…Stopped. The Eye and the light behind it suddenly dimmed until it was extinguished, for all the world looking once again like a normal stone carving.

There was a heavy silence that no one seemed eager to break, as if waiting to see if something would start happening again.

"…Well that was anti-climatic," Seto Kaiba finally grumbled.

"Uh… I know I'm sometimes slow on the uptake, but I was pretty sure that door was supposed to open," Joey Wheeler remarked.

Yugi stared at the Pharaoh, just as bewildered. He had beaten him, hadn't he? According to Ishizu, that meant the door to the afterlife would open, so that the Pharaoh could finally rest in peace. He gazed at the familiar visage, his own emotions in conflict. The Pharaoh's eyes were wide in disbelief, but there was something else. Yugi couldn't put his finger on it, but something was different about his old friend.

"I…don't understand," said the Pharaoh.

Marik looked over at his sibling. "Sister, what happened?"

"I—I'm not sure—"

"Pharaoh, look!" Yugi suddenly exclaimed, realizing what had changed. "Your skin!"

"My skin?" The former King looked down at his hands, and gasped. His skin, previously pale like Yugi's, was now the olive tone it had been during his life in Ancient Egypt. He turned around to face his friends, still staring down, wondering if it was just a trick of light.

"Woah," Tristan breathed, "Yugi's right. Pharaoh, you look just like you did in your memories."

"What is going on?" the former spirit wondered. He looked over at Yugi, who was still on the platform with him.

"I don't know," his partner responded, "I—"

"My king," a new voice interrupted them. All eyes whipped back to the Eye of Wdjat, where there was now a transparent spirit kneeling in front of it.

The Pharaoh's eyes widened, "Mahad?!"

Mahad remained on bended knee, his head bowed in deference. "I apologize my king. While your family and court are eager to welcome you back to the afterlife, I am afraid you cannot return yet."

"What do you mean? We have collected the three Egyptian God cards, and the seven Millennium Items. I was defeated in the Ceremonial Duel. We have fulfilled all the requirements to open the door to the afterlife. Why does the Eye of Wdjat not open?"

"Because one of the items is not complete."

"What? Which one?" Yugi exclaimed.

"The same item you resided in for thousands of years, my Pharaoh. The Millennium Puzzle." The priest's spirit gazed solemnly at his once best friend.

"What!?" several voices exclaimed. Of all the possible items, that was the one they least expected.

"Are you sure about that?" Joey said skeptically, "'Cuz it's always looked pretty complete to me."

Normally, Tea and Tristan were the first to point out the idiocy in Joey's words, but this time they couldn't help but agree. "But Yugi completed the puzzle," Tea insisted, "The Pharaoh's spirit wouldn't have appeared if he didn't."

"My king, you must discover where this piece is and reunite it with the Puzzle before you can return to the afterlife."

"So then, was this whole ceremony or ritual for nothing?" Yugi asked, coming over to stand next to his partner. "And why does the Pharaoh look like he did when he was alive?"

"Of course it was not for nothing, Chosen One," Mahad reassured him, "You two proved to each other, and to the gods themselves, how much you have learned from one another. As a reward, and in order for the Pharaoh to complete his final mission, the gods have granted you both your independence, by restoring the Pharaoh's own body."

"But Mahad, I don't even understand what you mean by my final mission. The Puzzle has no incomplete spaces," the Pharaoh looked over to Yugi in confirmation, who nodded.

"You must discover what this piece is yourself. All I can tell you is that finding it is pivotal, for there is one more great evil you must face with it."

"Another great evil?" Yugi exclaimed, "But we prevented the Shadow games from coming back. We defeated Zorc! What else could there be?"

"An evil that manifested after you sacrificed yourself, King. However, once again, you are the only one with the power to vanquish it completely. So a powerful, brave soul, one you knew very well, used her own name and memories to seal it until you could face it in the future as well. This person will also be key in defeating this evil."

"This person is in the future as well?" the Pharaoh questioned.

"Yes, and you must find her, and your memories of her."

"But I've recovered all my memories. I've unsealed my name!"

"You have not recovered them all. In using the puzzle to seal this new evil, she was forced to sacrifice your memories of her as well. You must restore both her own and yours."

"But where do I find her? If I do not remember her, and she does not remember me, how will I know who this person is?"

"I am sorry, my King. That is all I am at liberty to say. Good luck." Mahad's spirit began to grow even more transparent.

"Mahad, wait!" the Pharoah cried out, hundreds of questions still bubbling at his lips. But it was too late. The spirit of the priest was gone. All remaining traces of magic fell dormant, and the room was once again left in silence as everyone processed the new information.

Joey was the first one break it this time. "You've gotta be kidding me. We have to save the world, again?"

As magnificent an aircraft the Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet was, ten people would have been a…cramped fit. So Kaiba kindly ordered a private jet to come pick the group up to take them back to Domino city. (Well, in reality, he was going to just leave them behind, but Mokuba managed to convince him to give the group a ride). He and Mokuba still took the dragon-like jet home though.

"Damn. I'll never cease to be amazed by the lap of luxury the Kaiba's live in," Duke remarked, settling into his plush seat.

"That's rich, coming from you. Pun intended," Tristan said flatly.

As an argument predictably grew in their corner of the plane, Joey somehow getting pulled in as well, Tea went over to Yugi and the Pharaoh. Honestly, it was still pretty disconcerting to see them in separate bodies. They both appeared to be deep in thought, having been mostly silent since the events in front of the Eye of Wdjat.

"So, you two, what do you think happens next?" Tea asked, jolting them both out of their reveries.

"I'm not sure, to be honest," the Pharaoh admitted. "We have so little to go on."

"Did you ever suspect that your Puzzle was incomplete?" she glanced at the Millennium item hanging around his neck. They had left the rest of the ancient artefacts in the stone, with the Ishtars promising once again to guard them until it was truly time for the Egyptian King to pass. While the Puzzle definitely belonged to the Pharaoh, it was still odd not seeing it around Yugi's neck.

"No, not before. But now…I do feel like there is something missing. I'm not sure if that's just my imagination though. If anything, it does not feel as if the Puzzle is incomplete, but more like I'm incomplete," he remarked, lifting the pendant speculatively.

"Well," Yugi said, "That might just be you adjusting to, well, being alive again."

"Yes, I certainly am still adjusting to that," the Pharaoh admitted, taking a deep breath and placing a hand over his heart in agreement. "It seems so strange. I'm used to experiencing things through Yugi, but this feels different."

"Well, I for one am glad you get this chance," Yugi said happily, "Not that I didn't like housing your spirit, but if anyone deserves to live again, it's you, Phar- I mean, Atem."

The former spirit looked at him in surprise.

"What?" Yugi shrugged, "It's your name, the name you worked so hard to discover. I think it's time you start using it, don't you? It's not like it needs to be a secret anymore. And I told you I'd eventually start getting used to using it."

Atem smiled. "I suppose you're right."

Yugi raised his fist encouragingly, "And just like we always do, we'll figure out what comes next together."

Atem nodded, "Right, partner."

Tea smiled as well. Somehow, she knew everything was going to be alright.

When they got back to Grandpa's store, there was a package already waiting for them.

"It's not from Pegasus again, is it?" Joey complained, "I mean, I get we have to do the whole save-the-world thing again, but can't we get a small vacation?"

Yugi stared at the return address. "No, it's from Kaiba."

"Kaiba? The little bastard must have beaten us back. Why didn't he just wait for us then?"

Tristan looked over Yugi's shoulder to regard the package as well. It was a fairly thick manila envelope, sure enough with the KaibaCorp logo in the corner. "Well, go ahead and open it, Yugi. It must be something important – practical jokes aren't really Kaiba's style."

"Humor in general isn't Kaiba's style," grumbled Joey.

Yugi ripped open the envelope and pulled out the contents. To his surprise, there was a birth certificate, passport, and even a driver's license. All were labeled with the name "Atem Muto" and even had a picture of the former Pharaoh. There was also a note. "It's addressed to you, Atem," Yugi observed.

Atem raised his brow. "Me?" He took the note and read it aloud.

Atem, Pharaoh, whatever you go by now,

I took the liberty of having an identity made for you, since it unfortunately seems like you're going to be sticking around for a while. Don't get any wrong ideas – I only did this because if someone discovered that you 'think' you're an ancient spirit from five thousand years ago, and somehow manages to find evidence that I'm involved with your crazy delusions, KaibaCorp would take a hit.

Your welcome. But you owe me a duel.


"That Kaiba. Even when he's doing something nice, he sounds like a jerk," Joey huffed.

"Wow, that really was nice of Kaiba, though," Yugi remarked. "Hey, Atem, now you can register for school with us!"

Atem blinked. "…School?"

"Yeah, the birthday Kaiba made up for you is the same as mine. I suppose it's so we can tell everyone we're twins," Yugi said, reading the documents.

"Twins?" the former Pharaoh seemed slightly bemused.

"Well we look a little too much alike to be anything else I think. We can tell people you've been spending the last several years studying in Egypt to explain your skin tone."


"And of course," Solomon added, "You'll be staying with us anyway. Might as well make your addition to the family official." He smiled welcomingly, and Atem couldn't help but color slightly, touched and embarrassed.

"AH!" Tea blurted, making everyone in the room jump, "Wait speaking of birthdays, guys, look at the date! It's Yugi's birthday! Well, the Pha-Atem's too, now, I suppose!"

"How fitting," Bakura couldn't help but comment with a smile.

"Wow, our little buddy is turning 17, and our ancient spirit was born again, all on the same day!" Joey exclaimed, slinging his arms over both of his friends. "This definitely calls for a celebration!"

"Let's go shopping for supplies!" Tea suggested, already putting her jacket back on.

"Wait, guys, this really isn't necessary," Yugi tried to say, Atem nodding in agreement, both looking embarrassed at the attention.

"Oh, yes, it is. After that long flight, I'm STARVING. Tristan and I will take care of the food!" Joey declared, grabbing his friend.

"Don't eat it before you get back!" Tea called out warningly, making the two flinch briefly before heading out the door. Turning to Solomon, she said, "Mr. Muto, would you come with me to get a cake?"

"Sure, Tea," Yugi's grandfather happily agreed.

"Guys…" Yugi tried to interject again. He was ignored.

"I guess Bakura and I will get some decorations then," Duke offered, as they all made their way to the exit. And with that, suddenly Yugi and his new 'brother' were left alone in the shop.

"Uh…okay then," Yugi laughed sheepishly. "I would apologize, but they're your friends too." He smiled at Atem.

"Yes, and I have you to thank for that," Atem had a smile of his own.

"I have to confess," Yugi said as he lifted one of his bags onto the counter. "I know we have a lot of difficulties to face still, but I can't help but be a little glad for them. Because it means you get to stay a little longer. I feel like since you've just gotten your memories back, we're still getting to know each other. I don't think I was ready to say goodbye after that duel." He pulled out his deck, staring contemplatively at his cards. "I still can't believe I beat you."

"I understand, and it feels wrong for me to admit it, but I'm happy too," Atem agreed. "And of course you beat me. You've grown so much. I'm very proud."

Yugi grinned happily, before returning his attention to his cards. "So, with new challenges to face, you and I will both being needing our own decks, I think. Of course, we already picked out one set for that ceremonial duel, but I think we should divvy the rest too."

Atem agreed to the plan, and the two of them spread out the cards they were both so familiar with on to the counter next to the cash register.

That's when they heard the door opening. "Wow," a voice said, "Look at all the cards."

Yugi and Atem both looked up in surprise. It was a girl, slightly younger than Yugi in age, with dark hair and storm grey eyes. She saw them by the counter and her eyes lit in recognition.

"Hey, I know you!"

"Hmm, well we know what flavors Yugi likes, but what about the Ph- I mean, Atem?" Tea mused as she glanced over the cake displays.

"Has he ever had cake before?" Solomon voiced skeptically.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen him eat much in general. Even when, er," Tea fumbled her words, stopping herself from mentioning the time Yugi's soul was taken and it was only Yami inhabiting the body. She wasn't sure if Yugi's grandfather knew about that. "Even when he was the one in control, he mostly ate mild foods, although our choices were pretty limited."

"Then I think simple would be best. They didn't have that extravagant flavors in Ancient Egypt either," Solomon mused.

"I guess that makes sense." As they placed their cake orders, Tea made small talk. "It was nice of you, to offer your home to Atem so easily. Especially since all this was such a surprise."

The elder Muto chuckled, "Well, he's essentially been living with us anyway. It's just that now, I can put him to work."

Tea laughed, trying to imagine the regal Pharaoh she had come to think of Atem as sweeping in front of the store.

More seriously he added, "I'm glad that Yugi will be able to spend more time with him. And I am grateful to him. He's given and taught Yugi a lot – my boy has grown up so much because of Atem."

Tea nodded in agreement, "I'm grateful to Atem too." She thought back to when Yugi ended up telling them that he had wished for friends upon the completion of the Puzzle, and she couldn't help but admit that if it weren't for Atem and the Millennium Puzzle, she and her friends would not be anywhere as close as they were now.

I hope he feels the same way. And I hope we can help him find whatever he's missing now, too.

"Hey, I know you!"

Yugi and Atem could only stare in surprise as the girl suddenly approached them. "You're Yugi Muto, the King of Games! I didn't realize you owned a game store…wait aren't you a bit young to have your own business?" Her storm grey eyes looked at him skeptically.

That seemed to break Yugi out of his blank shock. "Ah, no, I mean. This isn't my shop – it's my grandpa's."

"Oh, that makes more sense," the girl laughed. "Sorry if I was a little forward. I just moved here. I knew that the King of Games lived in this city, but I didn't expect to meet him so quickly." Her gaze finally shifted to Atem, whom she regarded with shock. "Wait, there are two of you?"

Atem didn't respond, but his eyes bored into her, and he could see he was making her slightly uncomfortable. But he couldn't help it. There was something about those eyes that seemed familiar…

"Uh, this is my twin brother, Atem," Yugi intervened, breaking the awkward silence. "He also just moved back to the city. He's been in Egypt for a while."

Grey eyes blinked, breaking the connection. "Oh, I see. Um, it's nice to meet you?" She offered a hand, but once again Atem did not seem to be aware of what was going on. Confused, she offered it to Yugi instead. "My name is Sarra."

Yugi took the offered hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you, Sarra, and welcome to Domino city. But, um, I'm really sorry but the shop is actually closed right now. My family and I just got back from a trip."

Sarra blinked. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just looking around to see what kind of cards I could find in this city. When I came across this store and saw people inside, I just assumed…"

"It's not your fault," Yugi said kindly, "We should have locked the door. So you're a duelist, I'm assuming."

"Sorry again," she said sheepishly. "And yes, I am. Maybe sometime later we could duel? Does your brother duel?" She glanced at the still silent figure.

Yugi looked over at Atem with concern. He was still acting spaced out, making Yugi furrow his brow.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just really tired from his flight," he attempted to explain. "And, uh, yes, he does. We'd be happy to duel you sometime, for sure."

"Great," Sarra grinned. "Well, I'll get out of your hair. I hope it's okay I come back another time, though. I definitely want to check out your card selection here."

"Of course, it is," Yugi reassured her.

She nodded in thanks, but her eyes couldn't help but flit across the cards strewn out on the counter top. "Wow, you have 'Light of the Goddess'*? I've been looking for that card everywhere."

"Why don't you take it, then," Atem suddenly, finally, spoke, making both the girl and Yugi jump a little.

She regarded him with wide-eyed surprise. "Wait really? Are you sure?" disbelief coloring her tone.

Atem picked it up and offered it to her. "Think of it as a gift to welcome you to your new home. And as an apology for being so rude earlier," he explained.

"Um…if you're sure," she reached for it hesitantly, almost as if she expected him to retract the offer at any second.

Finally, she took the card and regarded it with wonder. "Wow, I mean…" she looked up and smiled, "Thank you!"

He nodded mutely, once again struck by the familiarity of her eyes, "You're welcome."

She thanked them both again, and left, promising to come back when the store was actually open.

Yugi rounded on his old companion as soon as the door shut. "What was that about?"

"I hope you didn't mind that I gave the card to her," Atem said, ignoring the initial question.

"Of course, not. We've never used it anyway. But I'll ask again, what was that about?"

Atem hesitated, trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into the right words. "There was something…familiar about her."

"Oh?" Yugi's voice was surprised, "Do you think that's the girl we're supposed to be looking for? That would be surprisingly convenient."

Atem furrowed his brows further. "I don't know…She was also...different. Not exactly familiar."

"Wait, what?" Yugi was, understandably, very confused. "You just said she was familiar."

"Her eyes, they were very familiar. But…not quite the same either. I'm not sure."

"Well, that's helpful," he sighed.

"Sis, sis!" Sarra practically burst into the room, panting. Ana watched her younger sister in surprise as she attempted to catch her breath. "I…got it! And I met…him! And, and…brother! He…has one! And I got…the card! I got the card!"

Laughing, the older girl led Sarra over to the couch. "Sarra, calm down. Breathe. Here, drink. Geez did you run all the way here?" She handed her a glass of water.

Taking a large gulp, Sarra finally got her breathing under control. "Maybe," she responded.

Ana shook her head in exasperation. "Now, try again. What were you going on about?"

"I met him! Yugi Muto! The King of Games!"

Ana blinked. "Wow, really? Who would have thought you'd meet him so soon. We've only just moved here."

"I know right! His family owns a Game Shop, and it was just by chance I decided to check it out! And get this, Ana. He has a brother! A twin brother!"

Ana's brow furrowed in confusion. "A twin? But, why haven't we ever heard of him before? Is he not a duelist?"

"He is! And look, he gave me this!" she pulled out a card from her pocket. "This is the card you've been looking for, isn't it, big sis? 'Light of the Goddess.'"

"What?!" Ana stared at the card, the card she had been searching for with a desperation that she never really understood, with disbelief. "He just…gave it to you?"

"Yeah," Sarra nodded with a giggle. "He said it was a welcome present."

Despite her shock that this card practically fell into her sister's lap, she didn't overlook the blush that lightly dusted her sister's face. She arched a brow. "Oh? Was he a cute?"

"Ana!" Sarra huffed, her cheeks becoming even redder. "Don't tease me! Or I won't give this to you!"

Surprises coming from all sides today. "You're…giving this card to me? Are you sure, Sarra? It's a pretty rare card."

Sarra took her sister's hand and squeezed. "Of course, I'm giving it to you. I know how hard you've been looking for this. I never really understood why, but I know it's important to you." She smiled up at Ana. "Besides, it's your birthday, isn't it? And I can't think of a better present." She held the card up to her.

Ana's vision shimmered through a layer of tears as she took it. Tugging Sarra into a tight embrace, she whispered, "Thank you, little sis."

Returning the hug, Sarra chirped, "Happy Birthday, Ana."

Still holding her sister, Ana gazed at the card in her hand. Storm grey eyes, almost the same color as her sister's, glimmered with emotion. I finally found it. And now, maybe I can find him too.

A/N: So, it's funny what procrastination can do to you. It can revive your interest in an old show you haven't thought about in a decade. Like wow. I never expected this.

But I've always loved the YuGiOh DM series, and I've always LOVED Atem. Mm, one of my earliest anime crushes. Like, that voice? That sun-kissed skin tone? He always gets the best lines and scenes too. Seriously, even as an adult my crush and lust are strong….I've probably said too much haha.

The thing is, I never really shipped him with any of the canon characters though. So this is my first time constructing an OC purely for a pairing.

By the way, I'll freely admit, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to flesh out any duels. Fair warning.

*I'm doing my best to use real cards, but 'Light of the Goddess' is a made-up card, because it serves a specific purpose to my plot, if that wasn't obvious.

Hope you enjoy the story! Please review if you did!